Qlik Sense - AGGR - qlikview

fairly new to qliksense
this following expression works fine as a normal KPI.
Sum({$<RankNo =
{"=rank(Only({$<OrderWeekFlag = {1}, [DeliveryDate] = {'>=$(=vMinDeliveryWeek)'}>
<OrderWeekFlag = {1}>}RankNo))
$(=sum({$< [DeliveryDate]= {'>=$(=vMinDeliveryWeek)'} , OrderWeekFlag = {1} >}[HasOrder]))
"},OrderWeekFlag = {1} >}
/ Sum(AGGR(sum({$< OrderWeekFlag = {1} >}[HasOrder]), [Department]))
I want it to work in a table , that has dimension of 'Department'
I understand I need to use something like SUM(AGGR(SUM(Cost), [DEPARTMENT]))
but how use SUM(AGGR(SUM ... in the expression below
Sum({$<RankNo =
{"=rank(Only({$<OrderWeekFlag = {1}, [DeliveryDate] = {'>=$(=vMinDeliveryWeek)'}>
<OrderWeekFlag = {1}>}RankNo))
$(=sum({$< [DeliveryDate]= {'>=$(=vMinDeliveryWeek)'} , OrderWeekFlag = {1} >}[HasOrder]))
"},OrderWeekFlag = {1} >}
/ Sum(AGGR(sum({$< OrderWeekFlag = {1} >}[HasOrder]), [Department]))
I have tried with no joy
please help


Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'Year' not found when plotting ordination in ggplot

I am having an issue with the ggplot code line where R doesn't like the "group = Year".
Here is what my data looks like:
> head(data.scores.pa)
NMDS1 NMDS2 NMDS3 Site Year Elevation Fire history
1 -0.737547 0.73473457 0.7575643 BF 2004 1710 Burnt
> head(spp.scrs2)
species MDS1 MDS2 pval
1 Acrothamnus.montanus 0.8383 -0.02382347 1e-04
> head(vec.sp.df.pa)
MDS1 MDS2 species pvals
Elevation 0.834847 0.747474 Elevation 0.005
Here is the code I am using:
>xy <- ggplot(data.scores.pa, aes(x = NMDS1, y = NMDS2, group = Year)) +
geom_point(size = 3, aes(shape = Fire history, colour = Year))+
stat_ellipse(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "path", position = "identity", type = "t", level = 0.95, segments = 51, na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) +
geom_segment(data=vec.sp.df.pa, aes(x=0,xend=MDS1,y=0,yend=MDS2),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.5,"cm")),colour="grey")+
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.5, "cm")),colour="black")+
geom_text_repel(data=spp.scrs2, aes(x=MDS1,y=MDS2,label=species),size=2)+
annotate("text", x = -1.6, y = 1, label = paste0("3D stress: ", format(ord.pa$stress, digits = 4)), hjust = 0) +
theme_cowplot() + scale_color_brewer(palette = "BrBG", direction = 1) +
theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black"))+
ggtitle("All Sites - distance data using Bray-Curtis")+
labs(x = "NMDS1", y = "NMDS2")
> Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'Year' not found
However, when I remove the geom_segment and geom_text_repel code lines it fixes the problem and I am able to plot the graph...
Is anyone able to provide some insight into this issue?
Thank you!

Conversion ECEF XYZ to LLH (LAT/LONG/HEIGHT) and translation back - not accurate / possible error in IronPython script

I've modeled a 3D earth with gridpoints, as below:
The points are represented in 3D space as XYZ coordinates.
I then convert XYZ to Lat/Long/Height(elevation) based on the script I took from here:
For some reason I got really strange results when trying to find XYZ of LLH not from my set, so I tried to verify the initial script by converting XYZ to LLH and then the same LLH back to XYZ to see if I get the same coordinate.
Instead, the resulting coordinate is some XYZ on earth, unrelated to the original XYZ position.
XYZ to LLH script:
Source: JSFiddle
def xyzllh(x,y,z):
""" xyz vector to lat,lon,height
llhvec[3] with components
flat geodetic latitude in deg
flon longitude in deg
altkm altitude in km
dtr = math.pi/180.0
rrnrm = [0.0] * 3
llhvec = [0.0] * 3
esq = EARTH_Esq
rp = math.sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z )
flatgc = math.asin( z / rp )/dtr
testval= abs(x) + abs(y)
if ( testval < 1.0e-10):
flon = 0.0
flon = math.atan2( y,x )/dtr
if (flon < 0.0 ):
flon = flon + 360.0
p = math.sqrt( x*x + y*y )
# on pole special case
if ( p < 1.0e-10 ):
flat = 90.0
if ( z < 0.0 ):
flat = -90.0
altkm = rp - rearth(flat)
llhvec[0] = flat
llhvec[1] = flon
llhvec[2] = altkm
return llhvec
# first iteration, use flatgc to get altitude
# and alt needed to convert gc to gd lat.
rnow = rearth(flatgc)
altkm = rp - rnow
flat = gc2gd(flatgc,altkm)
rrnrm = radcur(flat)
rn = rrnrm[1]
for x in range(5):
slat = math.sin(dtr*flat)
tangd = ( z + rn*esq*slat ) / p
flatn = math.atan(tangd)/dtr
dlat = flatn - flat
flat = flatn
clat = math.cos( dtr*flat )
rrnrm = radcur(flat)
rn = rrnrm[1]
altkm = (p/clat) - rn
if ( abs(dlat) < 1.0e-12 ):
llhvec[0] = flat
llhvec[1] = flon
llhvec[2] = altkm
return llhvec
# globals
EARTH_Ecc = 0
EARTH_Esq = 0
# starting function do_llhxyz()
CallCount = 0
llh = [0.0] * 3
dtr = math.pi/180
CallCount = CallCount + 1
sans = " \n"
llh = xyzllh(x,y,z)
latitude = llh[0]
longitude= llh[1]
hkm = llh[2]
height = 1000.0 * hkm
latitude = fformat(latitude,5)
longitude = fformat(longitude,5)
height = fformat(height,1)
sans = sans +"Latitude,Longitude, Height (ellipsoidal) from ECEF\n"
sans = sans + "\n"
sans = sans +"Latitude : " + str(latitude) + " deg N\n"
sans = sans +"Longitude : " + str(longitude - 180) + " deg E\n"
sans = sans +"Height : " + str(height) + " m\n"
lats = []
longs = []
heights = []
longs.append(str(longitude - 180))
And this is the LLH to XYZ script:
Source: www.mathworks.com
a = 6378137
t = 8.1819190842622e-2
# (prime vertical radius of curvature)
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - (t*t) * (math.sin(lat)*math.sin(lat)))
x = []
y = []
z = []
# results:
x.append( ((N+height) * math.cos(lat) * math.cos(long))/1000 )
y.append( ((N+height) * math.cos(lat) * math.sin(long))/1000 )
z.append( (((1-t*t) * N + height) * math.sin(lat))/1000 )
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

Tradingview pine editor. Issue with ATR TP/SL coding from entry

I need to code Take profit and Stop loss with Average true range from the past. I have an issue my code is calculating latest ATR and i cannot find a way to lock ATR number from the entry. ATR is calculating after candle close that means while candle is active it doesn't exist. Adding picture where I have marked what I'm looking for and what pine is calculating.
Paint shows what I'm looking for, original pine shows code calculations
strategy("Heiwa",initial_capital=1000,default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, commission_value = 0.15, overlay=true)
sensitivity = input(200, title="Sensitivity")
fastLength=input(20, title="FastEMA Length")
slowLength=input(40, title="SlowEMA Length")
channelLength=input(20, title="BB Channel Length")
mult=input(2.0, title="BB Stdev Multiplier")
deadZone=input(20, title="No trade zone threshold")
calc_macd(source, fastLength, slowLength) =>
fastMA = ema(source, fastLength)
slowMA = ema(source, slowLength)
fastMA - slowMA
calc_BBUpper(source, length, mult) =>
basis = sma(source, length)
dev = mult * stdev(source, length)
basis + dev
calc_BBLower(source, length, mult) =>
basis = sma(source, length)
dev = mult * stdev(source, length)
basis - dev
t1 = (calc_macd(close, fastLength, slowLength) - calc_macd(close[1], fastLength, slowLength))*sensitivity
t2 = (calc_macd(close[2], fastLength, slowLength) - calc_macd(close[3], fastLength, slowLength))*sensitivity
e1 = (calc_BBUpper(close, channelLength, mult) - calc_BBLower(close, channelLength, mult))
//e2 = (calc_BBUpper(close[1], channelLength, mult) - calc_BBLower(close[1], channelLength, mult))
trendUp = (t1 >= 0) ? t1 : 0
trendDown = (t1 < 0) ? (-1*t1) : 0
Waddardtdis = input(50, minval=1)
atrBandDays = input(15, minval=1, title="Days for ATR", type=integer)
atrBand = atr(atrBandDays)
atrPlus1 = close + atrBand
atrPlus2 = close + atrBand*2
atrPlus3 = close + atrBand*3
atrStop = close - atrBand*2
plot(atrPlus1, color=green)
plot(atrPlus2, color=orange)
plot(atrPlus3, color=red)
plot(atrStop, color=blue)
haTicker = heikinashi(tickerid)
haOpen = security(haTicker, period, open)
haClose = security(haTicker, period, close)
longCondition = haClose > haOpen and haOpen > haClose[1] and trendUp>e1
exitCondition = haClose < haOpen and trendDown>Waddardtdis
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when=longCondition)
strategy.exit("TP1", "Long", qty_percent = 60, limit=atrPlus1)
strategy.exit("TP2", "Long", qty_percent = 20, limit=atrPlus2)
strategy.exit("TP3", "Long", qty_percent = 20, limit=atrPlus3)
strategy.exit("SL", "Long", stop = atrStop)
strategy.close ( "Long", when = exitCondition)
I'd just preserve the atr value at entry, like that:
entryAtr = entryAtr[1]
if (longCondition)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
entryAtr := atrBand // save the value to use it for exit

updateSelectInput does not hold in shiny module

I'm testing modulization for an shiny app. One problem in the following code is that, when select a new name under "name to analyze", updated result does not hold. The selection will automatically return to 'name1' within seconds. Much appreciated for any advice to correct it.
subgroupInput <- function(id){
ns <-NS(id)
label = "name to analyze",
choices = NULL,selected=NULL),
radioButtons(ns('radio'), 'cutoffType', choices=c('percentile', 'value'),
selected = NULL, inline = FALSE),
condition = paste0("input['", ns("radio"), "'] == 'percentile'"),
label = "Bottom-trim percentile:",
min = 0, max = 100, value = 5),
label = "Top-trim percentile:",
min = 0, max = 100, value = 95)
condition = paste0("input['", ns("radio"), "'] == 'value'"),
label = "Bottom-trim value:",
min = 0, max = 100, value = -1),
label = "Top-trim value:",
min = 0, max = 100, value = 1)
subgroup <- function(input, output, session,default_selected=NULL){
model <- reactive({
data = data.frame(matrix(rep(rnorm(100*100,sd=3)),ncol=100),stringsAsFactors = F)
namelist = colnames(data)
updateSelectInput(session, "name",choices = namelist, selected = default_selected)
shiny::need(input$name,"Select name")
x = round(data[,input$name])
updateSliderInput(session, "cutoff3", label="Cufoff value", min=min(x),max=max(x))
updateSliderInput(session, "cutoff4", label="Cufoff value", min=min(x),max=max(x))
if(input$radio=="percentile") {
dt = data[,input$name]
qt = quantile(dt,c(input$cutoff1,input$cutoff2)/100)
result <- hist(dt[dt>qt[1] & dt<=qt[2]],main=paste0("Histogram of ",input$name))
else if(input$radio=="value"){
dt = data[,input$name]
result <- hist(dt[dt>input$cutoff3 & dt<=input$cutoff4],main=paste0("Histogram of ",input$name))
return(list(plot = result, data = data, inname=input$name))
return (model)
The above are modules. Following code makes call:
ui = fluidPage(
server = function(input, output, session){
test <- shiny::callModule(subgroup,"test1")
output$plot <- renderPlot({

Conversion from float_time to float

As we all know that we can use float field for time with the help of widget="float_time".
Now, my question is that how this float_time value is calculated/converted into float value.
I am giving value 00:10 in my form and when I look into the db it shows 0.16666667.
Thanks in advance.
This is the code in js for displaying value in float_time format:
case 'float_time':
var pattern = '%02d:%02d';
if (value < 0) {
value = Math.abs(value);
pattern = '-' + pattern;
var hour = Math.floor(value);
var min = Math.round((value % 1) * 60);
if (min == 60){
min = 0;
hour = hour + 1;
return _.str.sprintf(pattern, hour, min);
So in your case, in db it is stored as 0.16666667. So the min will be var min = Math.round((0.16666667 % 1) * 60); which will be 10 when rounded...
def float_time_convert(float_val):
factor = float_val < 0 and -1 or 1
val = abs(float_val)
return (factor * int(math.floor(val)), "{:0>2d}".format(int(round((val % 1) * 60))))
print "%i:%s" %(float_time_convert(3.61))