Message-completion results from a consumer back to a producer - redis

We are building an application with a microservice architecture.
The microservice architecture will follow a message-oriented pattern, with AWS SQS.
We would like to return completion results from the consumer service back to the producer service.
This is the algorithm we are considering:
Producer creates a message with a unique id
Producer subscribes to a Redis channel that is named with the message id
Producer places the message onto the SQS queue
Consumer removes the message from the SQS queue and performs an operation
Consumer publishes the results of the operation to the Redis channel that is named with the message id
Producer recieves the completion results and resumes execution
Is this a reasonable way to pass message-completion results from a consumer back to a producer?

After continued research, it became apparent that message queues are not part of the solution. Point #5 in this article, "...or doesn’t even care about the result..." suggests (by implication) that we are simply using the wrong approach.
We changed our design so that request ordering is not important, and will make direct calls to AWS Lambda functions using the invoke api.


Message Delivery Guarantee for Multiple Consumers in Pub/Sub and Messaging Queues

A system undergoes some state change, and multiple other parts of the system has to know this(lets call them observers) so that they can perform some actions based on the current state, the actions of the observers are important, if some of the observers are not online(not listening currently due to some trouble, but will be back soon), the message should not be discarded till all the observers gets the message.
Trying to accomplish this with pub/sub model, here are my findings, (please correct if this understanding is wrong) -
The publisher creates an event on specific topic, and multiple subscribers can consume the same message. This model either provides no delivery guarantee(in redis), or delivery is guaranteed once(with messaging queues), ie. when one of the consumer acknowledges a message, the message is discarded(rabbitmq).
A new Person Profile entity gets created in DB
A background verification service has to know this to trigger the verification process.
Subscriptions service has to know this to add default subscriptions to the user.
Now both the tasks are important, unrelated and can run in parallel.
Now In Queue model, if subscription service is down for some reason, a BG verification process acknowledges the message, the message will be removed from the queue, or if it is fire and forget like most of pub/sub, the delivery is anyhow not guaranteed for both the services.
One more point is both the tasks are unrelated and need not be triggered one after other.
In short, my need is to make sure all the consumers gets the same message and they should be able to acknowledge them individually, the message should be evicted only after all the consumers acknowledged it either of the above approaches doesn't do this.
Anything I am missing here ? How should I approach this problem ?
This scenario is explicitly supported by RabbitMQ's model, which separates "exchanges" from "queues":
A publisher always sends a message to an "exchange", which is just a stateless routing address; it doesn't need to know what queue(s) the message should end up in
A consumer always reads messages from a "queue", which contains its own copy of messages, regardless of where they originated
Multiple consumers can subscribe to the same queue, and each message will be delivered to exactly one consumer
Crucially, an exchange can route the same message to multiple queues, and each will receive a copy of the message
The key thing to understand here is that while we talk about consumers "subscribing" to a queue, the "subscription" part of a "pub-sub" setup is actually the routing from the exchange to the queue.
So a RabbitMQ pub-sub system might look like this:
A new Person Profile entity gets created in DB
This event is published as a message to an "events" topic exchange with a routing key of "entity.profile.created"
The exchange routes copies of the message to multiple queues:
A "verification_service" queue has been bound to this exchange to receive a copy of all messages matching "entity.profile.#"
A "subscription_setup_service" queue has been bound to this exchange to receive a copy of all messages matching "entity.profile.created"
The consuming scripts don't know anything about this routing, they just know that messages will appear in the queue for events that are relevant to them:
The verification service picks up the copy of the message on the "verification_service" queue, processes, and acknowledges it
The subscription setup service picks up the copy of the message on the "subscription_setup_service" queue, processes, and acknowledges it
If there are multiple consuming scripts looking at the same queue, they'll share the messages on that queue between them, but still completely independent of any other queue.
Here's a screenshot from this interactive visualisation tool that shows this scenario:
As you mentioned it is not something that you can control with Redis Pub/Sub data structure.
But you can do it easily with Redis Streams.
Streams will allow you to post messages using the XADD command and then control which consumers are dealing with the message and acknowledge that message has been processed.
You can look at these sample application that provides (in Java) example about:
posting and consuming messages
create multiple consumer groups
manage exceptions
Getting Started with Redis Streams and Java
Redis Streams in Action ( Project that shows how to use ADD/ACK/PENDING/CLAIM and build an error proof streaming application with Redis Streams and SpringData )

Producer, consumer, and handler with messaging queue

I am involved in a project which consists of apps below:
Producer application: receives messages from clients via ASP.NET web api, and enqueues messages into a message queue.
Consumer application: dequeues messages from the message queue above, and sends messages to Handler application below.
Handler application: receives messages from Consumer application, and sends the message to external application, if that failed, sends them to dead queue.
The problem is that:
Consumer dequeues messages off the queue, and send them to Handler. Then Consumer is blocked (via background threads using async) waiting for Handler's process. That is, Consumer performs RPC call to Handler app.
If Handler either successfully sends the messages to external app, or if that failed, successfully enqueues them to a dead queue, Consumer commits the dequeuing. (removes message off the queue)
If either of both (external app or dead queue) above failed, consumer rollbacks the dequeuing (puts message back to queue)
My question is that
What is the pros and cons of using Handlers app, comparing Consumer performs Handler's logic in addition to Consumer's current logic?
Is it better to remove Handler application, and integrates Handler's logic to Consumer application? So Consumer talks to external application directly, and handles dead queue. One fewer application to maintain.
Let's be perfectly clear: in the abstract sense, you have two entities - a producer and a consumer. The producer sends the original message, and the consumer processes it. There is no need to muddy the water by adding details about "handler" as it is a logical part of the consuming process.
It seems then that your real question (and also mine) is "what value does consumer (your definition) add?" Keep in mind that none are "talking" directly to one another - they are communicating via a message queue. In that regard, if it is easier to have the ultimate processing piece dequeue the message directly, rather than having some intermediate pipe, then do that.

RabbitMQ same message to each consumer

I have implemented the example from the RabbitMQ website:
RabbitMQ Example
I have expanded it to have an application with a button to send a message.
Now I started two consumer on two different computers.
When I send the message the first message is sent to computer1, then the second message is sent to computer2, the thrid to computer1 and so on.
Why is this, and how can I change the behavior to send each message to each consumer?
Why is this
As noted by Yazan, messages are consumed from a single queue in a round-robin manner. The behavior your are seeing is by design, making it easy to scale up the number of consumers for a given queue.
how can I change the behavior to send each message to each consumer?
To have each consumer receive the same message, you need to create a queue for each consumer and deliver the same message to each queue.
The easiest way to do this is to use a fanout exchange. This will send every message to every queue that is bound to the exchange, completely ignoring the routing key.
If you need more control over the routing, you can use a topic or direct exchange and manage the routing keys.
Whatever type of exchange you choose, though, you will need to have a queue per consumer and have each message routed to each queue.
you can't it's controlled by the server check Round-robin dispatching section
It decides which consumer turn is. i'm not sure if there is a set of algorithms you can pick from, but at the end server will control this (i think round robin algorithm is default)
unless you want to use routing keys and exchanges
I would see this more as a design question. Ideally, producers should create the exchanges and the consumers create the queues and each consumer can create its own queue and hook it up to an exchange. This makes sure every consumer gets its message with its private queue.
What youre doing is essentially 'worker queues' model which is used to distribute tasks among worker nodes. Since each task needs to be performed only once, the message is sent to only one node. If you want to send a message to all the nodes, you need a different model called 'pub-sub' where each message is broadcasted to all the subscribers. The following link shows a simple pub-sub tutorial

API design around RabbitMQ for publisher/subscriber

TL;DR - Whats the best way to expose RabbitMQ to a consumer via REST API?
I'm creating an API to publish and consume message from RabbitMQ. In my current design, the publisher is going to make a POST request. My API will route the POST request to the exchange. In this way, the publisher doesn't have to know the server address, exchange name etc. while publishing.
Now the consumer part is where I'm not sure how to proceed.
At the beginning there will be no queues. When a new consumer wants to subscribe to a TOPIC, then I will create a queue and bind it to the exchange. I need help with answers to few questions -
Once I create a queue for the consumer, what's the next step to let the consumer get messages from that queue?
I make the consumer ask for a batch of messages(say 50 messages) from the queue. Then once I receive an ack from the consumer I will send the next 50 messages from queue. If I don't receive an ack I will requeue the 50 messages back into the queue. Isn't this expensive in terms of opening and closing connection between the consumer and my API?
If there is a better approach then please suggest
In general, your idea of putting RMQ behind a REST API is a good one. You don't want to expose RMQ to the world, directly.
For the specific questions:
Once I create a queue for the consumer, what's the next step to let the consumer get messages from that queue?
Have you read the tutorials? I would start there, for the language you are working with:
Isn't this expensive in terms of opening and closing connection between the consumer and my API?
Don't open and close connections for each batch of messages.
Your application instance (the "consumer" app) should have a single connection. That connection stays open as long as you need it - across as many calls to RabbitMQ as you want.
I typically open my RMQ connection as soon as the app starts, and I leave it open until the app shuts down.
Within the consumer app, using that one single connection, you will create multiple channels through the connection. A channel is where the actual work is done.
Depending on your language, you will have a single channel per thread; a single channel per queue being consumed; etc
You can create and destroy channels very quickly, unlike connections.
More specifically with your idea of batch processing, this will be handled by putting a consumer prefetch limit on your consumer and then requiring messages to be acknowledged after processing it.

NServiceBus queue concept

Just started learning NServiceBus and trying to understand the concept.
When it talks about queues, are we talking about MSMQs on both publisher and subscriber?
So, if I have an application that generates a list of something (say, name of animals), then it dumps the list into publisher’s queue. The publisher polls the queue every minute and if there is something in the queue, it will publish to subscriber’s queue for further processing. Does this make sense?
The sequence of events for a publish is as follows:
The Publisher will start up(Windows Service)
A Subscriber will start up and place a message into the Publisher's input queue(MSMQ)
The Publisher will take that message, read the address of the Subscriber and place that into storage(subscription storage: memory, MSMQ, or RDBMS)
When it is time to publish and event, the Publisher will inspect the type of message and then read subscription storage to find Subscribers interested in that message
The Publisher will then send a message to each of the Subscribers found in subscription storage
The Subscriber receives the message in its input queue(MSMQ) and processes it
You can leverage other messaging platforms instead of MSMQ, but MSMQ is the default. There really is no polling done, all the endpoints are signaled when a message hits the queues.
MSMQ is a transport layer. It passes the messages around.
The application will publish something using a NServiceBus queue. If you configured it to use MSMQ, that's what it will use for its transport layer and this is what the subscribers will be looking at.
NServiceBus follows the publisher/subscriber model as you have correctly stated. However your confusion is based on the use of two queues. This is incorrect. The server (publisher) will maintain the queue which is interfaced via the MSMQ protocol and so your application would communicate directly with this possibly remotely or locally.
You would typically use a WCF service which would raise an event upon a new message being pushed onto the queue. Your application can then make use of this new message as desired. See the NServiceBus documentation for examples: