Calculate percentage between two values - sql

I have two columns that hold numbers for which I am trying to calculate the difference in % between and show the result in another column but the results seem to be wrong.
This is the code in question.
GenPar.ParameterValue AS ClaimType,
COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) AS SubmittedClaims,
COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber) AS ApprovedClaims,
COUNT(Declined.ClaimNumber) AS DeclinedClaims,
COUNT(Pending.ClaimNumber) AS PendingClaims,
ISNULL(SUM(SubmittedSum.SumInsured),0) AS TotalSubmittedSumInsured,
ISNULL(SUM(ApprovedSum.SumInsured),0) AS TotalApprovedSumInsured,
ISNULL(SUM(RejectedSum.SumInsured),0) AS TotalRejectedSumInsured,
ISNULL(SUM(PendingSum.SumInsured),0) AS TotalPendingSumInsured,
--This column is to show the diff in %
CASE WHEN COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) <> 0 AND COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber) <> 0
THEN (COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber),0) - (COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber),0)
/COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) * 100
What I need is to show the difference in % between the columns SubmittedClaims and ApprovedClaims. Any column, or both may contain zeroes and it may not.
So it's: COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) - COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber) / COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) * 100 as far as I know.
I have tried this and an example of what it does is it takes 1 and 117 and returns 17 when the difference between 1 and 117 is a decrease of 99.15%. Another example is 2 and 100. This simply returns 0 whereas the difference is a decrease of 98%.
CASE WHEN COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) <> 0 AND COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber) <> 0
THEN (COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber),0) - (COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber),0)
/COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) * 100
I've checked this link and this seems to be what I am doing.
Percentage difference between two values
I've also tried this code:
NULLIF(COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber),0) - NULLIF(COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber),0)
/ NULLIF(COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber),0) * 100
and this takes for example 2 and 100 and returns -4998 when the real difference is a decrease of 98%.
For completion, Submitted.ClaimNumber is this portion of code:
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM Company.Schema.ClaimMain WHERE CurrentStatus=10)Submitted
ON Submitted.ClaimNumber = ClaimMain.ClaimNumber
ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber is this:
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM Company.Schema.ClaimMain WHERE CurrentStatus=15)ApprovalProvision
ON ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber = ClaimMain.ClaimNumber
Ideally, this column would also deal with 0's. So if one value is 0 and the other is X, the result should return 0 since a percentage can't be calculated if original number is 0. If the original value is X and the new value is 0, I should show a decrease of 100%.
This will occur across all columns but there is no need to flood the page with the rest of the columns since all calculations will occur in the same manner.
Anybody see what I'm doing wrong?

I'm not familiar with why you have (x,0) as a syntax
But I see that you have
(COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber),0) - (COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber),0)
/COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) * 100
shouldn't it be,
( COUNT(ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber) - COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) )
/COUNT(Submitted.ClaimNumber) * 100
It looks like it would do count of ApprovalProvision.ClaimNumber - 100 since submitted.claimnumber divided by itself is 1 times 100 is 100.
The 4900 number actually sounds right. Lets take the following example, you have 2 apples, and then you're given 98 more and got 100 apples.
An increase of 98% would have meant from 2 apples, you would have 3.96 apples.
An increase of 100% means from 2 apples you end with 4 apples. An increase of 1000% means from 2 apples you end with 22 apples. So 4000% means you end with 82 apples. 5000% means from 2 apples, you reach 102 apples.
(100-2)/2*100 = 98 / 2 = 49 * 100 = 4900, so it looks like there is a 4900% increase in number of apples if you started with 2 apples and reach 100.
Now if you had flipped the 2 and 100, say starting with 100, now you have 2,
(2-100)/100*100 = -98, so a -98% change of apples, or a 98% decrease.
Hope this solves your problem.


Why are the variables are not taking the desired values

I have to check how many hundreds are there in a number and translate that number to letters. For example the number 700. I have done the following code:
DATA(lv_dmbtr) = ZDS_FG-DMBTR. //Declared local variable of type DMBTR, thus DMBTR=700.
lv_dmbtr = ZDS_FG-DMBTR MOD 100. //Finding how many times 700 is in 100 via MOD and putting the value in lv_dmbtr.
IF lv_dmbtr LE 9. //The value is less or equal than 9(if larger means that the DMBTR is larger than hundreds,
e.g. 8000)
lv_hundred = lv_dmbtr / 100. // Divide the 700 with 100, taking the number 7.
lv_hundred_check = lv_hundred MOD 1. // Then taking the value of 7 into the new variable, done in case the
lv_hundred is a decimal value, e.g. 7.32.
IF lv_hundred_check > 0.
amount = lv_hundred_check
* CURRENCY = ' '
* FILLER = ' '
in_words = lv_hundred_string // the value is put in the new string
not_found = 1
too_large = 2
Now when I debugg the code, all the variables have the value 0. Thus, lv_dmbtr, lv_hundred, lv_hundred_check all have the value 0.
May anyone of you know where the problem may be?
Thank you in advance!
Sorry for writing a lot in the code, just wanted to clarify as much as I could what I had done.
yes so I want to display the value of a specific number 700-> seven, 1400-> four.
So the basic formula to get the hundred in a number is the following: Find out how many times 100 fits completely into your number with integer division.
99 / 100 = 0
700 / 100 = 7
701 / 100 = 7
1400 / 100 = 14
1401 / 100 = 14
Now you can simply take this number MOD 10 to get the the individual hundreds.
0 MOD 10 = 0
7 MOD 10 = 7
14 MOD 10 = 4
Keep in mind that ABAP, in contrast to many other programming languages, rounds automatically. So in code this would be:
CONSTANTS lc_hundred TYPE f VALUE '100.0'.
DATA(lv_number) = 1403.
DATA(lv_hundred_count) = CONV i( floor( ( abs( lv_number ) / lc_hundred ) ) MOD 10 ).

Set outcome of formula to working days

I would like to change the outcome of a SQL statement formula to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (these are working days).
Example 1: when I have day 1, minus 2 days the outcome should be 4.
Example 2: when I have day 4, plus 2 days the outcome should be 1.
Example 3: when I have day 5, minus 20 days, the outcome should be 5
At the moment I'm using a table as shown below (I have the input and days-back and the output is what i want to see):
Input, days-back, output:
1 0 1
Input, days-back, output:
1 1 5
Input, days-back, output:
1 2 4
Input, days-back, output:
2 4 3
P.s. I do not have a date, only day numbers.
I hope you understand what I'm looking for :)
If you want to have "days-back" greater than 5 you need to use the following formula:
((Input + ((5*days-back)-1) - days-back) % 5) + 1
How this works - If you look at the prior formula you can see I'm adding 5 to input to make sure we are always positive before I subtract one and the days back. I then mod by 5 and add the one back in so that we go from 1 to 5 instead of 0 to 4
Since I don't know how large days-back is going to be I need something larger but I also need to have it not effect the mod 5 calculation so I just multiply it by 5. I then subtract one (so I can add it later and offset 0 to 4 to 1 to 5) and we are done.
prior answer below
I note I missed the 5 case -- here is the formula that works for that:
((Input + 4 - days-back) % 5) + 1
original answer
You need to use use modulus math. The formula you want is
(Input + 5 - days-back) % 5
Where % means modulus. In SQL Server you can use % in Oracle it is MOD, etc -- it depends on the platform.
For those that care here is my DB2 test code:
WITH TEST_TABLE(input, days_back) AS

Advice and feedback on dividing cash amounts into actual counts of various bills and coinage

So I need an idea of how to divide out an amount of money into actual counts of various bills and coinage. I know this is confusing, so let me give an example:
$16.32 - Sixteen dollars and thirty-two cents
One $10 bill
One $5 bill
One $1 bill
One Quarter ($0.25)
One Nickel ($0.05)
Two Pennies ($0.01)
So as you can see, we're just getting the number of bills and coinage that goes into a value, which will change according to user input.
Here's my current setup (Visual Basic):
If 100 Mod amount < 0 Then
If 50 Mod amount < 0 Then
' Continue this pattern until you get all the way down to the end ($0.01)
While amount > 50
fiftiesAmount += 1
amount -= 50
End If
While amount > 100
hundredsAmount += 1
amount -= 100
End If
Basically, each If statement determines whether or not your total amount needs an extra billing amount of that type, and then either adds to the amount of bills/coinage already created or moves on to the next amount.
Is this an efficient way of doing things, or am I missing out on an easier/faster algorithm/pattern that would make my life, and whoever is reading my code's life easier?
If you need extra details, I'll be happy to edit the question as needed.
Convert your amount to cents (it's easier). Divide by the currency value being tested, and then deduct that amount from the balance (pseudo-code)
Value = 16.32 * 100 ' Convert to cents
If Value > 10000 ' Hundreds
Hundreds = Value / 10000 ' How many?
Value = Value - (Hundreds * 10000) ' Reduce amount accordingly
End If
If Value > 5000 ' Fifties
Fifties = Value / 5000
Value = Value - (Fifties * 5000)
End If
If Value > 2000 ' Twenties
Twenties = Value / 2000
Value = Value - (Twenties * 2000)
End If
Repeat until you have less than 100, at which point you start with coins (50, 25, 10, 5)
Once you've got > 10, you've reached pennies; save them, reduce Value by that amount, and
Value is zero, so you're finished.

SQL Query Recalculating Running Totals

I'm taking a set of transactions and amounts, and I want to create a new amount column, with the following logic --
Check a running total of (new) amounts thus far.
If adding this amount to the previous total would bring the total to less than zero, the new amount field should be zero. Otherwise, it should be equal to the old amount.
Here's an example of what I'm looking for --
Item Record Old amount New Amount Running Total
1 1 100 100 100
1 2 -100 -100 0
1 3 -200 0 0
1 4 500 500 500
1 5 -300 -300 200
1 6 300 300 500
My running total starts at zero.
My first amount is 100, and that doesn't take the total < 0, so I pass it through and set the
new amount to 100.
My second amount is -100, and that doesn't take my running total of 100 to < 0, so I set the new amount to -100.
My third amount is -200. That would take the running total of 0 to -200, < 0. Thus, I set the new amount to 0.
My fourth amount is 500. It gets passed through.
My fifth amount is -300. That would take the running total of 500 to 200, which is still >= 0. It gets passed through.
My sixth amount is 300. It gets passed through, leaving me with a final amount total of 500.
The difficult part is in cases like record five here. In order to know that it won't take the final running total below zero, you need to have already calculated the new total for record 3.
I think you can do this by setting up common table expressions in order to make a recursive query, but I've foundered on how exactly to create that. If possible, I'd like to avoid cursors.
this is a WINDOW FUNCTION solution with a wrapping CASE statement.
look up LAG

how to find Sum(field) in condition ie "select * from table where sum(field) < 150"

I have to retrieve only particular records whose sum value of size field is <=150.
I have table like below ...
userid size
1 70
2 100
3 50
4 25
5 120
6 90
The output should be ...
userid size
1 70
3 50
4 25
For example, if we add 70,50,25 we get 145 which is <=150.
How would I write a query to accomplish this?
Here's a query which will produce the above results:
SELECT * FROM `users` u
WHERE (select sum(size) from `users` where size <= u.size order by size) < 150
ORDER BY userid
However, the problem you describe of wanting the selection of users which would most closely fit into a given size, is a bin packing problem. This is an NP-Hard problem, and won't be easily solved with ANSI SQL. However, the above seems to return the right result, but in fact it simply starts with the smallest item, and continues to add items until the bin is full.
A general, more effective bin packing algorithm would is to start with the largest item and continue to add smaller ones as they fit. This algorithm would select users 5 and 4.
What you're looking for is a greedy algorithm. You can't really do this with one SQL statement.
It's similar to the subset sum problem. You are definitely going to be into exponential time ...
There are several ways to solve subset
sum in time exponential in N. The most
naïve algorithm would be to cycle
through all subsets of N numbers and,
for every one of them, check if the
subset sums to the right number. The
running time is of order O(2^N*N), since
there are 2N subsets and, to check
each subset, we need to sum at most N
Unless you can constrain the problem to smaller subsets.
According to your definition as it stands you could get any of these tables:
userid size userid size
1 70 2 100
userid size userid size
3 50 4 25
userid size userid size
5 120 6 90
userid size userid size
1 70 2 100
3 50 3 50
userid size userid size
1 70 2 100
4 25 4 25
userid size userid size
1 70 4 25
3 50 6 90
4 25
userid size userid size
4 25 3 50
5 120 6 90
SQL sucks at guessing. Do you mean to say you want the most users who's total size is under a certain limit? You'll need to create a temp table of all the combinations of users, then select the ones who's total size is less then the limit, then select the one with the most users, and possibly the lowest user ID or something. Either way, it won't be fast due to the first step.
But do you want to maximize the number of results or minimize or you simply don't care? first two cases is constraints optimization for which there should be solution using SQL, the latter (as mentioned above) requires greedy strategy.