Unsure How to Dynamically Paste a Formula To Last Column and Last Row - vba

VBA question using Excel 2016 (64 bit)
I have header data in the first two columns (A:B) and the top row (1). I would like to dynamically paste a formula downward, starting from cell C2, to the last row and the last column. The working prototype is as follows:
Dim LstCol As Long
LstCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Range(Cells(2, "C"), Cells(2, LstCol)).Value = "=INDEX(RC1,MATCH(R1C,RC2,0))"
Dim LstRow As Long
LstRow = Cells(1, Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range(Cells(2, "C"), Cells(2, LstRow)).Value = "=INDEX(RC1,MATCH(RC1,R2C,0))"
The first Dim works as intended. The formula is successfully deployed throughout the second row to the final column (or perhaps it starts at the last column and moves leftward). However, the second Dim stops on an error. I'm unsure how to spread the data from the last row (to the last column) upwards to the second row (and the corresponding last column).
In my example, the first two columns have header data from 1 to 5330 (A1:B5330). I also have header data in the first row (C1:AX1). My target is to fill the formula =INDEX($A2,MATCH(D$1,$B2,0)) from C2:AX5330 dynamically.
Where am I going wrong?

You need to properly qualify your instances of Range and Cells with a worksheet. You can either directly do this, dim a worksheet variable, or use a With block like so:
Dim LRow as Long
With ThisworkBook.Sheets("????")
LRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("C2:AX5330").Formula = "=INDEX($A2,MATCH(D$1,$B2,0))" 'Make sure your cell references are correct here
.Range("C2:AX5330").Value = .Range("C2:AX55330").Value 'Place as values instead of formula
End With


Sum a range from another worksheet

I'm trying to get this cell to total a range from another worksheet but I keep getting stuck. The range rows and columns vary but the starting point is always C2. I need to total from C2 to the rest of the used range (aka exclude columns A and B as well as row 1 but include everything else).
Please help if you can.
Range("A1").Formula = "Wage Totals"
Range("A2").Formula = "=SUM(" & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Wage").Range(Cells(2, 3), Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Address(False, False) & ")"
Check out this link Using SUM() in VBA
You can use that idea to change your code to:
Dim lastCol As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
lastCol = Sheets("Wage").Cells(1, Sheets("Wage").Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
lastRow = Sheets("Wage").Cells(Sheets("Wage").Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1").Value = "Wage Totals"
Range("A2").Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Sheets("Wage").Range(Sheets("Wage").Cells(2, 3), Sheets("Wage").Cells(lastRow, lastCol)))
This is pretty naive solution tho becuase it assumes the usedrange limits can be found by looking for last used row on Col "A" and last used col on Row 1. You can change that method of finding the limits.

VBA, error while using lookup

I am having two Sheets BW and PSW.
With the BW the data is starting from row 4. the above 3 rows are merged and I have some command Buttons there. the sheet PSW starts from 1st row.
I am looking for the ID in sheet1,which starts from L5 and when the Id matches in sheet2, it pulls the date from sheet2 to sheet1.
I am using the below code. The code, is not executing any Output. Could anyone tell where I am making mistake.
I suppose,in the below line, the range starts from A and since my data starts from row5, it does not Count. if this is the case, then how i should Change the range. I had this code running, if my data starts with row1 without any command buttons.
totalrows = Sheets("BW").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Sub lookupePSR()
Dim totalrows As Long, totalrowsSht2 As Long
totalrows = Sheets("PSW").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
totalrowsSht2 = Sheets("PSW").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("PSW").Range("AA5:AA" & totalrows).Formula = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError(Application.VLookup(Sheets("PSW").Range("L5:L" & totalrowsSht2), Sheets("PSW").Range("$A:$L"), 7, 0), "")
End Sub
As mentioned in comments, put the actual formula into the worksheet; optionally revert to the values returned by the formulas.
with Sheets("PSW").Range("AA5:AA" & totalrows)
.Formula = "=iferror(vlookup(l5, $a:$g, 7, false), text(,))"
'optionally revert the formulas' returned values to values in cells
.value = .value
end with
The TEXT(,) is the same as ""; i.e. a zero-length string. I use this because you have to double-up double-quotes (e.g. "" becomes """") when used in a quoted string like the formula above and that confuses matters.
I've cut your lookup range down to A:G since you are only looking for the seventh column in the range.

Count the number of cells in a found column using VBA

I am pretty new to VBA and I have been fighting with creating one simple report for many days so I decided to inquire for some help. I will be really grateful for any tips you have or could point to any errors I might've made in my code.
I have the below piece of code (extracted from my loop). What I want to do is to create a list based on around 20 excel files that will have below stats:
name of the current tab inside the workbook
count of nonblanks in a column which name contains word "Difference" (always in row 7 but can be in different columns)
count from the same column but where cells are not blank AND different than 0.
For the last stat I didn't even start so you won't see it in my code but I would appreciate if you have any tips for this one too (which method best to use).
b = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Cells(b, 3) = xlWorkBook.Worksheets(i).Name
Set Myrng = Range("B7:M9999").Find(What:="Difference", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False)
If Not Myrng Is Nothing Then
RowQnt = xlWorkBook.Worksheets(i).Myrng.Offset(9999, 2).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).count
End If
Cells(b, 4) = RowQnt
My problem is that the macro runs and works, but the result I get is the list of tab names but all counts are 0 and I cannot overcome this issue. For the line number 7 I've also tried the piece of code below which yields the same result.
RowQnt = xlWorkBook.Cells(Rows.count, Myrng).End(xlUp)
Is it possible that my problem is due to the fact that in the source files the column containing word "Difference" is sometimes two merged columns? Unfortunately, I cannot change that as these are some automatically generated files from another program.
xlWorkBook.Worksheets(i).Myrng isn't a valid Range syntax while you can simply use MyRng which you already set to a not null Range reference and already has both parent worksheet and workbook references inside it
but even Myrng.Offset(9999, 2).Cells wouldn't do since it references one cell only and not a range of cells
you need a Range(Range1, Range2) syntax, where both Range1 and Range2 are valid Range references to the first and last cell of the range you actually want to count not blank cells of
furthermore you could use WorksheetFunction.CountA() function instead of SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) range, since this latter errors out if no constant cells are found in the range it's being applied to (so you'd need a check) while the former simply returns zero if no not empty cells are found
for all what above you could write the following GetRowQnt() function:
Function GetRowQnt(sht As Worksheet) As Long
Dim Myrng As Range
With sht '<--| reference passed worksheet
Set Myrng = .Rows(7).Find(What:="Difference", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False) '<--| find "Difference" in its 7th row
If Not Myrng Is Nothing Then GetRowQnt = WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Range(.Cells(8, Myrng.Column), .Cells(WorksheetFunction.Max(.Cells(.Rows.count, Myrng.Column).End(xlUp).row, 8), Myrng.Column))) '<--| count not blank cells in column where "Difference" was found from row 8 down to its last not empty cell
End With
End Function
and use it in your main code as follows:
With Windows("PassRate.xlsm").ActiveSheet '<--| reference "PassRate.xlsm" workbook active sheet (or change 'ActiveSheet' with 'Worksheetes("yourSheetName")')
For i = 1 To xlWorkbook.Worksheets.count '<--| loop through 'xlWorkbook' workbook worksheets
b = .Cells(.Rows.count, 3).End(xlUp).row + 1 '<--| get "PassRate.xlsm" workbook active sheet current first empty cell in column "C"
.Cells(b, 3) = xlWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Name
.Cells(b, 4) = GetRowQnt(xlWorkbook.Worksheets(i))
End With
please note that with
b = .Cells(.Rows.count, 3).End(xlUp).row + 1
I took column "C" as the leading one to get last not empty row from, since there was no code in your post that wrote something in column "B".
But if your real code has some
.Cells(b, 2) = somedata '<--| write something in column "B" current row
then you can go back to b = .Cells(.Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).row + 1

Copy Pasting Range of different length using VBA

I am trying to work with a code I have made but am having some trouble.
If you look at my photo above, in cell B3 I have a CUSIP. What I want to do is copy that CUSIP and paste it in each row of info for that CUSIP (so rows A4 till A8). Then I want to move to the second CUSIP in J3 (the CUSIPS are all in row 3 and 8 columns apart) and then paste the CUSIP in rows J4 to J35.
I want to keep doing this over and over for 1000 securities but the issue is that the rows differ in length.
My code is working until I get to the last piece of code which I have put in as a comment. It works but is static. Only works for moving from the 1st to 2nd security then fails. I am trying to think of a dynamic way for me to move from the cell which the CUSIP is last pasted in to the third row and corresponding column everytime (column will be 9 apart every time from the last pasted cell).
Here it is:
Sub CUSIP_Copy_Paste()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim r As Long
LastCol = Cells(4, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).column
For c = 2 To LastCol Step 8
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, c).End(xlUp).row
Cells(4, ActiveCell.Offset(1, -1).column).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
For r = 5 To LastRow
Cells(r, ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).column).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Next r
''''''ActiveCell.Offset(-5, 9).Select
Next c
End Sub
Your error lies in the final offset. Instead of -5, put in a variable, preferrably the variable which is the difference between the end of the rows count and the beginning, which is always 3.
That is to say, Offset(3 - lastRow, 9)
You almost had it friendo :)

Is there a way to get the paste section of this code to cycle down one row at a time each time data is pasted?

My aim with this bit of code is to paste the contents of column D into a different Sheet if the contents in column N on the same row within the initial Sheet is = "REDUCE ONLY".
I'm struggling to find a way to paste all the entries into the second Sheet with no blank rows between them.
Currently I'm sorting the initial Sheet so all the REDUCE ONLY entries are in order at the top of the column N so they're ordered correctly in the output sheet but this isn't very robust if I get a different set of values to what's expected in column N. Is there a different way to phrase:
"cfdSht.Cells(c.Row - 1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues"
So far I've got:
Dim c As Range
Dim rCheck As Range
Dim LRMAIN As Long
Dim cfdSht As Worksheet
Dim mainSht As Worksheet
Set mainSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set cfdSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ProductSettingNgCfd")
''Set Last Row
LRMAIN = mainSht.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
''Set Range
Set rCheck = mainSht.Range("B2:N" & LRMAIN)
''Copy any value in column D where the value on the same row in column N is "REDUCE ONLY". Paste into second Sheet with starting point adjusted up 1 row.
For Each c In rCheck
If c.Value = "REDUCE ONLY" Then
mainSht.Cells(c.Row, 4).Copy
cfdSht.Cells(c.Row - 1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End If
Replace this:
mainSht.Cells(c.Row, 4).Copy
cfdSht.Cells(c.Row - 1, 1)
With this
cfdSht.Cells(cfdSht.RowsCount, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).value = mainSht.Cells(c.Row, 4).Value
The first part will start at the bottom of the sheet then go up to the first occupied cell then move one down to the first unoccupied cell.
I used the direct assign method, because it is less taxing on the process than copy and paste. As you were looking only for values this will just put the value of the one cell into the other.