I'm trying to implement Screenshare but getting this error: MediaError "Access to screen denied" - webrtc

I am using the Web SDK for Agora.io and trying to implement video chat feature and have screen sharing enabled. However, I am getting this issue:
MediaError "Access to screen denied

Seems like your web page does not have the right to access the device. Not sure which browser you are working with. If your browser is Chrome/Chromium, try: Change site permissions.
Or test your browser with their tools: Agora Web Trouble shooting, Agora Web Demo

You can use Chrome or Firefox with Agora.io to screenshare. Make sure that you are deploying to HTTPS.
screenStream = AgoraRTC.createStream({
streamID: uid,
audio: false,
video: false,
screen: true,
mediaSource: 'screen' // 'screen', 'application', 'window'
screenStream = AgoraRTC.createStream({
streamID: uid,
audio: false,
video: false,
screen: true,
//chrome extension ID
extensionId: 'EXTENTION-ID-HERE'
Are you using Chrome? Check a few things:
Check that the extension ID matches
Check the domain name matches in the manifest.json file
Chrome Plugin Reference page


OHIF viewer not displaying DICOM images from my .net core server

I am currently working on a DICOM based web application, I have created my backend server using .net core and want to integrate my server with OHIF viewer. I read all the documentation of OHIF viewer and configured my default.js file and changed the routes of wadoUriRoot,qidoRoot and wadoRoot as follows
window.config = {
// default: '/'
routerBasename: '/',
extensions: [],
showStudyList: true,
filterQueryParam: false,
servers: {
dicomWeb: [
name: 'DCM4CHEE',
wadoUriRoot: '',
qidoRoot: '',
wadoRoot: '',
qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
imageRendering: 'wadors',
thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
Now when I recompile and run it, I get a totally black screen. I have checked that data is going to the browser. What are the possible reason for this behavior? How can I make my OHIF viewer to display my own Dicom images?
I finally able to solve it. It was a browser problem, Firefox and Chrome were not allowing CORS so I had to add services and UseCors to my Startup.cs in my server code to enable CORS
There it's mentioned how to do it.

Can I receive video without giving permission to browser to use my camera in SimpleWebRTC?

Does SimpleWebRTC has this feature to get data(video/audio) without giving permission to browser to use my camera/microphone?
// create our webrtc connection
var webrtc = new SimpleWebRTC({
// the id/element dom element that will hold "our" video
localVideoEl: 'localVideo',
// the id/element dom element that will hold remote videos
remoteVideosEl: '',
// immediately ask for camera access
**autoRequestMedia: true,**
debug: true,
detectSpeakingEvents: true,
autoAdjustMic: false,
media: {
video: false,
**audio: true**
When I change those parts surrounded by asterisks to true it works, otherwise it doesn't.
Have you tried setting autoRequestMedia to true and while having both video and audio of the media object set to false? You should receive the readyToCall event and can join the room as shown on the simplewebrtc homepage.
First negotiate (accept the call/join the room) with video and audio and then disable the video, somehting like webrtc.videoStreams.disable()

Difference between Enplug SDK web extension URLs?

I'm using the Enplug SDK web extension to create an app to show digital menus from DSMenu on screens using Enplug. I'm using AngularJS on my config page.
I'm confused about the relationship between the "Configure Url" setting in the back-end from this guide, and the Value.Url in the payload from this tutorial.
Configure URL
$scope.page = {
Value: {
ShowContent: 'url', // Show Content is used to hide/show the Url or Html form field based on the selection.
Url: '', // The Url the web page back-end uses to display the content.
Html: '', // If applicable, used to show custom HTML. Cannot be used in conjunction with the Url.
ShowMobileWebsite: false, //Only applies if OverrideUserAgent is true, False = Show Desktop Website, True = Show Mobile Website
OverrideUserAgent: false, //False = Use android's best fit. True = Use the value of ShowMobileWebsite
ShowDelay: 0, //Custom delay between displaying the page after it's been loaded.
RefreshInterval: 0, // Custom refresh interval rate in X seconds.
AllowJavascript: true, // Set to true by default, allows Javascript to be executed on the page.
Username: '', // Username option, would need to write script passing in credentials.
Password: '', // Password option, would need to write script passing in credentials.
Token: '', // Token option, would need to wrtie script passing in credentials.
JavascriptOnload: '' // Custom JS to be executed once the page loads, can be used to log into authenticated pages.
I created a page http://www.dsmenu.com/con-enplug-display.php and each app will have a custom URL to show the menu like http://www.dsmenu.com/uph/204. Where do I put each?
The 'Configure Url' is the link to the configuration page which will be displayed to the end user on Enplugs web dashboard, in your example http://www.dsmenu.com/con-enplug-display.php
The Value.Url is the link to the web app that will be shown publicly on the screen in the venue. In your case http://www.dsmenu.com/uph/204

CasperJS/PhantomJS unable to open Facebook

I've seen examples such as this one showing how to login to facebook with casperJS:
How to login into a website with CasperJS?
but am unable to get this code to work for me. I'm not interested in the login portion, I just want to load any facebook page into casperjs or phantomjs but keep getting a fail on load.
Is this working for anyone else? or has facebook detected the browser and not allowing access anymore?
Here is a simplified version of what I am unable to do:
var casper = require('casper').create({
verbose: true,
logLevel: 'debug',
userAgent :'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1229.94 Safari/537.4' ,
loadImages: false, // The WebPage instance used by Casper will
loadPlugins: false // use these settings
casper.thenOpen('https://www.facebook.com/pfchangs', function() {
//this just prints out empty page: <html><head></head><body></body></html>
I'm running this on Windows 7
Looks like this is known bug with casperjs windows batch file:

Can we make HTML5 video fullscreen on Dolphin browser

I have tested the HTML5 video player, it can make HTML5 video fullscreen on Android Chrome browser but not Dolphin browser.
Is someone know what is the way to make HTML5 video fullscreen on Dolphin browser?
Tested that jplayer can make HTML5 video in fullscreen, ever in Android 4.x default browser and Dolphin browser, the config should refer to below code:
ready: function () {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
m4v: "demo.m4v"
swfPath: "js",
supplied: "webmv, ogv, m4v",
fullScreen: true