Override the dependencies added during running a project as an Eclipse Application - eclipse-plugin

I am trying to write a custom launch configuration while running a plugin project as an eclipse application. I have to run the plugin with limited dependencies. Is it possible to override methods in org.eclipse.pde.launching.EclipseApplicationLaunchConfiguration ? If yes then how do I do it ?

You can't easily override the methods in EclipseApplicationLaunchConfiguration. That would require writing a new launch configuration - probably by using the org.eclipse.debug.core.launchConfigurationTypes extension point to define a new launch type.
EclipseApplicationLaunchConfiguration always uses the settings from the current entry in the 'Eclipse Application' section of the 'Run Configurations'. You can always edit the run configuration to change the dependencies or create another run configuration with different dependencies.

To write a custom configuration file
Extend the class org.eclipse.jdt.junit.launcher.JUnitLaunchShortcut
Override the method createLaunchConfiguration
Invoking super.createLaunchConfiguration(element) will return a ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy
Use the copy and set your own attributes that have to be modified
Attributes can be found in IPDELauncherConstants
Eclipse by default runs all the projects found in the workspace. This behavior can be modified by using the configuration created and overriding it with custom configuration.
public class LaunchShortcut extends JUnitLaunchShortcut {
class PluginModelNameBuffer {
private List<String> nameList;
PluginModelNameBuffer() {
this.nameList = new ArrayList<>();
void add(final IPluginModelBase model) {
private String getPluginName(final IPluginModelBase model) {
IPluginBase base = model.getPluginBase();
String id = base.getId();
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(id);
ModelEntry entry = PluginRegistry.findEntry(id);
if ((entry != null) && (entry.getActiveModels().length > 1)) {
return buffer.toString();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (String name : this.nameList) {
if (result.length() > 0) {
if (result.length() == 0) {
return null;
return result.toString();
protected ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy createLaunchConfiguration(final IJavaElement element)
throws CoreException {
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy configuration = super.createLaunchConfiguration(element);
configuration.setAttribute(IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_VM_ARGUMENTS, "memory");
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.USE_PRODUCT, false);
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.USE_DEFAULT, false);
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.AUTOMATIC_ADD, false);
return configuration;
private void addDependencies(final ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy configuration) throws CoreException {
PluginModelNameBuffer wBuffer = new PluginModelNameBuffer();
PluginModelNameBuffer tBuffer = new PluginModelNameBuffer();
Set<IPluginModelBase> addedModels = new HashSet<>();
String projectName = configuration.getAttribute(IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants.ATTR_PROJECT_NAME, "");
IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
IPluginModelBase model = PluginRegistry.findModel(project);
IPluginModelBase[] externalModels = PluginRegistry.getExternalModels();
for (IPluginModelBase externalModel : externalModels) {
String id = externalModel.getPluginBase().getId();
if (id != null) {
switch (id) {
case "org.eclipse.ui.ide.application":
case "org.eclipse.equinox.ds":
case "org.eclipse.equinox.event":
TreeSet<String> checkedWorkspace = new TreeSet<>();
IPluginModelBase[] workspaceModels = PluginRegistry.getWorkspaceModels();
for (IPluginModelBase workspaceModel : workspaceModels) {
EclipsePluginValidationOperation eclipsePluginValidationOperation = new EclipsePluginValidationOperation(
while (eclipsePluginValidationOperation.hasErrors()) {
Set<String> additionalIds = DependencyManager.getDependencies(addedModels.toArray(), true, null);
if (additionalIds.isEmpty()) {
for (String id : additionalIds) {
IPluginModelBase plugin = findPlugin(id);
if (checkedWorkspace.contains(plugin.getPluginBase().getId())
&& (!plugin.getPluginBase().getId().endsWith("tests"))) {
} else {
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_WORKSPACE_PLUGINS, wBuffer.toString());
configuration.setAttribute(IPDELauncherConstants.SELECTED_TARGET_PLUGINS, tBuffer.toString());
protected IPluginModelBase findPlugin(final String id) {
ModelEntry entry = PluginRegistry.findEntry(id);
if (entry != null) {
return entry.getModel();
return null;


Upgrade Solution to use FluentValidation Ver 10 Exception Issue

Please I need your help to solve FluentValidation issue. I have an old desktop application which I wrote a few years ago. I used FluentValidation Ver 4 and Now I'm trying to upgrade this application to use .Net framework 4.8 and FluentValidation Ver 10, but unfortunately, I couldn't continue because of an exception that I still cannot fix.
I have this customer class:
class Customer : MyClassBase
string _CustomerName = string.Empty;
public string CustomerName
get { return _CustomerName; }
if (_CustomerName == value)
_CustomerName = value;
class CustomerValidator : AbstractValidator<Customer>
public CustomerValidator()
RuleFor(obj => obj.CustomerName).NotEmpty().WithMessage("{PropertyName} is Empty");
protected override IValidator GetValidator()
return new CustomerValidator();
This is my base class:
class MyClassBase
public MyClassBase()
_Validator = GetValidator();
protected IValidator _Validator = null;
protected IEnumerable<ValidationFailure> _ValidationErrors = null;
protected virtual IValidator GetValidator()
return null;
public IEnumerable<ValidationFailure> ValidationErrors
get { return _ValidationErrors; }
set { }
public void Validate()
if (_Validator != null)
var context = new ValidationContext<Object>(_Validator);
var results = _Validator.Validate(context); **// <======= Exception is here in this line**
_ValidationErrors = results.Errors;
public virtual bool IsValid
if (_ValidationErrors != null && _ValidationErrors.Count() > 0)
return false;
return true;
When I run the application test I get the below exception:
System.InvalidOperationException HResult=0x80131509 Message=Cannot
validate instances of type 'CustomerValidator'. This validator can
only validate instances of type 'Customer'. Source=FluentValidation
StackTrace: at
FluentValidation.ValidationContext1.GetFromNonGenericContext(IValidationContext context) in C:\Projects\FluentValidation\src\FluentValidation\IValidationContext.cs:line 211 at FluentValidation.AbstractValidator1.FluentValidation.IValidator.Validate(IValidationContext
Please, what is the issue here and How can I fix it?
Thank you
Your overall implementation isn't what I'd consider normal usage however the problem is that you're asking FV to validate the validator instance, rather than the customer instance:
var context = new ValidationContext<Object>(_Validator);
var results = _Validator.Validate(context);
It should start working if you change it to:
var context = new ValidationContext<object>(this);
var results = _Validator.Validate(context);
You're stuck with using the object argument for the validation context unless you introduce a generic argument to the base class, or create it using reflection.

Disable "Answers" but not "Crashlytics"

When installing "Crashlytics" in my Android App, it automatically installs "Answers". I only want to install "Crashlytics" and want to have "Answers" disabled. Does anyone know how to do that?
dependencies {
compile('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.5.5#aar') {
transitive = true;
Mike from Fabric and Crashlytics here.
As you saw, Crashlytics by default includes Answers. If you don't want Answers enabled on your app, then you want to invoke CrashlyticsCore() when building your app instead of Crashlytics.
For example, have these as your imports:
import com.crashlytics.android.Crashlytics;
import com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsCore;
import io.fabric.sdk.android.Fabric;
Then when you initialize Fabric, use:
Fabric.with(this, new CrashlyticsCore());
and that will initialize only the crash reporting side of things.
I think it is not possible at the moment, because Crashlytics is making an Answers instance:
public Crashlytics build() {
if(this.coreBuilder != null) {
if(this.core != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must not use Deprecated methods delay(), disabled(), listener(), pinningInfoProvider() with core()");
this.core = this.coreBuilder.build();
if(this.answers == null) {
this.answers = new Answers();
if(this.beta == null) {
this.beta = new Beta();
if(this.core == null) {
this.core = new CrashlyticsCore();
return new Crashlytics(this.answers, this.beta, this.core);
Crashlytics(Answers answers, Beta beta, CrashlyticsCore core) is not public, so we cannot instanciate this. Also the answers field is final, so you cannot override it. I think there is now way to let the user decide if they want to use answers.
Hey Fabric/Google, you should make a programmatically way to opt out for a session, to give the programmer the option to let the user decide if they want to be counted in some way.
My solution is to to use a wraper for all needed funtioncs and init, feel free to use it:
public class AnalyticsWrapper {
static AnalyticsWrapper instance;
public static void initialize(Context context, boolean optOut) {
if (instance != null) throw new IllegalStateException("AnalyticsWrapper must only be initialized once");
instance = new AnalyticsWrapper(context.getApplicationContext(), optOut);
public static AnalyticsWrapper getInstance() {
if (instance == null) throw new IllegalStateException("AnalyticsWrapper must be initialized before");
return instance;
final boolean optOut;
private AnalyticsWrapper(Context context, boolean optOut) {
this.optOut = optOut;
public boolean isOptOut() {
return optOut;
private void initFabric(Context context) {
if (!optOut) {
if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Timber.plant(new CrashlyticsLogExceptionTree());
Timber.plant(new CrashlyticsLogTree(Log.INFO));
Crashlytics crashlyticsKit = new Crashlytics.Builder().core(
new CrashlyticsCore.Builder().disabled(BuildConfig.DEBUG)
Fabric fabric = new Fabric.Builder(context).kits(crashlyticsKit)
public void crashlyticsSetString(String key, String value) {
if (!optOut) {
Crashlytics.setString(key, value);
public void logException(Throwable throwable) {
if (!optOut) {
public void logEvent(CustomEvent event) {
if (!optOut) {

Ideablade's Cocktail Composition Container for WCF projects

I recently upgraded an application I am working on from Cocktail 1.4 to Cocktail 2.6 (Punch). I have adjusted my bootstrapper class for the wpf project which now loads with no issues. However, on my WCF / Web projects, I am receiving a runtime exception with the following error when attempting to call Composition.GetInstance:
"You must first set a valid CompositionProvider by using Composition.SetProvider."
After digging into the issue a bit, it appears the composition container is automatically configured when your bootstrapper inherits from CocktailMefBootstrapper. I currently do not have bootstrapper classes at all for non-wpf projects. Prior to the upgrade, all I had to do was call the configure method on the Composition class to configure the composition container, but it appears that it has been deprecated:
I noticed that you can also call Composition.SetProvider(), however I am a little unsure on how to satisfy the method signature exactly. The DevForce Punch documentation states that the generic type for the bootstrapper class should be a viewmodel, and there are no views / view models in a service project. This leaves me in limbo on what to do as I don't want to rip cocktail out of these WCF projects. Is there still a way to use Cocktail's composition container without a bootstrapper for a project in Cocktail (Punch) 2.6?
I found this on the DevForce forums. So it appears that I ought to learn how to configure a multi threaded ICompositionProvider and call Composition.SetProvider() as mentioned above. Any recommended articles to achieving this?
After digging through Punch's source code and looking at Ideablade's MefCompositionContainer, which implements ICompositionProvider, I created my own thread safe implementation of ICompositionProvider. Below is the code I used. Basically, it's the same code for Ideablade's MefCompositionContainer which can be found here in their repository. The only change is that I am passing a bool flag of true into the CompositionContainer's constructor. MSDN lists the pros and cons of making the container thread safe
internal partial class ThreadSafeCompositionProvider : ICompositionProvider
static ThreadSafeCompositionProvider()
public IEnumerable<Assembly> GetProbeAssemblies()
IEnumerable<Assembly> probeAssemblies = CompositionHost.Instance.ProbeAssemblies;
var t = GetType();
// Add Cocktail assembly
probeAssemblies = probeAssemblies.Concat(GetType().GetAssembly());
return probeAssemblies.Distinct(x => x);
private List<Assembly> _probeAssemblies;
private AggregateCatalog _defaultCatalog;
private ComposablePartCatalog _catalog;
private CompositionContainer _container;
public ComposablePartCatalog Catalog
get { return _catalog ?? DefaultCatalog; }
public ComposablePartCatalog DefaultCatalog
if (_defaultCatalog == null)
_probeAssemblies = GetProbeAssemblies().ToList();
var mainCatalog = new AggregateCatalog(_probeAssemblies.Select(x => new AssemblyCatalog(x)));
_defaultCatalog = new AggregateCatalog(mainCatalog);
CompositionHost.Recomposed += new EventHandler<RecomposedEventArgs>(OnRecomposed)
.MakeWeak(x => CompositionHost.Recomposed -= x);
return _defaultCatalog;
internal void OnRecomposed(object sender, RecomposedEventArgs args)
if (args.HasError) return;
var newAssemblies = GetProbeAssemblies()
.Where(x => !_probeAssemblies.Contains(x))
if (newAssemblies.Any())
var catalog = new AggregateCatalog(newAssemblies.Select(x => new AssemblyCatalog(x)));
// Notify clients of the recomposition
var handlers = Recomposed;
if (handlers != null)
handlers(sender, args);
public CompositionContainer Container
get { return _container ?? (_container = new CompositionContainer(Catalog, true)); }
public Lazy<T> GetInstance<T>() where T : class
var exports = GetExportsCore(typeof(T), null).ToList();
if (!exports.Any())
throw new Exception(string.Format("Could Not Locate Any Instances Of Contract", typeof(T).FullName));
return new Lazy<T>(() => (T)exports.First().Value);
public T TryGetInstance<T>() where T : class
if (!IsTypeRegistered<T>())
return null;
return GetInstance<T>().Value;
public IEnumerable<T> GetInstances<T>() where T : class
var exports = GetExportsCore(typeof(T), null);
return exports.Select(x => (T)x.Value);
public Lazy<object> GetInstance(Type serviceType, string contractName)
var exports = GetExportsCore(serviceType, contractName).ToList();
if (!exports.Any())
throw new Exception(string.Format("Could Not Locate Any Instances Of Contract",
serviceType != null ? serviceType.ToString() : contractName));
return new Lazy<object>(() => exports.First().Value);
public object TryGetInstance(Type serviceType, string contractName)
var exports = GetExportsCore(serviceType, contractName).ToList();
if (!exports.Any())
return null;
return exports.First().Value;
public IEnumerable<object> GetInstances(Type serviceType, string contractName)
var exports = GetExportsCore(serviceType, contractName);
return exports.Select(x => x.Value);
public ICompositionFactory<T> GetInstanceFactory<T>() where T : class
var factory = new ThreadSafeCompositionFactory<T>();
if (factory.ExportFactory == null)
throw new CompositionException(string.Format("No export found.", typeof(T)));
return factory;
public ICompositionFactory<T> TryGetInstanceFactory<T>() where T : class
var factory = new ThreadSafeCompositionFactory<T>();
if (factory.ExportFactory == null)
return null;
return factory;
public void BuildUp(object instance)
// Skip if in design mode.
if (DesignTime.InDesignMode())
public bool IsRecomposing { get; internal set; }
public event EventHandler<RecomposedEventArgs> Recomposed;
internal bool IsTypeRegistered<T>() where T : class
return Container.GetExports<T>().Any();
public void Configure(CompositionBatch compositionBatch = null, ComposablePartCatalog catalog = null)
_catalog = catalog;
var batch = compositionBatch ?? new CompositionBatch();
if (!IsTypeRegistered<IEventAggregator>())
batch.AddExportedValue<IEventAggregator>(new EventAggregator());
public void Compose(CompositionBatch compositionBatch)
if (compositionBatch == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("compositionBatch");
private IEnumerable<Lazy<object>> GetExportsCore(Type serviceType, string key)
return Container.GetExports(serviceType, null, key);
After setting up that class, I added a configuration during startup to instantiate my new thread safe composition provider and to set it as the provider for Punch's Composition class:
if (createThreadSafeCompositionContainer)
var threadSafeContainer = new ThreadSafeCompositionProvider();
Seems to be working like a charm!

How to add help in Web API for external library classes

Good morning,
I have a solution consisting of two projects. One is a class library, containing common classes that will be used in other projects. The other is a WebAPI 2.1 project.
I am generating the help files for the API by using the automatic help page generator, but I've noticed that when it references classes in the Common project, it doesn't use the summaries.
Is there any way of making it do this? I've searched online but I can't find any solution to this. I've also tried installing the help page generator in the Common project, but to no avail.
I had the same problem and this is just because the documentation provider takes only one xml document which is the one generated from current project (if you followed the instructions you may remember adding:
config.SetDocumentationProvider(new XmlDocumentationProvider(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/[YOUR XML DOCUMENT]"));
The rest of your classes and their metadata is added to a different xml document. What I did is I modified the xml documentation provider to accept multiple xml document path and search through each document for metadata related to the class been enquired about. You would need to add the xml document from the various dlls you are referencing but this definitely solved my issue. See below for the variation of the XmlDocumentationProvider:
public class XmlMultiDocumentationProvider : IDocumentationProvider, IModelDocumentationProvider
private List<XPathNavigator> _documentNavigator;
private const string TypeExpression = "/doc/members/member[#name='T:{0}']";
private const string MethodExpression = "/doc/members/member[#name='M:{0}']";
private const string PropertyExpression = "/doc/members/member[#name='P:{0}']";
private const string FieldExpression = "/doc/members/member[#name='F:{0}']";
private const string ParameterExpression = "param[#name='{0}']";
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="XmlDocumentationProvider"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="documentPath">The physical path to XML document.</param>
public XmlMultiDocumentationProvider(params string[] documentPath)
if (documentPath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("documentPath");
_documentNavigator = new List<XPathNavigator>();
foreach (string s in documentPath)
XPathDocument xpath = new XPathDocument(s);
public string GetDocumentation(HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor)
XPathNavigator typeNode = GetTypeNode(controllerDescriptor.ControllerType);
return GetTagValue(typeNode, "summary");
public virtual string GetDocumentation(HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
XPathNavigator methodNode = GetMethodNode(actionDescriptor);
return GetTagValue(methodNode, "summary");
public virtual string GetDocumentation(HttpParameterDescriptor parameterDescriptor)
ReflectedHttpParameterDescriptor reflectedParameterDescriptor = parameterDescriptor as ReflectedHttpParameterDescriptor;
if (reflectedParameterDescriptor != null)
XPathNavigator methodNode = GetMethodNode(reflectedParameterDescriptor.ActionDescriptor);
if (methodNode != null)
string parameterName = reflectedParameterDescriptor.ParameterInfo.Name;
XPathNavigator parameterNode = methodNode.SelectSingleNode(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ParameterExpression, parameterName));
if (parameterNode != null)
return parameterNode.Value.Trim();
return null;
public string GetResponseDocumentation(HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
XPathNavigator methodNode = GetMethodNode(actionDescriptor);
return GetTagValue(methodNode, "returns");
public string GetDocumentation(MemberInfo member)
string memberName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}", GetTypeName(member.DeclaringType), member.Name);
string expression = member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field ? FieldExpression : PropertyExpression;
string selectExpression = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, expression, memberName);
XPathNavigator propertyNode = null;
foreach(XPathNavigator navigator in _documentNavigator )
XPathNavigator temp = navigator.SelectSingleNode(selectExpression);
if (temp != null)
propertyNode = temp;
return GetTagValue(propertyNode, "summary");
public string GetDocumentation(Type type)
XPathNavigator typeNode = GetTypeNode(type);
return GetTagValue(typeNode, "summary");
private XPathNavigator GetMethodNode(HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor reflectedActionDescriptor = actionDescriptor as ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor;
if (reflectedActionDescriptor != null)
string selectExpression = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, MethodExpression, GetMemberName(reflectedActionDescriptor.MethodInfo));
foreach (XPathNavigator navigator in _documentNavigator)
XPathNavigator temp = navigator.SelectSingleNode(selectExpression);
if (temp != null)
return temp;
return null;
private static string GetMemberName(MethodInfo method)
string name = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}", GetTypeName(method.DeclaringType), method.Name);
ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
if (parameters.Length != 0)
string[] parameterTypeNames = parameters.Select(param => GetTypeName(param.ParameterType)).ToArray();
name += String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0})", String.Join(",", parameterTypeNames));
return name;
private static string GetTagValue(XPathNavigator parentNode, string tagName)
if (parentNode != null)
XPathNavigator node = parentNode.SelectSingleNode(tagName);
if (node != null)
return node.Value.Trim();
return null;
private XPathNavigator GetTypeNode(Type type)
string controllerTypeName = GetTypeName(type);
string selectExpression = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TypeExpression, controllerTypeName);
foreach (XPathNavigator navigator in _documentNavigator)
XPathNavigator temp = navigator.SelectSingleNode(selectExpression);
if (temp != null)
return temp;
return null;
private static string GetTypeName(Type type)
string name = type.FullName;
if (type.IsGenericType)
// Format the generic type name to something like: Generic{System.Int32,System.String}
Type genericType = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
Type[] genericArguments = type.GetGenericArguments();
string genericTypeName = genericType.FullName;
// Trim the generic parameter counts from the name
genericTypeName = genericTypeName.Substring(0, genericTypeName.IndexOf('`'));
string[] argumentTypeNames = genericArguments.Select(t => GetTypeName(t)).ToArray();
name = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{{{1}}}", genericTypeName, String.Join(",", argumentTypeNames));
if (type.IsNested)
// Changing the nested type name from OuterType+InnerType to OuterType.InnerType to match the XML documentation syntax.
name = name.Replace("+", ".");
return name;
You can get the idea or simply use the whole class at your discretion. Just remember to replace in your HelpPageConfig -> SetDocumentationProvider call the class name and add the path to the various xml documents.

entity framework 5 change log how to implement?

I am creating an application with MVC4 and entity framework 5. How do can I implement this?
I have looked around and found that I need to override SaveChanges .
Does anyone have any sample code on this? I am using code first approach.
As an example, the way I am saving data is as follows,
public class AuditZoneRepository : IAuditZoneRepository
private AISDbContext context = new AISDbContext();
public int Save(AuditZone model, ModelStateDictionary modelState)
if (model.Id == 0)
var recordToUpdate = context.AuditZones.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.Id);
if (recordToUpdate != null)
recordToUpdate.Description = model.Description;
recordToUpdate.Valid = model.Valid;
recordToUpdate.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
return 1;
catch (Exception ex)
modelState.AddModelError("", "Database error has occured. Please try again later");
return -1;
There is no need to override SaveChanges.
You can
Trigger Context.ChangeTracker.DetectChanges(); // may be necessary depending on your Proxy approach
Then analyze the context BEFORE save.
you can then... add the Change Log to the CURRENT Unit of work.
So the log gets saved in one COMMIT transaction.
Or process it as you see fit.
But saving your change log at same time. makes sure it is ONE Transaction.
Analyzing the context sample:
I have a simple tool, to Dump context content to debug output so when in debugger I can use immediate window to check content. eg
You can use this as a starter to prepare your CHANGE Log.
Try it in debugger immediate window. I have FULL dump on my Context class.
Sample Immediate window call. UoW.Context.FullDump();
public void FullDump()
Debug.WriteLine("=====Begin of Context Dump=======");
var dbsetList = this.ChangeTracker.Entries();
foreach (var dbEntityEntry in dbsetList)
Debug.WriteLine(dbEntityEntry.Entity.GetType().Name + " => " + dbEntityEntry.State);
switch (dbEntityEntry.State)
case EntityState.Detached:
case EntityState.Unchanged:
case EntityState.Added:
case EntityState.Modified:
case EntityState.Deleted:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Debug.WriteLine("==========End of Entity======");
Debug.WriteLine("==========End of Context======");
private static void WriteCurrentValues(DbEntityEntry dbEntityEntry)
foreach (var cv in dbEntityEntry.CurrentValues.PropertyNames)
Debug.WriteLine(cv + "=" + dbEntityEntry.CurrentValues[cv]);
private static void WriteOriginalValues(DbEntityEntry dbEntityEntry)
foreach (var cv in dbEntityEntry.OriginalValues.PropertyNames)
Debug.WriteLine(cv + "=" + dbEntityEntry.OriginalValues[cv]);
EDIT: Get the changes
I use this routine to get chnages...
public class ObjectPair {
public string Key { get; set; }
public object Original { get; set; }
public object Current { get; set; }
public virtual IList<ObjectPair> GetChanges(object poco) {
var changes = new List<ObjectPair>();
var thePoco = (TPoco) poco;
foreach (var propName in Entry(thePoco).CurrentValues.PropertyNames) {
var curr = Entry(thePoco).CurrentValues[propName];
var orig = Entry(thePoco).OriginalValues[propName];
if (curr != null && orig != null) {
if (curr.Equals(orig)) {
if (curr == null && orig == null) {
var aChangePair = new ObjectPair {Key = propName, Current = curr, Original = orig};
return changes;
edit 2 If you must use the Internal Object tracking.
var context = ???// YOUR DBCONTEXT class
// get objectcontext from dbcontext...
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter) context).ObjectContext;
// for each tracked entry
foreach (var dbEntityEntry in context.ChangeTracker.Entries()) {
//get the state entry from the statemanager per changed object
var stateEntry = objectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(dbEntityEntry.Entity);
var modProps = stateEntry.GetModifiedProperties();
I decompiled EF6 . Get modified is indeed using private bit array to track fields that have
been changed.
// EF decompiled source..... _modifiedFields is a bitarray
public override IEnumerable<string> GetModifiedProperties()
if (EntityState.Modified == this.State && this._modifiedFields != null)
for (int i = 0; i < this._modifiedFields.Length; ++i)
if (this._modifiedFields[i])
yield return this.GetCLayerName(i, this._cacheTypeMetadata);