dgrid set first few columns to be fixed and make others scrollable horizontally - dojo

I have a dgrid table which is very long one, and there is horizontal scroll bar, I want to know if there is a way to make first 2 or 3 columns fixed (always displayed) and apply horizontal scrollbar to the rest ?

Yes, dgrid supports this with ColumnSet. From the documentation:
The ColumnSet module provides functionality which divides a grid's columns into multiple distinct sets, each of which manage their columns' horizontal scrolling independently. This makes it possible to keep certain columns in view even while others are scrolled out of viewing range.
You can find demos and example in the dgrid site.


How to adjust the point at which skeleton css shifts it's boxes?

I have a site built using the responsive Skeleton CSS framework (http://getskeleton.com) but when viewing on a phone in portrait mode, three columns across is automatically adjusted so the boxes are vertically stacked rather than all on one line. This has been fine in general but in one particular instance when the boxes have very little content, I need them to stay horizontal - all in one row/on one line. I cannot see anywhere in the css file where this is adjustable though?!
I ended up going old school and creating one twelve column row and putting the column divs inside a td tag each. I then applied some conditional padding at the different breakpoints. Sometimes, very occasionally, you still can't beat a table in my humble opinion!

How to read data from AG-Grid table without scrolling it in Katalon?

I am trying to getText from a column in ag-grid table using Katalon Studio. This column is at the end of the table and not visible until scrolled. I have tried using Katalon keywords Scroll to Element and Scroll to position but the scroll is not happening, I can easily getText from the column if I scroll the table manually but otherwise the getText fails with msg "Unable to find element".
How do I achieve this through automation using Katalon?
Kindly please guide me.
Thanks in advance.
ag-grid uses DOM virtualistaion to vastly improve rendering performance.
As the user scrolls horizontally or vertically, the grid dynamically updates the DOM and renders the additional cells that are required while also removing the cells that are no longer in view.
That is the reason, the elements are not present when you don't scroll them into view.
If you anyways want to load the columns for the rows, you can turn off column virtualisation by setting suppressColumnVirtualisation=true at grid level.
Keep in mind that this has performance cost associated with it.
Reference: Column Virtualisation

Vertical scrollbar with a dojo OnDemandGrid

Is it possible to add a vertical scrollbar to an OnDemandGrid?
Yes, I realize that an OnDemandGrid lets you scroll through a million records, and it will be awkward to imagine a scrollbar that lets you scroll all the way up and down through those million records, but I'd say it'll be good if there was a way to add a scrollbar at least to scroll through a reasonable subset around the visible viewport.
Never mind my question - I realized that it was actually showing the vertical scrollbar by default all this while, but it was hidden off the right of the page due to a large width on the div containing the dgrid.

Is there a straightforward way to specifically position bootstrap elements

I'd like to position bootstrap elements - buttons or other, at a given horizontal start position on my page. The exact horizontal position should vary dynamically. It seems html (and to some extent bootstrap) wasn't exactly cut out for this but is there a good way to reliably accomplish that?
My best shot is fiddling with its horizontal margin. Is there something even more straightforward, that will bypass the need to consider all other elements in its column and can directly use the desired height regardless of what's else in the column?

How to make the scrolling faster in UITableView when the table has thousands of rows?

My app has a UITableView and the table has near 5 Thousand rows (the app basically displays history in the form of vertical timeline), it's very tedious to scroll from top to bottom or vice versa, Any suggestions how can i make the scrolling better (faster), i don't wanna inculde section indexes to the right of the screen. Regards.
Have you implemented a search field? This could be used by users to find a specific entry, or range of entries. Then, when they scroll, they are only looking at a filtered list.
Also, try and categorise the rows, to create more of a hierarchical navigation, and reduce the number of rows per screen.
One of the way to make scrolling efficient is 'reusing' UITableViewCell