VBA. Access to an array element of the Variant. An array is a class property - vba

I have a class with an ArrSignalCabel variable. In this variable I write an array of objects.
Property Get bottom of my class returns only an array. And I do not have access to the array element.
Option Explicit
Private ArrSignalCabel As Variant
Property Let ArrSignalCab(ByVal ArrValue As Variant)
ArrSignalCabel = ArrValue
End Property
Property Get ArrSignalCab() As Variant
ArrSignalCab = ArrSignalCabel
End Property
Public Property Get ArrSignalCabIn(index As Integer) As Variant ' not work
ArrSignalCabIn(index) = ArrSignalCabel(index)
End Property
NameObjTM2 = TempPanel.ArrCabelPan(i).ArrSignalCabIn(0) ' not work
NameObjTM3 = TempPanel.ArrCabelPan(i).ArrSignalCab ' work
NameObjTM4= NameObjTM3(0).NameSig ' work
TempPanel - an object that contains an array of objects(ArrCabelPan).
ArrCabelPan - the class structure is identical to that described.

Have you tried ArrSignalCabIn = ArrSignalCabel(index)?
The name of the property should match what you declared in the Property Get, like Function.

I find answer
Public Property Get ArrSignalCabIn(Index As Integer) As Variant
If (ArrSignalCabel(Index) Is Nothing) Then Set ArrSignalCabel(Index) = New Signal
Set ArrSignalCabIn = ArrSignalCabel(Index)
End Property
Thanks to those who helped


How do I apply method of the class to the property of the class?

I have a class ClsAnimal containing the string property species, and also method plural which just returns a string with added "s" at the end of a string. I wonder if it's possible to apply .Plural to Animal.Species directly, as shown in the example below:
Sub Test()
Dim Animal As New ClsAnimal
Animal.Species = "cat"
debug.print Animal.Species
'expected result "cat"
debug.print Animal.Species.Plural
'expected result "cats"
End Sub
ClsAnimal Code:
Option Explicit
Private PSpecies As String
Property Let Species(val As String)
PSpecies = val
End Property
Property Get Species() As String
Species = PSpecies
End Property
'returns the name of an animal + "s"
Private Function Plural(val) As String
Plural = val & "s"
End Function
You can kind of hack your way to the behavior you are describing. They way I could implement this is to create a new class that "extends" strings. I've called mine StringExt and it looks like this:
Option Explicit
Private pValue As String
Public Property Get Value() As String
Value = pValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value(val As String)
pValue = val
End Property
Public Function Pluralize() As String
Dim suffix As String
'Examine last letter of the string value...
Select Case LCase(Right(pValue, 1))
Case "" 'empty string
suffix = ""
Case "s" 'words that end in s are pluralized by "es"
suffix = "es"
'Test for any other special cases you want...
Case Else ' default case
suffix = "s"
End Select
Pluralize = pValue & suffix
End Function
This is a wrapper class that wraps around an inner string value. It has a single method which will try to return the plural of the inner string value. One thing to note here is the use of a DefaultMember. I used a really handy vba editor COM addin called RubberDuck to do all the behind-the-scenes work for me with the Default Member. You can do it manually though. You would need to export the class module and modify it in a text editor, adding the Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0 tag inside the property getter:
Public Property Get Value() As String
Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0
Value = pValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value(val As String)
pValue = val
End Property
Then, import the module back into your vba project. This attribute is not visible in the vba editor. More on default members here but it basically means this property will be returned if no property is specified.
Next, we change up your animal class a bit, using our new StringExt type for the Species property:
Option Explicit
Private pSpecies As StringExt
Public Property Set Species(val As StringExt)
pSpecies = val
End Property
Public Property Get Species() As StringExt
Set Species = pSpecies
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pSpecies = New StringExt
End Sub
Note here that you'll now need to make sure the pSpecies field gets instantiated since it is an object type now. I do this in the class Initializer to enure it always happens.
Now, your client code should work as expected.
Sub ClientCode()
Dim myAnimal As Animal
Set myAnimal = New Animal
myAnimal.Species = ""
Debug.Print myAnimal.Species.Pluralize
End Sub
Substituting a basic string type for an object type might cause unexpected behavior in certain fringe situations. You are probably better off just using some global string helper method that takes a string parameter and returns the plural version. But, my implementation will get the behavior you asked for in this question. :-)

VBA assigning to array

In the code snippet I create an array of string and want to assign it to another.
Dim rfms(0) As String
rfms(0) = "X"
The next line is not working
Me.SelectedRfms = rfms
But when I created the next function:
Function ReturnTheArrayInParamter(p() As String) As String()
ReturnTheArrayInParamter = p
End Function
This is working:
Me.SelectedRfms = ReturnTheArrayInParamter(rfms)
The definition of Me.SelectedRfms is the next:
Private pSelectedRfms() As String
' SelectedRfms property
Public Property Get SelectedRfms() As String()
SelectedRfms = pSelectedRfms
End Property
Public Property Let SelectedRfms(value() As String)
pSelectedRfms = value
End Property
Can you explain why the first one is not working and why the second is working.
You cannot assign an array declared with a fixed size to a property, use:
ReDim rfms(0) As String
(The indirect function does not use a fixed size array)

Convert a Variable To a Propery Variable Using Reflection

I am trying to convert
Public Class TestClass
Public FirstName As String
End Class
Public Class AnotherClass
Public Property FirstName As String
End Class
I wrote a function that will convert the member of one class to member of another class, so if I pass some class type that has Public Property LastName AS String it will convert it to (for instance) AnotherClass Type variable and I will be able to get the value so I am happy here.
Public Shared Function ConvertModelToValidationDataModel(Of T)(ByVal oSourceObject As Object) As T
Dim oSourceObjectType As Type
Dim oSourceObjectProperties() As PropertyInfo
Dim oDestinationObjectProperties() As PropertyInfo
Dim oDestinationObject As Object
Dim oDestinationObjectType As Type
oDestinationObject = Activator.CreateInstance(Of T)()
oDestinationObjectType = GetType(T)
oDestinationObjectProperties = oDestinationObjectType.GetProperties
oSourceObjectType = oSourceObject.GetType()
oSourceObjectProperties = oSourceObjectType.GetProperties()
If Not oSourceObjectProperties Is Nothing Then
If oSourceObjectProperties.Count > 0 Then
For Each oDestinationObjectPropertyInfo As PropertyInfo In oDestinationObjectProperties
For Each oSourceObjectPropertyInfo As PropertyInfo In oSourceObjectProperties
If oDestinationObjectPropertyInfo.Name = oSourceObjectPropertyInfo.Name Then
oDestinationObjectPropertyInfo.SetValue(oDestinationObject, oSourceObjectPropertyInfo.GetValue(oSourceObject, Nothing))
End If
End If
End If
Return oDestinationObject
End Function
The problem is I want to pass TestClass (the variable FirstName is not a property but I want it to be converted to a property variable) and be able to convert it and get the value but for some reason it does not pass the value and obviously it looks like the function converts it to a non-property variable of another class - not the property variable like I want it to.
Short version:
When I pass in a class type that has property variables (Public Property FirstName As String) - I get back a class of another type, all the values are passed and converted to property variables.
When I pass in class type that has variables (Public FirstName As String) I am not able to get the value and it does not convert it to property variable.
Question: Why I am not able to get the value and convert it to a property variable when passing in a class type that has a non-property variable?
Thanks the guys in the comment section below for helping me visualize the fact that I was asking an object for the properties while object only had fields.
Here is the Updated Version of the function for those who interested
Public Shared Function ConvertModelToValidationDataModel(Of T)(ByVal oSourceObject As Object) As T
Dim oSourceObjectType As Type
Dim oSourceObjectFields() As FieldInfo
Dim oDestinationObjectProperties() As PropertyInfo
Dim oDestinationObject As Object
Dim oDestinationObjectType As Type
oSourceObjectType = oSourceObject.GetType()
oSourceObjectFields = oSourceObjectType.GetFields()
oDestinationObject = Activator.CreateInstance(Of T)()
oDestinationObjectType = GetType(T)
oDestinationObjectProperties = oDestinationObjectType.GetProperties
If Not oSourceObjectFields Is Nothing Then
If oSourceObjectFields.Count > 0 Then
For Each oSourceObjectFieldInfo As FieldInfo In oSourceObjectFields
For Each oDestinationObjectPropertyInfo As PropertyInfo In oDestinationObjectProperties
If oSourceObjectFieldInfo.Name = oDestinationObjectPropertyInfo.Name Then
oDestinationObjectPropertyInfo.SetValue(oDestinationObject, oSourceObjectFieldInfo.GetValue(oSourceObject))
End If
End If
End If
Return oDestinationObject
End Function

Accessing Items in a Collection from a Class

-EDIT Fixed
I was missing one thing and doing one thing wrong. First I was missing a function to access the collection by index. And I should of been using a for Loop instead of a for each loop in my module code
I forgot to add this to the collection class
Public Function GetPayRecords(ByVal index As Variant) As PayRecords
Set GetPayRecords = pObjCol.item(index)
End Function
and replaced
For Each vItem In .GetPayRecords
....code to do stuff
Next vItem
with this in the module
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To .Count
Debug.Print .GetPayRecords(x).PY_PayRecord.CEOCompanyID
Debug.Print .GetPayRecords(x).PY_PayRecord.OrigBankID
Next x
I'm writing a program that has 8 Classes. Each class represents a specific record type.
I have an overall Class that contains those 8 classes which is for simplicity when coding in the Module. I only have to declare one class which gives me access to all 8 classes. I have a collection which contains all the records types. Once all the logic of loading the individual records is complete they get added to the collection. This all works perfectly and I can see all the records in the collection. The final step, which happens to be where i'm having the problem, I need to extract each item within the collection by record type and write it to a csv. The problem I encounter is trying to iterate through each record.
Here's how the structure looks
The problem is in the retrieval
Dim PayRecord As PayRecords 'Class of Classes
Dim PayRecordList As bankCollection
...code to load all the payrecords
With payrecordlist
Foreach vItem in .pObjCol
debug.print .pObjCol.Item(?) ' not sure why i can't see all 8
next vItem
End With
When I add vItem to the watch I can see each and every record type filled up with information but yet i Can not access it. Below is the Class of classes and collection
Class of Classes
Option Explicit
'This class is a representation of all the record types that apply to our Payment Manager
'It aggregates all the record types (classes) into one class. That one class is used in the main processing module for simplicty
Private pPayRecord As New PayRecord
Private pPNAR_OP As New PNAR_OP
Private pPNAR_RP As New PNAR_RP
Private pSuppACHREC As New SuppACHRec
Private pSuppCCRRec As New SuppCCRRec
Private pSuppCHKRec As New SuppCHKRec
Private pDocumentDelieveryRec As New DocumentDeliveryRecord
Private pInvoiceRecords As New InvoiceRecords
Public Property Get PY_PayRecord() As PayRecord
Set PY_PayRecord = pPayRecord
End Property
Public Property Let PY_PayRecord(ByVal newPayRecord As PayRecord)
Set pPayRecord = newPayRecord
End Property
Public Property Get PA_PNAR_OP() As PNAR_OP
End Property
Public Property Let PA_PNAR_OP(ByVal newPNAR_OP_Record As PNAR_OP)
Set pPNAR_OP = newPNAR_OP_Record
End Property
Public Property Get PA_PNAR_RP() As PNAR_RP
End Property
Public Property Let PA_PNAR_RP(ByVal newPNAR_RP_Record As PNAR_RP)
Set pPNAR_RP = newPNAR_RP_Record
End Property
Public Property Get AC_SuppACH() As SuppACHRec
Set AC_SuppACH = pSuppACHREC
End Property
Public Property Let AC_SuppACH(ByVal newSuppACH_Record As SuppACHRec)
Set pSuppACHREC = newSuppACH_Record
End Property
Public Property Get AC_SuppCCR() As SuppCCRRec
Set AC_SuppCCR = pSuppCCRRec
End Property
Public Property Let AC_SuppCCR(ByVal newSuppCCR_Record As SuppCCRRec)
Set pSuppCCRRec = newSuppCCR_Record
End Property
Public Property Get AC_SuppCHK() As SuppCHKRec
Set AC_SuppCHK = pSuppCHKRec
End Property
Public Property Let AC_SuppCHK(ByVal newSuppCHK_Record As SuppCHKRec)
Set pSuppCHKRec = newSuppCHK_Record
End Property
Public Property Get DocumentDeliveryRecord() As DocumentDeliveryRecord
Set DocumentDeliveryRecord = pDocumentDelieveryRec
End Property
Public Property Let DocumentDeliveryRecord(ByVal newDocumentDeliveryRecord As DocumentDeliveryRecord)
Set pDocumentDelieveryRec = newDocumentDeliveryRecord
End Property
Public Property Get InvoiceRecords() As InvoiceRecords
Set InvoiceRecords = pInvoiceRecords
End Property
Public Property Let InvoiceRecords(ByVal newInvoiceRecord As InvoiceRecords)
Set pInvoiceRecords = newInvoiceRecord
End Property
Collection Class
Option Explicit
Private pHeaderRec As New HeaderRec
Private pNewPayRecords As New PayRecords
Public pObjCol As Collection
Private pTrailerRec As New TrailerRec
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pObjCol = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set pObjCol = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get HD_HeaderRecord() As HeaderRec
Set HD_HeaderRecord = pHeaderRec
End Property
Public Property Let HD_HeaderRecord(ByVal newHeaderRecord As HeaderRec)
Set pHeaderRec = newHeaderRecord
End Property
Sub Add(ByVal newPayRecs As PayRecords)
pObjCol.Add newPayRecs
End Sub
Property Get Count() As Long
Count = pObjCol.Count
End Property
Public Property Get TR_TrailerRecord() As TrailerRec
Set TR_TrailerRecord = pTrailerRec
End Property
Public Property Let TR_TrailerRecord(ByVal newTrailer_Record As TrailerRec)
Set pTrailerRec = newTrailer_Record
End Property
I'm sorry if this doesn't help, because your explanation is hard to follow. But, I'll assume that you are saying that you have an object of type Payrecords, which contains references to seven other objects of types PNAR_OP, PNAR_RP, etc. Each of these latter objects contain "20-30 fields" that you want to get at. You ask how to loop through all of these.
A simple way to do that is to use an array. Yes, you can foreach through Collections or (better yet) Dictionaries, but arrays work, they're easy to understand, and they were iterating through objects when Collections were running around in diapers.
Let your Payrecords have a property of type Object(6). When you initialize it, instantiate one of each of the seven objects and add it to the array (for example, "Set myPayrecordsObjects(3) = New SubCCRRec" and so on). To loop through, just use a for next loop to loop through the 7 objects.
Since you provide no information about how you structure your "fields" within these objects, I'll recommend that you iterate through the Fields collection of the ADO object to loop through those. (If you're not using the ADO Fields collection, well, your attention to detail gets mine in return.)

redim property in class module

I am pretty new to using classes in vba. I am trying to use an array as a property where the length of the array has to be variable. I was looking around for a way to do that, but I dont really understand how those properties work.
so I define my array in the class module
Private pTestArray() As String
and the properties to get and set values
Private Property Get TestArrayValue(index As Long) As String
TestArrayValue = qTestArray(index)
End Property
Private Property Let ArrayValue(index As Long, strValue As String)
pTestArray(index) = strValue
End Property
but I cant find a way to redim the array. any clues?
So you want to resize on assignment? then you can check & handle the bounds in the Let property;
Private Property Let ArrayValue(index As Long, strValue As String)
If index > UBound(pTestArray) Then ReDim Preserve pTestArray(index)
pTestArray(index) = strValue
End Property
You will also need to initially dimension with redim pTestArray(0) in the Class_Initialize event.