ebay GetSellerList retrieve items by multiple specific CategoryID - ebay-api

I am developing a ebay app which is retrieving the users ebay selling items from ebay to my website. I am using a following API call for retrieving users listings which is working fine
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetSellerListRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
In current situation above API call only accepting a single category ID for retrieving seller list according to that category.
I am looking for how can I retrieve seller list items with multiple category ID. Is there any way to add multiple category ID to above API call to retrieve items according to multiple categories please help me with this
and thanks in advance

Well this could be achieved using findItemsAdvanced API in the finder API section of eBay
You can add one or more category id to the query. To limit the items are coming from your store only you also should add a Seller filter example
Hope this will solve your problem


is there any way to query Admitad API Products Feed?

We are developing a client project where we need to advertise products through affiliate marketing on client's website. Admitad is a popular affiliate network so we chose to go with that. We have joined with Myntra in an affiliate program.
There is an API to receive products feed of the advertiser company. We are getting about 1.5 million products in return from Myntra. But problem is we cannot query the data based on any category on the API. We simply cannot pass any parameter to query the product feed.
There is category id and category name provided to each of the product. We only want to receive products in the category of footwear, say 'shoes', 'sandals', 'flip-flop'.
But it seems we cannot query API.
I have even tried to contact support also, but it has been of no use.
So if anyone has worked with Admitad APIs or know this situation, please help!
Thanks in advance!

import all categories from ebay category list

I'm using ebays developer program to list ebays category list, what I would like to do is import this list using ebays API calls, my question is, I am re-inventing the wheel to create a list of insert statements to import all categories or is there already an sql list created somewhere? in cpanel you just go to the database and choose export so I'm wondering if ebay has this tucked away somewhere?
You can easily import all eBay category via eBay API.
eBay is proving API GetCategories, using that you can get categories of your eBay side.
Ex :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoriesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
eBay is proving Site ID ,Dev ID ,Cert Id,Token, using this parameter you can request in eBay.It will give you all categories in response.
You can find eBay API detail description from below link.

Get product details data from an eBay API

I have eBay product IDs and I'm trying to find an API that will allow me to fetch all the details like that are found here:
It appears there is a database containing this sort of information, but I can't find anything but this HTML version.
NOTE: this is not about individual auction listings, but about product-level details.
Thanks in advance!

Need to modify Shopify products API BY Shopify team then return back to me

It is necessary to modify Shopify products API as per my client requirement.
For example the below products API is available in Shopify API reference document.
GET /admin/products.json
I am able to get list of products from above API. But i want to filter products based on price by sending price as input parameter and get related products as a response.
For that post API is needed. Do shopify team provide Products API for filtering products by sending input parameter as that is not available in API reference?
Kindly give me the information. Thanks in advance
No, there is no way to filter on a price range using /admin/products.json. You can page through all of the products, 250 at a time, and find the products that meet your criteria that way.

Bigcommerce API Get All Skus

I'm trying to load all Skus from a Bigcommerce store. I first tried to use the API path /products/skus/count to get a count of the number of skus in the store as outlined in the BC documentation at https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/products/skus However, the /products/skus/count endpoint is returning {"count":0}. I know for a fact that I have hundreds of products with a sku. Ultimately I'd like to get a list or array of just the skus in my store. Has anyone else been able to use this API or know a way to load all the skus in my store without loading all the product object graphs as that is too slow of a solution as I don't need all the additional information nor do I want to page through all my products since it's limited to 250 items at a time. All of my other API calls are working great so I'm questioning whether there is an issue with the specific API.
Are you try to get the "sku" property for all products or the SKU resource associated with a product?
The api call at the url that you've given https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api/stores/v2/products/skus
will return all the SKU resource/object associated with a product. You can either get skus for all products using the resource "products/skus/count" or a specific product using "products/{productid}/skus/count". Both calls works as documented.