Using AlarmService Throws different Errors in angular 6 TypeScript - cumulocity

I'm having some problem in resolving this error. When i add the Alarmservice i always get this error.
When i checked this error in google, every one say, i have to add this in provider, If i add in provider also it is not working and i get a different error
import { Component, Input } from '#angular/core';
import { Client, BasicAuth, AlarmService } from '#c8y/client';
import { CumulocityService } from './c8y.service';
import {
} from '#angular/router';
selector: 'app-login',
templateUrl: './login.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./login.component.css']
export class LoginComponent {
#Input() name: string;
model = {
user: '',
password: '',
tenant: ''
error = {
shown: false,
msg: ''
disabled = false;
basicAuth: string = ''
currentUser: object = {};
private cumulocity: CumulocityService,
private alarmService: AlarmService,
private route: Router
) { }
async login() {
this.disabled = true;
const client = new Client(new BasicAuth(
user: this.model.user,
password: this.model.password,
tenant: this.model.tenant
sessionStorage.setItem("client", JSON.stringify(client));
client.inventory.list$().subscribe((data) => {
// request all inventory data via fetch and adds realtime if data changes
try {
let user = await client.user.current();
this.cumulocity.client = client;
const alarmId: number = 63704;
const { data, res } = await this.alarmService.detail(alarmId);
console.log(data, res);
// this.route.navigate(['/dashboard']);
} catch (ex) {
this.cumulocity.client = null;
this.error.shown = true;
this.error.msg = ex.message;
} finally {
this.disabled = false;
core.js:1673 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[LoginComponent -> AlarmService]:
StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[LoginComponent -> AlarmService]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for AlarmService!
Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[LoginComponent -> AlarmService]:
StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[LoginComponent -> AlarmService]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for AlarmService!
at NullInjector.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.NullInjector.get (core.js:1062)
at resolveToken (core.js:1300)
at tryResolveToken (core.js:1244)
at StaticInjector.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.StaticInjector.get (core.js:1141)
at resolveToken (core.js:1300)
at tryResolveToken (core.js:1244)
at StaticInjector.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.StaticInjector.get (core.js:1141)
at resolveNgModuleDep (core.js:8376)
at NgModuleRef_.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.NgModuleRef_.get (core.js:9064)
at resolveDep (core.js:9429)
at NullInjector.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.NullInjector.get (core.js:1062)
at resolveToken (core.js:1300)
at tryResolveToken (core.js:1244)
at StaticInjector.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.StaticInjector.get (core.js:1141)
at resolveToken (core.js:1300)
at tryResolveToken (core.js:1244)
at StaticInjector.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.StaticInjector.get (core.js:1141)
at resolveNgModuleDep (core.js:8376)
at NgModuleRef_.push../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.NgModuleRef_.get (core.js:9064)
at resolveDep (core.js:9429)
at resolvePromise (zone.js:814)
at resolvePromise (zone.js:771)
at zone.js:873
at ZoneDelegate.push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:421)
at Object.onInvokeTask (core.js:3815)
at ZoneDelegate.push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:420)
at Zone.push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask (zone.js:188)
at drainMicroTaskQueue (zone.js:595)
If i add Alarmservice at the app.module.ts I get a different error, as said above
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { LoginComponent } from './login/login.component';
import { DashboardComponent } from './dashboard/dashboard.component';
import { CumulocityService } from './login/c8y.service';
import { AlarmService } from '#c8y/client';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [ AlarmService, CumulocityService],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Uncaught Error: Can't resolve all parameters for AlarmService: (?, ?).
at syntaxError (compiler.js:1016)
at CompileMetadataResolver.push../node_modules/#angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.CompileMetadataResolver._getDependenciesMetadata (compiler.js:10917)
at CompileMetadataResolver.push../node_modules/#angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.CompileMetadataResolver._getTypeMetadata (compiler.js:10810)
at CompileMetadataResolver.push../node_modules/#angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.CompileMetadataResolver._getInjectableTypeMetadata (compiler.js:11032)
at CompileMetadataResolver.push../node_modules/#angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.CompileMetadataResolver.getProviderMetadata (compiler.js:11041)
at compiler.js:10979
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at CompileMetadataResolver.push../node_modules/#angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.CompileMetadataResolver._getProvidersMetadata (compiler.js:10939)
at CompileMetadataResolver.push../node_modules/#angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.CompileMetadataResolver.getNgModuleMetadata (compiler.js:10658)
at JitCompiler.push../node_modules/#angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.JitCompiler._loadModules (compiler.js:23858)

Have you seen the stackblitz example? I guess you have because it looks like the code from there.
At the moment you cannot inject the services into angular directly. You can just write a wrapper around the client (like done in the example)
So to make your code working:
remove the AlarmService import
Request a alarm via this.client.alarm.detail(alarmId); instead of the AlarmService.
The this.client.alarm is of type AlarmService and uses the login you set via new Client(new BasicAuth([...]));.
In future, you can use #c8y/ngx-data to do proper dependency injection, but it is not released as stable and therefore I would not suggest to use it.


How can I get the tests to run normally (nest, unittestm fcm)?

I made unit test for sendFCM in push.service.spec.ts. but it's not working on the nest server.
Issue #1 : How can I normally give the return value of sendmulticast method?
Property 'success' does not exist on type 'void' below 'success' code.
```expect((await response).success).toBe(true);```
Issue #2 : I looked at many similar issue solutions, but couldn't find a solution to the below error. How can I test normally?
Nest can't resolve dependencies of the PushService (FIREBASE_ADMIN_INJECT, ?). Please make sure that the argument HttpService at index [1] is available in the RootTestModule
[Error Message]
FAIL push/push.service.spec.ts (24.852 s)
● PushService › should be defined
Nest can't resolve dependencies of the PushService (FIREBASE_ADMIN_INJECT, ?). Please make sure that the argument HttpService at index [1] is available in the RootTestModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If HttpService is a provider, is it part of the current RootTestModule?
- If HttpService is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within RootTestModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing HttpService */ ]
at TestingInjector.lookupComponentInParentModules (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:231:19)
at TestingInjector.resolveComponentInstance (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:184:33)
at TestingInjector.resolveComponentInstance (../node_modules/#nestjs/testing/testing-injector.js:16:45)
at resolveParam (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:106:38)
at async Promise.all (index 1)
at TestingInjector.resolveConstructorParams (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:121:27)
at TestingInjector.loadInstance (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:52:9)
at TestingInjector.loadProvider (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:74:9)
at async Promise.all (index 3)
● PushService › sendFCM › should return an array of Semesters
Nest can't resolve dependencies of the PushService (FIREBASE_ADMIN_INJECT, ?). Please make sure that the argument HttpService at index [1] is available in the RootTestModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If HttpService is a provider, is it part of the current RootTestModule?
- If HttpService is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within RootTestModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing HttpService */ ]
at TestingInjector.lookupComponentInParentModules (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:231:19)
at TestingInjector.resolveComponentInstance (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:184:33)
at TestingInjector.resolveComponentInstance (../node_modules/#nestjs/testing/testing-injector.js:16:45)
at resolveParam (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:106:38)
at async Promise.all (index 1)
at TestingInjector.resolveConstructorParams (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:121:27)
at TestingInjector.loadInstance (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:52:9)
at TestingInjector.loadProvider (../node_modules/#nestjs/core/injector/injector.js:74:9)
at async Promise.all (index 3)
import { Test, TestingModule } from '#nestjs/testing';
import { FirebaseAdminModule } from '#tfarras/nestjs-firebase-admin';
import { SendFcmReqDto } from './dtos/send-fcm.dto';
import { PushService } from './push.service';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
describe('PushService', () => {
let service: PushService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [
useFactory: () => ({
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault()
providers: [PushService],
service = module.get<PushService>(PushService);
it('should be defined', () => {
describe('sendFCM', () => {
const sendFcmReqDto: SendFcmReqDto = {
notification_type: 'type_1',
subject: 'FCM Push Unit Test',
content: 'type1',
small_icon_url: '',
large_icon_url: '',
action1: '',
action2: '',
big_pic_url: '',
is_expand: 'true',
is_sicon: 'false',
is_licon: 'false'
it('should return an array of Semesters', async () => {
`const response = service.sendFCM(sendFcmReqDto);`
expect((await response).success).toBe(true);
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { PushController } from './push.controller';
import { PushService } from './push.service';
import { HttpModule } from '#nestjs/axios';
import { FirebaseAdminModule } from '#tfarras/nestjs-firebase-admin';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
imports: [
timeout: 5000,
maxRedirects: 5,
useFactory: () => ({
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault()
controllers: [PushController],
exports: [PushService],
providers: [PushService],
export class PushModule {}
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { PushController } from './push.controller';
import { PushService } from './push.service';
import { HttpModule } from '#nestjs/axios';
import { FirebaseAdminModule } from '#tfarras/nestjs-firebase-admin';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
imports: [
timeout: 5000,
maxRedirects: 5,
useFactory: () => ({
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault()
controllers: [PushController],
exports: [PushService],
providers: [PushService],
export class PushModule {}
import { Body, Controller, Post } from '#nestjs/common';
import { PushService } from './push.service';
import { SendFcmReqDto } from './dtos/send-fcm.dto';
#Controller({ path: 'push', version: '10' })
export class PushController {
constructor(private pushService: PushService) {}
sendFCM(#Body() fcmReq: SendFcmReqDto) {
return this.pushService.sendFCM(fcmReq);
import {
} from '#nestjs/common';
import { HttpService } from '#nestjs/axios';
import { resourceLimits } from 'worker_threads';
import { FIREBASE_ADMIN_INJECT, FirebaseAdminSDK } from '#tfarras/nestjs-firebase-admin';
import { SendFcmReqDto } from './dtos/send-fcm.dto';
import { User } from 'src/entities/User';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
export class PushService {
[x: string]: any;
private readonly logger = new Logger('PushService');
private firebaseAdmin: FirebaseAdminSDK,
private readonly httpService: HttpService,
) {}
async sendFCM({
}: SendFcmReqDto) {
this.logger.log('Start sendFCM()!');
const users = await this.usersRepository.find(
{select: ['fbToken']},
const ids: string[] = [];
users.forEach ((user) => {
// const aps
const apsPayload = {
const dataPayload = {
noti_type: notification_type,
title: subject,
body: content,
s_icon_url: small_icon_url,
l_icon_url: large_icon_url,
act1: action1,
act2: action2,
b_pic_url: big_pic_url,
is_expand: is_expand,
is_sicon: is_sicon,
is_licon: is_licon
const multicast_message = {
tokens: ids,
await this.firebaseAdmin
.then((response)=> {
this.logger.log('send_response:' + response);
return {
success: true,
result: response,
.catch((error) => {
this.logger.log('send_response:' + error);
return {
success: false,
result: error,

NestJS UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: this.client.send is not a function

I'm building a nestJS api that uses express and tries to connect to rabbitMQ, evertyhing is at 99% I just have this final problem after all the necessary code was implemented
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { responseCodes } from 'src/common/helpers/responses/responses.helper';
import { towelModule} from './towel.module';
import { ClientsModule, Transport } from '#nestjs/microservices';
import { ClientProxy } from '#nestjs/microservices';
import { RabbitMQModule } from './rabbit-mq.module';
import { Inject } from '#nestjs/common';
export class towelService {
constructor( #Inject('RabbitMQModule') private readonly client: ClientProxy,) {}
async run(data: any): Promise<any> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const response = true;
let pattern;
this.client.send(pattern, data);
data['users'] = 'new';
Why do I get (node:10816) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: this.client.send is not a function
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see (rejection id: 1)
(node:10816) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
I was able to stop the error like this
export class towelService {
constructor( #Inject('RabbitMQModule') private readonly client: ClientProxy,) {}
//async run(data: any): Promise<any> {
run(data: any)
//DELETED tp return new Promise(async //(resolve,reject) => {
const response = true;
let pattern;
this.client.send(pattern, data);
data['users'] = 'new';
// DELETED resolve(data);
but I never see anything in the rabbit queue. but the funciton is executing now
You should be using #Inject('rabbit-mq-module') instead of #Inject('RabbitMqModule') and your RabbitMqModule should have exports: [ClientsModule] instead of exports: [RabbitMqModule]. What's happening is Nest is seeing the injection token RabbtMqModule which matches the RabbitMqModule class's name, so the module class is being injected, not the client proxy.
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ClientsModule, Transport } from '#nestjs/microservices';
import { TowelController } from './towel.controller';
import { TowelService } from './towel.service';
imports: [
name: 'rabbit-mq-module',
transport: Transport.RMQ,
options: {
urls: [
queue: 'queue',
controllers: [],
providers: [],
exports: [ClientsModule],
export class RabbitMQModule {}
imports: [
controllers: [towelController],
providers: [towelService],
exports: [towelService],
export class towelModule {}
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { responseCodes } from 'src/common/helpers/responses/responses.helper';
import { towelModule} from './towel.module';
import { ClientsModule, Transport } from '#nestjs/microservices';
import { ClientProxy } from '#nestjs/microservices';
import { RabbitMQModule } from './rabbit-mq.module';
import { Inject } from '#nestjs/common';
export class towelService {
constructor( #Inject('rabbit-mq-module') private readonly client: ClientProxy,) {}
async run(data: any): Promise<any> {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const response = true;
let pattern;
this.client.send(pattern, data);
data['users'] = 'new';

Angular 8 testing error Unexpected value 'DecoratorFactory' imported by the module 'DynamicTestModule'

I am trying to make Jasmine & Karma framework into the current angular application running in ver 8.2. But i am coming across this weird error inside the Karma test running window:
Failed: Unexpected value 'DecoratorFactory' imported by the module 'DynamicTestModule'. Please add a #NgModule annotation.
What is the problem?
My componenent.spec.ts looks like this:
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { HomeComponent } from './home.component';
import { NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA} from '#angular/core';
import {RouterTestingModule} from '#angular/router/testing';
import {HttpClientTestingModule} from '#angular/common/http/testing';
import { MsalService } from '#azure/msal-angular';
import { Store } from '#ngrx/store';
import { Pipe } from '#angular/core';
describe('HomeComponent', () => {
let component: HomeComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<HomeComponent>;
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [RouterTestingModule, HttpClientTestingModule, Pipe]
,declarations: [HomeComponent]
,providers: [
{provide: MsalService, useFactory: '' },
{provide: Store, useFactory: '' }
it('should have header text', async(() => {
const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HomeComponent);
const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
I found the cause :-
export class MockStore<T> {
private state: BehaviorSubject<T> = new BehaviorSubject(undefined);
setState(data: T) {; }
select(selector?: any): Observable<T> {
return this.state.asObservable();
pipe() {}
dispatch(action: any) { }
{provide: Store, useFactory: 'MockStore' }
The useFactory property must be some custom class name. Now i mocked the store class.

Dependencies not being injected on NestJS with Serverless and AWS

I'm trying to setup my first NestJS application. It is backed by Serverless on AWS.
I created a simple Controller that has a Service as a dependency. When I hit the endpoint with my HTTP Client, the object that should contain the Service instance is undefined. I'm not able to make it work. Could you help?
import { Context, Handler } from 'aws-lambda';
import { NestFactory } from '#nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './src/module';
import { Server } from 'http';
import { ExpressAdapter } from '#nestjs/platform-express';
import * as serverless from 'aws-serverless-express';
import * as express from 'express';
import {DB} from './src/libs/db';
let cachedServer: Server;
function bootstrapServer(): Promise<Server> {
const expressApp = express();
const adapter = new ExpressAdapter(expressApp);
return NestFactory.create(AppModule, adapter)
.then(app => app.enableCors())
.then(app => app.init())
.then(() => DB.connect())
.then(() => serverless.createServer(expressApp));
export const handle: Handler = (event: any, context: Context) => {
if (!cachedServer) {
bootstrapServer().then(server => {
cachedServer = server;
return serverless.proxy(server, event, context);
} else {
return serverless.proxy(cachedServer, event, context);
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { EventController } from './event.controller';
import { EventService } from './event.service';
controllers: [EventController],
providers: [EventService],
export class AppModule {}
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
interface Event{}
export class EventService {
create(event: Event) {
return {
import { Controller, Post, Body } from '#nestjs/common';
import { EventService } from './event.service';
interface Event { }
export class EventController {
constructor(private readonly eventService: EventService) { }
async create(#Body() req)
So this.eventService is always undefined. What is wrong with this implementation?
Maybe you are missing a line from tsconfig add this below:
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true
Credits to the God of Nestjs Mr. Kamil's reply:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null on typescript spec file

I am getting TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null on testing my component. how to fix this?
here is html:
[eventList]="eventList$ | async"
[eventListSize]="(eventList$ | async).length"
[currentLang]="currentLang$ | async"
[langList] = "langList$ | async"
(leftNavi) = "leftNaviHandler($event)"
here is the ts file:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { Router } from '#angular/router';
import { Store, select } from "#ngrx/store";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { ModelEvent, EventState } from "./../../../calendar/models/model.event";
import { ModelLang, ModelLonguage } from "./../../../shared-components/models/models";
import { CalendarActions, Load, EventSelected } from "./../../../calendar/state/calendar.actions";
import * as fromRoot from "./../../../calendar/state";
import * as fromObservables from "./../../state";
import { Lang, LoadLang } from "./../../state/actions/shared.actions";
import { ShowNavi } from "./../../../shared-components/state/actions/shared.actions";
selector: 'header-nav-shell',
templateUrl: './header-nav-shell.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./header-nav-shell.component.scss']
export class HeaderNavShellComponent implements OnInit {
* declartion of observable events
constructor(private store:Store<fromRoot.NewState>, private router:Router) { }
ngOnInit() { Load()); new LoadLang());
this.eventList$ =;
this.currentLang$ =;
this.langList$ =;
eventSelected(event) { EventSelected(event));
langChanged(event) { new Lang(event.Name));
leftNaviHandler(event):void { ShowNavi(event));
here is the spec file:
import { async, fakeAsync, tick, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '#angular/core/testing';
import { HeaderNavShellComponent } from './header-nav-shell.component';
import { HeaderComponent } from './../../header/header.component';
import { HeaderNavComponent } from './../../components/header-nav/header-nav.component';
import { StoreModule, Store } from '#ngrx/store';
import { TranslateFakeLoader,TranslateLoader,TranslateModule,TranslateService, TranslateStore } from '#ngx-translate/core';
import { RouterTestingModule } from '#angular/router/testing';
import { reducerShared } from "./../../state/reducers/shared.reducer";
import { HttpClientModule, HttpClient } from '#angular/common/http';
describe('HeaderNavShellComponent', () => {
let component: HeaderNavShellComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<HeaderNavShellComponent>;
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [ HeaderNavShellComponent, HeaderComponent, HeaderNavComponent ],
          loader: {
            provide: TranslateLoader,
            useClass: TranslateFakeLoader
providers:[TranslateService, TranslateStore, Store, HttpClient ]
beforeEach(fakeAsync(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HeaderNavShellComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
it('should create', fakeAsync(() => {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
at Object.eval [as updateDirectives] (ng:///DynamicTestModule/HeaderNavShellComponent.ngfactory.js:34:98)
at Object.debugUpdateDirectives [as updateDirectives] (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:23813:1)
at checkAndUpdateView (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:23209:1)
at callViewAction (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:23450:1)
at execComponentViewsAction (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:23392:1)
at checkAndUpdateView (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:23215:1)
at callWithDebugContext (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:24079:1)
at Object.debugCheckAndUpdateView [as checkAndUpdateView] (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:23781:1)
at ViewRef_.push.../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js.ViewRef_.detectChanges (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:21590:1)
at ComponentFixture.push.../node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/testing.js.ComponentFixture._tick (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/testing.js:227:1)
what is wrong i do here? any one figure out me please?
I am getting the length from async value.
Thanks in advance
My case the problem was very similar to the above one, the only difference was not using the async, but the same error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
at Object.eval [as updateDirectives] (ng:///DynamicTestModule/HeaderNavShellComponent.ngfactory.js:34:98)
at Object.debugUpdateDirectives [as updateDirectives] (node_modules/#angular/core/fesm5/core.js:23813:1)
You will notice the stack trace is nowhere showing where the actual problem is.
The actual problem was the sanity required for checking the length
So changing the above line with this
That's all, things started working.
Posting this answer for other people stuck with similar problems.
Try creating a stub as below for handling store service:
class StoreStub(val){
if(val === fromRoot.getEvents){
//event action will have values as you are passing "fromRoot.getEvents" in component
return of({
//expected object of events
}else if(val === fromObservables.getCurrentLang){
//event action will have values as you are passing "fromObservables.getCurrentLang" in component
return of({
//expected object of events
// and so on.....
and then use useClass:
providers:[TranslateService, TranslateStore, {provide: Store, useClass: StoreStub}, HttpClient ]