XAMPP 7.2.8-0 Mac Apache web server update/install won't start anymore - apache

I am running MacOS Sierra Version 10.12.6 and I have just tried to upgrade to the latest version of XAMPP on localhost.
I have just upgraded from XAMPP 7.1.10 to 7.2.8-0 by performing an install of the xampp-osx-7.2.8-0-installer.dmg file.
It appears now that I am getting a conflict between AVAST running on port 80
The system was working before running both AVAST and XAMPP 7.1.10 I assume on the default port of 80 but I did not check before the upgrade to 7.2.8
Disabling the AVAST Shields still resulted in processes on port 80
colins-iMac:phpmyadmin colinhart$ sudo lsof -i :80
com.avast 29044 root 46u IPv4 0xf605aed3cc5db167 0t0 TCP colins-imac:61319->host213-123-242-66.in-addr.btopenworld.com:http (ESTABLISHED)
com.avast 29044 root 57u IPv4 0xf605aed3d4de9a5f 0t0 TCP colins-imac:61274-> (ESTA
and XAMPP also running on Port 80 by default, I have tried changing the port for XAMPP to an available one 80+ to no avail
I am desperate to get this working now as I am unable to develop, so any help would be much appreciated.
I will continue trying to fix the problem by reviewing answers to similar queries.
UPDATE I uninstalled AVAST and installed AVIRA, and yet the Apache Web server still stops soon after Starting

The resolution to the problem having tried virtually all suggestions given by previous answers on this site, was to change the /etc/hosts file as suggested in this response
Unable to start XAMPP Apache server on MacOS-Sierra
To solve this :
Executed following command
sudo -e /etc/hosts
Then, changed following entries localhost
::1 localhost
to localhost MacBook-Pro.local
::1 localhost MacBook-Pro.local
where MacBook-Pro.local is the name returned by hostname command in terminal session
colins-iMac:~ colinhart$ hostname
colins-iMac:~ colinhart$
in my case the name should be colins-iMac
Many Thanks

Deleting the lib folder from XAMPP files and reinstalling worked for me
Check this SOF answer


SSH Remote Tunnel port

I have 3 computers 2 Linux and 1 Windows.
Windows PC and Linux server (A) are on the same network (1).
The linux server (B) is on another network (2).
I want to make an SSH tunnel between the 2 linux servers to allow the Windows PC to access an HTTP page of the Linux server (B), which is therefore on another network.
With this command on the linux server (A) the tunnel works fine but only locally in linux.
ssh -R 8080:localhost:80 linuxa.internet.com
But from Windows PC I cannot access port 8080 on linux (A). http://linuxa.local:8080 does not work.
So I tried these two commands to open access to my PC but it doesn't work either.
ssh -R linuxa.internet.com
ssh -R ipwindows:8080:localhost:80 linuxa.internet.com
Can you help me ?
Thank you
From a comment, I conclude that you might have problem with the firewall. Suppose you can reach the tunnel from the host that is "proxy" (with curl,wget,ncat etc. on localhost). You should check what block traffic. In most cases, it is a firewall. Depending on your Linux distro you might have different backends and frontends for a firewall. If you have firewall-cmd command installed it's very likely that firewalld is one.
But before blaming the firewall, you should check if a port is open/closed. I prefer netcat:
If there is no connection or connection is refused, it's extremely likely that the firewall is the problem.
You can check if firewalld is running with systemctl:
# systemctl status firewalld
● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-02-08 21:42:29 CET; 13h ago
Then you might add traffic on port 8080:
# firewall-cmd --add-port 8080/tcp
It will temporarily open network traffic on 8080. Then you should be able to use port 8080 and your ssh tunnel.
Thank you for your answer but I don't think I have a firewall installed
systemctl status firewalld
Unit firewalld.service could not be found.
firewall-cmd --add-port 8080/tcp
-bash: firewall-cmd: command not found

phpMyAdmin 500 Internal Server Error

today I built a droplet from DigitalOcean, I installed LAMP and phpMyAdmin without any problem. After that for copy my old website to my new droplet, I tried to use ftp. I used vsftpd, created a user for it, changed the ufw permissions little bit, changed some settings from vsftpd.conf and that's all. Now I am trying to access phpmyadmin but
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request....Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Port 80
sudo service apache2 status
netstat -ln | grep -E ':80|443'
OUTPUT: tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN
Its hard to diagnose the exact problem from your Error, I would start with:
Check that the server is running correctly (in Ubuntu sudo service apache2 status)
Check Apache is listening on port 80 (in Ubuntu netstat -ln | grep -E ':80|443'
Make sure the phpmyadmin permissions are correct (directory and files usually needs to be owned by the web server user www-data with proper access permissions)
Check the apache virtual host file to see if you have the right Directory configuration (usually phpmyadmin will have sample values in the setup file)
If all of that does not point you in the right direction to fix the issue you will need to start looking through your logs in /var/log/apache2/ and get some more detailed error messages.
Error 500 doesn't mean Apache listening issue. you should open your log file to see what problem occurred. usually, Apache error log is located in this PATH
/var/log/apache2/error.log if you didn't specify a custom log file for your virtual host. append error from the end of file in your question.

Running Reactive Native Project giving 404 not found

Running react-native sample project gives me a
404 Not Found. The Server could not locate the resource you request.
This can also happen if you've got an existing service running on port 8081, since that's the port that the packager runs on.
Load from development server. Start the server from the repository root:
$ npm start
To run on device, change localhost to the IP address of your computer, and make sure your computer and iOS device are on the same Wi-Fi network.
just like this:
jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
To expand on Colin Ramsay's answer, you can check if a service is running on port 8081 by running the following command on OSX:
lsof -i :8081
If anything is running, something like his will show:
nginx 918 Robert 6u IPv4 0x5c8c06c2a2e769cf 0t0 TCP *:sunproxyadmin (LISTEN)
nginx 1010 Robert 6u IPv4 0x5c8c06c2a2e769cf 0t0 TCP *:sunproxyadmin (LISTEN)
You can then use the PID to kill that service:
kill -9 918

Unable to start httpd on OS X Mavericks

I upgraded to OS X Mavericks and I am trying to start the apache web server
I am using the command
sudo apachectl start
to start the server but I get the following error
(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
With AMPPS or any other app, you can run it through Terminal:
$ sudo /Applications/AMPPS/apache/bin/apachectl start
$ sudo /Applications/AMPPS/apache/bin/apachectl stop
had the same thing this morning, out of the blue..
I found that running :
sudo /Applications/AMPPS/apache/bin/apachectl start
at least gave me some info :
AH00544: httpd: bad group name administration
so I typed (in terminal)
to see which groups were available and found that there is no administration group but there is admin group
so I went into httpd.conf and found the user/groups config section and changed accordingly
and -surprise!- apache started!
Here is what u can do.
Make sure the server is turned on with sudo ( root ) but I assume this is going just fine since u are using sudo in your start post.
The other way to solve this is to check in your
And change the listen port from 80 into 8080 or anything greater than 1024
Official Bug Fix is here, so you can manage it from UI.
Also sudo apachectl start/stop is for apache bundled with Mac OS X.
Type the whole path as suggested by Daniel above.
Have a read of this blog post
It sounds like you're not seeing the same "silent terminating" thing, but maybe you have a similar problem, that with Maveriks superfluous "Listen 80" line in another config file will now trip up apache. So check if you have a config file under /etc/apache2/users , and also check VirtualHosts which maybe configured in /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf (or try temporarily disabling these)
Another service is running on the port 80.
Check the service by execute this command:
sudo lsof -i :80
Stop the service before you run start the apachectl.

unable to install apache 2.2. Showing port 80 and 443 already in use

unable to install apache 2.2.Showing port80 and 443 allreday in use.
Help needed
You have a webserver running already. Assuming you're on some version of Linux (you don't say) you can identify the process running on that port using lsof.
lsof -i :80
See here for more detail