Why option of include project not showing in MVC 4? - asp.net-mvc-4

Thank you so much guys for your previous support on many issues...
I have started to work on MVC 4 in asp.net.
I had tried to setup a template of bootstrap in project. I have copied all the required folder in project but i am not able to access the sub folder and files.
You have seen in the above image. Know i want to access them so any one help me that what should i do to access their internal folders and files...
Note: If this question is not valid then do not devote me you can comment then i will delete this. Thank you

Have you tried the Show All Files button?


Can I use Sanity.io for my own data structures or just pre defined ones like 'Blog'

I've just setup a sample blog installation. I thought I would be able to define my own data structures but can't see it.
There is a settings page but I can't figure out what it is showing me
Please can someone offer me some guidance.
Yes, you can absolutely define your own types.
What I suspect you're missing is that there's no web UI for doing so; the Studio app, which is what you're viewing, is for editing content/data.
Sanity is JavaScript-driven, so you'll find the schemas and type definitions under the schemas folder in the sample app. As you edit the files under this folder, the UI will automatically reload to reflect the changes.

Add individual user accounts

I am developing a project in ASP.NET CORE, it is already in progress, and there arose the need to create the login, however how to do this with the project already in progress? How to enter as Indivual User Accounts? I've seen several tutorials, but always starting from scratch, a new project, and the project is already started. What's the best way out?
On a general note, with modern frameworks that provide generators/scaffolding I sometimes end up just running the examples and then do a recursive compare between the existing project and the new project.
I can then carefully apply the necessary patches to bring the changes into the existing project
(This is useful for a number of things, - something I use it for more frequently is to bring a forgotten project up to date and streamline it.)
In ASP.NET Core 2.1 you can scaffold out identity into existing projects. See this guide on how to do this.

Working on a project with several guys - how to achieve it due to changes?

I'm working on a project with several developers and I need to systematically inform them about latest changes.
Any solution?
There's only one solution no matter how big is your project and how many guys are involved in.
It is called VCS (version control system).
I highly recommend you to use service like GitHub or BitBucket to have access to your code repository from all over the world. You can create a private repo and add your friends as collaborators, so only these people would have access to code.
Hope it will help.

How To Have VB.Net Installer Run My Code

I have been searching online for an answer for this question, but cannot find anything useful in my case. I added deployment to my project, but I want that deployment to copy JavaScript files to a certain dynamic location. The only way I can think of is having the deployment call my function that I can write in VB.net. If you guys have any idea on how to do this or some other ideas it would be appreciated. Thanks
Because I had a similar question to this, the easiest way is do this is...
Right-Click on the Solution, and go to Add - New Project.
New Project - (Setup/Deployment - Visual Studio Installer)
Under the "File System on Target Machine" - Add a new Folder that contains all the JavaScript items that you wish to deploy.
Change the Default Folder Location to your location that you intend for the Install process
For the folder properties for the Default Folder Location - use this link. It'll help a lot!
That's the basic idea from what I gathered about your post.

[eclipse plugin]saving and loading information of a wizard on an XML file

I work on an eclipse plugin and I've created wizards with SWT / JFace.
In these wizards I need to record some information that has been specified by the users for future use. I saw an example that speaks about this part, I tried to do the same thing but I'm lost !
Behold the link
Is there anyone who can help me on this . What are the main steps that I must follow
thank you in advance
The link is right. Before exiting the wizard, save the data in dialog settings (got using getDialogSettings()) and on next launch restore getDialogSettings().get
May be you want to be more specific in the problem being faced.