Redshift - Extract value matching a condition in Array - sql

I have a Redshift table with the following column
How can I extract the value starting by cat_ from this column please (there is only one for each row and at different position in the array)?
I want to get those results:

There is no easy way to extract multiple values from within one column in SQL (or at least not in the SQL used by Redshift).
You could write a User-Defined Function (UDF) that returns a string containing those values, separated by newlines. Whether this is acceptable depends on what you wish to do with the output (eg JOIN against it).
Another option is to pre-process the data before it is loaded into Redshift, to put this information in a separate one-to-many table, with each value in its own row. It would then be trivial to return this information.

You can do this using tally table (table with numbers). Check this link on information how to create this table:
Here is example how you would use it. In real life you should replace temporary #tally table with a permanent one.
--create sample table with data
create table #a (tags varchar(500));
insert into #a
select 'blah,cat_incident,mcr_close_ticket'
select 'blah-blah,cat_feature_missing,cat_duplicated_request';
--create tally table
create table #tally(n int);
insert into #tally
select 1
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
--get tags
select * from
select TRIM(SPLIT_PART(a.tags, ',', t.n)) AS single_tag
from #tally t
inner join #a a ON t.n <= REGEXP_COUNT(a.tags, ',') + 1 and n<1000
where single_tag like 'cat%'

In the end I managed to do it with the following query:
SELECT SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(tags, charindex('cat_', tags), len(tags)), 0, charindex(',', SUBSTRING(tags, charindex('cat_', tags), len(tags)))) tags
FROM table


Abbreviate a list in PostgreSQL

How can I abbreviate a list so that
WHERE id IN ('8893171511',
WHERE id IN (name of a group/list)
The list really would have to appear somewhere. From the point of view of your code being maintainable and reusable, you could represent the list in a CTE:
WITH id_list AS (
SELECT '8893171511' AS id UNION ALL
SELECT '8891227609' UNION ALL
SELECT '8884577292' UNION ALL
SELECT '886790275X'
FROM yourTable
If you have a persistent need to do this, then maybe the CTE should become a bona fide table somewhere in your database.
Edit: Using the Horse's suggestion, we can tidy up the CTE to the following:
WITH id_list (id) AS (
If the list is large, I would create a temporary table and store the list there.
That way you can ANALYZE the temporary table and get accurate estimates.
The temp table and CTE answers suggested will do.
Just wanted to bring another approach, that will work if you use PGAdmin for querying (not sure about workbench) and represent your data in a "stringy" way.
set setting.my_ids = '8893171511,8891227609';
select current_setting('setting.my_ids');
drop table if exists t;
create table t ( x text);
insert into t select 'some value';
insert into t select '8891227609';
select *
from t
where x = any( string_to_array(current_setting('setting.my_ids'), ',')::text[]);

Hive - getting the column names count of a table

How can I get the hive column count names using HQL? I know we can use the describe.tablename to get the names of columns. How do we get the count?
create table mytable(i int,str string,dt date, ai array<int>,strct struct<k:int,j:int>);
select count(*)
from (select transform ('')
using 'hive -e "desc mytable"'
as col_name,data_type,comment
) t
Some additional playing around:
create table mytable (id int,first_name string,last_name string);
insert into mytable values (1,'Dudu',null);
select size(array(*)) from mytable limit 1;
This is not bulletproof since not all combinations of columns types can be combined into an array.
It also requires that the table will contain at least 1 row.
Here is a more complex but also stronger solution (types versa), but also requires that the table will contain at least 1 row
select size(str_to_map(val)) from (select transform (struct(*)) using 'sed -r "s/.(.*)./\1/' as val from mytable) t;

Create temporary table with fixed values

How do I create a temporary table in PostgreSQL that has one column "AC" and consists of these 4-digit values:
In essence the table has more values, this should just serve as an example.
If you only need the temp table for one SQL query, then you can hard-code the data into a Common Table Expression as follows :
WITH temp_table AS
SELECT * FROM temp_table
see it work at!15/f88ac/2
(that CTE syntax also works with MS SQL)

SQL Query to return rows even if it is not present in the table

This is a specific problem .
I have an excel sheet containing data. Similar data is present in a relational database table. Some rows may be absent or some additional rows may be present. The goal is to verify the data in the excel sheet with the data in the table.
I have the following query
Select e_no, start_dt,end_dt
Where e_no In
(20231, 457)
In this case, e_no 457 is not present in the database (and hence not returned). But I want my query to return a row even if it not present (457 , null , null). How do I do that ?
For Sql-Server: Use a temporary table or table type variable and left join MY_TABLE with it
Sql-Server fiddle demo
Declare #Temp Table (e_no int)
Insert into #Temp
Values (20231), (457)
Select t.e_no, m.start_dt, m.end_dt
From #temp t left join MY_TABLE m on t.e_no = m.e_no
If your passing values are a csv list, then use a split function to get the values inserted to #Temp.
Why not simply populate a temporary table in the database from your spreadsheet and join against that? Any other solution is probably going to be both more work and more difficult to maintain.
You can also do it this way with a UNION
e_no, start_dt ,end_dt
Where e_no In (20231, 457)
Select 457, null, null

How to combine IN operator with LIKE condition (or best way to get comparable results)

I need to select rows where a field begins with one of several different prefixes:
select * from table
where field like 'ab%'
or field like 'cd%'
or field like "ef%"
What is the best way to do this using SQL in Oracle or SQL Server? I'm looking for something like the following statements (which are incorrect):
select * from table where field like in ('ab%', 'cd%', 'ef%', ...)
select * from table where field like in (select foo from bar)
I would like to see how this is done with either giving all the prefixes in one SELECT statement, of having all the prefixes stored in a helper table.
Length of the prefixes is not fixed.
Joining your prefix table with your actual table would work in both SQL Server & Oracle.
DECLARE #Table TABLE (field VARCHAR(32))
DECLARE #Prefixes TABLE (prefix VARCHAR(32))
FROM #Table t
INNER JOIN #Prefixes pf ON t.field LIKE pf.prefix
you can try regular expression
SELECT * from table where REGEXP_LIKE ( field, '^(ab|cd|ef)' );
If your prefix is always two characters, could you not just use the SUBSTRING() function to get the first two characters of "field", and then see if it's in the list of prefixes?
select * from table
where SUBSTRING(field, 1, 2) IN (prefix1, prefix2, prefix3...)
That would be "best" in terms of simplicity, if not performance. Performance-wise, you could create an indexed virtual column that generates your prefix from "field", and then use the virtual column in your predicate.
Depending on the size of the dataset, the REGEXP solution may or may not be the right answer. If you're trying to get a small slice of a big dataset,
select * from table
where field like 'ab%'
or field like 'cd%'
or field like "ef%"
may be rewritten behind the scenes as
select * from table
where field like 'ab%'
union all
select * from table
where field like 'cd%'
union all
select * from table
where field like 'ef%'
Doing three index scans instead of a full scan.
If you know you're only going after the first two characters, creating a function-based index could be a good solution as well. If you really really need to optimize this, use a global temporary table to store the values of interest, and perform a semi-join between them:
select * from data_table
where transform(field) in (select pre_transformed_field
from my_where_clause_table);
You can also try like this, here tmp is temporary table that is populated by the required prefixes. Its a simple way, and does the job.
select * from emp join
(select 'ab%' as Prefix
select 'cd%' as Prefix
select 'ef%' as Prefix) tmp
on emp.Name like tmp.Prefix