Autofac Register closed types and retrieve them at run time -

I have an Interface that will take in a generic type T
internal interface IQuestion<T> where T : IWithOptionsId
Task<T> Provide(Guid id);
Following by that I will implement this interface in multiple classes. For example
public class SomeProvider : IQuestion<OptionsClass>
private readonly IRepository _repository;
public SomeProvider(IRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public async Task<OptionsClass> Provide(Guid id)
To register this with outofac I used this
My question is this. I have multiple instances for this interface. How do I access different instance once at the run time? If my IQuestion<T> will take in Options class and also it will take in Answer class how can I get an instance of those classes during run time?

I'm pretty sure you can just inject the instance itself. Not great practice, but it should work:
public SomeClass(SomeProvider<OptionsClass> provider)
You could also try creating a named instance when you register it, and inject that. See this and this.


When to instantiate the repository and which is the lifespan of it?

In DDD, is the application layer who uses the repository to get the data from database, call the methods of the domain and then call the repository to persists the data. Something like that:
public void MyApplicationService()
Order myOrder = _orderRepository.Get(1);
In this example the repository is a class variable that it is instantiate in the constructor of the service, so its life is the life of the class.
But I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to instantiate a repository for each action that I want to do, to have a shorter life, because if not, if I use the class for many actions, the repository will have many entities that perhaps it will not need more.
So I was thinking in a solution like this:
public void MyApplicationService()
OrderRepository myOrderRepository = new OrderRepository(_options);
Order myOrder = myOrderRepository.GetOrder(1);
So a new instance each time I need to do the action.
So in sumary, I would like to know about the differents solutions and the advantages and disadvanges to decide the lifespan of the repository.
The recommended lifespan of the repository is one business transaction.
Your second patch of code is correct in that aspect, however it has one drawback: you have created a strong dependency between the ApplicationService and OrderRepository classes. With your code, you are not able to isolate both class in order to unit test them separately. Also, you need to update the ApplicationService class whenever you change the constructor of the OrderRepository. If OrderRepository requires parameters to construct, then you have to construct them (which implies to reference their type and base types), despite this being an implementation detail of OrderRepository (needed for data persistence store access) and not needed for your application service layer.
For these reasons, most of modern program development rely on a pattern called Dependency Injection (DI). With DI, you specify that your ApplicationService class depends on an instance of the OrderRepository class, or better, an interface IOrderRepository whom the OrderRepository class implements. The dependency is declared by adding a parameter in the ApplicationService constructor:
public interface IOrderRepository : IDisposable
Order GetOrder(int id);
void Commit();
public class ApplicationService
private readonly OrderRepository orderRepository;
public ApplicationService(IOrderRepository orderRepository)
this.orderRepository = orderRepository ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(orderRepository));
public void Update(int id, string data)
Order myOrder = orderRepository.Get(id);
Now the DI library is responsible to construct OrderRepository and inject the instance in the ApplicationService class. If OrderRepository has its own dependencies, the library will resolve them first and construct the whole object graph so you don't have to do that yourself. You simply need to tell your DI library what specific implementation you want for each referenced interface. For example in C#:
public IServiceCollection AddServices(IServiceCollection services)
return services.AddScoped<IOrderRepository,OrderRepository>();
When unit testing your code, you can replace the actual implementation of OrderRepository with a mock object, such as Mock<IOrderRepository> or your own MockOrderRepository implementation. The code under test is then exactly the code in production, all wiring being done by the DI framework.
Most modern DI libraries have support for object lifetime management, including transient (always resolve a new object), singleton (always reuse the same object), or scoped (each scope has a single instance). The latter is what is used to isolate objects instance per business transaction, using a singleton ScopeFactory to create scopes whenever you start a business transaction:
public class UpdateOrderUseCase : UseCase
private readonly IScopeFactory scopeFactory;
public UpdateOrderUseCase(IScopeFactory scopeFactory) // redacted
public void UpdateOrder(int id, string data)
using var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope();
var orderRepository = scope.GetService<IOrderRepository>();
var order = orderRepository.Get(id);
// disposing the scope will also dispose the object graph
When you implement a REST service, that transaction usually corresponds to one HTTP request. Modern frameworks, such as core, will automatically create scopes per HTTP request and use that to resolve your dependency graph later in the framework internals. This means you don't even have to handle the ScopeFactory yourself.

Dependency Injection with Database-Context. How to get Database-Context in a normal Class

I have configured my .net-core 2.1 service with a database-context in the start-up method.
services.AddDbContext<DatabaseContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString(nameof(DatabaseContext))));
Now i could do the following to get my database-context in my controller:
var context = serviceProvider.GetService<DatabaseContext>();
This works very well. But how could i access the Database-Context in a normal class something like this sould be done:
public class MyAccessClass{
public MyAccessClass(){
//Access the ServiceProvider or get the Database-Context class anywhere else
I don't want to pass the database-context object through the constructor or to initialize the DatbaseContext Class again.
Thanks for your help.
You should take your dependencies through the constructor, preferrably an interface, e.g. IDatabaseContext, but code sample below based on your code. If you add MyAccessClass as a service, e.g. services.AddTransient<MyAccessClass>(), and then use dependency injection in your controller, the database context would be automatically injected in the constructor by the default IoC container in ASP.NET Core.
You shouldn't have it rely on IServiceProvider, the reasoning is that your class wants to make no assumption of implementations, it just needs the database context. Having it rely on IServiceProvider would assume this context, and any possible future dependencies, comes from the IoC in ASP.NET Core which may not be the case (what if you just want to release this as a class library later on?). It would make the MyAccessClass class hard to test and use outside of a controller.
You say in your comment:
"...or get the Database-Context class anywhere else"
That anywhere else is completely flexible by simply accepting the context into the constructor since your class doesn't know where anywhere else is but whatever is creating your class does know!
Example of DI in ASP.NET Core
Take context as a dependency through constructor
public class MyAccessClass{
private readonly DatabaseContext databaseContext;
public MyAccessClass(DatabaseContext databaseContext) {
this.databaseContext = databaseContext;
Add as service
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Inject into a controller
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly MyAccessClass myAccessClass;
//Happily injected through DI
public MyController(MyAccessClass myAccessClass)
this.myAccessClass = myAccessClass;
Or inject straight into an action
public class MyController : Controller
public MyController()
public IActionResult MyAction([FromServices] MyAccessClass myAccessClass)

Do we need interfaces for dependency injection?

I have an ASP.NET Core application. The application has few helper classes that does some work. Each class has different signature method. I see lot of .net core examples online that create interface for each class and then register types with DI framework. For example
public interface IStorage
Task Download(string file);
public class Storage
public Task Download(string file)
public interface IOcr
Task Process();
public class Ocr:IOcr
public Task Process()
Basically for each interface there is only one class. Then i register these types with DI as
services.AddScoped<IStorage, Storage>();
But i can register type without having interfaces so interfaces here look redundant. eg
So do i really need interfaces?
No, you don't need interfaces for dependency injection. But dependency injection is much more useful with them!
As you noticed, you can register concrete types with the service collection and ASP.NET Core will inject them into your classes without problems. The benefit you get by injecting them over simply creating instances with new Storage() is service lifetime management (transient vs. scoped vs. singleton).
That's useful, but only part of the power of using DI. As #DavidG pointed out, the big reason why interfaces are so often paired with DI is because of testing. Making your consumer classes depend on interfaces (abstractions) instead of other concrete classes makes them much easier to test.
For example, you could create a MockStorage that implements IStorage for use during testing, and your consumer class shouldn't be able to tell the difference. Or, you can use a mocking framework to easily create a mocked IStorage on the fly. Doing the same thing with concrete classes is much harder. Interfaces make it easy to replace implementations without changing the abstraction.
Does it work? Yes. Should you do it? No.
Dependency Injection is a tool for the principle of Dependency Inversion :
Or as it's described in SOLID
one should “depend upon abstractions, [not] concretions."
You can just inject concrete classes all over the place and it will work. But it's not what DI was designed to achieve.
No, we don't need interfaces. In addition to injecting classes or interfaces you can also inject delegates. It's comparable to injecting an interface with one method.
public delegate int DoMathFunction(int value1, int value2);
public class DependsOnMathFunction
private readonly DoMathFunction _doMath;
public DependsOnAFunction(DoMathFunction doMath)
_doMath = doMath;
public int DoSomethingWithNumbers(int number1, int number2)
return _doMath(number1, number2);
You could do it without declaring a delegate, just injecting a Func<Something, Whatever> and that will also work. I'd lean toward the delegate because it's easier to set up DI. You might have two delegates with the same signature that serve unrelated purposes.
One benefit to this is that it steers the code toward interface segregation. Someone might be tempted to add a method to an interface (and its implementation) because it's already getting injected somewhere so it's convenient.
That means
The interface and implementation gain responsibility they possibly shouldn't have just because it's convenient for someone in the moment.
The class that depends on the interface can also grow in its responsibility but it's harder to identify because the number of its dependencies hasn't grown.
Other classes end up depending on the bloated, less-segregated interface.
I've seen cases where a single dependency eventually grows into what should really be two or three entirely separate classes, all because it was convenient to add to an existing interface and class instead of injecting something new. That in turn helped some classes on their way to becoming 2,500 lines long.
You can't prevent someone doing what they shouldn't. You can't stop someone from just making a class depend on 10 different delegates. But it can set a pattern that guides future growth in the right direction and provides some resistance to growing interfaces and classes out control.
(This doesn't mean don't use interfaces. It means that you have options.)
I won't try to cover what others have already mentioned, using interfaces with DI will often be the best option. But it's worth mentioning that using object inheritance at times may provide another useful option. So for example:
public class Storage
public virtual Task Download(string file)
public class DiskStorage: Storage
public override Task Download(string file)
and registering it like so:
services.AddScoped<Storage, DiskStorage>();
Without Interface
public class Benefits
public void BenefitForTeacher() { }
public void BenefitForStudent() { }
public class Teacher : Benefits
private readonly Benefits BT;
public Teacher(Benefits _BT)
{ BT = _BT; }
public void TeacherBenefit()
public class Student : Benefits
private readonly Benefits BS;
public Student(Benefits _BS)
{ BS = _BS; }
public void StudentBenefit()
here you can see benefits for Teachers is accessible in Student class and benefits for Student is accessible in Teacher class which is wrong.
Lets see how can we resolve this problem using interface
With Interface
public interface IBenefitForTeacher
void BenefitForTeacher();
public interface IBenefitForStudent
void BenefitForStudent();
public class Benefits : IBenefitForTeacher, IBenefitForStudent
public Benefits() { }
public void BenefitForTeacher() { }
public void BenefitForStudent() { }
public class Teacher : IBenefitForTeacher
private readonly IBenefitForTeacher BT;
public Teacher(IBenefitForTeacher _BT)
{ BT = _BT; }
public void BenefitForTeacher()
public class Student : IBenefitForStudent
private readonly IBenefitForStudent BS;
public Student(IBenefitForStudent _BS)
{ BS = _BS; }
public void BenefitForStudent()
Here you can see there is no way to call Teacher benefits in Student class and Student benefits in Teacher class
So interface is used here as an abstraction layer.

Ninject NHibernate on plugin oriented architecture

According COMPOSITION ROOT pattern, I must to construct all dependencies graph as close as possible to the application's entry point.
My architecture is plugin oriented. So, if someone wants to extend my base system he can.
For example, in my base system I have this structure:
View Layer
Services Layer
Data Access Layer
Model Layer
In DAL, I expose some classes like:
So, I'd like if a plugin wants to extend my base Product class to ExtendedProduct, and then create ExtendedProductRepository that inherits from NHibernateRepository.
The question is:
How can instantiate from my base system an instance of NHibernateRepository using NInject?
So, I know the first thing to do is to construct the graph dependencies:
using (var kernel = new StandardKernel())
kernel.Bind(b => b.FromAssembliesMatching("*")
However, I'm figuring out that when I execute something like:
It's going to return me a ProductRepository instance, and another ProductExtendedRepository under two IRepository objects.
So, how I can save a ProductExtended object from my base system...?
Another question, would be, how could I inject a object instance in my plugins, or, how can plugins autoinject some instance of base system assembly?
Thanks for all.
I'll appreciate a lot some help.
I use this pattern for my NHibernate based projects:
public interface IRepository<T> : IQueryable<T>
T Get(int id);
void Save(T item);
void Delete(T item);
public class NHibernateRepository<ModelType> : IRepository<ModelType>
where ModelType : class
// implementation
public interface IProductRepository : IRepository<Product>
// product specific data access methods
public class ProductRepository : NHibernateRepository<Product>, IProductRepository
// implementation
... and in Ninject Module:
then you can either request the base functionality like:
public Constructor(IRepository<Product> repo) { ... }
or specific product repository functionality:
public Constructor(IProductRepository repo) { ... }
your plugins can either get the base functionality and won't have to register anything:
public PluginConstructor(IRepository<ProductExtended> repo { ... }
or create their own repositories and register them in a Ninject module.
Thanks dave.
It's perfect. I'll try it.
However, how could I save or get or update (whichever IRepository methods)... an ExtendedProduct instance from my base system?
Think the follow out:
public interface BasePlugin<T> {...}
In another assembly:
public class PluginExtendedProduct : BasePlugin<ExtendedProduct>
public PluginExtendedProduct (IRepository<ExtendedProduct> repo { ... }
My headache is how to create an instance of (so, ExtendedProduct) in my base system in order to call methods PluginExtendedProduct that uses an IRepository.
I don't know if I'm explaining myself well...
Thanks for all.

Using Ninject to bind an interface to multiple implementations unknown at compile time

I just recently started using Ninject (v2.2.0.0) in my ASP.NET MVC 3 application. So far I'm thrilled with it, but I ran into a situation I can't seem to figure out.
What I'd like to do is bind an interface to concrete implementations and have Ninject be able to inject the concrete implementation into a constructor using a factory (that will also be registered with Ninject). The problem is that I'd like my constructor to reference the concrete type, not the interface.
Here is an example:
public class SomeInterfaceFactory<T> where T: ISomeInterface, new()
public T CreateInstance()
// Activation and initialization logic here
public interface ISomeInterface
public class SomeImplementationA : ISomeInterface
public string PropertyA { get; set; }
public class SomeImplementationB : ISomeInterface
public string PropertyB { get; set; }
public class Foo
public Foo(SomeImplementationA implA)
public class Bar
public Bar(SomeImplementationB implB)
Elsewhere, I'd like to bind using just the interface:
kernel.Bind<ISomeInterface>().To ...something that will create and use the factory
Then, when requesting an instance of Foo from Ninject, it would see that one of the constructors parameters implements a bound interface, fetch the factory, and instantiate the correct concrete type (SomeImplementationA) and pass it to Foo's constructor.
The reason behind this is that I will have many implementations of ISomeInterface and I'd prefer to avoid having to bind each one individually. Some of these implementations may not be known at compile time.
I tried using:
The provider retrieves the factory based on the requested service type then calls its CreateInstance method, returning the concrete type:
public class SomeProvider : Provider<ISomeInterface>
protected override ISomeInterface CreateInstance(IContext context)
var factory = context.Kernel.Get(typeof(SomeInterfaceFactory<>)
var method = factory.GetType().GetMethod("CreateInstance");
return (ISomeInterface)method.Invoke();
However, my provider was never invoked.
I'm curious if Ninject can support this situation and, if so, how I might go about solving this problem.
I hope this is enough information to explain my situation. Please let me know if I should elaborate further.
Thank you!
It seems you have misunderstood how ninject works. In case you create Foo it sees that it requires a SomeImplementationA and will try to create an instance for it. So you need to define a binding for SomeImplementationA and not for ISomeInterface.
Also most likely your implementation breaks the Dependency Inversion Princple because you rely upon concrete instances instead of abstractions.
The solution to register all similar types at once (and the prefered way to configure IoC containers) is to use configuration by conventions. See the Ninject.Extensions.Conventions extenstion.