Transform PDI response to determined structure - pentaho

I'm new to PDI I'm working recovering information from an API and I need to transform the information that comes to a certain structure and I'm not clear how to do it with the concatenation or with another transformation.
This is my answer to work with:
    "457": {
      "1": {
        "value": "4.1",
        "timestamp": 1534159593
      "2": {
        "value": "52.2",
        "timestamp": 1534159593
      "3": {
        "value": "23.0",
        "timestamp": 1534159593
      "4": {
        "value": "250.0",
        "timestamp": 1534159593
and I would need something of this type to remain, to send it by POST to another API
  "id": "457",
  "type": "greenhouse",
  "1": {
    "value": 4.1,
    "type": "Float",
    "timestamp": 1534159593
  "2": {
    "value": 52.2,
    "type": "Integer",
    "timestamp": 1534159593
  "3": {
    "value": 23.0,
    "type": "Integer",
    "timestamp": 1534159593
  "4": {
    "value": 250.0,
    "type": "Integer",
    "timestamp": 1534159593
Thanks for the help.
Holla again,
I'm doing it as you told me and I have a problem.
This is my code:
// Script here
var data = data2;
var tests = data;
var tests3 = {"457": {"2": {"value": "54.0", "timestamp": 1534246741}, "3": {"value": "22.2", "timestamp": 1534246741}, " 4 ": {" value ":" 260.0 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 21 ": {" value ":" 890.0 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 1 ": {" value ":" 4.13 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 17 ": {" value ":" 194.04687499999997 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 5 ": {" value ":" 35.417 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 6 ": {" value ":" 26.299999999999997 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 8 ": {" value ":" 4.7 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 15 ": {" value ":" 0.78 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 10 ": {" value ":" 24.94 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 22 ": {" value ":" 0.0 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 23 ": {" value ":" 0.0 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 24 ": {" value ":" 0.0 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 26 ": {" value ":" 0.0 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 653 ": {" value ":" 0.0 "," timestamp ": 1534246741}," 657 ": {" value ":" - 98.0 "," timestamp ": 1518420299}, "43": {"value": "11.892947103200001", "timestamp": 1534246741}, "42": {"value": "403.61749999999995", "timestamp": 1534246741}}};
var key = Object.keys (data) [0];
var finalobj = {};
for (var and in data [key]) {
    finalobj [e] = {
        type: "float"
        , value: parseFloat (data [key] [e] .value)
        , metadata: {
            timestamp: {
                value: parseInt (data [key] [e] .timestamp)
                , type: "Integer"
 var JsonOutput = JSON.stringify (finalobj);
The variable data2 is the one that has my JSON is really the same information that tests3, the code if it works but if I step puts puts data by tests3, which I do not understand since data has the same value and would have to work and the response of JsonOutput is {} but I do it with tests3 if it works correctly.
It looks like it is at the time of retrieving the variable but then I show that it has data and data2 and it is the same information that tests3, I do not understand what happens.
can you help me?

Right now there isn't a built in step for writing nested JSON in Pentaho, you have to use JavaScript to achieve it, there is a really great post here that i'm using as guide to build my own process.


Mule DWL 2.0 to convert number to word

Input : 123
output: one hundred and twenty three
how to convert number to word in dwl
This answer has been inspired from a Java solution to the problem at hand. However this is not generic enough and solves only for 3 digit numbers. You can definitely extend this approach though.
%dw 2.0
output json
import * from dw::Runtime
var units = [
" one",
" two",
" three",
" four",
" five",
" six",
" seven",
" eight",
" nine"
var twoDigits = [
" ten",
" eleven",
" twelve",
" thirteen",
" fourteen",
" fifteen",
" sixteen",
" seventeen",
" eighteen",
" nineteen"
var tenMultiples = [
" twenty",
" thirty",
" forty",
" fifty",
" sixty",
" seventy",
" eighty",
" ninety"
var placeValues = [
" ",
" thousand",
" million",
" billion",
" trillion"
var inputNum = 413
fun wtonum(inp) = do {
var word =""
var index=0
if((inp mod 1000) != 0)
{ a: (conv(inp mod 1000) ) }
else ""
fun conv(numInp) = do {
var words = ""
var calc = if((numInp mod 100) < 10) {a: units[numInp]} else if ((numInp mod 100) < 20) {a: twoDigits[(numInp mod 100) mod 10]} else {a: (tenMultiples[(numInp mod 100)/10] ++ units[(numInp mod 100) mod 10])}
if(numInp/100 > 0.99) units[numInp/100] ++ " hundred" ++ calc.a else calc.a

How to search Host Groups in Zabbix API

I want to list all Host Groups that match some search criteria.
I've tried that:
data = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "hostgroup.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"search": {
"name": [
"' + group_name + '"
"id":' + str(msg_id) + ',
"auth": "' + auth + '"
But that is not a correct syntax.
I also tried this:
data = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "hostgroup.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"filter": {
"name": [
"' + group_name + '"
"id":' + str(msg_id) + ',
"auth": "' + auth + '"
This one works, but it only matches exactly the group name. And, so, it always returns 1 or 0 matches.
I tried adding the "options":"searchWildcardsEnabled" option in this last query, but it didn't make a difference in the result (i.e. it didn't produce multiple groups as output).
I've found the correct way. I'll post it here in case anyone else needs it later.
data = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "hostgroup.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"search": {
"name": [
"' + group_name + '"
"id":' + str(msg_id) + ',
"auth": "' + auth + '"
You don't need to specify the wildcard, it's default. Also, you don't need to put the % inside your query.

beanShell json body for post method on Jmeter

can anyone help to add escape quotation marks with slash like \" on this son body:
"firstName": "teo",
"lastName": "leo",
"companyName": "abc",
"restaurantId": "54d34443e4b0382b3208703d",
"phones": [
"label": "Mobile",
"value": "123456789",
"countryCode": "+123",
"isPrimary": true
"addresses": "haha"
i've tried with this one but beanShell PreProcessor can't accept it
String formvalues = "{\"firstName\": \"teo\",\"lastName\": \"leo\",\"companyName\": \"abc\",\"restaurantId\": \"54d34443e4b0382b3208703d\",\"phones\": [{\"label\":\"Mobile\",\"value\": \"123456789\",\"countryCode\": \"+123\",\"isPrimary\": true}],\"addresses\": \"haha\"}"
thanks you so much!
If you want to keep formatting:
String formvalues = "{\n" +
" \"firstName\": \"teo\",\n" +
" \"lastName\": \"leo\",\n" +
" \"companyName\": \"abc\",\n" +
" \"restaurantId\": \"54d34443e4b0382b3208703d\",\n" +
" \"phones\": [\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"label\": \"Mobile\",\n" +
" \"value\": \"123456789\",\n" +
" \"countryCode\": \"+123\",\n" +
" \"isPrimary\": true\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"addresses\": \"haha\"\n" +
If you want single line (mind that Content-Length will be different)
String formvalues = "{\"firstName\":\"teo\",\"lastName\":\"leo\",\"companyName\":\"abc\",\"restaurantId\":\"54d34443e4b0382b3208703d\",\"phones\":[{\"label\":\"Mobile\",\"value\":\"123456789\",\"countryCode\":\"+123\",\"isPrimary\":true}],\"addresses\":\"haha\"}";
Full code to generate the body and add it as parameter:
import org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.HTTPArgument;
String formvalues = "{\n" +
" \"firstName\": \"teo\",\n" +
" \"lastName\": \"leo\",\n" +
" \"companyName\": \"abc\",\n" +
" \"restaurantId\": \"54d34443e4b0382b3208703d\",\n" +
" \"phones\": [\n" +
" {\n" +
" \"label\": \"Mobile\",\n" +
" \"value\": \"123456789\",\n" +
" \"countryCode\": \"+123\",\n" +
" \"isPrimary\": true\n" +
" }\n" +
" ],\n" +
" \"addresses\": \"haha\"\n" +
Arguments arguments = new Arguments();
arguments.addArgument(new HTTPArgument("",formvalues));
JavaDoc on relevant classes:
HTTPSamplerProxy (shorthand for sampler)
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more information on Beanshell scripting in JMeter.

Is XML Schema xs:alternative equivalent available in JSON Schema?

Is it possible to use alternatives in JSON Schema? In XSD this is doable using xs:alternative element.
For example see: How to use alternatives in XML Schema 1.1
This is a sample JSON I would like to describe using JSON schema:
"actions": [
"type": "basic",
"param1": "value"
"type": "extended",
"param1": "value",
"param2": "blah"
actions may have any number of items
basic actions must contain param1 property
extended actions must contain param1 and param2 properties
There is a similar mechanism since Draft04 with nicer semantics: oneOf, anyOf, allOf and not, keywords.
oneOf: enforce a given element to satisfy only one of a list of schemas.
anyOf: must satisfy at least one of a list of schemas.
allOf: must satisfy all provided schemas in list.
not: must not satisfy a given schema.
Assuming you are looking for an exclusive "alternative", this would be an example of json-schema using oneOf:
"actions" : {
"type" : "array",
"items" : {
"oneOf" : [{
" $ref " : "#/definitions/type1 "
}, {
" $ref " : "#/definitions/type2 "
" definitions " : {
" type1 " : {
" type " : " object ",
"properties": {
" type2 " : {
" type " : " object ",
"properties": {

Replace double quotes to single quotes with awk

q = "\""
FS = OFS = q ", " q
split($1, arr, ": " q)
for(i in arr ) {
if(arr[i] == "name") {
gsub(q, "'", arr[i+1])
# print arr[1] ": " q arr[2], $2, $3
I have a json file, some data like this:
{"last_modified": {"type": "/type/datetime", "value": "2008-04-01T03:28:50.625462"}, "type": {"key": "/type/author"}, "name": "National Research Council. Committee on the Scientific and Technologic Base of Puerto Rico"s Economy.", "key": "/authors/OL2108538A", "revision": 1}
The name's value have a double quote, I only want to replace the double quote to single quote , not the all double quote, please tell me how to fix it?
awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i~/name/){ gsub("\042","\047",$(i+1)) }}1' file