Name of the user who has processed the cube - ssas

There is a code piece in which I have to get the username of the user who has processed the cube or has made any changes in the cube structure.
I have searched in the SSAS DMV's, but didn't find what I needed; I only found the last processed time, but not the name of the user.
Any suggestions?

You can track this using an Extended Event. Add the ProgressReportBegin and ProgressReportEnd events which are for processing. These events include the NTUserName and StartTime fields which you can use to find who processed the cube and when. The Extended Event will need to be running when the cube is processed to capture this. The following is an example XMLA command which can be run when connected to your SSAS database in SSMS to create an Extended Event that tracks cube processing and outputs the results to a file. Of course many of these options are just defaults and you may want to make adjustments as necessary.
<Create xmlns="">
<XEvent xmlns="">
<event_session name="XE_Cube_Process" dispatchLatency="0" maxEventSize="0" maxMemory="4" memoryPartition="none" eventRetentionMode="AllowSingleEventLoss" trackCausality="true" xmlns="">
<event package="AS" name="ProgressReportEnd" />
<event package="AS" name="ProgressReportBegin" />
<target package="package0" name="event_file">
<parameter name="filename" value="C:\Test\XE_Cube_Process.xel" />
<parameter name="max_file_size" value="4096" />
<parameter name="max_rollover_files" value="10" />
<parameter name="increment" value="1024" />


Intellij IDEA - DB Navigator - reveal password

I use "DB navigator" plugin( for my Intellij IDEA Community version quite some time and am very satisfied.
I want to know the password of my DB connection saved in the plugin. They are saved, they are there, but I cannot share it with my teammates.
Even all the IDEA passwords are set to be stored in the system keyring, I don't find them in seahorse, i.e., "Passwords and Keyrings" application in my Ubuntu.
Where are they?
At last, I found it in
search your connection name, and you will see sth like this:
<connection id="e208f307-8c08-45d5-93fd-958c1d68d049" active="true">
<name value="UAT" />
<description value="" />
<database-type value="ORACLE" />
<config-type value="BASIC" />
<database-version value="11.2" />
<driver-source value="BUILTIN" />
<driver-library value="" />
<driver value="" />
<url-type value="SERVICE" />
<host value="some-host" />
<port value="1523" />
<database value="APP_DB" />
<type value="USER_PASSWORD" />
<user value="admin" />
<deprecated-pwd value="<base64-encoded-password>" />
So, I tried to base64 decoded them... and it works...
Please, if the author sees this, please don't encrypt it in the future versions; I need them to be in my local so that I don't have to ask my teammates again; too shy am I. Please take into consideration that I created the tag db-navigator for the first time while asking this question, so that ppl around the world could gather together with love of this plugin.
And, any coder reading this: please ignore this file in Git, as it contains sensitive data.

Customization on Task Board In Team Foundation Server not reflecting

Hi so we are currently exploring Team Foundation server 2015 on-premise as part of our DevOps process.
Currently I'm trying out customization of the task board to add a "Pull Request" column/state in the board.
Steps ive done so far:
Exported the Task.xml file from the project "Wittest" in the Demoprojectcollection
witadmin exportwitd /collection: /p:"Wittest" /n:Task /f:Task.xml
Modified xml to add the Code Review State
<STATE value="Pull Request">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate">
Added transitions for the new state
Uploaded the updated file using with admin again
witadmin importwitd /collection: /p:"Wittest" /f:Task.xml
Check the board but columns stayed the same 3 columns "To Do" "In Progress" "Done"
Exported the Task.xml again and saw the xml was updated but I am unsure why I does not reflect the changes in the board though.
Would really appreciate the nudge to the right direction for this please
After adding the state in the task work item type, you also need to modify the process configuration file.
Try to use witadmin exportprocessconfig/importprocessconfig command to import and export process configuration, and add the pull request state in the TaskBacklog:
<TaskBacklog category="Microsoft.TaskCategory" parent="Microsoft.RequirementCategory" pluralName="Tasks" singularName="Task" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.AssignedTo" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" />
<State type="Proposed" value="To Do" />
<State type="InProgress" value="In Progress" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Pull Request" />
<State type="Complete" value="Done" />
I've tested on my side, it's working:

IntelliJ IDEA 15 - How to migrate task history between projects?

I have been using IntelliJ IDEA 15 for close to a year now, and using the same project this whole time, where I have created Tasks to basically act as workspaces for various work assignments so I can group files I've touched based on the assignment title. I've recently had an issue in my project workspace where I am basically being forced to create a new workspace, and thus a new project in IntelliJ. The problem is that this new project has none of my Task history in it.
Does anyone know if it's possible, and if so, how, to migrate this Task history from one project to another?
Thanks in advance!
Tasks are saved in YOUR_PROJECT/.idea/workspace.xml so you can backup this file and if needed you can just copy and paste these lines defining tasks to the other workspace.xml file. This is the example of one:
<configuration default="false" name="my-debug-task" type="JavascriptDebugType" factoryName="JavaScript Debug" uri="http://localhost:4200">
<mapping url="webpack:////home/marcin/Sprawozdania/Inzynierka/sqap/sqap-ui/src" local-file="$PROJECT_DIR$/sqap-ui/src" />
<mapping url="webpack:////home/marcin/Sprawozdania/Inzynierka/sqap/sqap-ui" local-file="$PROJECT_DIR$/sqap-ui" />
<method />
Addittionaly In workspace.xml you need to add reference of copied task to:
like here :
<list size="3">
<item index="0" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="JavaScript" />
<item index="1" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="JavaScript Debug.Unnamed" />
<item index="2" class="java.lang.String" itemvalue="Maven.config start -devs" />

How to query (xmla) the size of an OLAP catalog in MSAS2008?

I would like to be able to query against an SSAS2008 instance and get a listing of all the catalogs that exist in it, as well as their respective storage sizes. In Management Studio, I can right click on the catalog and go to its properties, which retrieves this data, so I know it exists somewhere. A query that has some of the information I need is below:
<Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
<Restrictions />
<Properties />
<Discover xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis">
<Restrictions />
<Properties />
Cube Name = <return><root><row><xars><Server><Databases><Database><Name>
Estimated Size = <return><root><row><xars><Server><Databases><Database><EstimatedSize>

SOAP call with query on result (SSRS, Sharepoint)

I created a report in VS using a shared data source which is connected to a sharepoint list. In the report I created a dataset with a SOAP call to the data source so I get the result from the sharepoint list in a table.
this is the soap call
<Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">
<Parameter Name="listName">
<Parameter Name="viewName">
<Parameter Name="rowLimit">
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>
THis works fine, I have a result which I can show in a report, but I want to have the ability to select a parameter to filter the result on. I have created a parameter and when I preview the Report I see the dropdownbox which I can use to make a selection from the Title field, when I do this it still shows the first record, obviously it doens't work yet (DUH!) because I need to create a query somewhere, But! I have no idea where, I tried to include
<FieldRef Name="ows_Title" />
<Value Type="Text">testValue</Value>
in the the soap request but it didn't worked... I've searched teh intarwebz but couldn't find any simliar problems... kinda stuck now...any thoughts on this?
Here's the query I used according to the blogpost Alex Angas linked.
<Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">
<FieldRef Name="ows_Title"/>
<Value Type="Text">someValue</Value>
<Parameter Name="listName">
<Parameter Name="viewName">
<Parameter Name="rowLimit">
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>
I tried to put the new query statement in every possible way in the existing, but it doesn't work at all, I do not get an error though so the code is valid, but I still get an unfiltered list as return... pulling my hair out here!
A post at:
Suggested using this syntax for placement of the <Query> node (this example is to retrieve the item with an ID of 1):
<Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">
<Parameter Name="listName">
<Parameter Name="query" Type="xml">
<FieldRef Name="ID"/>
<Value Type="Integer">1</Value>
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>
However this would give me the following error:
Failed to execute web request for the specified URL
With the following in the details:
Element <Query> of parameter query is missing or invalid
From looking at the SOAP message with Microsoft Network Monitor, it looks as though the <Query> node is getting escaped to <Query> etc, which is why it fails.
However, I was able to get this to work using the method described in Martin Kurek's response at:
So, I used this as my query:
<Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems">
<Parameter Name="listName">
<Parameter Name="query" Type="xml">
<ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath>
And then defined a parameter on the dataset named query, with the following value:
<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="ID"/><Value Type="Integer">1</Value></Eq></Where></Query>
I was also able to make my query dependent on a report parameter, by setting the query dataset parameter to the following expression:
="<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=""ID""/><Value Type=""Integer"">" &
Parameters!TaskID.Value &
See the question and answers for GetListItems Webservice ignores my query filter. This shows you how (and how not to) set up your SOAP call to include a query. You probably need to wrap your query with another <Query></Query>.
You have your FieldRef as
I believe it should just be Title.
When you get results from the SOAP request all your field name will begin with
Brilliant, thanks. This solution worked for queryOptions also.
In the Query:
<Parameter Name="queryOptions" Type="xml">
And in the parameters list of the dataset:
Name: queryOptions
Value: <QueryOptions><Folder>Shared Documents/MyFolder</Folder></QueryOptions>