How to count unique occurences of string in table for separate records in apex 5 - sql

I am trying to automatically count the unique occurrences of a string saved in the table. Currently I have a count of a string but only when a user selects the string and it gives every record the same count value.
For example
Below is a image of my current table:
From the image you can see that there is a Requirement column and a count column. I have got it to the point were when the user would select a requirement record (each requirement record has a link) it would insert the requirement text into a requirement item called 'P33_REQUIREMENT' so the count can have a value to compare to.
This is the SQL that I have at current:
This is the sql used to make the table in the image.
This issue with this is, it is giving every record the same count when the user selects a requirement value. I can kind of fix this by also adding in AND DIA_SELECTED = :P33_DIA into the where clause of the count. DIA_SELECTED being the first column in the table and :P33_DIA being the item that stores the DIA ref number relating to the record chosen.
The output of this looks like:
As you can see there is only one count. Still doesn't fix the entire issue but a bit better.
So to sum up is there a way to have the count, count the occurrences individually and insert them in the requirements that are the same. So if there are three tests like in the images there would be a '3' in the count column where requirement = 'test', and if there is one record with 'test the system' there would be a '1' in the count column.
Also for more context I wont know what the user will input into the requirement so I can't compare to pre-determined strings.
I'm new to stack overflow I am hoping I have explained enough and its not too confusing.

The following extract:
Could be replaced by
Which would give you - for each line, the number of requirements that are identical.
I'm not completely certain it is what you are after, but if it isn't, it should give you some ideas on how to progress (or allow you to indicate where I failed to understand your request)


Return Files w/o Note in at least X Days

We have a customer database and I'm trying to get all of the customer files that haven't had a comment on them in three weeks or more.
I'm working with two tables; the file table with info about the file like which staff is assigned to it, and the comments table, where all the comments in the database are. They're linked by the file number field.
If I wanted the file number and date of last note, what SQL should I be using?
I have tried:
SELECT db_file_notes.file_num, Last(db_file_notes.file_date) AS
LastOfnote_date, Last(db_file_notes.note_key) AS LastOfnote_key
FROM db_file_notes
GROUP BY db_file_notes.file_num
ORDER BY db_file_notes.file_num, Last(db_file_notes.note_date);
There are a handful of files that are on the resulting query that shouldn't be. For example, file # 212720's last note was on 7/28, but the above query returns a last note date of 6/26 (the previous last note). Then there's file # 212781 with actual last note on 7/21, but the query is return 6/12 (there five newer notes since the one returned by the query).
There's no date criteria in the above SQL but if I add the <=Date()-21 it's still incorrect (212710 is still there with a last note of 6/26). Interestingly, if I add a filter on the file number to only return a single file number like 212720, the last note date returns correctly.
I've tried sorting by file number then note date, and file number and note key (on the general assumption that newer notes have higher key values) and get the same behavior. Instead of sorting ascending then taking the last record, I've tried sorting descending and taking the first; this returns the correct note for the files affected by the above, but then new cases have the problem but in reverse now.
Sample table:
Without bringing in the second table you could use either of these:
This will return the top grouped date. For example, if your maximum file_date is 12/06/2017 this will return all the records that have a file_date of 12/06/2017.
SELECT TOP 1 file_num
, file_date
, note_key
FROM db_file_notes
WHERE DATEDIFF("d",file_date,DATE())>=21
ORDER BY file_date DESC
This code, on the other hand, will return the maximum date for each group of figures (a group being sets of file_num and note_key)
SELECT file_num
, MAX(file_date) AS Max_File_date
, note_key
FROM db_file_notes
WHERE DATEDIFF("d",file_date,DATE())>=21
GROUP BY file_num, note_key
Note: You don't have to qualify each field name with the table name if the field is unique across all tables (or you're just using one table).

SAP BO - how to get 1/0 distinct values per week in each row

the problem I am trying to solve is having a SAP Business Objects query calculate a variable for me because calculating it in a large excel file crashes the process.
I am having a bunch of columns with daily/weekly data. I would like to get a "1" for the first instance of Name/Person/Certain Identificator within a single week and "0" for all the rest.
So for example if item "Glass" was sold 5 times in week 4 in this variable/column first sale will get "1" and next 4 sales will get "0". This will allow me to have the number of distinct items being sold in a particular week.
I am aware there are Count and Count distinct functions in Business Objects, however I would prefer to have this 1/0 system for the entire raw table of data because I am using it as a source for a whole dashboard and there are lots of metrics where distinct will be part/slicer for.
The way I doing it previously is with excel formula: =IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A5000=$A2)*($G$2:$G5000=$G2))>1,0,1)
This does the trick and gives a "1" for the first instance of value in column G appearing in certain value range in column A ( column A is the week ) and gives "0" when the same value reappears for the same week value in column A. It will give "1" again when the week value change.
Since it is comparing 2 cells in each row for the entire columns of data as the data gets bigger this tends to crash.
I was so far unable to emulate this in Business Objects and I think I exhausted my abilities and googling.
Could anyone share their two cents on this please?
Assuming you have an object in the query that uniquely identifies a row, you can do this in a couple of simple steps.
Let's assume your query contains the following objects:
Sale ID
Sale Date
Week #
You want to show a 1 for the first occurrence of each Name/Week #.
Step 1: Create a variable with the following definition. Let's call it [FirstOne]
=Min([Sale ID]) In ([Name];[Week #])
Step 2: In the report block, add a column with the following formula:
=If [FirstOne] = [Sale ID] Then 1 Else 0
This should produce a 1 in the row that represents the first occurrence of Name within a Week #. If you then wanted to show a 1 one the first occurrence of Name/Person/Week #, you could just modify the [FirstOne] variable accordingly:
=Min([Sale ID]) In ([Name];[Person];[Week #])
I think you want logic around row_number():
select t.*,
(case when 1 = row_number() over (partition by name, person, week, identifier
order by ??
then 1 else 0
end) as new_indicator
from t;
Note the ??. SQL tables represent unordered sets. There is no "first" row in a table or group of rows, unless a column specifies that ordering. The ?? is for such a column (perhaps a date/time column, perhaps an id).
If you only want one row to be marked, you can put anything there, such as order by (select null) or order by week.

Returning unique values in a MS Access query based upon a set a rules

I have a query that returns a dataset with UserID, CourseID, Course Completion date, Course Registration Date and Status (successful, not attempted, not finished).
However people are allowed to do a course multiple times.
For 1 report I need to get a unique recordset (based upon the Combination UserID and CourseID) back according to the following rules:
If a course is completed successfully by a learner take only that value
If a course is completed successfully by a learner multiple times, take the first completion date.
if a course not completed successfully by a learner take the last registration date.
I know how to create a query that only returns unique (Distinct) values, but not how to do it with a set of rules.
I see that this is a bit older. I don't know if this directly answers your question because I couldn't think of a way to write a single query to do this. I did however come up with a solution that I tested myself.
Using 3 tables and 4 queries, I think that I have produced the results you're looking for.
The first query I wrote was to get the "First Completed" dates. Since if a person only completes a course once, that is their first completion, this actually means your criteria 1 and 2 are identical.
I did this by grouping on the UserID and the CourseID and then taking the aggregate MIN of the CourseCompleteionDate where the Status is equal to 1.
SELECT tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID, Min(tblRegistrations.CourseCompletionDate) AS FirstCompleted
FROM tblRegistrations
WHERE ((tblRegistrations.StatusID)=1)
GROUP BY tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID;
The second query I wrote was to get the "Last Not Completed" registration dates. Again I grouped on the UserID and the CourseID, but this time I took the aggregate MAX of the CourseRegistrationDate to get the last time this course was attempted and not completed (with a status equal to 3)
SELECT tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID, Max(tblRegistrations.CourseRegistrationDate) AS LastAttempt
FROM tblRegistrations
WHERE (((tblRegistrations.StatusID)=3))
GROUP BY tblRegistrations.UserID, tblRegistrations.CourseID;
The third query I wrote was to get the unique UserID/CourseID relationships, and that simply grouped them.
SELECT tblRegistrations.CourseID, tblRegistrations.UserID
FROM tblRegistrations
GROUP BY tblRegistrations.CourseID, tblRegistrations.UserID;
Finally, I wrote my result query which makes sure to pull every UserID/CourseID combination, and then show whether it was completed or not, and the requested date.
SELECT qryUserCourses.UserID, qryUserCourses.CourseID, Nz([FirstCompleted],[LastAttempt]) AS ResultDate, IIf([FirstCompleted],"Completed","Not Completed") AS Result
FROM (qryUserCourses
LEFT JOIN qryFirstCompleted ON (qryUserCourses.CourseID = qryFirstCompleted.CourseID) AND (qryUserCourses.UserID = qryFirstCompleted.UserID))
LEFT JOIN qryLastNotCompleted ON (qryUserCourses.CourseID = qryLastNotCompleted.CourseID) AND (qryUserCourses.UserID = qryLastNotCompleted.UserID);
This produced, for me, a list of UserIDs, CourseIDs, a date, and completion status.

Access VBA: Get difference in value between current and previous record

I have made report based on query according to this link:
It gives me list of records with values:
Query sorts records in descending order by Diametral. I want make new column which will count difference between first and second record, then between third and second and so on. Like this:
What should I write into RowSource or DataSource for DiffDiametral to get these values? How can I avoid error for first line, where is not previous value which I want substract from?
I tried to solve it according to this link:
but I did not solve it. Simply I dont know how I can refer previous value of Diameter to count difference.
Based on your information, a subquery should do it. Just substitute your actual table name for tblDiameters.
SELECT C.ID, C.FirstNum, C.SecNum, C.Diameter, C.Owner,
(SELECT TOP 1 P.Diameter
FROM tblDiameters AS P
WHERE P.Diameter < C.Diameter
ORDER BY P.Diameter DESC )
- C.Diameter AS DiffDiameter
FROM tblDiameters AS C

SQL - How to insert a subquery into a query in order to retrieve unique values

I am writing reports using Report Builder 3, and I need some help with an sql query to get unique values.
Using the following sample data:
I need to be able to get one single value for feeBudRec returned for each feeRef. The value of each feeBudRec is always the same for each individual feeRef (eg for every data row for feeRef LR01 will have a feeBudRec of 1177).
The reason why I need to get a single feeBudRec value for each feeRef is that I need to be able to total the feeBudRec value for each feeRef in a feePin (eg for feePin LEE, I need to total the feeBudRec values for LR01 and PS01, which should be 1177 + 1957 to get a total of 3134; but if I don't have unique values for feeBudRec, it will add the values for each row, which would bring back a total of 11756 for the 8 LEE rows).
My experience with writing SQL queries is very limited, but from searching the internet, it looks like I'll need to put in a subquery into my SQL query in order to get a single unique feeBudRec figure for each feeRef, and that a subquery that gets a minimum feeBudRec value for each feeRef should work for me.
Based on examples I've found, I think the following subquery should work:
SELECT a.feeRef, a.feeBudRec
SELECT uvw_EarnerInfo.feeRef, Min(uvw_EarnerInfo.feeBudRec) as AvailableTime
FROM uvw_EarnerInfo
) as x INNER JOIN uvw_EarnerInfo as a ON a.feeRef = x.feeRef AND a.feeBudRec = x.AvailableTime;
The problem is that I have no idea how to insert that subquery into the query I'm using to produce the report (as follows):
LEFT OUTER JOIN uvw_WoffTimeByTime
ON uvw_RB_TimeLedger.TimeId = uvw_WoffTimeByTime.TimeId
ON uvw_EarnerInfo.feeRef = uvw_RB_TimeLedger.feeRef
uvw_RB_TimeLedger.TimeDate >= #TimeDate
AND uvw_RB_TimeLedger.TimeDate <= #TimeDate2
If that subquery will get the correct results, can anyone please help me with inserting it into my report query. Otherwise, can anyone let me know what I will need to do to get a unique feeBudRec value for each feeRef?
Depends on the exact schema, but assuming the uvw_EarnerInfo lists the Pin, Ref, and Rec without duplicates, try adding an extra column (after personOccupation) on the end of your query such as :
feeBudRecSum = (Select SUM(FeeBudRec) From uvw_EarnerInfo x
where x.feePin = uvw_EarnerInfo.feePin
Group By x.FeePin)
Note that you would not Sum these values in your report. This column should have the total you are looking for.
The key to Report Builder is to get your query correct from the offset and let the wizard then structure your report for you. It takes all the hard work out of structuring your report manually.
I haven't used Report Builder for a while now but in the query builder of the report displaying the graphical representation of your query you should be able to drag and drop columns in and out of the query set. Dragging a column upwards and out of the box (showing your columns) would have the effect of causing your report to break on this column.
If you restructure this way you will probably have to run the report generator again to regenerate the report and restructure it.
Once you are happy with the structure you can then begin to add the summary columns.