How do I programmatically build Eloquent queries based on a custom data structure saved in a persistent storage? - sql

I'm building a reporting tool for my Laravel app that will allow users to create reports and save them for later use.
Users will be able to select from a pre-defined list to modify the query, then run the report and save it.
Having never done this before, I was just wondering if it is ok to save the query in the database? This would allow the user to select a saved report and execute the query.

One approach that would be easier / more robust than the suggested approach of saving queries to the database would be build a Controller that constructs the queries based on user input.
You could validate server side that the query parameters match the predefined list of options and then use Eloquent's QueryBuilder to programatically build the queries.
Actual code examples are hard to provide based off of your question however, as it's very broad and doesn't contain any specific examples.

You essentially need to build a converter between your storage mechanism and your data model in PHP. A code example would not add much value because you need to build it based on your needs.
You need to build a data structure (ideally using JSON in this case, since it's powerful enough for this) that defines all the query elements in a way that your business logic is able to read and convert in Eloquent queries.
I have done something similar in the past but for some simple scenarios, like defining variables for queries, instead of actual query elements.
This is how I'd do it, for example:
table: 'users',
type: 'SELECT',
fields: ['firstname AS fName', 'lastname AS lName'],
wheres: [
is_admin: false,
is_registered: true
converts to:
->where('is_admin', false)
->where('is_registered', true)
->get(['firstname AS fName', 'lastname AS lName']);
which converts to:
SELECT firstname AS fName, lastname AS lName WHERE is_admin = false AND is_registered = true

Here's an answer about Saving Report Parameters to a db but from a SQL Server Report Service (SSRS) angle.
But it's still a generic enough EAV structure to work for any parameter datatype (strings, ints, dates, etc.).
You might want to skip Eloquent and use mysql stored procedures. Then you only need to save the list of parameters you'd pass to each.
Like the preferred output type (e.g. .pdf, .xlsx, .html), and who to email it to, and who has permission to run it.


How to query documents in MarkLogic and process results

I've been working off of the tutorial pages but seem to have a fundamental disconnect in my thinking transitioning off of RDBMS systems. I'm using MarkLogic and handling this database interaction through the Java API focusing on the search access via POJO method outlines in the tutorial documentation.
My reference up to this point has come from here principally:
My scenario is this:
I have a series of documents. We'll call them 'books' for simplicity. I'm writing these books into my DB like this:
jsonDocMgr.write("/" + book.getID() + "/",
new StringHandle(
"{name: \""+book.getID()+"\","+
"chaps: "+ book.getNumChaps()+","+
"pages: "+ book.getNumPages()+","+
What I want is to execute the following type of operation:
-Query all documents with the name "book*" (as ID is represented by book0, book1, book2, etc)
where chaps > 3. For these documents only, I want to modify the number of pages by reducing by half.
In an RDBMS, I'd use something like jdbcTemplate and get a result set for me to iterate through. For each iteration I'd know I was working with a single record (aka a book), parse the field values from the result set, make a note of the ID, then update the DB accordingly.
With MarkLogic, I'm awash in a sea of different handlers and managers...none of which seems to follow the pattern of the ResultSet with a cursor abstraction. Ultimately I want to do a two-step operation of check the chapter count then update the page field for that specific URI.
What's the most common approach to this? It seems like the most basic of operations...
Try the high-level Java API and see if it works for you. Create a multi-statement transaction with a query by example, then use document operations.
At a lower level, the closest match to a ResultSet is the ResultSequence class. The examples at are pretty good. For updates the interaction model between Java and MarkLogic is a bit different from JDBC and SQL. There is no SELECT... FOR UPDATE syntax.
The most efficient low-level technique is to select and update in one XQuery transaction, something like a stored procedure. However this requires good knowledge of XQuery. The other low-level approach is to use an XCC multi-statement transaction, which requires a little less knowledge of XQuery.
A minor issue in your code ... you definately do NOT want to end your JSON docuement URIs with "/" as you do in your sample code. You should end them with the ".json" or some other extension or no extension but definately not "/" as that is treated specially in the server.

What must be escaped in SQL?

When using SQL in conjunction with another language what data must be escaped? I was just reading the question here and it was my understanding that only data from the user must be escaped.
Also must all SQL statements be escaped? e.g. INSERT, UPDATE and SELECT
EVERY type of query in SQL must be properly escaped. And not only "user" data. It's entirely possible to inject YOURSELF if you're not careful.
e.g. in pseudo-code:
$name = sql_get_query("SELECT lastname FROM sometable");
sql_query("INSERT INTO othertable (badguy) VALUES ('$name')");
That data never touched the 'user', it was never submitted by the user, but it's still a vulnerability - consider what happens if the user's last name is O'Brien.
Most programming languages provide code for connecting to databases in a uniform way (for example JDBC in Java and DBI in Perl). These provide automatic techniques for doing any necessary escaping using Prepared Statements.
All SQL queries should be properly sanitized and there are various ways of doing it.
You need to prevent the user from trying to exploit your code using SQL Injection.
Injections can be made in various ways, for example through user input, server variables and cookie modifications.
Given a query like:
"SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE username= <user input> "
If the user input is not escaped, the user could do something like
' or '1'='1
Executing the query with this input will actually make it always true, possibly exposing sensitive data to the attacker. But there are many other, much worse scenarios injection can be used for.
You should take a look at the OWASP SQL Injection Guide. They have a nice overview of how to prevent those situations and various ways of dealing with it.
I also think it largely depends on what you consider 'user data' to be or indeed orignate from. I personally consider user data as data available (even if this is only through exploitations) in the public domain, i.e. can be changed by 'a' user even if it's not 'the' user.
Marc B makes a good point however that in certain circumstances you may dirty your own data, so I guess it's always better to be safer than sorry in regards to sql data.
I would note that in regards to direct user input (i.e. from web forms, etc) you should always have an additional layer server side validation before the data even gets near a sql query.

Manipulate data in the DB query or in the code

How do you decide on which side you perform your data manipulation when you can either do it in the code or in the query ?
When you need to display a date in a specific format for example. Do you retrieve the desired format directly in the sql query or you retrieve the date then format it through the code ?
What helps you to decide : performance, best practice, preference in SQL vs the code language, complexity of the task... ?
All things being equal I prefer to do any manipulation in code. I try to return data as raw as possible so its usuable by a larger base of consumers. If its very specialized, maybe a report, then I may do manipulation on the SQL side.
Another instance where I prefer to do manipulation on the SQL side is if it can be done set based.
If its not set based, and looping would be involved, then I would do the manipulation in code.
Basically let the database do what its good at, otherwise do it in code.
Formatting is a UI issue, it is not 'manipulation'.
My answer is the reverse of everyone else's.
If you are going to have to apply the same formatting logic (the same holds true for calculation logic) in more than one place in your application, or in separate applications, I would encapsulate the formatting in a view inside the database and SELECT from the view. You do not need to hide the original data, that can also be available. But by putting the logic into the database view you're making it trivially easy to have consistent formatting across modules and applications.
For instance, a Customer table would have an associated view CustomerEx with a MailingAddress derived column that would format the various parts of the address as required, combining city, state, and zip and compressing out blank lines, etc. My application code SELECTs against the CustomerEx view for addresses. If I extend my data model with, say, an Apt# field or to handle international addresses, I only need to change that single view. I do not need to change, or even recompile, my application.
I would never (ever) specify any formatting in the query itself. That is up to the consumer to decide how to format. All data manipulation should be done at the client side, except for bulk operations.
If it is just formatting and will not always need to be the same formatting, I'd do it in the application which is likely to do this faster.
However the fastest formatting is the one that is done only once, so if it is a standard format that I alawys want to use (say displaying American phone numbers as (###)###-#### ) then I'll store the data in the database in that format (this still may involve the application code, but onthe insert not the select). This is especially true if you might need to reformat a million records for a report. If you have several formats, you might considered calculated columns (we have one for full name and one for lastname, firstname and our raw data is firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix) or triggers to persist the data. In general I say store the data the way you need to see it if you can keep it in the appropriate data type for the real manipulations you need to do such as datemath or regular math for money values.
About the only thing that I do in a query that could probably be done in code also is converting the datetimes to the user's time zone.
MySQL's CONVERT_TZ() function is easy to use and accurate. I store all of my datetimes in UTC, and retrieve them in the user's time zone. Daylight savings rules change. This is especially important for client applications since relying on the native library relies on the fact that the user has updated their OS.
Even for server side code, like a web server, I only have to update a few tables to get the latest time zone data instead of updating the OS on the server.
Other than those types of issues, it's probably best to distribute most functions to the application server or client rather than making your database the bottleneck. Application servers are easier to scale than database servers.
If you can write a stored procedure or something that might start with a large dataset, do some inexpensive calculations or simple iteration to return a single row or value, then it probably makes sense to do it on the server to save from sending large datasets over the wire. So, if the processing is inexpensive, why not have the database return just what you need?
In the case of the date column, I'd save the full date in the DB and when I return it I specify in code how I'd like to show it to the user. This way you can ignore the time part or even change the order of the date parts when you show it in a datagrid for example: mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy or only mm/yyyy.

Database : best way to model a spreadsheet

I am trying to figure out the best way to model a spreadsheet (from the database point of view), taking into account :
The spreadsheet can contain a variable number of rows.
The spreadsheet can contain a variable number of columns.
Each column can contain one single value, but its type is unknown (integer, date, string).
It has to be easy (and performant) to generate a CSV file containing the data.
I am thinking about something like :
class Cell(models.Model):
column = models.ForeignKey(Column)
row_number = models.IntegerField()
value = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Column(models.Model):
spreadsheet = models.ForeignKey(Spreadsheet)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Spreadsheet(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
creation_date = models.DateField()
Can you think about a better way to model a spreadsheet ? My approach allows to store the data as a String. I am worried about it being too slow to generate the CSV file.
from a relational viewpoint:
Spreadsheet <-->> Cell : RowId, ColumnId, ValueType, Contents
there is no requirement for row and column to be entities, but you can if you like
Databases aren't designed for this. But you can try a couple of different ways.
The naiive way to do it is to do a version of One Table To Rule Them All. That is, create a giant generic table, all types being (n)varchars, that has enough columns to cover any forseeable spreadsheet. Then, you'll need a second table to store metadata about the first, such as what Column1's spreadsheet column name is, what type it stores (so you can cast in and out), etc. Then you'll need triggers to run against inserts that check the data coming in and the metadata to make sure the data isn't corrupt, etc etc etc. As you can see, this way is a complete and utter cluster. I'd run screaming from it.
The second option is to store your data as XML. Most modern databases have XML data types and some support for xpath within queries. You can also use XSDs to provide some kind of data validation, and xslts to transform that data into CSVs. I'm currently doing something similar with configuration files, and its working out okay so far. No word on performance issues yet, but I'm trusting Knuth on that one.
The first option is probably much easier to search and faster to retrieve data from, but the second is probably more stable and definitely easier to program against.
It's times like this I wish Celko had a SO account.
You may want to study EAV (Entity-attribute-value) data models, as they are trying to solve a similar problem.
Entity-Attribute-Value - Wikipedia
The best solution greatly depends of the way the database will be used. Try to find a couple of top use cases you expect and then decide the design. For example if there is no use case to get the value of a certain cell from database (the data is always loaded at row level, or even in group of rows) then is no need to have a 'cell' stored as such.
That is a good question that calls for many answers, depending how you approach it, I'd love to share an opinion with you.
This topic is one the various we searched about at Zenkit, we even wrote an article about, we'd love your opinion on it:

Converting SQL Result Sets to XML

I am looking for a tool that can serialize and/or transform SQL Result Sets into XML. Getting dumbed down XML generation from SQL result sets is simple and trivial, but that's not what I need.
The solution has to be database neutral, and accepts only regular SQL query results (no db xml support used). A particular challenge of this tool is to provide nested XML matching any schema from row based results. Intermediate steps are too slow and wasteful - this needs to happen in one single step; no RS->object->XML, preferably no RS->XML->XSLT->XML. It must support streaming due to large result sets, big XML.
Anything out there for this?
With SQL Server you really should consider using the FOR XML construct in the query.
If you're using .Net, just use a DataAdapter to fill a dataset. Once it's in a dataset, just use its .WriteXML() method. That breaks your DB->object->XML rule, but it's really how things are done. You might be able to work something out with a datareader, but I doubt it.
Not that I know of. I would just roll my own. It's not that hard to do, maybe something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env jruby
import java.sql.DriverManager
# TODO some magic to load the driver
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(ARGV[0], ARGV[1], ARGV[2])
res = conn.executeQuery ARGV[3]
puts "<result>"
meta = res.meta_data
puts "<row>"
for n in 1..meta.column_count
column = meta.getColumnName n
puts "<#{column}>#{res.getString(n)}</#{column}"
puts "</row>"
puts "</result>"
Disclaimer: I just made all of that up, I'm not even bothering to pretend that it works. :-)
In .NET you can fill a dataset from any source and then it can write that out to disk for you as XML with or without the schema. I can't say what performance for large sets would be like. Simple :)
Another option, depending on how many schemas you need to output, and/or how dynamic this solution is supposed to be, would be to actually write the XML directly from the SQL statement, as in the following simple example...
'<Record>' ||
'<name>' || name || '</name>' ||
'<address>' || address || '</address>' ||
You would have to prepend and append the document element, but I think this example is easy enough to understand.
dbunit ( does go from sql to xml and vice versa; you might be able to modify it more for your needs.
Technically, converting a result set to an XML file is straight forward and doesn't need any tool unless you have a requirement to convert the data structure to fit specific export schema. In general the result set gets the top-level element of an XML file, then you produce a number of record elements containing attributes, which effectively are the fields of a record.
When it comes to Java, for example, you just need appropriate JDBC driver for interfacing with DBMS of your choice addressing the database independency requirement (usually provided by a DBMS vendor), and a few lines of code to read a result set and print out an XML string per record, per field. Not a difficult task for an average Java developer in my opinion.
Anyway, the more concrete purpose you state the more concrete answer you get.
In Java, you may just fill an object with the xml data (like an entity bean) and then use XMLEncoder to get it to xml. From there you may use XSLT for further conversion or XMLDecoder to bring it back to an object.
Greetz, GHad
PS: See for an example for the Object to XML part... From DB to Object multiple more way are possible: JDBC, Groovy DataSets or GORM. Apache Common Beans may help to fill up JavaBeans via Reflection-like methods.
I created a solution to this problem by using the equivalent of a mail merge using the resultset as the source, and a template through which it was merged to produce the desired XML.
The template was standard XML, with a Header element, a Footer element and a Body element. Using a CDATA block in the Body element allowed me to include a complete XML structure that acted as the template for each row. In order to include a fields from the resultset in the template, I used markers that looked like this <[FieldName]>. The template was then pre-parsed to isolate the markers such that in operation, the template requests each of the fields from the resultset as the Body is being produced.
The Header and Footer elements are output only once at the beginning and end of the output set. The body could be any XML or text structure desired. In your case, it sounds like you might have several templates, one for each of your desired schemas.
All of the above was encapsulated in a Template class, such that after loading the Template, I merely called merge() on the template passing the resultset in as a parameter.