return template interpolation within ternary operator in angular 5 - angular5

How do achieve following in angular 5 template:
<h6>{{userWalletData.BTCWalletBalance ? {{userWalletData.BTCWalletBalance}} BTC = {{userWalletData.BTCWalletBalanceInFiat}} : 'Fetching balance...'}}</h6>

You can use Angular's *ngIf in the template to achieve it.
<h6 *ngIf="userWalletData.BTCWalletBalance != undefined && userWalletData.BTCWalletBalanceInFiat != undefined; else fetching_balance">{{userWalletData.BTCWalletBalance}} BTC = {{userWalletData.BTCWalletBalanceInFiat}}</h6>
<ng-template #fetching_balance><span>Fetching balance...</span></ng-template>
hope it helps!


Razor-Pages - HTML markup

Following the answer on this post I was using #:<div class="col-md-6">
The Formatting gets all messed up:
The intellicode gets all messed up (I only deleted the paragraph on the second #:)
Also, my if (i == (Model.CellsNotStarted.Count - 1) && i % 2 != 0) won't work when using the #:; it will always go on the else. If I don't use the #: markup, and if I, for instance put all my html in a if/else instead of only the <div> tag it will work with no problems.
My question is:
Is the #: markup viable? If so, what am I doing wrong. If not what is the alternative (that does not imply putting my entire code in an if/else)
PS: I know I should not post images of code, but I wanted to show the format and syntax errors.
There are neater ways to manage conditions within your Razor code. It's difficult to provide a full example because you don't provide the full code, but you can do this, for example:
<div class="col-md-#(i+1 == Model.CellsNotStarted.Count && i % 2 ! = 0 ? "12" : "6")">
Whenever you are tempted to use a remainder operator (%) in Razor, you should also consider whether a GroupBy would be better. It most often is, as I was shown in this question: Building tables with WebMatrix
You can try to use js to set html.Here is a demo:
<div id="myDiv"></div>
$(function () {
var html = "";
if ("#(Model.CellsNotStarted != null)"=="True")
for (var i = 0; i <#Model.CellsNotStarted.Count; i++)
if (i == (#Model.CellsNotStarted.Count - 1) && i % 2 != 0)
html += '<div class="col-md-12">';
html += '<div class="col-md-6">';
html += i+'</div>';

Refreshing Vuetify V-Calendar with new events hide the events in the "Month" view

Currently developing an appointment-making application using a C# API in Vue.js with Vuetify, I encounter a behaviour with the component V-Calendar I can't comprehend. When originally feeding events to the calendar (appointments retrieved from a database by contacting the API), those events are correctly displayed as followed :
Original calendar loading
The query originally ignores cancelled appointments. However, I give the option to include them with a checkbox in the calendar header. Checking the box automatically refreshes the list of events through a watcher. When doing so, the calendar has a strange behaviour and does no longer display the events. This only occurs in the "Month" view, the "Day" and "Week" ones correctly display the data.
Result of refreshing the calendar
Here is the definition of my calendar (programming in french, translated in english the variables/methods for your easier understanding)
<v-calendar ref="calendar"
event-more-text="Show more"
<template #event="event">
<div v-if="event.eventParsed.input.idEtat === etats.annule"><s><i>{{
<div>{{ }}</div>
The definition of the updateRange method (called once when the page is loaded in the created() hook)
async updateRange({start, end}) {
this.currentDateDebut =;
this.currentDateFin =;
await this.refreshCalendarData();
The definition of the refreshCalendar method
async refreshCalendarData() {
this.loading = true;
const events = []
//Récupération des rendez-vous
await this.getRendezVous(this.currentDateDebut, this.currentDateFin);
this.rendezVous = await this.$store.getters["rendezVous/getRendezVousData"];
for (let i = 0; i < this.rendezVous.length; i++) {
const calculImcPossible = (this.rendezVous[i].taille != null && this.rendezVous[i].taille > 0) &&
(this.rendezVous[i].poids != null && this.rendezVous[i].poids > 0);
const calculImc = calculImcPossible
? (Math.round(this.rendezVous[i].poids / ((this.rendezVous[i].taille / 100) * (this.rendezVous[i].taille / 100)) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)
: null;
const libelleImc = this.getLibelleImc(calculImc);
id: this.rendezVous[i].id,
idInstitution: this.rendezVous[i].idInstitution,
name: this.heureCourte(this.rendezVous[i].date) + " | Appointment",
start: new Date(this.rendezVous[i].date),
end: new Date(new Date(this.rendezVous[i].date).getTime() + 15 * 60000),
color: this.rendezVous[i].institution.color,
timed: true,
taille: this.rendezVous[i].taille != null && this.rendezVous[i].taille > 0
? this.rendezVous[i].taille + "cm"
: "indéfinie",
poids: this.rendezVous[i].poids != null && this.rendezVous[i].poids > 0
? this.rendezVous[i].poids + "kg"
: "indéfini",
sexe: this.rendezVous[i].patient.sexe,
imc: calculImc != null ? (calculImc + " (" + libelleImc + ")") : "non-déterminé",
nom: this.rendezVous[i].patient.nom + " " + this.rendezVous[i].patient.prenom,
telephone: this.rendezVous[i].patient.telephone != null ? this.rendezVous[i].patient.telephone : "-",
email: this.rendezVous[i] != null ? this.rendezVous[i] : "-",
commentaire: this.rendezVous[i].commentaire,
regime: this.rendezVous[i].regime,
hospitalisation: this.rendezVous[i].hospitalisation,
contagieux: this.rendezVous[i].contagieux,
incontinent: this.rendezVous[i].incontinent,
naissance: this.dateCourte(this.rendezVous[i].patient.naissance),
diabete: this.rendezVous[i].diabete.type,
examen: this.rendezVous[i].examen.nom,
idEtat: this.rendezVous[i].idEtat,
idPatient: this.rendezVous[i].idPatient,
typeEvent: "rendez-vous",
editable: this.rendezVous[i].editable
And finally, the definition of the watcher showCancalledAppointments
async showCancelledAppointments() {
await this.refreshCalendarData();
Do you have any idea why this behaviour is displayed by the calendar ? Thank you for your time and help.
Updating the solution with the command 'npm update' fixed the problem. The latest version of Vuetify seems to solve the issue

[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "colspan" in bootstrapvue

I am using BootstrapVue in my Vuejs project, I face a weired issue "Invalid prop" with b-table-simple componentinb-thead table helper I bind colspan with array length which always gives a number, and it works fine but it generates console warning message:
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "colspan".
found in
---> <BTh>
<NationalTrends> at resources/js/components/trends/NationalTrends.vue
<Trends> at resources/js/components/trends/Trends.vue
When I put number (4 or any other number) it works fine without generating the warning in the console.
Below is my code:
<b-table-simple hover small caption-top responsive striped>
<caption>Commodity Trends</caption>
<b-thead head-variant="light">
<b-th>Current Month</b-th>
<b-th :colspan="selected_periods.length">Previous Period</b-th>
<b-th :colspan="selected_periods.length">% Change From the Previous Period</b-th>
<b-th :colspan="selected_periods.length" class="text-center">Direction of Change</b-th>
Please help, I spent one hour trying to figure out whats the problem but no luck......
Try to use like this:
:colspan="selected_periods.length > 0 ? selected_periods.length : 1"
Please check selected_periods.length against that custom validator (see bootstrap-vue source)
const digitsRx = /^\d+$/
// Parse a rowspan or colspan into a digit (or null if < 1 or NaN)
const parseSpan = val => {
val = parseInt(val, 10)
return digitsRx.test(String(val)) && val > 0 ? val : null
/* istanbul ignore next */
const spanValidator = val => isUndefinedOrNull(val) || parseSpan(val) > 0
export const isUndefined = val => val === undefined
export const isNull = val => val === null
export const isUndefinedOrNull = val => isUndefined(val) || isNull(val)
I managed to remove the warning by adding a default value if null (which will not happen in my code) as below:
<b-th :colspan="selected_periods.length || 4">Previous Period</b-th>
<b-th :colspan="selected_periods.length || 4">% Change From the Previous Period</b-th>
<b-th :colspan="selected_periods.length || 4" class="text-center">Direction of Change</b-th>

Insert an if statement in go tmpl range

In my project, in the index.tmpl file is the range function defined: {{ range $index, $jb := .Jailbreaks }} which iterates through the Jailbreaks array.
I was wondering if there is a way to check if the $index is on a defined position. So for this I tried {{ if $index == 0 }} but on compiling I get the error
Error rendering index template: template: index.tmpl:63: unexpected "=" in operand
Do I have to define a function in the main.go file to complete this task?
I am working with this project for everyone who is wondering.
You are looking for {{ if eq $index 0 }}. See and

How to add data-attributes to a Bootstrap Treeview?

I am using bootstrap-treeview 1.2.0 (from Jon Miles).
My goal is to add custom data-attributes to my list items' markup, e.g.
<li class="list-group-item node-tree" data-id="100" data-type="user" ...>
I tried to follow these instructions see here and here is part of my JSON:
[{"text":"Root","icon":null,"data-id":1,"data-type":"branch","nodes":[{"text":"Steve","icon":null,"data-id":17, "data-type":"user","nodes":...
To me the JSON looks good. But none of my data-attributes gets rendered in the markup.
Any ideas?
Sorry, I see it's too late. I searched about this and couldn't find anything. But you can
change bootstrap-treeview.js file a bit. There is some attribute set code in buildTree function. It's looking like this:
Tree.prototype.buildTree = function (nodes, level) {
if (!nodes) return;
level += 1;
var _this = this;
$.each(nodes, function addNodes(id, node) {
var treeItem = $(_this.template.item)
.addClass('node-' + _this.elementId)
.addClass(node.state.checked ? 'node-checked' : '')
.addClass(node.state.disabled ? 'node-disabled': '')
.addClass(node.state.selected ? 'node-selected' : '')
.addClass(node.searchResult ? 'search-result' : '')
.attr('data-nodeid', node.nodeId)
.attr('style', _this.buildStyleOverride(node));
......................SOME CODES ........SOME CODES..........................}
You can add :
.attr('data-type', node.dataType)
.attr('data-id', node.dataId)
And then change the object(json) like this:
[{"text":"Steve","icon":null,"dataId":17, "dataType":"user","nodes":...
The link provided simply instructs how to expand the node object with additional properties. There is no correlation between a node's properties and the attributes assigned in HTML.
You might want to do something like this:
var allNodes = $('#tree').treeview('getNodes);
$(allNodes).each(function(index, element) {