APK does not upload to Fabric Crashlytics - react-native

I have a react-native application, whose android apk I want to upload to Fabric Crashlytics and used this guide https://medium.com/komenco/beta-testing-your-react-native-android-application-with-crashlytics-483c7e66a423 . In the terminal, I run:
./gradlew assembleRelease crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease
And everything seems to go well, I get:
Uploading /.../theapp/android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk to Crashlytics...
However, the app never gets uploaded to Fabric Crashlytics. What could be the problem?
Thank you


Where can I source help for native crashes of an expo EAS apk build

I am building an app using react-native on Expo and making sure to build with EAS every few days or whenever I add a new dependency.
After every build, I install the apk on an Android device and run the ios build on a simulator.
On my latest build, the build completes successfully but after installing the apk on android 10, the app opens and crashes once I navigate to a certain page.
It works fine on 3 other android phones.
The code difference between the last successful build that doesn't crash to the current one is minimal however very necessary for the app.
How can I see logs from the native crash in order to find the cause of the problem and hopefully find a fix?
I tried to install sentry but at the bottom of the page, it explains it only follows js issues and is not native.
Any ideas will be helpful

Debugging signed react native apk

I generated a signed apk but for some reason it does not work as the debug apk does, how can I test it with the debugging feature to view the console and see what issue is there?
if you want to debug the signed apk of react native then please install and run android studio and show the log of signed apk.
2.and second way is"react-native run-android --variant=release" run this command and install signed apk on your phone and then connect with cli and you able to see the log
run project with this commend" react-native run-android --variant=release", release build..

Why I have this problem with the appbundle?

I published this app on the playstore (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brawlcalculator) and I want to reduce the dimension of the app using an app bundle. I created the app with React Native and I used in the same project this command to create the apk(./gradlew clean && ./gradlew assembleRelease) and I successfull published it into the playstore, then I created the app bundle with this command (./gradlew bundleDebug) and when I tried to upload the appbundle it gives me an error: "The appbundle have the wrong key". Does I have to upload the apk and the appbundle together?
assembleRelease signs the APK with your release key, while bundleDebug signs the Bundle with your debug key.
Instead, you should upload the Bundle built with your release key, which you can do using the bundleRelease task.

Can't run the .apk that generated by Expo

I have built an android app using expo build:android for a react native project. And then I can't ran the .apk on my 2 android phones. Error message App not installed was shown after ran the .apk on my phones.
I tried to rollback to older versions of my code and I found that the .apk can ran after I used the old slug value in app.json
I installed the .apk at android emulator. Error message The APK failed to install.
Error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Package /data/app/vmdl1022936792.tmp/base.apk has no certificates at entry AndroidManifest.xml is shown.
Having no ideas why this happens. How I can use a new slug value and build a valid .apk via Expo?
I feel code signing is the problem, the app is not able to install on another android only for this reason.
Use this link
try using command
expo build:android --clear-credentials

Creating Android and iOS app from react-native

I have created one react-native app using expo and atom editor. It's running fine in android device and iOS simulator but with the help of expo. What I want is to generate Apk(debug) so that I can directly run on device. How can I do it ? I followed this(Dmitry Mugtasimov's answer). should I run all those command inside project folder ? Also I don't find index.js file inside my project folder. Also if someone know how to run on iOS simulator by creating app like file(don't know what is that in Ios because from android background). Please help, thanks
Since you have used Expo to develop your react-native app you can build the android app by going to the project folder and running the bellow command in the terminal
expo build:android
The building process will take around 5-10 minutes. When your build is done, expo build:status will give you your .apk file url. If not, it will say your build is still in progress and to try again later.
Also to build the iOS app you can run,
expo build:ios
To build the iOS standalone app you will need to have an Apple Developer account, but for Android standalone app you don't need a Google Play Developer account.
For the above commands to work you need to have expo-cli installed, For this you can run the bellow command,
npm install -g expo-cli
More Info: https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/distribution/building-standalone-apps/
If you don't have an Apple Developer Account. You can build the iOS
standalone simulator build using the command,
expo build:ios -t simulator
And then wait for build to finish then download and unpack YourAppName.tar.gz. Then, start the iOS simulator and run xcrun simctl install booted YourAppName.app to run the .ica file.
More info: Expo / React-Native, Is it there a way to test-run standalone iOS apps on a device/simulator?