Application.WorksheetFunction.Search and .IsNumber don't work in VBA: type mismatch error; fixing match function character limit - vba

I'm trying to work around the MATCH's function's character limit using this answer:
I tried the full version:
Sub test
Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(True, _
Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(Application.WorksheetFunction.Search("testing string", _
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A:A"))), 0), 0)
End Sub
It didn't work - Type mismatch error.
So I tried the shorter version:
Sub test
MsgBox (Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(Application.WorksheetFunction.Search("testing string", _
End Sub
To the same result. At the same time when I use this formula manually on worksheet it works fine.

WorksheetFunction produces a breaking error when an error occurs. Instead, use the Match method of the Application object. Actually, you can avoid WorksheetFunction altogether.
Sub test()
Dim rngSearchRange As Range
'Define the search range as to avoid a whole column reference
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set rngSearchRange = Application.Intersect(.UsedRange, .Range("A:A"))
End With
'Search for the specified search string
With Application
KEY_CONTRACT_ROW = .Match(True, .IsNumber(.Search("testing string", rngSearchRange)), 0)
End With
'Check whether a match was found
MsgBox "Match not found!", vbExclamation
MsgBox "Match found!", vbExclamation
End If
End Sub


Subtract two ranges and clear the contents from result

I'm trying to subtract RangeA - RangeA+offset to get a new range. After this i need to clear all the values within it. My problem is that the variable columnrange is empty and i'm unable to realize what i'm doing wrong.
Dim rng1 As String
Dim rangeA As Range
Dim columnrange As Range
Dim clearrange As Range
rng1 = TextBoxA.Value
If Not IsNull(RangeboxA.Value) Then
On Error Resume Next
Set rangeA = Sheets("Plan1").Range(RangeboxA.Value)
rangeA.Offset(0, rng1).Select
columnrange = rangeA.Resize(rangeA.Rows.Count, rangeA.Columns.Count + rng1).Value
On Error Resume Next
If rangeA Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Verificar informação A"
End If
This code moves a user-defined range by a user-defined amount.
Sub RemoveRangeOverlap()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Plan1")
Dim rngOffset As Integer
Dim rangeA As Range, rangeB As Range
Dim cellRange() As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandle
rngOffset = CInt(TextBoxA.Value)
If RangeBoxA.Value <> "" Then
Set rangeA = ws.Range(RangeBoxA.Value) 'Set old range
cellRange = Split(CStr(RangeBoxA.Value), ":") 'Set start/ending cells
ReDim Preserve cellRange(LBound(cellRange) To UBound(cellRange))
Set rangeB = ws.Range(ws.Range(cellRange(0)).Offset(0, rngOffset), _
ws.Range(cellRange(1)).Offset(0, rngOffset)) 'set new range
rangeA.Copy rangeB 'copy new range
Application.CutCopyMode = xlCopy 'remove marching ants
If rangeA.Columns.Count <= rngOffset Then 'remove old values
Else: ws.Range(ws.Range(cellRange(0)), _
ws.Range(cellRange(1)).Offset(0, rngOffset - rangeA.Columns.Count)).Clear
End If
Else: MsgBox "Missing target range input.", vbCritical, "Insufficient Data"
End If
If Err.Number = 438 Then
MsgBox "Invalid range format in range input box." & vbNewLine & _
"Proper range format example: A1:A1", vbCritical, "Error 438"
ElseIf Err.Number = 13 Then
MsgBox "Only numbers may be input as the range offset amount", _
vbCritical, "Error 13: Type Mis-match"
ElseIf Err.Number = 5 Then Exit Sub
Else: Err.Raise Err.Number
End If
End Sub
How the code works:
The first thing we have set up is information control from user-defined values. To accomplish this (which can also be done with If Then statements to prevent the errors from ever occurring in the first place) I've included an error handling line at the end. We know what 3 errors we expect to get depending on what the user provides us with.
Error 438 will occur if the user tries to set RangeBoxA's value as a non-range value.
Error 13 will occur if the user tries to input anything that isn't a number as the offset value.
Error 5 will occur because I'm bad at error handling and I'm not sure why it's occuring.. It loops my error statement at the end after whichever error is thrown (being a non-vba error).
Next we split up the range supplied by the user into two 'cells'. Using this we can apply some simple math to show where the copy destination will be as well as delete the proper amount of old range values.
If the number of columns is greater than the user supplied offset, then the new and old ranges will overlap. Some simple math will remove the old cells while preserving the new one's
If the number of columns is less than the user supplied offset, delete all of the old cells because they won't be overlapping.
Let me know if this works for you.

Unable to get worksheet the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction Class error

Private Sub TextBox2_AfterUpdate() 'Badge Number
On Error GoTo Err
Dim tbl As ListObject, fndStr As String
Set tbl = Sheet9.ListObjects("EmployeeList")
fndStr = Trim(Me.TextBox2.Value)
MsgBox fndStr
If fndStr <> "" Then
Me.TextBox3.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(fndStr, tbl, 2, False) '<-- Error Line
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
I have a table named as "EmployeeList" and I am doing simple vlookup using Badge number but I am getting the error for unknown reason. I know there are similar questions asked before but I did read before posting this.
As you can clearly see the table name in the image and Entered value that is 10 for the first parameter on vlookup function but it doesn't returns any value but gives error. Don't know what's wrong.
'I tried this as well
Me.TextBox3.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(fndStr, Sheet9.Range("A1:F" & Rows.Count), 2, False) '<-- Error Line
'And this
Me.TextBox3.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(fndStr, Sheet9.Range("EmployeeList"), 2, False) '<-- Error Line
Also for unknown reason I can't do
Application.Vlookup as well
Like when I do Application.V
Vlookup doesn't shows up in the list.
There are two issues.
The first, you have tried to solve, is that you need a Range as Arg2in Vlookup. Since your tbl is a ListObject. you could simply use tbl.Range, see ListObject.Range Property.
The second is, that Vlookup will not find strings in a column of numbers. And your first column is a column of numbers. So you need to convert the string into number.
Me.TextBox3.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CDbl(fndStr), tbl.Range, 2, False)
should work.
Please find the code below, i have used evaluate method to get vlookup result.
Private Sub TextBox2_AfterUpdate()
Dim fndStr As String
On Error GoTo Err_Desc
fndStr = Trim(Me.TextBox2.Value)
MsgBox fndStr
If fndStr <> "" Then
'// Using Eval method
Me.TextBox3.Value = Evaluate("=VLOOKUP(" & fndStr & ",EmployeeList[#All],2,0)")
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

VBA Error 91 after correct execution with for each loop and cell comments

I have the following code that works fine until the end of the MsgBox:
Sub CommentsAsFootnotes(myTemplate As Variant, ByRef footnotespage1 As String, ByRef footnotespage2 As String)
Dim rngTemp As Range
Dim rngComment As Range
Dim footnote As String
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set rngComment = myTemplate.Sheets("Seite 1 ").Range("B14:T35").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
On Error GoTo 0
i = 1
'If rngComment is Nothing
'Exit Sub
'End If
For Each rngTemp In rngComment
rngTemp.value = rngTemp.value & CStr(i)
rngTemp.Characters(Start:=Len(rngTemp.value), Length:=1).Font.Superscript = True
MsgBox rngTemp.Comment.Text
' error thrown here
Next rngTemp
footnotespage1 = footnote
End Sub
The message box is shown with the correct content.
However, when I click "OK", an error is thrown "Error 91, Object variable or with block variable not set" and the debugger highlights the line with the message box.
Do you have any idea what could cause this error?
It's because that current range doesn't have a comment inside, add an IF when the cell doesn't have any comment inside, like this :
If rngTemp.Comment Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Comment found !"
MsgBox rngTemp.Comment.Text
End If

VBA Match function to find ActiveCell Value on inactive sheet and change value on active sheet

I try to find the value of the Active cell where my cursor is using the application.match function on a different sheet. If it is found i want to change the value of a cell on my active sheet based on the ActiveCell.Row and a determined column.
I tried to use this code
Sub test()
Dim wert As String
Dim such1 As String
Dim var As Integer
such1 = ActiveCell.Value
On Error Resume Next
var = Application.Match(such1, Worksheets(Test1).Columns(1), 0)
If Err = 0 Then
wert = Sheets("Test2").Cell(var, "N").Value
Sheets("Test2").Cell(ActiveCell.Row, "O").Value = wert
MsgBox "Value not existent"
End If
End Sub
Somehow i always get the error message. I dont understand why though. Do you have any idea?
Use syntax like this:
Option Explicit
Public Sub test()
Dim foundRow As Variant
Dim activeRow As Long
Dim foundN As String
activeRow = ActiveCell.Row
foundRow = Application.Match(ActiveCell, Worksheets("Test1").Columns(1), 0)
If Not IsError(foundRow) Then
foundN = Worksheets("Test2").Cells(foundRow, "N").Value
Worksheets("Test2").Cells(activeRow, "O").Value = foundN
MsgBox "Value not existent"
End If
End Sub
Mistakes in your code:
Worksheets(test1) should be Worksheets("Test1")
Worksheets("Test2").Cell should be Worksheets("Test2").Cells ("s" at the end of Cells)
There are subtle differences between Application.Match() and WorksheetFunction.Match()
WorksheetFunction.Match() is not as reliable as Application.Match()
WorksheetFunction.Match() throws a run-time error
you need to use the statement On Error Resume Next to bypass the VBA error
Application.Match() returns an Error Object
the statement On Error Resume Next doesn't work
to check the return value you have to use If IsError(Application.Match(...))
Note how foundRow is defined: Dim foundRow AsVariant
The return value can be the row number (a Long) or an Error object (Variant)

Excel VBA Runtime Error 1004 when renaming ActiveSheet

I'm at a loss when trying to figure out where this code is tripping up. I am looking to rename the activesheet by using a concat of two ranges on the activesheet and some static text. When only one worksheet is in the workbook, the code works great. As soon as a second worksheet is added, I get a Runtime Error 1004. I'll highlight the line of code where it is breaking. This code currently resides in a normal module.
Option Explicit
Sub updateName()
Dim fNumber
Dim pCheckNumber
Dim asName As String
Dim tempASName As String
Dim worksheetName As Object
If ActiveSheet.Name = "Launch Page" Then Exit Sub
fNumber = ActiveSheet.Range("FlightNumber").Value
pCheckNumber = ActiveSheet.Range("PerformanceCheckNumber").Value
If fNumber <> "" And pCheckNumber <> "" Then
tempASName = "Flight " & fNumber & " | Run " & pCheckNumber & " (0.0%)"
asName = tempASName
MsgBox ActiveSheet.Name & vbCr & asName
ActiveSheet.Name = asName
worksheetName.Caption = asName
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
I'm in the process of adding error checking to ensure that I don't have duplicate sheet names. However, due to the nature of the field names, this will never occur.
I appreciate all of the insights!
The error you are reporting is, most likely, provoked because of trying to rename a Worksheet by using a name already in use. Here you have a small code to avoid this kind of situations:
Dim newName As String: newName = "sheet1"
Dim addition As String: addition = "_2"
Do While (Not sheetNameFree(newName))
newName = newName & addition
Where sheetNameFree is defined by:
Function sheetNameFree(curName As String) As Boolean
sheetNameFree = True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If (LCase(Sheet.Name) = LCase(curName)) Then
sheetNameFree = False
Exit Function
End If
Next Sheet
End Function
You can adapt this code to your specific needs (for example, by converting addition into a number which grows after each wrong name).
In your code I see one other problem (although it shouldn't be triggering a 1004 error): you are accessing the property Caption from an non-instantiated object (worksheetName), whose exact functionality is not too clear. Just delete this line.
NOTE: good point from KazJaw, you might be using an illegal character. If fNumber and pCheckNumber are numbers or letters, it would be OK.
NOTE2: if with worksheetName you want to refer to an ActiveX Label in your workSheet, better do: ActiveSheet.Label1.Caption (where Label1 is the name of the Label). You cannot define worksheetName as a Label, because it is not a "conventional Label".