Define additional variables for file name pattern in Dbeaver? - sql

While exporting the resultset i could only find 2 variables that can be used to name a file(table and timestamp).
Does anyone know if custom variables/patterns can be created? I looked for some documentation online, however I couldn't find any.

On DBeaver 5.2.4, there is a tooltip when you hover your cursor to the "File name pattern" textfield. It says, allowed variables are: ${datasource}, ${catalog}, ${schema}, ${table}, ${timestamp}, ${date}, and ${project}.
I wish it could help.

Those options have changed to:


how to using parameter in modified java pentaho

my boss wants to send email every morning with filename+date(yyyymmdd)
i've used "get file names" in the folder.
the problem is, the filename in "get file name" is only direct for example 'sales comparation.xlsx' but what we want is filename+date(yyyymmdd) to be 'sales comparison (20220701).xlsx.
I have prepared a parameter/variable that reads date(yyyymmdd), and added a "Modified Java Script Value" design so that the file is dynamically changed to the desired one.
I couldn't find on the forum what I was hoping for. can anyone help please send a kettle or a photo for easy understanding.
best regards
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
I think some ways to solve ur problem, i guess.
1.- Using "Join rows (cartesian product)" in the transformation where u get file name.
join rows, after thar concat values with Mod JS or concat fields.
2.- If u use "Set Variable" u should use "Get variable" like this:
Set Variables
Get Variables
Also u should declare in Transformation properties
Transf Prop
3.- Using parameters i did with "Copy rows to result", u should declare parameters in "Transformation" job entry configuration "parameters" like this:
Transformation configuration
Variables and parameters are diferent things.
Edit about comment:
sent values for parameters and variables
Set variable config

Configure SQLFluff rules

I use SQLFluff to ensure a uniform syntax in the company and reduce error warnings before running the models in dbt. Since our syntax does not completely match the syntax of SQLFluff I would like to make some changes.
The Rules References provided by SQLFluff helped me to set up Inline Ignoring Errors, as displayed in the code below (last line of code).
So I have two questions, which I was not able to answer also with the help of the Rules References of SQLFluff.
I would like to set Rule L032 as default 'false' without typing it manually every time in my SQL.
How do I change the maximal length of a line regarding Rule L016? I would like to set the default value e.g. 150.
currency.strange_long_variable_name_which_is_too_long as not_so_long_variable_name
FROM country
LEFT JOIN currency
USING (country) -- noqa: L032
I tried to figure it out with the Rules References but could not figure it out. Help is very much appreciated!
Try looking into .sqlfluff config file
With the help of #suhprano's answer, I was able to find the proper solution for my issue. For this reason, I will post an answer to my own question. I do this intending to provide others assistant with similar issues.
I created the .sqlfluff file in my user profile folder. In this file I have then included the following:
exclude_rules = L032
max_line_length = 150
In this case, SQLFluff will load the configuration from any .sql file found at the path specified on this variable.
Just an addition to the answer:
The default config of the rules can be found inside the package in file core\default_config.cfg
See also:
As already mentioned by #Albin the easiest way to override the config is to add a .sqlfluff file in the user profile folder.
See also:

How to declare module_name in groups Odoo

I used this code in a xml view in ideas_app module:
but i got this error "External ID must be fully qualified"
Is it really need module name like groups="ideas_app.group_vote_user" even this view in same module with group_vote_user security (in module ideas_app)?
Is there any ways to not declare module name or change with this.group_vote_user like that?
I think, you need to check sequence of files in manifest file. For example, security.xml should be come first and then others view files.
I am not sure if there is a way to change it. But as per standards, we need to follow standard way like "module_name.xml_ID"

CompletionProcessor Eclipse Plugin - Replace actual value in the editor

I have a simple question, but I couldn't solve it by myself.
I made a Eclipse Plugin, It's just an editor which has a CompletionProcessor (intelisense assitant). This assistant retrieve a set of phrases take into account a dictionary.
The thing is if i write "word example" in the editor and the assistant proposes "Word as an Example" I would like to replace my actual value for the value that get from my assistant.
To summarize actually when I pick that option , in my editor I get something like the following:
"word example Word as an Example"
And I would like to get just:
"Word as an Example"
Any idea?
The classes I have been using are the following:
I'm gonna answer my own question :).
To solve this you have to use the following constructor of Completion Proposal:,%20int,%20int,%20int,,%20java.lang.String,%20org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContextInformation,%20java.lang.String)
As you can see two of its arguments are replacementOffset and replacementLength, these are the index to start replacement and the length itself.

bazaar auto tag

I want to use the automatic_tag_name hook to automatic create tag name without the need of manually typing
I tried to write it like it : automatic_tag_name(branch name,10)= "GIL"
Is it the correct syntax? (i found iittle information on it in the documents)
Is it possible to create tag name from a file? this file will contains only the tag name
See this example pahe here:
SO correct call should be:
def post_push_autotag(push_result):
branch.Branch.hooks.install_named_hook('post_push_autotag', post_push_autotag, 'My autotag')