Implementation of Login and Registration with help of VueJs - vue.js

I would like to build an admin panel in vue js from scratch. I have install AdminLte theme via npm and copy the contents of header,sidebar and footer in components.My server side technology is Laravel.
Now I would like to build login and registration features in Vuejs so that only DB communication depends on laravel but I am confused and not sure about how to approach this?
Anyone can me with any ideas?


How to use Laravel sanctum with Breeze

I have installed Laravel Breeze and then Sanctum. But, it is not working as it should. Please guide me, how can I set up it?
I want to create the admin panel with Laravel Breeze and Vue application for the front users.
For a start you can install Breeze with Vue + Inertia scaffolding unless you're implementing everything by hand using API calls with Sanctum. First option is easier to implement.
php artisan breeze:install vue
php artisan migrate
npm install
npm run dev

Allowing for Extensible App Architecture in VueJs

I am creating a VueJS app currently that will be open sourced. This app will have a similar internal version as well that includes some differences such as additional features / different auth mechanism etc. I want an architecture where the open source version of the app will be the source of truth. The internal version of the app will extend off the open source app and modify as needed. I am wondering how to achieve this with VueJS with as little code duplication as possible. Ideally, I want to be able to push changes to the open source repo and get updates to the internal version of the app as well.
Note: I have seen examples on the web of this sort of being done with Angular.
The app is split into modules and each module is shipped as an npm module. Then the internal version of the app downloads these modules as npm dependencies and then uses Angular's module system (NgModule) to do code extension.

Trying to create an embed able Vue Component bundled with Laravel Mix

I have created a SPA dashboard using Vue.JS and Laravel, and now would like to create a script that I can use in other sites I manage to just display the event data I am creating in the dashboard via the APIs I have made. I am using Laravel's webpack.mix to do my bundling. Thus far, I haven't really found anything for this situation that explains what I need to do. Any pointers would be helpful, and I can post my code, if I knew what code would be helpful. :)
I didn't entirely understand what you want to do but maybe this project will help. It's a Vue Component bundled using Laravel Mix and deployed to npm:

Include VueJS Plugin without Javascript Package Manager

How can I use VueJS plugins if I don't use any Javascript Package Managers (NodeJS, NPM)?
I'm building an app made from a Bootstrap template and Server Side framework in Coldfusion (CFWheels).
I wanted to use some of VueJS's functionality such as two-way data-binding, easier integration of animation using animate.css, etc. I included it via
<script src=""></script>
However, I can't use NPM as the app will be continually be improved and maintained in production.
I wanted to use some VueJS plugin such as VueJS typeahead.
When I include the script, and try the documentation, there are errors in the Javascript like being unable to import, export module, require. I think these are modern Javascript coding style that are not recognized in my setup because I didn't use the NPM and require those polyfills.
Is there a way that I can make those VueJS plugins work? Or if I can just include the polyfills needed and proceed with the plugin documentations so the browser will understand those new JS terms without using NPM or other Javascript Package Manager.

yeoman express stack with livereload for handlebars templates

i'm using the yeoman express stack ( to build a web application in yeoman and using an express server. Now in stead of using regular html files my app is rendered using handlebars templates ... the problem is the livereload script isn't injected in to my template.
now i was thinking of implementing a connect middleware to add a function which would inject the yeoman livereload script into my body. But the problem is whenever i use a connect middleware i cannot find a way to access the body ... res.body is undefined. Any idea how to achieve something like this?
kind regards,