I am having hard time writing a HiveQL Join - sql

I am pretty sure this question have been asked but can't get my search query to return the answer. I have two table
**Table Online**
Col1 Col2 Score |
a b 1 |
a c 2 |
a d 3 |
f e 4 |
**Table Offline**
Col1 Col2 Score |
a m 10 |
a c 20 |
a d 30 |
t k 40 |
**Table Output**
Col1 Col2 Online.Score Offline.Score |
a c 2 20 |
a d 3 30 |
a b 1 |
a m 10 |

You can do this with a full join:
select coalesce(onl.col1, ofl.col1) as col1,
coalesce(onl.col2, ofl.col2) as col2,
onl.score, ofl.score
from (select onl.*
from online onl
where onl.col1 = 'a'
) onl full join
(select ofl.*
from offline ofl
where ofl.col1 = 'a'
) ofl
on onl.col1 = ofl.col1 and onl.col2 = ofl.col2;
Filtering is tricky withe full join, which is why this uses a subquery.

Use below query!
SELECT online.col1
,coalesce(online.score, 0) AS onlinescore
,coalesce(offlilne.score, 0) AS offlinescore
FROM online
INNER JOIN offline
ON online.col1 = offline.col1
AND online.col2 = offline.col2
SELECT online.col1
,coalesce(online.score, 0) AS onlinescore
,'' AS offlinescore
FROM online
LEFT JOIN offline
ON online.col1 = offline.col1
AND online.col2 = offline.col2
WHERE offline.col1 IS NULL
SELECT offline.col1
,'' AS onlinescore
,coalesce(offline.score, 0) AS offlinescore
FROM offline
LEFT JOIN online
ON online.col1 = offline.col1
AND online.col2 = offline.col2
WHERE online.col1 IS NULL


Make a select query with stored procedure from multiple independent tables

Table A
id | food_id | price
1 | 3 | 5
2 | 7 | 9
3 | 3 | 8
Table B
id | drink_id | price | type_id
1 | 8 | 8 | 3
2 | 6 | 9 | 3
3 | 6 | 10 | 1
Table C
id(food_id) | Name
3 | Banana
7 | Strawberry
I have 3 tables like this. I want the result of the query written with the stored procedure to be as follows.
column 1
13 (select sum(price) from tableA where food_id = 3)
column 2
2 (Select count(*) from tableB where drink_id = 6)
column 3
9 (Select sum(price) from tableB where drink_id = 6 and type_id = 3)
column 4
Banana (Select Name from tableA a left join tableC c On a.id = c.id) where a.id = 1)
Suppose there are millions of rows of data in these tables. How to write the best stored procedure?
NOTE: Not validated as I don't have your tables, but this format should work once you put it into an SP.
-- put this into an SP
-- delcare varaibles, probably should change them to match results (could be decimal or int depending on what your SUM does)
-- get your data (not tested these as they are your tables)
SELECT #SumPriceFood = SUM(price) from tableA where food_id = 3
SELECT #CountDrink = COUNT(*) from tableB where drink_id = 6
SELECT #SumPriceDrink = sum(price) from tableB where drink_id = 6 and type_id = 3
SELECT #Name = Name from tableA a left join tableC c On a.id = c.id where a.id = 1
-- now just select the variable values you populated above for your results
SELECT #SumPriceDrink AS SumPriceDrink, #CountDrink AS CountDrink, #SumPriceDrink AS SumPriceDrink, #Name AS Name
you can use your queries as subqueries.
For an Stored procedure it isn't enough but who knows what ypu need it for
DECLARE #food_id INTEGER = 3;
DECLARE #drink_id int = 6;
DECLARE #type_id INTEGER = 3;
DEClARE #a_id int = 1;
(select sum(price)from tableA where food_id=#food_id) col1,
(Select count(*) from tableB where drink_id=#drink_id) col2,
(Select sum(price) from tableB where drink_id=#drink_id and type_id=3) col3,
(Select Name from tableA a left join tableC c On a.id = c.id where a.id = #a_id) col4
col1 | col2 | col3 | col4
---: | ---: | ---: | :-----
13 | 2 | 9 | Banana
#food_id AS INTEGER,#drink_id int,#type_id INTEGER ,#a_id int
(select sum(price)from tableA where food_id=#food_id) col1,
(Select count(*) from tableB where drink_id=#drink_id) col2,
(Select sum(price) from tableB where drink_id=#drink_id and type_id=3) col3,
(Select Name from tableA a left join tableC c On a.id = c.id where a.id = #a_id) col4
EXEC Getdata #food_id = 3,#drink_id = 6,#type_id = 3,#a_id = 1;
col1 | col2 | col3 | col4
---: | ---: | ---: | :-----
13 | 2 | 9 | Banana
db<>fiddle here

Conditionally fallback to different join condition if stricter condition not matched

I have 2 tables j and c.
Both tables have columns ports and sec, and JOIN ON j.ports = c.ports and c.sec = j.sec.
For j.port = 'ABC', if there is no c.sec = j.sec for the same ports, then JOIN ON LEFT(c.sec, 6) = LEFT(j.sec, 6)
For other j.ports, I only want to join ON j.ports = c.ports and c.sec = j.sec
How can I do that?
Example Data
Table c
| Port | sec | Other |
| ABC | abcdefghij | ONE |
| ABC | klmnop | TWO |
| LMN | qwertyuiop | THREE |
| XYZ | asdfghjkl | FOUR |
Table j
| Port | sec |
| ABC | abcdefxxxx |
| ABC | klmnop |
| LMN | qwertyuiop |
| XYZ | zxcvbnm |
EDITED: Desired Results
| Port | sec | other |
| ABC | abcdefghij | ONE | --> mactching on sec's 1st 6 characters
| ABC | klmnop | TWO | --> mactching on sec
| LMN | qwertyuiop | THREE | --> mactching on sec
This does conditional joining:
select t1.*, t2.*
from j t1 inner join c t2
on t2.ports = t1.ports and
when exists (select 1 from c where sec = t1.sec) then t1.sec
else left(t1.sec, 6)
end =
when exists (select 1 from c where sec = t1.sec) then t2.sec
else left(t2.sec, 6)
I question its efficiency but I think it does what you need.
See the demo.
You can do two outer joins and then do isnull type of operation. In oracle nvl is isnull of sqlserver
with c as
select 'ABC' port, 'abcdefghij' sec from dual
union all select 'ABC', 'klmnop' from dual
union all select 'LMN', 'qwertyuiop' from dual
union all select 'XYZ', 'asdfghjkl' from dual
j as
select 'ABC' port, 'abcdefxxxx' sec from dual
union all select 'ABC', 'klmnop' from dual
union all select 'LMN', 'qwertyuiop' from dual
union all select 'XYZ', 'zxcvbnm' from dual
select c.port, c.sec, nvl(j_full.sec, j_part.sec) j_sec
from c
left outer join j j_full on j_full.port = c.port and j_full.sec = c.sec
left outer join j j_part on j_part.port = c.port and substr(j_part.sec,1,6) = substr(c.sec,1,6)
order by 1,2
One way would be to just inner join on the less strict predicate then use a ranking function to discard unwanted rows in the event that c.port = 'ABC' and the stricter condition got a match for a particular c.port, c.sec combination.
with cte as
select c.port as cPort,
c.sec as cSec,
c.other as other,
j.sec as jSec,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY c.port, c.sec ORDER BY CASE WHEN c.port = 'ABC' AND j.sec = c.sec THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS rnk
from c inner join j on left(j.sec,6) = left(c.sec,6)
SELECT cPort, cSec, other, jSec
FROM cte
WHERE rnk = 1

Need T-SQL query to get multiple choice answer if matches

Table Question_Answers:
| q_id | ans_id |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 4 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 |
| q_id | sub_ans_id |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 4 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
I need a T-SQL query if this rows matches count 1 else 0
CASE WHEN COUNT(t2.sub_ans_id) = COUNT(*)
ELSE 0 END AS is_correct
FROM Question_Answers t1
LEFT JOIN User_Submited_Answers t2
ON t1.q_id = t2.q_id AND
t1.ans_id = t2.sub_ans_id
GROUP BY t1.q_id
Try the following code:
select qa.q_id,case when qa.ans_id=sqa.ans_id then 1 else 0 end as result from questionans qa
left join subquestionans sqa
on qa.q_id=sqa.q_id and qa.ans_id=sqa.ans_id
This should give you expected result for every question.
select q_id, min(Is_Correct)Is_Correct from (
select Q.q_id,case when count(A.sub_ans_id)=count(*) then 1 else 0 end as Is_Correct
from #Q Q left join #A A on Q.q_id=A.q_id and Q.ans_id=A.sub_ans_id
group by Q.q_id
select A.q_id,case when count(Q.ans_id)=count(*) then 1 else 0 end as Is_Correct
from #Q Q right join #A A on Q.q_id=A.q_id and Q.ans_id=A.sub_ans_id
group by A.q_id ) I group by q_id
MySQL solution (sql fiddle):
SELECT tmp.q_id, MIN(c) as correct
SELECT qa.q_id, IF(qa.q_id = usa.q_id, 1, 0) as c
FROM question_answers qa
LEFT JOIN user_submited_answers usa
ON qa.q_id = usa.q_id AND qa.ans_id = usa.sub_ans_id
SELECT usa.q_id, IF(qa.q_id = usa.q_id, 1, 0) as c
FROM question_answers qa
RIGHT JOIN user_submited_answers usa
ON qa.q_id = usa.q_id AND qa.ans_id = usa.sub_ans_id
) tmp
GROUP BY tmp.q_id;
Now, step by step explanation:
In order to get the right output we will need to:
extract from question_answers table the answers which were not filled in by the user (in your example: q_id = 3 with ans_id = 3)
extract from user_submited_answers table the wrong answers which were filled in by the user (in your example: q_id = 3 with sub_ans_id = 4)
To do that we can use a full outer join (for mysql left join + right join):
FROM question_answers qa
LEFT JOIN user_submited_answers usa
ON qa.q_id = usa.q_id AND qa.ans_id = usa.sub_ans_id
FROM question_answers qa
RIGHT JOIN user_submited_answers usa
ON qa.q_id = usa.q_id AND qa.ans_id = usa.sub_ans_id;
From the previous query results, the rows which we are looking for (wrong answers) contains NULL values (based on the case, in question_answers table or user_submited_answers table).
The next step is to mark those rows with 0 (wrong answer) using an IF or CASE statement: IF(qa.q_id = usa.q_id, 1, 0).
To get the final output we need to group by q_id and look for 0 values in the grouped rows. If there is at least one 0, the answer for that question is wrong and it should be marked as that.
Check sql fiddle: SQL Fiddle

Return count(*) even if 0

I have the following query:
select bb.Name, COUNT(*) as Num from BOutcome bo
JOIN BOffers bb ON bo.ID = bb.BOutcomeID
WHERE bo.EventID = 123 AND bo.OfferTypeID = 321 AND bb.NumA > bb.NumB
GROUP BY bb.Name
The table looks like:
Name | Num A | Num B
A | 10 | 3
B | 2 | 3
C | 10 | 3
A | 9 | 3
B | 2 | 3
C | 9 | 3
The expected output should be:
Name | Count
A | 2
B | 0
C | 2
Because when name is A and C then Num A is bigger to times than Num B and when Name is B, in both records Num A is lower than Num B.
My current output is:
Name | Count
A | 2
C | 2
Because B's output is 0, i am not getting it back in my query.
What is wrong with my query? how should I get it back?
Here is my guess. I think this is a much simpler approach than all of the left/right join hoops people have been spinning their wheels on. Since the output of the query relies only on columns in the left table, there is no need for an explicit join at all:
[Count] = SUM(CASE WHEN bb.NumA > bb.NumB THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-- just FYI, the above could also be written as:
-- [Count] = COUNT(CASE WHEN bb.NumA > bb.NumB THEN 1 END)
FROM dbo.BOffers AS bb
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.BOutcome
WHERE ID = bb.BOutcomeID
AND EventID = 123
AND OfferTypeID = 321
GROUP BY bb.Name;
Of course, we're not really sure that both Name and NumA/NumB are in the left table, since the OP talks about two tables but only shows one table in the sample data. My guess is based on the query he says is "working" but missing rows because of the explicit join.
Another wild guess. Feel free to downvote:
SELECT ba.Name, COUNT(bb.BOutcomeID) as Num
BOutcome AS b
BOffers AS ba
ON ba.BOutcomeID = b.ID
WHERE b.EventID = 123
AND b.OfferTypeID = 321
) AS ba
BOffers AS bb
ON AND bb.Name = ba.Name
AND bb.NumA > bb.NumB
GROUP BY ba.Name ;

Sql query with many to many tables

I'm using VB.Net express with an Access file, and I have the following tables:
table Formula
id | name
1 | formula 1
2 | formula 2
3 | formula 3
table Component
id | name
1 | A
2 | B
3 | C
4 | D
table FormulaComponents
formula_id | component_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 4
2 | 1
2 | 3
2 | 4
3 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 3
So each formula have one or more components.
Which query will I use if I want all the formulas with for example Component A AND Component D (Result: formula 1, formula 2)? I try something with intersect, but it seems it doesn't work in VB...
select f.*
from (
select c.id
from FormulaComponents fc
inner join Component c on fc.component_id = c.id
where c.name in ('A', 'B')
group by c.id
having count(distinct c.name) = 2
) c2
inner join FormulaComponents fc on c2.id = fc.component_id
inner join Formula f on fc.formula_id = f.id
FROM Formula f
INNER JOIN FormulaComponent fc on fc.formula_id = f.formula_id
INNER JOIN Component c on c.component_id = fc.componentid
WHERE Exists (SELECT * FROM FormulaComponent fc1 WHERE fc1.formulaID = f.formulaId AND c.Name = 'A')
AND Exists (SELECT * FROM FormulaComponent fc1 WHERE fc1.formulaID = f.formulaId AND c.Name = 'D')