Display dates as columns using pivot - sql

I have a table like this.
Id | Name | Date
1 | Syam | 2017-05-23 13:53:20.000
2 | Syam | 2017-05-22 13:53:20.000
3 | Syam | NULL
4 | Ram | 2017-05-23 13:53:20.000
5 | Ram | 2017-05-21 13:53:20.000
I need to find out the users who have submitted their log in 7 days prior to the specified date input by user.
The result will be like this
Input: 2017-05-28 13:53:20.000
Id | Name | 05/23/2017 tuesday | 05/22/2017 Monday | 05/21/2017
1 |Syam | True | true | False
2 |Ram | True | False | True
Can some one help me to do this. I think pivot can be used for this. But I am not familiar with that.

you can use pivot
select pvt.* from
select id,name,DATENAME(WEEKDAY, date1) as DayName from t
) as t1
(max(name) for DayName in ([Tuesday],[Monday],[Sunday] )) as pvt -- you can put 7days name here


SQL Server - Counting total number of days user had active contracts

I want to count the number of days while user had active contract based on table with start and end dates for each service contract. I want to count the time of any activity, no matter if the customer had 1 or 5 contracts active at same time.
| 1 | 14 | 18.02.2021 | 18.04.2022 |
| 1 | 13 | 02.01.2019 | 02.01.2020 |
| 1 | 12 | 01.01.2018 | 01.01.2019 |
| 1 | 11 | 13.02.2017 | 13.02.2019 |
| 2 | 23 | 19.06.2021 | 18.04.2022 |
| 2 | 22 | 01.07.2019 | 01.07.2020 |
| 2 | 21 | 19.01.2019 | 19.01.2020 |
In result I want a table:
| 1 | 1477 |
| 2 | 832 |
1477 stands by 1053 (days from 13.02.2017 to 02.01.2020 - user had active contracts during this time) + 424 (days from 18.02.2021 to 18.04.2022)
832 stands by 529 (days from 19.01.2019 to 01.07.2020) + 303 (days from 19.06.2021 to 18.04.2022).
I tried some queries with joins, datediff's, case when conditions but nothing worked. I'll be grateful for any help.
If you don't have a Tally/Numbers table (highly recommended), you can use an ad-hoc tally/numbers table
Example or dbFiddle
Select User_ID
,Days = count(DISTINCT dateadd(DAY,N,Start_Date))
from YourTable A
Join ( Select Top 10000 N=Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select NULL))
From master..spt_values n1, master..spt_values n2
) B
On N<=DateDiff(DAY,Start_Date,End_Date)
Group By User_ID
User_ID Days
1 1477
2 832

SQL: Get an aggregate (SUM) of a calculation of two fields (DATEDIFF) that has conditional logic (CASE WHEN)

I have a dataset that includes a bunch of stay data (at a hotel). Each row contains a start date and an end date, but no duration field. I need to get a sum of the durations.
Sample Data:
| Stay ID | Client ID | Start Date | End Date |
| 1 | 38 | 01/01/2018 | 01/31/2019 |
| 2 | 16 | 01/03/2019 | 01/07/2019 |
| 3 | 27 | 01/10/2019 | 01/12/2019 |
| 4 | 27 | 05/15/2019 | NULL |
| 5 | 38 | 05/17/2019 | NULL |
There are some added complications:
I am using Crystal Reports and this is a SQL Expression, which obeys slightly different rules. Basically, it returns a single scalar value. Here is some more info: http://www.cogniza.com/wordpress/2005/11/07/crystal-reports-using-sql-expression-fields/
Sometimes, the end date field is blank (they haven't booked out yet). If blank, I would like to replace it with the current timestamp.
I only want to count nights that have occurred in the past year. If the start date of a given stay is more than a year ago, I need to adjust it.
I need to get a sum by Client ID
I'm not actually any good at SQL so all I have is guesswork.
The proper syntax for a Crystal Reports SQL Expression is something like this:
And that's giving me the correct value for a single row, if I wanted to do this:
| Stay ID | Client ID | Start Date | End Date | Duration |
| 1 | 38 | 01/01/2018 | 01/31/2019 | 210 | // only days since June 4 2018 are counted
| 2 | 16 | 01/03/2019 | 01/07/2019 | 4 |
| 3 | 27 | 01/10/2019 | 01/12/2019 | 2 |
| 4 | 27 | 05/15/2019 | NULL | 21 |
| 5 | 38 | 05/17/2019 | NULL | 19 |
But I want to get the SUM of Duration per client, so I want this:
| Stay ID | Client ID | Start Date | End Date | Duration |
| 1 | 38 | 01/01/2018 | 01/31/2019 | 229 | // 210+19
| 2 | 16 | 01/03/2019 | 01/07/2019 | 4 |
| 3 | 27 | 01/10/2019 | 01/12/2019 | 23 | // 2+21
| 4 | 27 | 05/15/2019 | NULL | 23 |
| 5 | 38 | 05/17/2019 | NULL | 229 |
I've tried to just wrap a SUM() around my CASE but that doesn't work:
It gives me an error that the StayDateEnd is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. But I don't even know what that means, so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot, or where to go from here. And then the next step is to get the SUM by Client ID.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Although the explanation and data set are almost impossible to match, I think this is an approximation to what you want.
declare #your_data table (StayId int, ClientId int, StartDate date, EndDate date)
insert into #your_data values
;with data as (
select *,
when datediff(day,StartDate,getdate())>365 then dateadd(year,-1,getdate())
else StartDate
) days
from #your_data
select *,
sum(days) over (partition by ClientId)
from data
You need a subquery for sum based on group by client_id and a join between you table the subquery eg:
select Stay_id, client_id, Start_date, End_date, t.sum_duration
from your_table
inner join (
select Client_id,
END) sum_duration
from your_table
group by Client_id
) t on t.Client_id = your_table.client_id

Union in outer query

I'm attempting to combine multiple rows using a UNION but I need to pull in additional data as well. My thought was to use a UNION in the outer query but I can't seem to make it work. Or am I going about this all wrong?
The data I have is like this:
| ID | Time | Total | Weekday | Weekend |
| 1001 | AM | 5 | 5 | 0 |
| 1001 | AM | 2 | 0 | 2 |
| 1001 | AM | 4 | 1 | 3 |
| 1001 | AM | 5 | 3 | 2 |
| 1001 | PM | 5 | 3 | 2 |
| 1001 | PM | 5 | 5 | 0 |
| 1002 | PM | 4 | 2 | 2 |
| 1002 | PM | 3 | 3 | 0 |
| 1002 | PM | 1 | 0 | 1 |
What I want to see is like this:
| ID | DayType | Time | Tasks |
| 1001 | Weekday | AM | 9 |
| 1001 | Weekend | AM | 7 |
| 1001 | Weekday | PM | 8 |
| 1001 | Weekend | PM | 2 |
| 1002 | Weekday | PM | 5 |
| 1002 | Weekend | PM | 3 |
The closest I've come so far is using UNION statement like the following:
SELECT Weekday, 'Weekday' as 'DayType' FROM t1
SELECT Weekend, 'Weekend' as 'DayType' FROM t1
) AS X
Which results in something like the following:
| Weekday | DayType |
| 2 | Weekend |
| 0 | Weekday |
| 2 | Weekday |
| 0 | Weekend |
| 10 | Weekday |
I don't see any rhyme or reason as to what the numbers are under the 'Weekday' column, I suspect they're being grouped somehow. And of course there are several other columns missing, but since I can't put a large scope in the outer query with this as inner one, I can't figure out how to pull those in. Help is greatly appreciated.
It looks like you want to union all a pair of aggregation queries that use sum() and group by id, time, one for Weekday and one for Weekend:
select Id, DayType = 'Weekend', [time], Tasks=sum(Weekend)
from t
group by id, [time]
union all
select Id, DayType = 'Weekday', [time], Tasks=sum(Weekday)
from t
group by id, [time]
Try with this
select ID, 'Weekday' as DayType, Time, sum(Weekday)
from t1
group by ID, Time
union all
select ID, 'Weekend', Time, sum(Weekend)
from t1
group by ID, Time
order by order by 1, 3, 2
Not tested, but it should do the trick. It may require 2 proc sql steps for the calculation, one for summing and one for the case when statements. If you have extra lines, just use a max statement and group by ID, Time, type_day.
Proc sql; create table want as select ID, Time,
sum(weekday) as weekdayTask,
sum(weekend) as weekendTask,
case when calculated weekdaytask>0 then weekdaytask
when calculated weekendtask>0 then weekendtask else .
end as Task,
case when calculated weekdaytask>0 then "Weekday"
when calculated weekendtask>0 then "Weekend"
end as Day_Type
from have
group by ID, Time
Proc sql; create table want2 as select ID, Time, Day_Type, Task
from want

SQL Server : how many days each item was in each state

Given a table that stores every revision for every item.
For example:
| ItemId | Revision | PreviousState | State | DateChanged |
| 1 | 1 | NULL | New | 2014-11-13 10:00:00 |
| 1 | 2 | New | Active | 2014-11-15 10:00:00 |
| 1 | 3 | Active | New | 2014-11-17 10:00:00 |
| 1 | 4 | New | Active | 2014-11-19 10:00:00 |
| 1 | 5 | New | Active | 2014-11-20 10:00:00 |
| 1 | 6 | Active | Closed | 2014-11-22 10:00:00 |
| 2 | 1 | NULL | New | 2014-11-13 10:00:00 |
| 2 | 2 | New | Active | 2014-11-16 10:00:00 |
| 2 | 3 | Active | Closed | 2014-11-17 10:00:00 |
| 2 | 4 | Closed | Active | 2014-11-19 10:00:00 |
| 2 | 5 | Active | Closed | 2014-11-21 10:00:00 |
I need to calculate how many days each item was in each state (except 'Close').
Result should be like this:
| ItemId | New | Active |
| 1 | 4 | 5 |
| 2 | 3 | 3 |
I tried to use two approaches - GROUP BY and nested cursors.
Using cursors (especially nested cursors) is a bad practice. And the are very slow.
GROUP BY also won't work because there is no strict order of states (New -> Active -> Closed). It could be chaotic New -> Active -> Closed -> Active -> Closed -> New -> Closed.
I don't see any other way to calculate it without iterating all the records and comparing states.
Is there any solution?
Thanks in advance.
This gives you the same results you're asking for, in a slightly different format (but you can easily find PIVOT solutions if you need the exact same result set):
declare #t table (ItemId int,Revision int,State varchar(19),DateChanged datetime2)
insert into #t(ItemId,Revision,State,DateChanged) values
(1,1,'New', '2014-11-13T10:00:00'),
(1,3,'New', '2014-11-17T10:00:00'),
(2,1,'New', '2014-11-13T10:00:00'),
;With Joined as (
select t1.ItemId,t1.State,DATEDIFF(day,t1.DateChanged,t2.DateChanged) as Days
#t t1
inner join
#t t2
t1.ItemId = t2.ItemId and
t1.Revision = t2.Revision -1
select ItemId,State,SUM(Days)
from Joined
where State <> 'Closed'
group by ItemId,State
ItemId State
----------- ------------------- -----------
1 Active 5
1 New 4
2 Active 3
2 New 3
Note that I'm ignoring the PreviousState column from your question and am instead constructing Joined because what really matters is when the next state came into effect.
Issues not dealt with because you've not described them in your question: 1) What to do if the current final state isn't Closed - i.e. do we ignore that, or count until today?, and 2) What to do if the time of day for each DateChanged isn't the same - do we have to handle partial days?
Personally I like the CTE from [Damien_The_Unbeliever], I need to use them more often. Using inner joins I basically do the same thing the add a pivot wrapper around the results to get what you are looking for: (replace #t for your real table name)
SELECT ItemId , [New],[Active]
ItemId as ItemLink,
Revision + 1 AS RevLink ,
DateChanged AS LASTDATE ,
State AS LASTSTATE from #t
) AS L ON T.ItemId = L.ItemLink AND T.Revision = L.RevLink
) AS P PIVOT ( SUM(D) FOR LASTSTATE IN ([New],[Active],[Closed])) AS DATA

SQL Combine two tables with two parameters

I searched forum for 1h and didn't find nothing similar.
I have this problem: I want to compare two colums ID and DATE if they are the same in both tables i want to put number from table 2 next to it. But if it is not the same i want to fill yearly quota on the date. I am working in Access.
I want to get:
table 3
I tried joins and reading forums but didn't find solution.
Are you looking for this?
SELECT id, date, state_on_date,
SELECT TOP 1 year_quantity
FROM table2
WHERE id = t.id
AND date >= t.date
) AS year_quantity
FROM table1 t
| 1 | 2013-12-30 | 23 | 100 |
| 1 | 2013-12-31 | 25 | 100 |
| 1 | 2014-01-01 | 35 | 150 |
| 1 | 2014-01-02 | 12 | 150 |
| 2 | 2013-12-30 | 34 | 200 |
| 2 | 2013-12-31 | 65 | 200 |
| 2 | 2014-01-01 | 43 | 300 |
Here is SQLFiddle demo It's for SQL Server but should work just fine in MS Accesss.