DNN 2sxc blog sharing parent page's meta title and description - module

We are having a problem with Facebook share not showing the correct picture, meta title and description.
Ex. something.com/blog/post/examplePostName/ is showing meta title and description of the something.com/blog/ parent page.
When we view the source for each of these two pages everything looks correct meta, og:graph, twitter card, but the sharer on the page (AddThis) is still not pulling the right stuff.
When we tried it out on the Facebook debugger page it is showing the correct meta, but sharing from the page (by clicking on AddThis) is still pulling the parent page meta.
Did anyone have this issue?
Could it be that we missed something in the blog app settings?

We figured this out.
We had a serverside script in our default.aspx file writing the canonical links. That was causing the issue. As soon as it was removed the facebook sharer was working fine. Great blog module!


vue bootstrap page size issue

I have a simple vue app based on this official example
What I've added is this template for the login page. When displaying the login page directly by URL it is being rendered correctly:
But when I got it via the link from another page it is being sized incorrectly:
How could it be fixed? Thanks!
ps: sorry, I could not make an online example, just the entire source code on github

Google Plus doesn't show article image, just shows title and article link

I am trying to share a post from my website(blog) onto Google plus but it isn't showing the featured image of the article, instead it is just showing the title and link of the article. I have microdata and also "og" tags for my page. When tested using Google Structured data testing tool, it is showing all good. I expect to get some help here. If I am trying to share the home page, it is showing an image, however if I am trying to share any post from the website, it is not showing any image. Please help, let me know if you need any more info, would be happy to provide.
One of post's from website
The og:image meta tag is being used by google plus rather than the image property within your http://schema.org/BlogPosting -as #abraham pointed out this is a broken link, it should go to http://top10grocerysecrets.com/Top-10-foods-for-releiving-inflammation.jpg - currently it includes /wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/07/ which isn't part of the image's path.
In the structured data it is valid, but not correct: BlogPosting has an image set but without a full path which may be why it gets ignored: the source should begin http:// etc. This is also needed if you want the image to appear in the google search results preview.
The WebPage element does not have an image set: only the BlogPosting does. Consider setting the same image property using a meta tag inside the WebPage element if fixing the BlogPosting image's path does not resolve the structured data issue, e.g.
<meta itemprop="image" content="http://top10grocerysecrets.com/Top-10-foods-for-releiving-inflammation.jpg" nt-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Print" />
In the structured data there are two unrelated mistake
the BlogPosting has author set to a link with fixed IP address this will reduce the chance of it connecting the blog with C Young's profile on the website.
the file name http://top10grocerysecrets.com/Top-10-foods-for-releiving-inflammation.jpg has 'releiving' in it, which is not the spelling used in the text on the image itself. This doesn't matter a great deal.

Google+ Share link does not work with my Website

i have a problem with sharing links of my website in Google+. So, if i want to share a link of my website (http://www.droidwiki.de/Hauptseite) G+ say, that the webpage can not be loaded. Same problem is with the Google +1 button on the page. If someone click this button, it appears a red exclamation mark. Sometimes, only the URL, but no opengraph data will show, but the most time, it only doesn't work. Other websites work perfectly with the account.
The same pages work without errors on facebook, will show the title of page and the opengraph description.
Have anybody the same problem, or a solution?
I'm not seeing any of the errors you're reporting.
While OpenGraph is supposed to work with Google's bot, it often doesn't work that well. Best practice is also to include schema.org microdata so Google's plus bot and search bot process it. See https://developers.google.com/+/web/snippet/ for details and http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets for a tool to help you test your markup.

How to build persistent element like facebook chatbar which not reload when navigate to any page?

i developed a radio stations widget (see it at my site). the problem is, i dont know how to make it persistent same like on the http://josephbeeson.com/gwapdemo/gwap.html . it's like facebook chatbar which not reload when navigate to any page. i have try n look for the demo codes but still not understand. please give step by step tutorial. i want to implement it on my social website http://www.heypy.com.
The whole page does not get reloaded, the new content is just loaded via AJAX and displayed within the current document.
To make it look to the user like he’s navigated to some other URL, the address bar content is updated using the HTML5 History API.
please give step by step tutorial.
Happy to give you the relevant keywords, so you can do research on them yourself. But won’t provide a private tutorial here, that’s not the purpose of this site. Thanks for your understanding.

Sitefinity 5.X: Override how page title is generated

I would like to override how the page titles for all pages on a site are generated. The client wants the title to be similar to the site breadcrumb where it is a concatenated list of ancestral page names plus the current page.
I figure that this could be generated when a page is saved but I would have to alter the page title of the current page and all child pages. If I did it this way then if they changed their mind later then I would have to regenerate all of the page names.
Alternatively if I could just override how the page titles are put on the page then I could go get the ancestors and generate the title when the page is viewed by a user.
I lean toward the second but I don't know how to do either. Any ideas?
I am working on 5.X.
just cross posting the answer you got on the forums in case anyone is looking here.
The answer from Liam was to refer to this KB article: http://www.sitefinity.com/devnet/kb/sitefinity-4-x/globally-overwriting-properties-for-frontend-pages.aspx
which allows you to use global.asax to override the properties globally. pretty slick, I wasn't aware of it!
My suggestion was if you need to do it at the template level to use the SiteMapBase.GetActualCurrentNode() method to do it manually.
hope you got it all worked out!