Check if MigraDoc font of a row is bold or not - migradoc

I have a MigraDoc Table with multiple rows . I am trying to find if a particular row is bold or not
if(table.Rows[0].Font.bold ==font.bold)
Do Something
Idea is to change the colour of that row to a specific one.

There are many ways to set font attributes with MigraDoc. What do you want to happen if some columns are bold and some are not? Or if some columns contain both bold and regular text?
The clean approach would be determining the color of the row when you add contents to it. Each MigraDoc document element has a Tag member of type object that you can use for your own purposes.
When filling the row you can set the color directly. Or you can use the Tag member to mark the row as "important" and set the colors for important rows at a later stage.
Untested code that may work - and since there are several ways to make text bold, this will work only if the code that fills the rows also sets the Bold property to true:
if (table.Rows[0].Format.Font.Bold == true)
Do Something
The above will not work if a row is "bold", but the boldness comes from a Style or is set via paragraph properties.
IMHO using the Tag member is a cleaner way.


Using formatted text from Word table to Publisher

I'm trying (and failing) to fill out a text box (TextFrame) in Publisher using a macro from content in a Word table. I'm trying to do something along the lines of:
With doc.Pages(1).shapes(1)
.GroupItems.Item(8).TextFrame.TextRange = table.Cell(2, 3).Range.FormattedText
End With
The source text from table has a bunch of font formatting that I need in the text box but it won't seem to be able to copy over the formatting and I just get the plain text. Any ideas on how to get this working properly?
Edit: It seems like TextFrame can't accept formatted text at all. Is there any way around this?
In Word TextFrame.TextRange returns a range which has a FormattedText property. The usage for that would be:
.GroupItems.Item(8).TextFrame.TextRange.FormattedText = table.Cell(2, 3).Range.FormattedText
In your code you haven't specified which property of the TextRange you want to assign the formatted text to. This means it will be assigned to the default property, Text, which is just a string and cannot contain any formatting.
Golden Rule: never rely on default properties, always specify the
property you want to use.
Given that you appear to be taking a value from Word into Publisher you should be looking at the documentation for VBA in Publisher which shows you that the TextRange object in Publisher does not have a FormattedText property, so you cannot take formatting across using this method.

How to iterate over an Excel file and ID colored cell values

I have an excel workbook that has cells of a column colored with specific colors to keep or exclude certain users that will then be used to filter another excel workbook.
I want to loop through this column and identify cells with red background and add a functional column stating 0 and identify cells with yellow background and add 1 to this same functional column so as to work as the filter for the other workbook.
I'm hoping to use OpenPyXL to complete this task.
column_pi = ws["A"]
for cell in column_pi:
f cell.fill.fgColor == "00FF0000": # Red Hex
# add column stating 0 as value
Have also tried this but no luck, returning nothing
red_fill = PatternFill(fill_type=None, start_color='00FF0000', end_color='00FF0000')
yellow_fill = PatternFill(fill_type=None, start_color='00FFFF00', end_color='00FFFF00')
for cell in column_pi:
if cell.fill == yellow_fill:
Works with no hex codes provided for no_fill
no_fill = PatternFill(fill_type=None)
for cell in column_pi:
if cell.fill == no_fill:
Any thoughts on the best way to iterate over the values and check the fill/background color are of a specific color and then add a functional column like this?
fill is a set of more complicated variables, so looking for it to be exactly equal only to red_fill or yellow_fill here isn't going to work. The complication is mostly due to being able to set a colour either as a static rgba value, or as one that will automatically update when the theme is changed. Styles in openpyxl, with parameters like PatternFill, are easy ways to set multiple of these values at once.
If you look up cell.fill for a particular cell, it returns something like:
<openpyxl.styles.fills.PatternFill object>
patternType='solid', fgColor=<openpyxl.styles.colors.Color object>
rgb='FFD9D9D9', indexed=None, auto=None, theme=None, tint=0.0, type='rgb', bgColor=<openpyxl.styles.colors.Color object>
rgb='00000000', indexed=None, auto=None, theme=None, tint=0.0, type='rgb'
You can specify these values directly as part of cell.fill.fill_type (synonym for cell.fill.patternType), cell.fill.fgColor, and cell.fill.bgColor. Plus sub-attributes like cell.fill.fgColor.rgb.
You could also make it quicker by picking knowncell.fill.fgColor of a cell you know to have red_fill, if one exists. That way, you could check any of fill_type, fgColor and/or bgColor match. Try:
red_fill = knowncell.fill
for cell in column_pi:
if cell.fill.fgColor == red_fill.fgColor and cell.fill.fill_type == red_fill.fill_type:
However, you can't match knowncell.fill directly with cell.fill, I think because a new openpyxl style object is created each time you define a new one.

Change Style of ListBox

In Outlook 2010 I have a UserForm with a ListBox.
This ListBox has 4 columns where I show a list of attachments (the columns "File-Name", "File-Type", "File-Size" and "Target-Directory".
Unfortunately the ListBox is restricted in layout functionality, the user can not adjust the column width at runtime (so I have to specify the width of the columns by design).
Because the file path can be quiet long, I set the width of the last column to 999 Pt.
So my ListBox has a horizontal scrollbar.
I want to have the following layout changes to my ListBox:
Add column headers
Change the alignment of a column to right-aligned
Optional: allow the user to sort the list by any column
Optional: allow the user to sort change the width of any column
Optional: show a grid in the ListBox
For 1. I found some answers that this is very complicated and I should use static labels above the list instead.
This is not possible, because my ListBox can be scrolled horizontally.
Is the ListBox really so restricted or is #1 and #2 possible somehow?
I know that there are foreign components available, but I am not allowed to buy any component.
And my solution should work at my colleagues too, so they would also have to install these components.
I have been experimenting with possible solutions to your problem. I think I have taken the listbox approach as far as it will go so I will share what I have discovered.
I can find nothing on the web to suggest that anyone believes you can have listbox column headers without using property RowSource. To use RowSource, you set it to an Excel range.
I got Outlook to create an Excel workbook and to write some data to it. Unfortunately, I could not find any way of getting an Outlook user form to access an Excel range. The syntax for setting RowSource is:
ListBox1.RowSource = "Emails!A2:D20"
This is not the standard syntax for a range and I have failed to discover any method of extending it to include a workbook name.
Jonah_Hess describes an interesting approach in He has two list boxes. One is a one-line listbox that contains the headings and the other contains the data. The two listboxes are set to the same number of columns with the same widths. This gives an attractive appearance but if you scroll the data listbox, the headings listbox does not scroll with it. This is not really any different from placing labels above a single listbox.
I tried putting the headings and the data list boxes in a frame and scrolling the frame but could not get it to work. I have used frames with VB user forms but the functionality is very different so there are no lessons learnt that I could bring to a VBA user form. Perhaps someone more familiar with VBA frames could get this approach to work.
I gave up trying to get a solution in Outlook. An Excel macro can access Outlook data so I tried that approach.
I created a macro-enabled workbook. Within it, I have two forms both of which fill the screen to conceal the worksheet. The first form just says: “Please wait while I load data from Outlook”. I am not clear about the data on your form so I imported selected details from a folder full of junk emails which I wrote to a worksheet. I sized the columns for the list box to match those for the worksheet. The result was:
The text is a little small but I think it is readable. The listbox at the bottom allows me to select emails for different periods. Long ago I had problems with RowSource which meant I could change the values in the range but I could not change the size of the range. I have either managed to avoid that problem today or it was a bug that has been fixed.
You can see that the headings are displayed. The columns are a little wide but I consider them to be a reasonable first approximation. Options to change the widths would be easy to implement.
The changes you ask for:
Add column headers. Done
Change the alignment of a column to right-aligned. Possible but difficult. You would need to pad the text with an appropriate number of leading spaces.
Optional: allow the user to sort the list by any column. The data is in a worksheet so easy.
Optional: allow the user to change the width of any column. I have set the column widths at runtime to show it is possible.
Optional: show a grid in the ListBox. Not possible.
If the above is interesting, I could show you all my code and instruct you on creating the forms so you could duplicate my experiment. Alternately, I could just explain: how I imported the Outlook data to Excel, how I included the column headings and how I set the column widths.
I cannot find anything to suggest that anything better can be achieved with listboxes.
An alternative approach is to use a grid of labels. This can give an attractive appearance and one or more columns could be right-aligned. Using the Controls property of the user form, you can treat the grid as a two-dimensional array. I have used this technique long ago and found it attractive and not particularly difficult.
In order to set the alignment of a specific column to the right, trying the opposite way might help you:
Set TextAlign attribute of the listbox to "3-fmTextAlignRight".
Add spaces at the END of the each data in the column of sourcearray, which you want to align LEFT. The number of added spaces should be so large as to exceed the width of the column in which the data appears. You don't have to mind whether the number fits to the columnwidth (overflown spaces do no harm). You may prefer to use & String(30, " ") instead (30 is just for example) .
If added spaces seem to be wholly ignored (i.e. data appear right-aligned only), further add any single character (such as "_") at the end of the spaces.
This is a cosmetic solution, but works when seeing left-aligned figures is too annoying.
After doing the above, please be careful when selecting from the list (trimming the added spaces, keeping BoundColumn data intact, etc.).
This trick works for both Excel and Outlook (not sure for other applications).
Test result in Outlook VBA (...trailing 50 spaces are added to data in column 1 and 4.)
Hope this helps.

VBA for changing font and colour of a cell if a certain word is typed in it

I have a somewhat large spreadsheet with a type of summary page that follows a calender layout.
On this page I manually change the font and color of cells to make it easy for me to find certain things on it. For example, (I lecture mathematics) if I have revision on a certain lesson, I make that cell bold and green. (exact type of green I can sort out myself). I want a VBA code if possible so that if I type the word revision into a cell on that sheet only, not whole workbook, that it would automatically change it to green.
Realistically, I don't manually type in the word revision always. Some of it uses lookups of various types to find what happens on that day to display a word (for example revision) in that given cell.
I don't know if this is possible to do. I realize that if "revision" is shown due to a lookup then the contents of that cell is not equal to "revision" but a formula which simply displays "revision"
Any assistance would be appreciated. If I have a basic code I can manipulate to get it right.
Maybe you're looking for something along the lines of:
Sub CheckRevision()
Dim CurCell As Object
For Each CurCell In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1:AZ500")
If CurCell.Value = "Revision" Then CurCell.Interior.Color = RGB(0,204,0)
End Sub
Or equivalently, you can probably use conditional formatting. Home Tab > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Text that Contains. From there, type the value "Revision" into the value box and you can change the format of the cell to how you like it.

DataTables: With filter input boxes at the top of each column: I need Narrow Column Widths for some columns

Problem: DataTables 1.10.4: I need to reduce the width of some of the column filter input boxes in my table.
I am using jquery.dataTables.css and jquery.dataTables.js as provided with the exception of adding some colour and border styling to the css file.
My table will eventually have more than 100 rows and there are 15 columns. Here is a link
I would like to make the widths of some of the column filter input boxes much narrower. For example the data in one of the columns is a single character. From tests I have done it seems to me that the minimum width of the input box is fixed preventing narrower columns. This means that some of my columns are far too wide for the data and my table is too wide to be easily manageable.
If I remove the filter input boxes at the top of each column the columns resize themselves nicely, but the column filters are essential.
I have seen a lot of posts for similar problems but nothing I have tried has changed the column widths. I have tried defining the columns to fixed widths using css width, js aocolumns, column, columndef. I have set "bAutoWidth": false. Nothing has helped. I have been unable to find where the column filter input box is sized.
I have been struggling with this for a while and would very much appreciate a solution. Please let me know if you need anymore information.
Thank you for your help.
Checkout this column search plugin for DataTables that you can include which may help your formatting issue. You don't have to worry about trying to insert the columns yourself or adding in the keyup event. It is all handled for you. It also works with the responsive tables to hide the search field if the column drops off.
Directions for the plugin can be found here
Here is an example usage of the plugin:
var dt = $("#mytable").DataTable();
//using defaults
new $.fn.dataTable.DtServerColSearch(dt);
new $.fn.dataTable.DtServerColSearch(dt, {
placement: "foot",
placeholders: false,