Kotlin: Unexpected value for 2 Int multiplication - kotlin

I've written a function to round a value in billion, here is my code:
private fun roundBillion(value: Double): Int {
val a = (value / 1000000).toInt()
val res = a * 1000000
return res
but when I execute the function I get an unexpected value in res variable. here is variables inspection when the break point is on return statement:
value = 1.7636265135946954E11
a = 176362
res = 268340864
I can't figure out where the problem is!

What you are experiencing is an integer overflow.
Double.MAX_VALUE is 1.7976931348623157E308.
Int.MAX_VALUE is 2147483647. Your number in the calculation (i.e. 176362000000) exceeds that.


assignments are not expressions, and only expressions are allowed in this context --- how to resolve this error

I am trying to find the find the result of num1 raised to the power num2:
This is my code ->
fun power(num1 : Int, num2: Int): Int {
var result = 1
while (num2 != 0) {
return result *= num1
But the above code is producing the following error -->
Calculator.kt:30:16: error: assignments are not expressions, and only expressions are allowed in this context
return result *= num1
Calculator.kt:33:5: error: a 'return' expression required in a function with a block body ('{...}')
I have read a number of articles but not able to understand. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
An expression is something that evaluates to a value. An assignment is something that assigns a value to a variable or property.
x *= y is an assignment that is shorthand for x = x * y.
You cannot return an assignment, because it does not evaluate to a value. An assignment contains an expression on the right side of the equals sign, but as a whole does not represent an expression.
There are some other syntax problems you have. You can't modify a function paramter's value (num2-- isn't allowed).
The logic also doesn't make sense. return returns an expression immediately. To fix your code, you need to create a local variable from num2, and move the return statement to the end.
fun power(num1 : Int, num2: Int): Int {
var result = 1
var count = num2
while (count != 0) {
result *= num1
return result
FYI, there's a function called repeat that is simpler than using a while loop with a counter. It runs the code inside the brackets by the number of times you give.
fun power(num1 : Int, num2: Int): Int {
var result = 1
repeat(num2) {
result *= num1
return result
You function contains multiple errors, I suggest you to study Kotlin, here a reference. Kotlin website has some more material.
Back to your problem, I have modified your function:
fun power(num1 : Int, num2: Int): Int {
var result = 1
var num2_local = num2
while (num2_local != 0) {
result *= num1
return result
Problems with your version:
you return from the function immediately
basic types args passed to kotlin functions are passed by const copy, this means that you cannot modify them (e.g num2--)
If you keep a local modifiable reference (var keyword) withing your function, then you achieve your goal

Format a number to string, fill 0 when it's not enough two characters

I want to format the number to String and fill 0 when it's not enough two characters
fun formatDuration(val duration):String {
val minutes = duration.toInt() / 60
return "$minutes"
For example, if minutes is 6, it should displayed 06 rather than 6.
You can padStart the toString() result of minutes.
I tried your code in the Kotlin Playground and it wasn't compilable / runnable. For the following example, I had to change parts of your fun:
fun main() {
fun formatDuration(duration: Double): String {
val minutes = duration.toInt() / 60
// fill the result to be of 2 characters, use 0 as padding char
return minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0')
Executing this results in the output 06.
Alternatively, you can simply use String.format() from Java, just
return "%02d".format(minutes)
instead of return minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0'), the result stays the same.
You can achive this with padStart
val padWithSpace = "125".padStart(5)
println("'$padWithSpace'") // ' 125'
val padWithChar = "a".padStart(5, '.')
println("'$padWithChar'") // '....a'
// string is returned as is, when its length is greater than the specified
val noPadding = "abcde".padStart(3)
println("'$noPadding'") // 'abcde'

deal with arrays of Kotlin with Long variables

I have a question about Kotlin.
I tried two versions of Kotlin, 1.0.0 and 1.2.6.
Using Kotlin, we can initialize an array and access to its element like this.
val n: Int = 10
val arr = Array(n, { it } )
val i: Int = 0
However, I got an error with this code.
val n: Long = 10
val arr = Array(n, { it } )
val i: Long = 0
It seems that it is an only way to cast Long to Int in order to compile this code.
val n: Long = 10
val arr = Array(n.toInt(), { it } )
val i: Long = 0
However, it seems too redundant to me, but I couldn't find any solutions. So my question is
Is there any way to initialize arrays and access elements with a Long
Does Kotlin have any reasons that Long variable should not be accepted here?
Kotlin comes with longArrayOf(1, 2, 3) which will create an array for you which contains Longs.
Note that what you are trying to do with println(arr[i]) is getting a Long value out of arr, but the indexing of arrays is done with Ints. It will never work with Longs:
* Returns the array element at the given [index].
* This method can be called using the index operator.
public operator fun get(index: Int): Long
If you want to initialize an array of longs of the given length, you can use the same top-level Array function:
val n = 10 // n is Int
val arrayOfLongs = Array(n) { it.toLong() } // Array of 10 longs
Here the number n is Int and the initializer function converts the integer index it of an element being initialized to Long, therefore we get an array of longs as the result.
Or you can use another similar function to create a specialized LongArray:
val longArray = LongArray(n) { it.toLong() } // LongArray of 10 longs
Both arrays store longs, but the latter does it more compactly.

Can you map/reduce a String into an Int?

I was solving a problem on codeforces in which I had to sum up the digits of a big number (it can have up to 100k digits) and I'd have to repeat that process until there is only one digit left and count the number of times I did that and I came up with a working solution, however I'd like to know if some things could have been done in a more "Kotlin-ish like way", so given:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun transform(n: String): Int {
var count = 0
var sum : Int
var s = n
while(s.length > 1) {
sum = (0 until s.length).sumBy { s[it].toInt() - '0'.toInt() }
s = sum.toString()
return count
sum = (0 until s.length).sumBy { s[it].toInt() - '0'.toInt() } is there a way to I guess map the sum of digits in the string to the sum variable, or in general a better approach than the one I used?
When converting a Char to an Int it converts it to the ASCII value so I had to add "-'0'.toInt()" is there a faster way (not that it's too much to write, asking out of curiosity)?
How to make the String n mutable without creating a new String s and manipulating it? Or is that the desired (and only) way?
P.S. I'm a beginner with Kotlin.
When converting a Char to an Int it converts it to the ASCII value so I had to add "-'0'.toInt()" is there a faster way (not that it's too much to write, asking out of curiosity)?
You can simply write s[it] - '0', because subtracting Chars in Kotlin already gives you an Int:
public class Char ... {
/** Subtracts the other Char value from this value resulting an Int. */
public operator fun minus(other: Char): Int
But why are looping over the indexes when you could loop over the Chars directly?
sum = s.sumBy { it - '0' }
This is a functional (and recursive) style to solve it:
private fun sum(num: String, count: Int) : Int {
return num
//digit to int
.map { "$it".toInt() }
//sum digits
//sum to string
//if sum's length is more than one, do it again with incremented count. Otherwise, return the current count
.let { if (it.length > 1) sum(it, count + 1) else count }
And you call it like this:
val number = "2937649827364918308623946..." //and so on
val count = sum(number, 0)
Hope it helps!

Error in Print prime number using high order functions in kotlin

val listNumbers = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
val listNumber1to100 = listNumbers.takeWhile { it < 100 }
val secNum:Unit = listNumber1to100.forEach {it}
println(listNumber1to100.asSequence().filter { it%(listNumber1to100.forEach { it })!=0 }.toList())
I have an error in reminder sign!
This is Error: None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied
In your first approach, the error appears in this line:
it%(listNumber1to100.forEach { it })
A Byte, Double, Float, Int, Long or Short is prefered right after the % operator, however, forEach is a function which the return type is Unit.
In your second approach, you have the correct expression in isPrime(Int). Here are some suggestions for you:
listNumber1to100 is excluding 100 in your code, if you want to include 100 in listNumber1to100, the lambda you pass to takeWhile should be changed like this:
val listNumber1to100 = listNumbers.takeWhile { it <= 100 }
listNumber1to100.asSequence() is redundant here since listNumber1too100 is itself a TakeWhileSequence which implements Sequence.
isPrime(Int) is a bit confusing since it is check for isComposite and it does not work for every input it takes(it works for 1 to 99 only). I will rewrite it in this way:
fun isPrime(num: Int): Boolean = if (num <= 1) false else !(2..num/2).any { num % it == 0 }
Since prime number must be positive and 1 is a special case(neither a prime nor composite number), it just return false if the input is smaller or equal to 1. If not, it checks if the input is divisible by a range of number from 2 to (input/2). The range ends before (input/2) is because if it is true for num % (num/2) == 0, it is also true for num % 2 == 0, vise versa. Finally, I add a ! operator before that because a prime number should not be divisible by any of those numbers.
Finally, you can filter a list by isPrime(Int) like this:
PS. It is just for reference and there must be a better implementation than this.
To answer your question about it, it represents the only lambda parameter inside a lambda expression. It is always used for function literal which has only one parameter.
The error is because the expression: listNumber1to100.forEach { it } - is not a number, it is a Unit (ref).
The compiler try to match the modulo operator to the given function signatures, e.g.: mod(Byte) / mod(Int) / mod(Long) - etc.
val listNumbers = generateSequence(1) { it + 1 }
val listNumber1to100 = listNumbers.takeWhile { it < 100 }
fun isPrime(num: Int): Boolean = listNumber1to100.asSequence().any { num%it==0 && it!=num && it!=1 }
println(listNumber1to100.asSequence().filter { !isPrime(it)}.toList())
I found this solution and worked
But why can I have a non-number here in the right side of reminder