Kubespray with bastion and custom SSH port + agent forwarding - ssh

Is it possible to use Kubespray with Bastion but on custom port and with agent forwarding? If it is not supported, what changes does one need to do?

Always, since you can configure that at three separate levels: via the host user's ~/.ssh/config, via the entire playbook with group_vars, or as inline config (that is, on the command line or in the inventory file).
The ssh config is hopefully straightforward:
Host 1.2.* *.example.com # or whatever pattern matches the target instances
ProxyJump someuser#some-bastion:1234
# and then the Agent should happen automatically, unless you mean
# ForwardAgent yes
I'll speak to the inline config next, since it's a little simpler:
ansible-playbook -i whatever \
-e '{"ansible_ssh_common_args": "-o ProxyJump=\"someuser#jump-host:1234\""}' \
or via the inventory in the same way:
master-host-0 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_common_args="-o ProxyJump='someuser#jump-host:1234'"
or via group_vars, which you can either add to an existing group_vars/all.yml, or if it doesn't exist then create that group_vars directory containing the all.yml file as a child of the directory containing your inventory file
If you have more complex ssh config than you wish to encode in the inventory/command-line/group_vars, you can also instruct the ansible-invoked ssh to use a dedicated config file via the ansible_ssh_extra_args variable:
ansible-playbook -e '{"ansible_ssh_extra_args": "-F /path/to/special/ssh_config"}' ...

In my case where I needed to access the hosts on particular ports, I just had to modify the host's ~/.ssh/config to be:
ForwardAgent yes
User root
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p -p 44057 root#example.com
ForwardAgent yes
User root
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p -p 44058 root#example.com
Where 10.40.* was the internal IPs.


SSH Config ProxyJump - Port forwarding from proxy

i have a question regarding port forwarding in combination with proxy jump in my ssh config:
Is it possible to make use of DynamicForward from the host used as proxy? Here's my config:
Host proxy
HostName proxy.private.com
User user
IdentityFile ~/path/to/file
DynamicForward 3000
Host target
HostName target.somewhere.com
User user
IdentityFile ~/path/to/file
ProxyJump proxy
It does not work with this config, but this would be exactly what i need.
Any tips on how to get it to work?
If there is nothing preventing you from using ProxyCommand you can most likely use this approach:
In your ~/.ssh/config file:
Host target
HostName target.somewhere.com
User target-user
IdentityFile ~/path/to/target-user-file
ProxyCommand ssh -A <proxy-user>#<proxy-host> -i <proxy-user-key> -W %h:%p
DynamicForward 3000
You can then run this command on your local machine:
ssh target -D 3000
I was able to test this by running this command locally and retreiving public IP of the target host:
curl -x socks5h://localhost:3000 https://ifconfig.me/
Usefull links I read:
More details on these use cases can be found here
Detail on this very approach can be found on this site (sadly not in english nor HTTPS)
You can probably define another Host on top to avoid having to mess with ssh parameter each time. This would be done by using CanonicalizeHostname, but I couldn't manage to it. An alias might be more interesting at that point ?

Ansible multi hop design

I would like to run an ansible playbook on a target host passing through multiple hosts. The scenario looks similar to the one depicted in the picture:
I partially solved issue creating the ssh_config file in the Ansible project directory:
Host IP_HostN
HostName IP_HOST_N
ProxyJump Username1#IP_HOST_2:22,Username2#IP_HOST_2:22
User UsernameN
and defining in the ansible.cfg in the Ansible project directory:
ssh_args= -F "ssh_config"
The problem is that I need to insert automatically for each transient hosts and target host ssh username and password and I don't know how to automate this task. Moreover, python may not be installed on every transient node.
I found a reasonably good workaround. According to the scenario below:
we create an ssh tunnel until the transient host that can directly reach the target host. We also create a local port binding with -L flag:
ssh -J user_1#transient_host1:port_1 -p port_2 user_2#transient_host2 -L LOCAL_PORT:TARGET_HOST_IP:TARGET_HOST_PORT
Then we can directly enter into Target Host using the local binding:
ssh user_target_host#localhost -p LOCAL_PORT
In this way, we can run ansible playbooks on the local host configuring ansible variables accordingly:
ansible_host: localhost
ansible_user: user_target_host
ansible_port: LOCAL_PORT
ansible_password: password_target_host

Ansible: How do I configure a jump host without ssh keys?

I've looked [to faq][1] , but there is no answer for my task.
How can I access to bastion (jump box) host using password with Ansible? We do not consider using SSH keys. How will SSH config (or Ansible config) be look like for this situation?
For instance using SSH keys, the configuration looks like this:
ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -q user#gateway.example.com"'
How to achieve the same result by using password?
You can use the ProxyJump ssh option which does not require netcat/nc to be installed on the jump host.
So in the ~/.ssh/config file of the user you are using to run the Ansible commands, add something like this
Host jumphost
HostName # use actual ip address or fqdn
Host *
ProxyJump jumphost
In my ~/.ssh/config file, I have configured the bastion host like this:
##### Private hosts access through bastion host #####
Host bastion-host
ForwardAgent yes
Host 10.10.*
ProxyCommand ssh -q bastion-host nc -q0 %h %p
Then I can directly run the Ansible over the hosts in private subnet. Hope that might help you

sshfs with two consecutive ssh authentications

with two consecutive ssh authentications I mean the following:
I ssh to remote system A
from remote system A, I ssh to remote system B
There is no way to ssh to B directly.
I have no problems mounting directories from A using sshfs.
I thought about mounting directories from B on A but unfortunately A does not have sshfs installed. Even if, I would not know if it works.
Is there maybe another way to access directories on B in a convenient way?
My ~/.ssh/config looks like this now:
Host A
User user
HostName A.example.com
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/%r#%h:%p
Host B
User user
HostName B.example.com
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p A
How would my sshfs command look like?
This does not work:
sshfs -o allow_other,defer_permissions -o user#B.example.com:/somedir ~/somedir
It outputs the error message:
remote host has disconnected
Use ProxyCommand or ProxyJump to do that transparently for the end application (sshfs). For example in ~/.ssh/config
Host A
# other configuration options needed
Host B
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p A
Then you should be able to use sshfs transparently by directly specifying host B.

ssh -F configfile and ProxyCommand

I would like to use a ssh_config file instead of the traditional ~/.ssh/config. I have a simple configuration for accessing hosts through a bastion host (on port 23 for example).
ssh_config :
host bastion
hostname bastion.mydomain.com
port 23
host *.server
proxycommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion
ssh -F ssh_config test.server is not working and throw me "ssh: Could not resolve hostname bastion: Name or service not known".
But, if put this config in ~/.ssh/config, then ssh test.server works.
As I understand it, the proxycommand is unable to use the config file given in the command line.
If I want my command line config file to work, I need to put
proxycommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion.mydomain.com -p 23
but this seems to violate a simple DRY principle (the port and the domain are repeated). The config file I'm willing to build is much much longer and complex.
Is there a good way to achieve what I want, i.e. a simple, non-repeating, config file usable in command line for which proxycommand works ?
Half of an answer:
Rather than using the config file recursively, try not relying on the config at all for the proxy command.
host *.server
proxycommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion.mydomain.com -p 23
This allows it to be portable, but doesn't solve your other issue of having to do this on every line, and makes changing the bastion host address a difficult process.
you need to pass proxycommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion -F [your custom ssh config]