Rendering multiple objects with different textures, vertex buffers, and uniform values in Vulkan - vulkan

My background is in OpenGL and I'm attempting to learn Vulkan. I'm having a little trouble with setting up a class so I can render multiple objects with different textures, vertex buffers, and UBO values. I've run into an issue where two of my images are drawn, but they flicker and alternate. I'm thinking it must be due to presenting the image after the draw call. Is there a way to delay presentation of an image? Or merge different images together before presenting? My code can be found here, I'm hoping it is enough for someone to get an idea of what I'm trying to do:

You call render twice per frame. And render calls vkQueuePresentKHR, so obviously the two renderings of yours alternate.
You can delay presentation simply by delaying vkQueuePresentKHR call. Let's say you want to show each image for ~1 s. You can simply std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds(1)); after each render call. (Possibly not the bestest way to do it, but just to get the idea where your problem lies.)
vkQueuePresentKHR does not do any kind of "merging" for you. Typically you "merge images" by simply drawing them into the same swapchain VkImage in the first place, and then present it once.


How to improve MTKView rendering when using MPSImageScale and MTLBlitCommandEncoder

TL;DR: From within my MTKView's delegate drawInMTKView: method, part of my rendering pass involves adding an MPSImageBilinearScale performance shader and zero or more MTLBlitCommandEncoder requests for generateMipmapsForTexture. Is that a smart thing to do from within drawInMTKView:, which happens on the main thread? Do either of them block the main thread while running or are they only being encoded and then executed later and entirely on the GPU?
Longer Version:
I'm playing around with Metal within the context of an imaging application. I use Core Image to load an image and apply filters. The output image is displayed as a 2D plane in a metal view with a single texture. This works, but to improve performance I wanted to experiment with Core Image's ability to render out smaller tiles at a time. Each tile is rendered into its own IOSurface.
On each render pass, I check if there are any tiles that have been recently rendered. For each rendered tile (which is now an IOSurface), I create a Metal texture from a CVMetalTextureCache that is backed by the surface.
I think use a scaling MPS to copy from the tile-texture into the "master" texture. If a tile was copied over, then I issue a blit command to generate the mipmaps on the master texture.
What I'm seeing is that if my master texture is quite large, then generate the mipmaps can take "a bit of time". The same is true if I have a lot of tiles. It appears this is blocking the main thread because my FPS drops significantly. (The MTKView is running at the standard 60fps.)
If I play around with tile sizes, then I can improve performance in some areas but decrease it in others. For example, increasing the tile size that Core Image renders it creates less tiles, and thus less calls to generate mipmaps and blits, but at the cost of Core Image taking longer to render a region.
If I decrease the size of my "master" texture, then mipmap generation goes faster since only the dirty textures are updates, but there appears to be a lower bounds on how small I should make the master texture because if I make it too small, then I need to pass in a large number of textures to the fragment shader. (And it looks like that limit might be 128?)
What's not entirely clear to me is how much of this I can move off the main thread while still using MTKView. If part of the rendering pass is going to block the main thread, then I'd prefer to move it to a background through so that UI elements (like sliders and checkboxes) remain fully responsive.
Or maybe this isn't the right strategy in the first place? Is there a better way to display really large images in Metal other than tiling? (i.e.: Images larger than Metal's texture size limit of 16384?)

Vulkan update descriptor every frame

I want to render my scene to a texture and then use that texture in shader so I created a frambuffer using imageview and recorded a command buffer for that. I successfully uploaded and executed the command buffer on gpu but the descriptor of imageview is black. I'm creating a descriptor from the imageview before rendering loop. Is it black because I create it before anything is rendered to framebuffer? If so I will have to update the descriptor every frame. Will I have to create a new descriptor from imageview every frame? Or is there another way I can do this?
I have read other thread on this title. Don't mark this as duplicate cause that thread is about textures and this is texture from a imageview.
#IAS0601 I will answer questions from Your comment through an answer, as it allows for much longer text to be written, and its formatting is much better. I hope this also answers Your original question, but You don't have to treat like the answer. As I wrote, I'm not sure what You are asking about.
1) In practically all cases, GPU accesses images through image views. They specify additional parameters which define how image is accessed (like for example which part of the image is accessed), but still it is the original image that gets accessed. Image view, as name suggests, is just a view, list of access parameters. It doesn't have any memory bound to it, it doesn't contain any data (apart from the parameters specified during image view creation).
So when You create a framebuffer and render into it, You render into original images or, to be more specific, to those parts of original images which were specified in image views. For example, You have a 2D texture with 3 array layers. You create a 2D image view for the middle (second) layer. Then You use this image view during framebuffer creation. And now when You render into this framebuffer, in fact You are rendering into the second layer of the original 2D texture array.
Another thing - when You later access the same image, and when You use the same image view, You still access the original image. If You rendered something into the image, then You will get the updated data (provided You have done everything correctly, like perform appropriate synchronization operations, layout transition if necessary etc.). I hope this is what You mean by updating image view.
2) I'm not sure what You mean by updating descriptor set. In Vulkan when we update a descriptor set, this means that we specify handles of Vulkan resources that should be used through given descriptor set.
If I understand You correctly - You want to render something into an image. You create an image view for that image and provide that image view during framebuffer creation. Then You render something into that framebuffer. Now You want to read data from that image. You have two options. If You want to access only one sample location that is associated with fragment shader's location, You can do this through an input attachment in the next subpass of the same render pass. But this way You can only perform operations which don't require access to multiple texels, for example a color correction.
But if You want to do something more advanced, like blurring or shadow mapping, if You need access to several texels, You must end a render pass and start another one. In this second render pass, You can read data from the original image through a descriptor set. It doesn't matter when this descriptor set was created and updated (when the handle of image view was specified). If You don't change the handles of resources - meaning, if You don't create a new image or a new image view, You can use the same descriptor set and You will access the data rendered in the first render pass.
If You have problems accessing the data, for example (as You wrote) You get only black colors, this suggests You didn't perform everything correctly - render pass load or store ops are incorrect, or initial and final layouts are incorrect. Or synchronization isn't performed correctly. Unfortunately, without access to Your project, we can't be sure what is wrong.

SpriteSheet, AtlasSprite, Sprite and optimization

I'm developing an iPhone Cocos2D game and reading about optimization. some say use spritesheet whenever possible. others say use atlassprite whenever possible and others say sprite is fine.
I don't get the "whenever possible", when each one can and can't be used?
Also what is the best case for each type?
My game will typically use 100 sprites in a grid, with about 5 types of sprites and some other single sprites. What is the best setup for that? guidelines for deciding for general cases will help too.
Here's what you need to know about spritesheets vs. sprites, generally.
A spritesheet is just a bunch of images put together onto one big image, and then there will be a separate file for image location data (i.e. image 1 starts at coordinate 0,0 with a size of 100,100, image 2 starts at coordinate 100,0, etc).
The advantage here is that loading textures (sprites) is a pretty I/O and memory-alloc intensive operation. If you're trying to do this continually in your game, you may get lags.
The second advantage is memory optimization. If you're using transparent PNGs for your images, there may be a lot of blank pixels -- and you can remove those and "pack" your texture sizes way down than if you used individual images. Good for both space & memory concerns. (TexturePacker is the tool I use for the latter).
So, generally, I'd say it's always a good idea to use a sprite sheet, unless you have non-transparent sprites.

OpenGL ES 2.0 multiple meshes? (just Real World Examples)

I`m a little confused about this point.
Everything that I found in books, blogs, forums and even in OpenGl specs just talk about a very abstract techniques. Nothing about real world examples.
And I`m going crazy with this: How to put and manage multiple objects (meshes) with OpenGL ES 2.x?
In theory seems simple. You have a Vertex Shader (vsh) and Fragment Shader (fsh), then you bind the both to one Program(glGenProgram, glUseProgram, ...). In the every cycle of render, that Program will perform its VSH by each Vertex and after this will perform FSH on every "pixel" of that 3d object and finally send the final result to the buffer (obviously without talk about the per-vertex, rasterization, and other steps in the pipeline).
OK, seems simple...
All this is fired by a call to the draw function (glDrawArrays or glDrawElements).
OK again.
Now the things comes confused to me.
And If you have several objects to render?
Let's talk about a real world example.
Imagine that you have a landscape with trees, and a character.
The grass of the landscape have one texture, the trees have texture to the trunk and leaves (Texture Atlas) and finally the character has another texture (Texture Atlas) and is animated too.
After imagine this scene, my question is simple:
How you organize this?
You create a separated Program (with one VSH and FSH) for each element on the scene? Like a Program to the grass and soil's relief, a Program to the trees and a Program to the character?
I've tried it, but... when I create multiple Programs and try to use glVertexAttribPointer() the textures and colors of the objects enter in conflicts with each others. Because the location of the attributes, the indexes, of the first Program repeat in the second Program.
Let me explain, I used glGetAttribLocation() in one class that controls the floor of the scene, so the OpenGL core returned to me the index of 0,1 and 2 for the vertexes attributes.
After, in the class of trees I created another Program, anothers shaders, and after used again the glGetAttribLocation() at this time the OpenGL core return with indexes of 0, 1, 2 and 3.
After in the render cycle, I started setting the first Program with glUseProgram() and I've made changes to its vertexes attributes with glVertexAttribPointer() and finally a call to glDrawElements(). After this, call again glUseProgram() to the second Program and use glVertexAttribPointer() again and finally glDrawElements().
But at this point, the things enter in conflicts, because the indexes of vertexes attributes of the second Program affects the vertexes of the first Program too.
I'm tried a lot of thing, searched a lot, asked a lot... I'm exhausted. I can't find what is wrong.
So I started to think that I'm doing everything wrong!
Now I repeat my question again: How to work with multiple meshes (with different textures and behavior) in OpenGL ES 2.x? Using multiple Programs? How?
To draw multiple meshes, just call glDrawElements/glDrawArrays multiple times. If those meshes require different shaders, just set them. ONE, and only ONE shader program is active.
So each time you change your shader program (Specifically the VS), you need to reset all vertex attributes and pointers.
Just simple as that.
Thanks for answer,
But I think that you just repeat my own words... about the Draw methods, about one Program active, about everything.
The point is that your words give me an insight!
You said: "you need to reset all vertex attributes and pointers".
Well... not exactly reseted, but what I was not updating ALL vertex attributes on render cycle, like texture coordinates. I was updating just that attributes that change. And when I cleared the buffers, I lost the older values.
Now I start to update ALL attributes, independent of change or not their values, everything works!
See, what I had before is:
I repeated the process to the second Program, but just call glVertexAttribPointer() a few times.
Now, what I have is a call to glVertexAttribPointer() for ALL attributes.
What drived me crazy is the point that if I removed the First block of code to the first Program, the whole second Program worked fine.
If I removed the Second block of code to the second Program, the first one worked fine.
Now seems so obvious.
Of course, if the VSH is a per-vertex operation, it will work with nulled value if I don't update ALL attributes and uniforms.
I though about OpenGL more like a 3D engine, that work with 3d objects, has a scene where you place your objects, set lights. But not... OpenGL just know about triangles, lines and points, nothing more. I think different now.
Anyway, the point is that now I can move forward!

What way to use the CGContext to draw is suitable?

I know that the CGContext cannot call it to draw directly, and it needs to fill the drawing logic in the drawInContext, and call the CGContext to draw using "setNeedsDisplay", so, I designed a cmd to execute, but it cause some problems... like this :
Why I can't draw in a loop? (Using UIView in iPhone)
I think the CGContext is very different from my previous programming experience....(I used HTML5 canvas, that allow me add more details, after I draw, so do the Java Swing)
Actually, I want to know what is the suitable to implement these kind of thing in Apples' programmer mind. Thz.
There are three approaches to what you're asking. You can draw everything in drawRect:, you can manage multiple layers, or you can draw in an image. Each has advantages, but first you need to think correctly about the problem so that you don't destroy performance.
Drawing happens constantly. Every time anything changes, there may be quite a lot of drawing that has to be done. Not the whole screen usually, but still a lot of drawing. Since drawRect: and drawInContext: can be called many times, they need to be efficient. That means that you don't want to do a lot of expensive calculations, and you don't want to do a lot of useless drawing. "Useless" means "won't actually be displayed because it's off screen or obscured by other drawing."
So in the usual case, you put your actual drawing code in drawRect:, but you do all your calculations elsewhere, generally when your data changes. For example, you read your files, figure out your coordinates, create CGPaths, etc whenever your data changes (which should be much less frequent then drawing). You save all the results into ivars, and then in drawRect: you just draw the final result. So in your loop example, you would probably have an NSArray of images in your view object, and in drawRect: you would draw them all in order.
Another approach is to create a separate layer for each image, set the image as the content, and then attach the layer to the view. You're done at that point. There is no more drawing code you need to write. Quartz handles layers very efficiently, so this can be a very good solution to a wide variety of problems.
Finally, you can composite everything into an image, and then stick that image in an image view, or draw the image directly in the view, or attach the image to a layer. This is a good solution if you have very complicated drawing (particularly using CGPath). This can be expensive if you're constantly changing things, since you have to create a new image context, draw the old image into the new context, draw on top of it, and then create a new image from the context. But it's good for a complicated drawing that doesn't change often.
But you're correct, CGContext is not like a canvas. It needs to be redrawn every draw cycle. You can do that yourself, or you can use another view object (like UIImageView) to do it for you. But it has to be done one way or another.