Vue.js - How to pass non-reactive data to child components - vue.js

I know we can pass data to child components via Props. But it is reactive in one-way data flow mode. If the value of the data is changed in Parent component, it also has effect (update) on props in Child component.
In my case, I don't want to get update on specific prop in Child component even if that data in the Parent component is changed. It is because Child component will only responsible to show the data. But the data in the Parent Component still has to be reactive in Parent Scope.
I've read some forum article that suggest to use like Json. I feel it is a little dirty way and the data in my case is just one string.
Is there anyways to achieve that kind of solution?

You could copy the reactive prop in the created hook of the child component. The copy would not be reactive e.g.
export default {
props: {
reactive: Object
data: () => ({
nonreactive: null
created() {
this.nonreactive = Object.assign({}, this.reactive)
Note: the way you copy the reactive prop will depend on the data type, the way I've shown will work for objects.

Maybe u can check this one
VueJS render once into an element
use v-once on your child component

Use prop as data property in child component. please see the fiddle link:
link here
Vue.component('greeting', {
props: ['user'],
return {
template: '<h1>hi {{ newuser }}</h1>'


Why aren't there props for child -> parent and $emits for parent -> child?

I have a page with a component and the page needs to access a variable in that component. Would be nice if it were reactive. Then from the page I need to activate a function in the component. Would be nice if it could be done without a reactive variable. My question is 1: what's the best way to activate the function from the parent, for example when I click a button and 2: it seems very unintuitive and random to me that they aren't both possible in both directions? Anyone maybe know how Vue suggest you do it? This whole thing seems so complex relative to the relatively simple thing I'm trying to do.
I guess I try to use props? Or are refs a better option here?
So in general: you use refs, if you need the dom element, that's the whole purpose of refs. Since you don't mention that you n ed the dom element, you don't need to use that here.
There are 3 ways of communication: parent to child via props:
child to parent via events
and anyone to anyone via event bus, which need an extra lib in vue3 and is out of scope for your question
If you want to execute a function in the component whenever the value changes, you can put a watcher on the prop.
The other way around, from child to parent, you just create a listener to your emitted event and invoke a function of your choice. There are good examples in the docs in my opinion.
As per my understanding, You want to trigger the child component method from the Parent component without passing any prop as a input parameter and in same way you want to access child component data in the parent component without $emit. If Yes, You can simply achieve this using $refs.
You can attach the ref to the child component and then access it's variables and methods with the help of this $refs.
Live Demo (Just for a demo purpose I am using Vue 2, You can make the changes as per Vue 3) :
Vue.component('child', {
data: {
childVar: ''
methods: {
triggerEventInChildFromParent() {
console.log('Child Function triggered from Parent');
mounted() {
this.childVar = 'Child component variable'
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
triggerEventInChild() {
mounted() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="triggerEventInChild">
Button in Parent
<child ref="child"></child>

Vue 2. How get child value throuth v-model binding

I'm using v-model in custom component, but when I try to get the data(value props) of the child component in the parent component, then I get the old value, although the data in the parent has changed. If I get the data of the child component through setTimeout, then I get the data I need. How do I synchronize the v-model #input event and the data I receive from the child element in the parent?
This is the logic: there are AppForm(parent) component and AppSelect(child) component. I'm binding v-model on AddSelect, and I follow the changes through watch() { v-model-data }. Then v-model data has changed I call method, which iterates through the list of children and gets the value prop of AppSelect component, but this value is old.
Short example:
You're trying to get the child component's prop inside a watcher watching the data property that the prop is bounded to. Of course, the watcher triggers first, then the data is passed onto the child component and the prop is updated. Its not a good design if you are relying on the order that Vue events and functions are fired, but if you must, you can use vm.$nextTick() function to get values after everything is synced.
watch: {
selectData(newV, oldV) {
alert("Select data from parent component: " + newV);
this.$nextTick(() => {
alert("Show select data after 2sec");
}, 2000);
Although, I'd suggest you shift the watcher inside the child component and access the data prop there.

What is proper component composition and use of props in Vue.js?

I'm struggling with this concept in vue.js..
I'm assuming that a component in Vue is an entity with some (html) representation and internal data or state. The component can then change it's internal data based on user's interaction with the template and inform the 'outer world' about its internal changes via events.
But then to put the component in context of the application as a whole most components need to receive data from the 'outer world' which would be done via props. So for a component to be useful it most often needs to change not only it's internal state but also some data it was given from the outer context - but props cannot be mutated directly. The internal data is for the internal working of the component but the real purpose of a component is to transform the data in props.
Lets say we have a component which is, via props, given an object representing a user profile for instance. The role of the component is to let the user edit their profile.
- to avoid mutating the prop (or a subproperties of the prop), i'd add a local copy of the prop which the component could work with freely - but i'd also have to add a watch to update the local copy every time the prop gets updated by the parent via v-bind.
<input v-model=""/>
export default {
props: {
userProfile: {
type: Object,
required: true
data: function () {
return {
localUserProfile: this.userProfile
watch: {
userProfile (newVal) { this.localUserProfile = newVal }
I could replace the watch with a computed property based on the given prop and let the component work over the computed property but then where to assign the edited values? Use the computed property's setter and 'emit' on changes?
Both these cases seem like a lot of extra code for a very common and repetitive task. What are some other common approaches to this? Are any of my assumptions wrong?
You should not update the prop from the children component :
All props form a one-way-down binding between the child property and the parent one: when the parent property updates, it will flow down to the child, but not the other way around. This prevents child components from accidentally mutating the parent’s state, which can make your app’s data flow harder to understand.
In addition, every time the parent component is updated, all props in the child component will be refreshed with the latest value. This means you should not attempt to mutate a prop inside a child component. If you do, Vue will warn you in the console.
You can read more about it here
If you have no other solution than updating if from the children component, it might be worth thinking about a different data flow strategy or design. (Components Basics)

vuejs pass model from parent component to children component and allow mutation

Currently I have a vue-multiselect component which requires a v-model.
I want to wrap this component so that I can build one single-select component and one multi-select component.
While working on the single select component I encountered the following warning
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "model"
They are right but in my case I really need to change the value from the parent (like I replace my single-select code with the vue-multiselect code) component and I also do not want this warning.
Here is the code for my component:
Vue.component('single-select', {
props: {
model: {
required: true
template: '<multiselect\n' +
' v-model="model"\n' +
...>\n' +
One solution would be to pass a function as a model parameter and return the field from the parent but I really hope for a better solution.
Vue has a shortcut for 2 way binding called .sync modifier.
How it works in your case:
add .sync when you pass model as prop
<single-select :model.sync="..."></single-select>
emit an update:model in the child's input event
Vue.component('single-select', {
props: {
model: {
required: true
template: `<multiselect :value="model" #input="$emit('update:model', $event)"> </multiselect>`
Just give the internal model reference a different name, and the in the Vue component's data function map it manually:
Vue.component('single-select', {
props: {
model: {
required: true
data: function() {
return {
singleSelectModel: this.model
template: '<multiselect v-model="singleSelectModel"></multiselect>';
This is of course, assuming that you do not want to mutate the parent data, but simply making a copy of model and giving the child component the freedom to change it whenever it wants.
If what you want is to also update the parent data from the child, you will have to look into emitting events from the child and listening in the parent.

VueJS access child component's data from parent

I'm using the vue-cli scaffold for webpack
My Vue component structure/heirarchy currently looks like the following:
PDF Template
Dynamic Template Image
Static Template Image
At the app level, I want a vuejs component method that can aggregate all of the child component's data into a single JSON object that can be sent off to the server.
Is there a way to access child component's data? Specifically, multiple layers deep?
If not, what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values? I'm trying to avoid hard dependencies between components, so as of right now, the only thing passed using component attributes are initialization values.
Solid answers. Resources I found helpful after reviewing both answers:
Vuex and when to use it
Vuex alternative solution for smaller apps
In my child component, there are no buttons to emit changed data. It's a form with somewhat 5~10 inputs. the data will be submitted once you click the process button in another component. so, I can't emit every property when it's changing.
So, what I did,
In my parent component, I can access child's data from "ref"
<markdown ref="markdowndetails"></markdown>
<app-button #submit="process"></app-button>
// js
process: function(){
// items is defined object inside data()
var markdowns = this.$refs.markdowndetails.items
Note: If you do this all over the application I suggest move to vuex instead.
For this kind of structure It's good to have some kind of Store.
VueJS provide solution for that, and It's called Vuex.If you are not ready to go with Vuex, you can create your own simple store.
Let's try with this
export default {
data: {
items: []
// Methods that you need, for e.g fetching data from server etc.
fetchData() {
// fetch logic
And now you can use those data everywhere, with importing this Store file
import MarkdownStore from '../stores/MarkdownStore'
export default {
data() {
created() {
So that's the basic flow that you could use, If you dont' want to go with Vuex.
what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values?
The flow of props is one way down, a child should never modify its props directly.
For a complex application, vuex is the solution, but for a simple case vuex is an overkill. Just like what #Belmin said, you can even use a plain JavaScript object for that, thanks to the reactivity system.
Another solution is using events. Vue has already implemented the EventEmitter interface, a child can use this.$emit('eventName', data) to communicate with its parent.
The parent will listen on the event like this: (#update is the shorthand of v-on:update)
<child :value="value" #update="onChildUpdate" />
and update the data in the event handler:
methods: {
onChildUpdate (newValue) {
this.value = newValue
Here is a simple example of custom events in Vue:
This is just parent-child communication, if a component needs to talk to its siblings, then you will need a global event bus, in Vue.js, you can just use an empty Vue instance:
const bus = new Vue()
// In component A
bus.$on('somethingUpdated', data => { ... })
// In component B
bus.$emit('somethingUpdated', newData)
you can meke ref to child component and use it as this
<childComponent ref="nameOfRef" />
methods: {
save() {
let Data = this.$refs.nameOfRef.$data;
In my case I have a registration form that I've broken down into components.
As suggested above I used $refs, In my parent I have for example:
In Template:
<Personal ref="personal" />
Script - Parent Component
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
personal: null,
education: null
mounted: function(){
this.personal = this.$refs.personal.model = this.$
This works well as the data is reactive.