How to delete multiple branches in GitKraken? - branch

I have more than 70 local branches in GitKraken and I want to delete some of them.
Is there any way to delete multiple branches in GitKraken client?

I do not think there is a way to delete multiple branches at once in GK at this time.
You might want to use a terminal like git bash for this (File -> Open Terminal in GK if a terminal was set up in Preferences). See this answer on how to delete multiple branches with one command via command line.

You can delete multiple branches when they are inside a folder.For example feature/add-search
That way, you can right-click the feature fold and delete all branches which are inside the folder.

Select branch
Press and hold Ctrl
Select another branch
Right-click on the selected branch
And select 'Delete n local branches'


How does Liquibase cross instance command

I want to ask whether liquibase supports cross instances, between instances can be connected if possible, is the command correct like this
.....\liquibase --changeLogFile=filename.sql update liquibase.command.url mysql://
No, not in one command. For the user to run Liquibase on multiple instances, they will have to run the command several times to each instance with the correct URL values.
Here is an example you can use to create a loop that will run the update (or other Liquibase commands) to connect to different endpoints.

iSeries SQL - Getting and updating directory entries

We are looking to change the address part of all the users directory entries. Has anyone accomplished anything similar? Looking to see if there are any tables that hold this information, along the lines of returning and changing normal user profiles. Even if there is a way to read through the directory entries in a CL and then run the RNMDIRE on each user.
You can read the directory entries in this table qaok102a.
select * from qusrsys.qaokl02a;
Do not update the table directly and use system commands to make changes as you suggest in your post.

How to prevent in GIT sql files from merging into main branch

Basically I have two branches, main and branchA. In branchA I add sql files, so that GIT tracks their changes. But when I merge this branch back to main, I want the main branch to ignore all sql files. Basically, I don't want the main branch to even have sql files committed, since they should only exist as development aids. Is this possibly?
After committing the sql files in your branch A, you can add these files in gitignore and commit it.Or, in main branch, you can execute the following git command to ignore these file changes:git update-index --no-assume-unchanged

How do I merge two heads of a branch on Bitbucket?

I'm not terribly familiar with Mercurial, and I have no idea how I managed to do this in the first place...
See above link. My branch "wizard-before_advance" has multiple heads. I've been doing development using IntelliJ IDEA, but I have TortoiseHG installed. How might I fix this?
What you probably did was make two separate commits with revision 22ec847 as the parent. This might have occurred in two separate clones, where you committed and pushed both of them to bitbucket (expect you'd have needed a -f on the second one). It could also have occurred in a single clone because you updated to an old version and committed there.
Regardless, it's not a problem. All you have to do is merge them. The message tells you which two revisions to work with.
So we update to one of these, and merge the other.
% hg update -r 2d5a883
% hg merge -r d6dda85
<Run checks, resolve conflicts, and basically make sure everything is good>
% hg commit -m 'Merging divergent heads'
This will leave you with a graph like this:
\ /
Where M is the merge change-set. Simple

Mercurial - Is it possible to merge changes from the trunk to a branch, within the same repo?

Mercurial - Is it possible to merge changes from the trunk to a branch, within the same repository?
If yes, is it possible with TortoiseHg?
There are two things you can do, merge or transplant. These answers assume the command line, you may have to search through your menus in tortoise to find similar functionality.
You can merge all the changes from one branch to another. The procedure for this is:
hg update mybranch
hg merge default
hg commit -m "Merging with default"
This will bring all commits from default into your branch, but not the other way around. Later you can reintegrate your branch with default by doing the opposite
hg update default
hg merge mybranch
hg commit -m "Bringing in changes from mybranch"
If you want to bring in one or more specific commits that were committed in another branch, you can do that with 'transplant', which is a mercurial extension.
# reqiured in ~/.hgrc
transplant =
These are the commands you can use to use transplant:
hg log | less
# (find revision number, the part after the colon, i.e. "88660cca467d")
hg update mybranch
hg transplant 88660cca467d
# (no commit required)
As #Jerub said, you can use merge and transplant to get change sets from one branch to another. With TortoiseHg you can do a merge by opening the "repository explorer", then select the first revision to merge, and afterwards right click on the second revision to merge. Chose the "Merge with..." menu item to do the merge.