Kotlin - how to make a map serializable - kotlin

I am programming in android (but for this question it might not matter). i have a kotlin map defined as follows:
var filters: MutableMap<String, Any?>
i need to pass it to another screen (Activity in android) and for this i ususally make it serializable in java. but in kotlin this data structure is not serializable. Lets see what i am trying to do:
var b = Bundle()
b.putSerializable("myFilter",filters) //- this gives a compile error that filters is not serializable.
I tried calling filters.toMap() but that does not work either. How is this done in kotlin ? how can i send a map to another screen in android ?

Use HashMap in place of MutableMap.
The bundle requires a Serialiable object. MutableMap is an interface and hence is not serialiable. HashMap is a concrete class which implements serializable. You can use any concrete sub class of Map which implements serializable
Create a hashmap :
val filters: HashMap<String, Any?> = HashMap()
filters.put("a", 2)
val filters: HashMap<String, Any?> = hashMapOf("a" to 2)
Put into bundle:
val b = Bundle()
b.putSerializable("myFilter", filters)


How to set serializer to an internal class extending a public interface?

I'm trying to create a serializer using kotlinx.serialization for Compose Desktop classes, I have this :
#Serializer(forClass = MutableState::class)
class MutableStateSerializer<T>(private val dataSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<MutableState<T>> {
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder) = mutableStateOf(decoder.decodeSerializableValue(dataSerializer))
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = dataSerializer.descriptor
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: MutableState<T>) = encoder.encodeSerializableValue(dataSerializer, value.value)
That should be used for instances of MutableState class (as the #Serializer annotation says), but I have to put an explicit serializer for each properties otherwise I get this error :
xception in thread "main" kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Class 'SnapshotMutableStateImpl' is not registered for polymorphic serialization in the scope of 'MutableState'.
Mark the base class as 'sealed' or register the serializer explicitly
Code used :
class Test {
var number = mutableStateOf(0)
fun main() {
val json = Json { prettyPrint = true }
val serialized = json.encodeToString(Test())
I have to put this annotation on my property :
#Serializable(with = MutableStateSerializer::class)
Isn't there a way to automatically link my serializer to the MutableState interface ? As the SnapshotMutableStateImpl is internal I can't set it to this class.
What you want is currently not possible. Other people seem to have requested a feature similar to what you need on GitHub: Global Custom Serializers.
Currently, for 3rd party classes, you need to specify the serializer in one of three ways:
Pass the custom serializer to the encode/decode method in case you are serializing it as the root object.
Specify the serializer on the property using #Serializable, as you do now.
Specify the serializer to be used by a full file using #file:UseSerializers.
Note that due to type inference, number will be attempted to be serialized as the return type of mutableStateOf. If you specify the type as an interface instead (does it have a supertype?), using polymorphic serialization, you could try to register the concrete type and pass your custom serializer there for the concrete type. Not really what this feature is designed for, but I believe it may work if you don't want to specify your serializer in multiple places. However, the serialized form will then include a type discriminator everywhere.

#SerialInfo - How to manage user-defined serial annotations with Kotlinx serialization?

Kotlinx serialization documentation
According to Kotlinx.serialization user-defined annotations doc:
"Inside a process of serialization/deserialization, your own annotation class are available in SerialDescriptor object" :
override fun encodeElement(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean {
val annotations = desc.getElementAnnotations(index)
What I want to do
I need a #Transient equivalent, but conditional:
classic way where : Json.stringify(serializer, myClass) works as usual.
custom way where : Json.stringify(customSerializer, myClass) would return usual json but exculding all #MyAnnotation-tagged values.
Here is my code
annotation class CustomAnnotation
data class MyClass(val a: String, #CustomAnnotation val b: Int = -1)
And I would like to build a custom Serializer and achieve something like
override fun encodeElement(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean {
val isTaggedAsCustomAnnotation = desc.getElementAnnotations(index).any{ it is CustomAnnotation }
val myCondition = mySerializer.getMyConditionBlablabla
if(myCondition && isTaggedAsCustomAnnotation) {
What I found
abstract class ElementValueEncoder : Encoder, CompositeEncoder {
open fun encodeElement(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean = true
But I don't know how I can build a custom Serializer so that I can override that function Encoder.encodeElement. Where can I access to ElementValueEncoder in a custom Serializer ?
I also found this sample demo in kotlinx.serialization github repo. It's using TaggedEncoder & TaggedDecoder where I'm able to override encodeTaggedValue. But here again I don't know how I can use those encoder/decoder in a process of serialization/deserialization.
Where can I override fun encodeElement(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean, and how I can handle my own-defined serialization annotation ?
Thanks !!
First of all, you need to grasp the difference between Serializer and Encoder. Serializer (represented by KSerializer) defines how your class looks like, and Encoder (represented by e.g. JsonOutput) defines how data will be recorded. You can find more info on that topic here: https://github.com/Kotlin/KEEP/blob/master/proposals/extensions/serialization.md#core-api-overview-and-mental-model .
So, custom annotations feature is mainly used for providing format-specific information to Encoder. Typical usage of such an annotation is ProtoId – property id, specific to protobuf format, that should be recognized by ProtobufEncoder. Such annotations are usually defined by format authors alongside their encoders.
What you want to do here, as I can see, is to use already existing encoder (JSON format), so overriding encodeElement is impossible since Json encoders can not be subclassed. I'd advise you to use custom json transofrming serializer to achieve your goal. Unfortunately, currently kotlinx.serialization does not have mechanism to generalize such a transformation, so you need to write such serializer for each class.

Retrieve kotlin annotations from java class

I have an interface which has annotation:
annotation class Foo()
interface Bah {
#Foo val prop: String
I'm implementing a jackson contextual deserializer, and I need to pick up this annotation from the methods in the interface.
override fun createContextual(ctxt: DeserializationContext, property: BeanProperty?): JsonDeserializer<*> {
val clzz = ctxt.contextualType.rawClass as Class<T>
for (method in clzz.methods) {
val anns = method.getAnnotationsByType(Foo::class.java)
ctxt.contextualType is a JavaType. I obtain clzz from it, which yields me a class of type Bah (i.e. the interface). I can iterate the methods, which include "prop"; however, prop has no annotations.
It DOES work if I modify the annotation site to look like this:
interface Bah {
val prop: String
#Foo() get
However, that's ugly. How can I modify things so that I can retrieve from the interface property directly?
You can't. As the documentation says, annotations targeting a property are not visible from Java (because Java does not have the concept of properties).

Getting class of lateinit property in Kotlin

Is it somehow possible to get ::class.java from Kotlin lateinit property before it is initialized?
Logically it should work - I'm trying to obtain a class not a value, but in reality it fails with uninitialized property access exception.
Note that the property I'm trying to get class of is in generic class and its type is one of generic parameters:
abstract class MVIFragment<
MODEL : MVIViewModel
: Fragment(), MVIUIInterface, KodeinAware {
lateinit var viewModel: MODEL
I need the class to create an instance of ViewModel
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(viewModel::class.java)
Of course I can't do:
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MODEL::class.java)
Any solution for that?
Due to type erasure, generic types are not known at runtime. That's just how Java/JVM works, and Kotlin doesn't attempt to magically work around it. (Unlike Scala, which has implicit magic which works magically, except when it doesn't.)
You will have to pass it along from some context where the type is statically determined, e.g.
class Container<T : Any>(private val tClass: Class<T>) {
val t: T = tClass.newInstance()
You can use an inline function with reified types to hide this ugliness,
class Container<T : Any>(private val tClass: Class<T>) {
val t: T = tClass.newInstance()
companion object {
inline operator fun <reified T : Any> invoke() = Container(T::class.java)
which really compiles to the same thing. (The <String> can be omitted if type inference can determine it from context.)
In your case, it won't be possible to do this trick in the base (abstract) class; it has to be done on the concrete types.

Prevent Kotlin from forcing Java to see a wildcard type

This works fine:
class Wrapped<out T>(val value: T)
open class Wrapper<T> {
fun wrap(map: T): Wrapped<T> = Wrapped(map)
class Wrapper2 : Wrapper<Map<String, String>>()
val wrapped: Wrapped<Map<String, String>> = Wrapper2().wrap(mapOf())
But, when I try to access Wrapper2.wrap from Java, the Map comes back with a wildcard type:
Map<String, String> toWrap = new HashMap<>();
Wrapped<Map<String, String>> result;
result = new Wrapper<Map<String, String>>().wrap(toWrap); // ok
result = new Wrapper2().wrap(toWrap); // NOT ok, returns Wrapped<Map<String, ? extends String>>
I can work around this by overriding wrap in Wrapper2 with the explicit type.
Why does Wrapper2.wrap return a different type than Wrapper.wrap?
You can suppress Kotlin using wildcards in generics as described in the Kotlin reference where it describes the #JvmSuppressWildcards annotation (or the reverse of that #JvmWildcard annotation).
From the docs:
On the other hand, if we don't need wildcards where they are generated, we can use #JvmSuppressWildcards:
fun unboxBase(box: Box<#JvmSuppressWildcards Base>): Base = box.value
// is translated to
// Base unboxBase(Box<Base> box) { ... }
NOTE: #JvmSuppressWildcards can be used not only on individual type arguments, but on entire declarations, such as functions or classes, causing all wildcards inside them to be suppressed.
class Wrapper2 : Wrapper<Map<String, String>>()
class Wrapper2 : Wrapper<MutableMap<String, String>>()
You'll see in the Kotlin source,
public interface Map<K, out V> {
public interface MutableMap<K, V> : Map<K, V> {
I believe out V is the reason you're getting ? extends String, see Covariance under the generics docs for Kotlin and a quick search on Google should give you some more insight into covariance and contravariance in Java .