is there way to get contacts similar to micrososft graph api using outlook add-in with office.js .this document is not clear.i am looking something like following
Office.context.contacts ?
Office.Contact interface represents a contact which is stored on the server. It is read mode only.
The list of contacts associated with an email message or appointment is returned in the contacts property of the Office.Entities object that is returned by the getEntities or getEntitiesByType method of the active item.
For more information, please review the following link: Office.Contact interface
When receiving a reply to an email that has already been in a shared inbox, I want to store it to the same folder as the previous email.
Came as far as understanding Conversation ID buildup, but couldn't find how to read the properties of the previous conversation.
The Outlook object model provides the GetConversation method which obtains a Conversation object that represents the conversation to which this item belongs. GetConversation returns Null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no conversation exists for the item. No conversation exists for an item in the following scenarios:
The item has not been saved. An item can be saved programmatically, by user action, or by auto-save.
For an item that can be sent (for example, a mail item, appointment item, or contact item), the item has not been sent.
Conversations have been disabled through the Windows registry.
The store does not support Conversation view (for example, Outlook is running in classic online mode against a version of Microsoft Exchange earlier than Microsoft Exchange Server 2010). Use the IsConversationEnabled property of the Store object to determine whether the store supports Conversation view.
I guess the GetConversation doesn't work for shared accounts , see a similar thread for more information.
I have a class registration set up in SharePoint 2013. Users are emailed when they register for a class. I want to create email notifications when the Start Date, Start Time or Location [fields] of the Session changes. I only want to email the users that have registered for said Session (between 1 and 400 people).
I should be able to handle this with an Alert or an Event, but can't figure it out. My SharePoint team is telling me that this is too difficult because "the columns are in Sessions [list] and not in Registrations [list view].
I've found a lot of information on general SharePoint alerts, but I can't find anything on sending notifications to a select group of users, based on another field.
You could create event receiver for the list and send email by SPUtility.SendEmail with dynamic users.
You could check sample code from here.
Create event receiver in SharePoint 2013.
i am making a js outlook addin. Here I want to get the parent message id, if user trying to reply mail.
When user opens reply mail in compose mode, i want to extract parent message Id and do some analytics.
How can we achieve this?
You can use EWS for getting the job done. You can navigate through the conversation and find the latest one. See How to: Get conversation items by using the EWS Managed API 2.0 for more information.
I'm using the Office 365 REST API to look for contacts. Once I have the contact details, I need to open a browser and show it to the user.
So, for example, I find a contact with ID:
And then I'm using the following URL to show it:
The browser shows a windows containing some information of the contact, but it's not the same information I have when browsing the Office 365 People app. I just get the name, and there is no way to see all the details or edit this contact. This is a screenshot of what I see when I open that URL:
And this is the information I would like to see (available when I use the People app):
Is there any other way to achieve this? How can I show the contact details to my user?
Any hint will be greatly appreciatted!
I wrote a simple sample application (in Angular, but it's just using REST so you should be able to use it) that uses the Outlook Contacts REST API to get a user's contacts and display them to the user.
In short, you should be able to get the information you want by making a GET request to "https: //" to get all the contacts of the signed in user, or a GET request to "https: //{contact_id}" to get a specific contact. In either case, you must also supply an access token and make sure your application has the correct permissions scope.
View the code (and some links that may be helpful to you as you continue your Office 365 development) on GitHub:
Implementing constant contact in
Now i am implementing in my project
The Constant Contact APIs allow you to manage contacts in your account in various ways. By utilizing contacts collection and resource, you can add, edit, unsubscribe contacts as well as modify their contact list memberships.
If you are interested in more detailed information about the actual collection and resource for contacts, please refer to the Contacts Collection and Resource Reference.
The following tasks are supported currently:
Listing All Contacts
Creating a Contact
Obtaining a Contact's Information
Updating Contact Information
Searching for a Contact by Email Address
Searching for Contacts by Last Updated Date
c# sample code
Using the Constant Contact API with ASP.NET
Sample Upload Forms in .NET
Getting Started with the Upload Forms in .NET
ASP Upload Form sample application.
Authentication data
Create a New Contact
Add or Edit a Contact
List all Contacts
Unsubscribe a Contact
Remove a Contact
Application class diagram
Installation guide
Customize displayed lists
How-To use it