Push to web without opt-in - firebase-cloud-messaging

I want to use Firebase Cloud Messaging to push to our web based application. We only need to push when the user is looking at the page - we don't need the service worker support.
If that is all we need, is there a way to set things up such that we do not need the user to opt-in? For our current use case, we are just looking to use FCM as a replacement for polling.
Maybe we should be looking to use a javascript client for Google Pub/Sub that will work in the browser?
Thanks for any direction.


Can I use NextJs API routes to handle both web and mobile app?

I want to create web app in Nextjs and in the future mobile app in React Native. But I am confused what api to use. Do you think that the Nextjs api can handle both web and mobile apps? Is this possible and is it good idea at all? Should I use PHP backend for that? Thank you very much.
With the assumption that you are talking about API Routes :
I would ask you that you think through the scale of your web and app. If this is a simple web/app that you do not expect to grow much - The NextJS API which is similar to standing up an nodejs express server is not a bad option.
Remember a few considerations when designing this API
You may have to distinguish the request origin (web/app)
CORS may have to be customized - Next exposes this
You could set an app specific route to ensure isolation or use headers to distinguish behavior if your application bifurcates in the future.
These concerns are shared even if you made a PHP, ExpresJS or any other API middleware.
Once you are past all this, i would ask you to consider
Using a GraphQL server like Apollo that works nicely with Next and is custom built for this purpose..
Evaluating API Gateways for security and scale.
You don't use any external tools at all.
Next JS has serverless model. So, you don't need to mess with BE.
You can create a number of API routes you want. in /pages/api folder. You can even split like /pages/api/desktop and
/pages/api/mobile folders.
You connect your database (MongDB, sql etc) via /middleware/your_file.js. Here is example for MongoDB
If you like, you can even add some security (ex: Auth0, next-auth
etc) to secure your API routes created in /pages/api folder. Example for Auth0
After, you can access you data througth API calls. Very good!

Architecture and technologies of an instant chat app in flutter

I want to build an instant chat app with flutter without any third party services.
I've been working in a simple app using a restful laravel api for login, multiple methods and logout, using token authentication for each request. However, I find that architecture not suitable for a modern instant chat. I discovered WebSockets, which sound great, but can't yet grasp how I could subscribe to and consume one from flutter. I´ve read about web channels, but I'm not sure how they handle authentication for users. Is it possible to handshake and establish a session from my app? If so, how?
Or, can it be done totally restful? How could I post messages and listen other user's messages in that case?
Besides the chat functionality, is it recommended to work restfully? Or is flutter able to mantain a solid, authenticated session? I'm kinda new in flutter.
I appreciate any info, link or recommendation. Please, refrain if you were going to mention firebase, I want to build my own backend. Thanks!!
You should check out MQTT, an IOT protocol which is currently used for chat applications very widely.
To know about MQTT, see this.
But first I will recommend you to understand Pub-Sub(Publisher-Subscriber) Model, if you understand it then that's great.
For pub-sub model, see this.
Or, can it be done totally restful? How could I post messages and listen other user's messages in that case?
Yes, it can be done totally restful but honestly it's not recommended. You should do it with websockets.
Besides the chat functionality, is it recommended to work restfully? Or is flutter able to maintain a solid, authenticated session? I'm kinda new in flutter.
Depends on your architectural choice. There are many good options on which architecture you want to choose. Apart from restful there is GraphQL also, if you are comfortable with it. Apart from chat functionality mostly you will see people using RESTful but people who know GraphQL, might also use that instead of RESTful.

Background tasks in Openfire

I'm new to Openfire, coming from some apps developed with Google Firebase. Can openfire do some background tasks by its own, like reading data from a webservice on a time base and then push notifications to connected clients?
Thanks in advance, regards
Openfire has a plugin mechanism, exposing its internal API, that you can utilize to make it do pretty much whatever you want. You will have provide the implementation yourself though.

Does Openshift Origin 1.1 REST API allow to create new applications based on templates?

We are developing a custom console to manage development environments. We have several application templates preloaded in openshift, and whenever a developer wants to create a new environment, we would need to tell openshift (via REST API) to create a new application based on one of those templates (oc new-app template).
I can't find anything in the REST API specification. Is there any alternative way to do this?
There is no single API that today creates all of that in one go. The reason is that the create flow is intended to span multiple disjoint API servers (today, Kube and OpenShift resources can be created at once, and in the future, individual Kube extensions). We wanted to preserve the possibility that a client was authenticated to each individual API group. However, it makes it harder to write easy clients like this, so it is something we plan on adding.
Today the flow from the CLI and WebUI is:
Fetch the template
Invoke the POST /processedtemplates endpoint
For each "object" returned invoke the right create call.

Best Way to Stream GMail API

I'm building a web application using GMails IMAP API. What would be the best way for me to make the updates "real-time"?
As of right now I'm using a Ruby Sinatra backend and backbone.js on the frontend. I'm looking for a way to make the communication between my frontend, my server, and the gmail api to be as fast and seamless as possible.
Thanks for the help
Edit: what I mean is what is the best way to make it seem real time. I realize gmail does not support web sockets. But what would be a good way of setting up my server and front end to make the data transaction as frictionless as possible.
I do not think this is possible. HTTP does not work this way. You would need WebSocket for this, but Gmail API does not support WebSocket.
You can either update info often (but you will run into google api request number limits).
Or update info when user needs it (that needs careful planning).