What is the difference between IWebHost WebHostBuilder BuildWebHost - asp.net-core

After reading Microsoft documents I am still confused. I need to deploy a .net core 2 web application I developed to an IIS server and I can't get a straight forward answer on anything. This is just the beginning of my questions.
What is the difference between IWebHost, WebHostBuilder, BuildWebHost?

First of all, let me start with that I very much disagree with your statement: The documentation on ASP.NET Core is actually very good. Yes, it may be still lacking in some details, and it also has some problems catching up to changes with releases, but overall the content is really good and the team working on it is really doing a remarkable job. It’s really difficult to author a documentation for such a large and fast-moving framework, and the amount of information you get through the documentation is actually very good. You will likely get to recognize that once you have overcome the initial problems in starting with a new framework.
But coming back to your question:
IWebHost: The web host is the general thing that hosts and runs your web application. It gets created when your application starts up, and then it will construct all the necessary pieces, like the Kestrel web server, the application middleware pipeline, and all the other bits, and connects them, so that your application is ready to serve your requests.
The web host is basically the thing that makes up your web application.
IWebHostBuilder: The web host builder is basically a factory to create a web host. It is the thing that constructs the web host but also configures all the necessay bits the web host needs to determine how to run the web application.
With ASP.NET Core 2, you will usually create a “default web host builder” which will already come with a lot defaults. For example, the default web host will set up the Kestrel web server, enable and configure logging, and add support for the appsettings.json configuration.
Usually, your applications will always start with such a default web host and you then just use the web host builder to subsequently configure the web host before it is actually being built.
BuildWebHost is part of the older convention before ASP.NET Core 2.1 where the default pattern in the Program.cs was to build the web host in a separate method. With 2.1, this was changed so that the method would no longer build the web host directly but just create the web host builder (hence the method now being called CreateWebHostBuilder). So basically, the .Build() call on the web host builder was refactored out of the method. You can see this nicely in the migration guide for 2.0 to 2.1.
The reason this was done is to make the CreateWebHostBuilder reuseable. The builder configuration that happens in that method is basically everything that is necessary to configure the web host. So by making that reusable, without generating an actually created web host, it can be used for other purposes. In this case, this was done for integration testing using the TestHost. The test host will basically host the web host internally for your integration tests, and it will do so by looking for the CreateWebHostBuilder method.
With ASP.NET Core 2.1, the default pattern you see in the Program.cs is the following (comments added by me for further explanations):
public class Program
// main entry point for your application
public static void Main(string[] args)
// create the web host builder
// build the web host
// and run the web host, i.e. your web application
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
// create a default web host builder, with the default settings and configuration
// configure it to use your `Startup` class
Btw. this topic is generally covered in the application startup and hosting sections of the official documentation.
ASP.NET Core 3.x
Starting with ASP.NET Core 3.0, there has been a change with the setup I described above. The reason for this is the generic host. The “generic host” is a generalization of the web host and the web host builder, to allow non-web scenarios outside of ASP.NET Core, making ASP.NET Core itself just a “hosted service” that runs on top of the generic host.
IHost: The host is the component that hosts and runs your application and its services. This is a generalization of the previous IWebHost but fullfills basically the same task: It starts configured hosted services and makes sure that your app is running and working.
IHostBuilder: The host builder constructs the host and configures various services. This is the generalization of the previous IWebHostBuilder but also basically does the same just for generic IHost. It configures the host before the application starts.
There is the Host.CreateDefaultBuilder method that will set up a host with various defaults, e.g. configuration using appsettings.json and logging.
IHostedService: A hosted service is a central component that the host hosts. The most common example would be the ASP.NET Core server, which is implemented as a hosted service on top of the generic host.
You can also write your own hosted services, or add third-party services that allow you to nicely add things to your application.
The generic host introduced with ASP.NET Core 3.0 and .NET Core 3.0 basically replaces the previous IWebHost and IWebHostBuilder. It follows the very same architecture and idea but is simply reduced to non-web tasks so that it can work with a number of different purposes. ASP.NET Core then just builds on top of this generic host.


Startup Class Replacement in Hosted BackgroundService Apps

Normally with ASP.NET Core projects, I have access to the IWebHostBuilder creation, upon which I can register services and build configuration, and then I can get into a Startup class where I can inject any of the services or configurations that were registered while building the host. I use this two-stage approach quite often, as I usually need some services available within Startup to finish registering everything else.
Now I'm working on a Generic Host headless app, adding a BackgroundService with AddHostedService<T>. There is no Startup class in this scenario, so it seems all my dependencies have to be registered while creating the HostBuilder. I'm not able to use my normal services because of the lack of the second registration step.
When using the Generic Host/non-HTTP/BackgroundService/AddHostedService approach, how can I get two stages of dependency registration as I do in Web projects?

What is the difference between using Kestrel Server or SignalR Server in ASP.NET Core?

As far as my understanding, SignalR allows you to add real-time functionality to web applications by allowing “server to client” and “client to server” communication. It runs on a specified port, which can be used for communication.Hubs need to be created with functions to be called.
Krestel server is a type of minified IIS server, which also runs in a given port and client application can connect to that port.
So, my question is what is the difference between using SignalR or Krestel server, since both run on given port and client applications connect to that port?
Remember that the idea of all frameworks is to encapsulate complexity!
Kestrel is the default, cross-platform Web server implementation that Microsoft implemented in the ASP.NET Core framework, just as Tomcat is the default on Spring Framework for Java.
More Info here
Kestrel, as a Web Server, handle traffic coming from outside to your app through http, and in the case of SignalR it also handles traffic bidirectional through webSockets, and it also can handle http/2 and others.
Remember that WebSockets is a different protocol on layer 7 just like http or https, websockets go through ws or wss these are also managed by a web server like Kestrel.
This being said, SignalR is just a library, part of the ASP.NET Core framework to handle WebSockets and other types of connections, making it easier for you as developer to build applications, abstracting all the complexity of:
a Web Server (Using Kestrel)
WebSockets (Using SignalR)
More info here
As Andy says, the Signalr is a kind of service which running on the kestrel. In my opinion, it is a web framework like MVC or web api.
We will add the Signalr like a service as MVC , Razor Pages and add its routes like below:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
The kestrel is a webserver, which is used to host the core application. It will listen for HTTP requests and surfaces them to the app as a set of request features composed into an HttpContext. Details about kestrel server ,you could refer to this article.

Calling web host directly with HttpContext

This is mostly an academic question, but it might have some real world value in my project.
Having defined a web host in a web project (dotnet core 3.1), is there any way to call this host directly with a HttpContext?
I assume there might be a service somewhere to override to allow me to just run the HttpContext processing part of the pipeline, without having an actual web server running - but I can't quite find it. Any ideas?

Can a Worker Service be called and/or used inside an existing ASPNET.Core web project?

I've been reading and learing about the new Worker Service features provided in .Net Core 3.0. I have been using this link from Microsoft: Background tasks with hosted services in ASP.NET Core
What I don't understand is this, can these worker service concepts be introduced into an existing ASPNET Web Project, like a Razor Pages site? Or must you create a new project and then deploy that project as a service using whatever mechanism the host OS proivdes for that?
Yes, you can host any number of hosted services (IHostedService) within ASP.NET Core applications. With version 3, ASP.NET Core uses the generic host (Host.CreateDefaultBuilder) which is the framework that is hosting these hosted services when the application starts. In fact, the ASP.NET Core web application is an IHostedService itself.
To add additional hosted services to your ASP.NET Core application, just register additional hosted services with your service collection, e.g. within the Startup’s ConfigureServices:
That service will then launch together with the ASP.NET Core web server when the application runs.
The Worker SDK that is mentioned in the documentation is actually a subset of the Web SDK that you are using with ASP.NET Core application. Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker is basically Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web without the web-specific stuff like Razor compilation and wwwroot folder stuff. It basically sets up automatic file globbing e.g. for the appsettings.json and does some other useful things that the core Microsoft.NET.Sdk does not have.
Ultimately this means, that when you are using the Web SDK, then you already have everything the Worker SDK offers. So you do not need to specify the Worker SDK just to host additional background services.

Using a console application to host WCF endpoints that expose asp.net ProfileService, ProfileService and RoleService

I've got an MVC web application that is used as an interface to a Console based app that exposes a bunch of ServiceHost/s using the net.pipe protocol.
I would like to use the asp.net membership/role/profile provider to manage my users and their roles and profile information (Inside the Console Application). I've done this in quite a few apps, but normally I reference these providers directly from the web application itself.
This is a good walk-through on doing pretty much what I would like, except I don't want to host the WCF service endpoints in IIS, but inside my console app - which will eventually become a windows service. When I try and host the ServiceHost through my console application I get the following error:
This service requires ASP.NET compatibility and must be hosted in IIS.
Either host the service in IIS with ASP.NET compatibility turned on in
web.config or set the
property to a value other than Required.
Now it seems that I won't be able to set that property to anything other than Required.
I've tried another route which is using the wrapper class/interface defined here for my authentication service, which I managed to get wired into in my MVC app without too much trouble, but this doesn't cover my Authorisation (using roles) or profile needs.
Has anyone got a solution to this, I can't be the only one trying to do this? I'm not