apache ignite discovery connect to zookeeper using ssl connection - ignite

I am trying to use Zookeeper for node discovery with Apache Ignite. I have configured Zookeeper to only accept SSL/TLS connections. How do I provide Zookeeper keystore detail to Apache Ignite ZookeeperDiscoverySpi? I have checked the documentation and source code of ignite-zookeeper.jar and I do not see any options to supply these details? Should I be providing these details elsewhere in the ignite config?

replace inginite-zookeeper.jar dependency zookeeper-3.4.6.jar with latest zookeeper-3.5.x.jar for proper SSL/Netty support.
supply SSL config details as JVM arguments (no options for this in Ignize Spi API)


How to setup RabbitMQ Dynamic Shovel in SSL

I want to setup a Shovel in which the destination RabbitMQ is configured to be TLS enabled.
I am unable to create a Shovel and the shovel stays in a starting state.
I have two different RabbitMQ instance in two separate docker container, one of them exposed via port 5671 (SSL) and 6671 (SSL) from host machine.
I am using RabbitMQ management plugin to establish the shovel
Below are the connection details
Source AMQP URI:
amqp://admin:pass#localhost:5672 (non-SSL)
What could be the problem here?
Kindly help

How to configure Kafka server with SASL_SSL and GSSAPI protocols

I am new to Apache Kafka, and here is what I have done so far,
Downloaded kafka_2.12-2.1.0
Make Batch file for Zookeeper to run zookeeper server:
start kafka_2.12-2.1.0.\bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat kafka_2.12-2.1.0.\config\zookeeper.properties
Make Batch File for Apache Kafka server
start kafka_2.12-2.1.0\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat kafka_2.12-2.1.0\config\server.properties
Started A Producer using batch file.
start kafka_2.12-2.1.0.\bin\windows\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic 3drocket-player
It is running fine but now I am looking for authentication. As I have to implement a consumer with specific auth settings (requirement by the client). Like security protocol is SASL_SSL and SSL mechanism is GSSAPI.
For this reason, I tried to search and find confluet documentation but the problem is it is too abstract that how to take each and every step.
I am looking for detail configuration steps according to my setup. How to configure my kafka server with SASL SSL and GSSAPI protocol. Initially I found that GSSAPI/Keberos has a separate server then, do i need to install more server? Within Confluent Kafka is there any built-in solution.
Configure a SASL port in server.properties
When you run the Kafka client, you need to set these properties.
Then configure the JAAS configuration
KafkaClient {
com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
SASL/GSSAPI is for organizations using Kerberos (for example, by using Active Directory). You don’t need to install a new server just for Apache Kafka®. Ask your Kerberos administrator for a principal for each Kafka broker in your cluster and for every operating system user that will access Kafka with Kerberos authentication (via clients and tools).

Nifi: using zookeeper with SSL

I have Nifi cluster with one zookeeper node and five Nifi node. I want to have SSL encryption from the zookeeper server to the Nifi client.
Reading from the Nifi documentation, it says:
Support for SSL in ZooKeeper is being actively developed and is expected to be available in the 3.5.x release version.
The new zookeeper 3.5.3-beta have SSL capabilities.
I installed zookeeper 3.5.3 but I am unable to secure the connection it with SSL: I am getting NotSslRecordException
How can I run Nifi with a secure zookeeper using SSL?
Thank you
It requires more than just running ZooKeeper 3.5.x. There is code in NiFi that uses the ZooKeeper client and that code is not based on the 3.5.x client, so there is no way for NiFi to make a SSL connection.
Note that you also need to setup Zookeeper to use the SSL security for example
Full docummentation here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/ZooKeeper+SSL+User+Guide

Clustering doesn't work with mod_cluster on JbossAS7 - Stateful Application

I'm going to explain my situation.
I'm running three virtual machines with Debian Jessie on Open Nebula, one as master and the other two as slaves. In them i've installed JBoss AS 7.1 and mod_cluster 1.2.
Run a stateful app, so when I shutdown the master server the cluster allows me to continue using the app with shared session and mantain the variables values.
I followed this guide with the given web application.
I can't access directly the app at http://master/cluster-demo/ like as in the guide above, I have to specify the port (8330 for server-three).
When I shutdown server-three the slaves notices that the server is shutted down but the session is not shared and the application is no more accessible. This is the output on slave when i shoutdown server-three on master.
Configuration Files
I attach my configuration files:
/opt/jboss/domain/configuration/host.xml in the master
/opt/jboss/domain/configuration/host.xml in the slaves
mod_cluster does not have anything in common with messaging (JMS, HornetQ) subsystems. mod_cluster setting also does not have anything in common with clustering subsystem, i.e. Infinispan and its workhorse, JGroups.
What AS7 mod_cluster subsystem does is that is listens to UDP multicast advertising messages emitted by Apache HTTP Server mod_cluster modules. When it receives such message, it registers itself with your Apache HTTP Server load balancer. From that moment, your registered AS7 "worker" node keeps sending specialized HTTP messages (via TCP), informing Apache HTTP Server about:
its name (jvmRoute or generated)
its current load
its deployments, i.e. application contexts
aliases etc.
When there are no worker nodes registered with your Apache HTTP Server balancer, there are no contexts, hence there is nowhere to forward your requests to.
According to the configuration you posted, you rely on UDP multicast messages being sent to/received from
Open Nebula, firewall and UDP multicast
It is possible that Open Nebula doesn't allow UDP multicast between hosts or that your iptables are blocking it. Try this:
use curl on your worker host to access the balancer host -- exactly the VirtualHost where you have the directive EnableMCPMReceive defined.
if it doesn't work, you must fix iptables, selinux, httpd's allow/deny and such
if it works, it's a good sign that worker can talk to the balancer
go to your AS7 xml, modcluster subsystem, and add attribute to the config: <mod-cluster-config advertise-socket="modcluster" proxy-list="your-httpd-address:port"> -- the one you've just tried with curl
now it should work even without UDP multicast
if you would like to debug your UDP multicast settings in Open Nebula, give it a shot with Advertize.java
1.2.0 is too old, do not use vulnerable code
Please, do not use mod_cluster 1.2.0 with your Apache HTTP Server. The version is completely obsolete and it contains serious bugs, including a code injection CVE and severe performance issue. Download mod_cluster 1.3.1.Final for httpd 2.4.x or build your own from the sources, if you desire httpd 2.2.x support. If you happen to need any any help with that, ask.

OpenShift SSL cipher preferences configuration

I have a question regarding the configuration of SSL preferences on OpenShift.
As far I know, the SSL termination in OpenShift is executed on the HAproxy, which serves as reverse proxy to route to user gears.
Is there a possibility, to configure the SSL preferences, to use user specific order of prefered ciphers, and also to turn off some versions of SSL/TLS as it is possible for instance in tomcat, or is the SSL cipher and versions configuration platform specific and can't be changed by user?