Add element to Firestore array - kotlin

Currently, I have an empty array in Firestore dashboard. And I'm trying to add some item to it. I've followed this, but no result. I don't want to sore and rewrite this element.
My gradle contains:
implementation ''
and my code:
val documentReference = firestore.collection("events")
.document(event.firebaseUserUid + "-" + event.title)
.update("participants", (FieldValue.arrayUnion(FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser!!.uid)) )
But FieldValue.arrayUnion doesn't exists.

I don't think support for that has actually been added to the Android API, despite its documentation as such on the page you linked.
It's missing from the Android API documentation, but is present in the Web API documentation as well as the Web changelog.

Newest version of firestore now supports it:
implementation ''


Get FirebaseAuthPlatform for Flutter web RecaptchaVerifier

I'm in the process of implementing Firebase phone sign-in on flutter web. In doing so, I want to customize the reCAPTCHA that is called by the signInWithPhoneNumber function as outlined in the Firebase documentation.
final ConfirmationResult confirmationResult = await auth.signInWithPhoneNumber(
phoneNumber, verifier_should_go_here
I am trying to implement the RecaptchaVerifier, but it has a required parameter called FirebaseAuthPlatform, and I can't figure out how to generate this parameter for my app.
How can I create a RecaptchaVerifier to pass to the signInWithPhoneNumber function on flutter web?
3 easy steps:
You add the firebase_auth_platform_interface dependency to your pubspec.yaml file with flutter pub add firebase_auth_platform_interface
You import the package like this: import 'package:firebase_auth_platform_interface/firebase_auth_platform_interface.dart' show FirebaseAuthPlatform;
Inside the constructor for RecaptchaVerifier, you use FirebaseAuthPlatform.instance

_crashlytics.default.log is not a function

I followed the docs on crashlytics/quick-start with autolink, using react-native 0.60.5.
Using the code below (exact copy from docs), I got _crashlytics.default.log is not a function.
import crashlytics from '#react-native-firebase/crashlytics';
function forceCrash() {
crashlytics.log('Testing crash');
I'm trying to think that I don't need change any file on /android/ folder.
The project source code is on github repo.
This was a mistake in the documentation which has been fixed and will be live soon. Correct usage should be:

React Native - Parse URL to get Query Variable

Looking for a way to parse a URL to get a query variable in React Native received from Linking.
I'm receiving the URL as something like:
I'd like to get the someVar value from the URL.
Any thoughts?
This should do the trick
var url = ""
var regex = /[?&]([^=#]+)=([^&#]*)/g,
params = {},
while (match = regex.exec(url)) {
params[match[1]] = match[2];
There is a URL class in JavaScript which is intended to let you both build and parse URLs robustly, making query parameters easily accessible:
const url = new URL('url-app-scheme://somePage?someVar=someVal');
Sadly, the implementation of URL in React Native is not complete and has some known bugs. Fortunately, there is a solid polyfill library called react-native-url-polyfill which provides an implementation of URL that is well behaved and tested - I highly recommend it.
Using query-string its working
yarn add query-string
import queryString from 'query-string';
const parsed = queryString.parseUrl("");
console.log(parsed.query.offset) will display 10
There are ways of doing this that you can leverage from the JS ecosystem. Try URI.js
Try url
"This module has utilities for URL resolution and parsing meant to have feature parity with node.js core url module."
The node URL object is available to your app when using the Chrome react-native debugger, but is not available on your iPhone when untethered.
So use this package
npm install url
Sample code:
import url from 'url';
let urlObject = url.parse(inUrlString);
let outUrlString = urlObject.protocol + '//' + + '/more/jump?jump_path=' + encodeURIComponent(urlObject.pathname);
let urlObject = url.parse(url, true); // second parameter `true` (parse search query)
console.log(urlObject.query['id']); // 1
Update: This is not a solution to the above question because it doesn't work unless in debugging mode. I have not deleted this answer however, because I think it points out a note worthy nuance.
JavaScript's very own URL Web API is supported in React Native (using version 0.46). You can use to to parse or build any and every part of the url with great ease.
The API is identical to the WHATWG API of the URL module in Node.js This answer should really be more obvious, but its easy to get lost with the number of okay url parsing packages available.
Edit: This works only in the JS debugging mode for some reason, and not otherwise. So this solution doesn't really hold valid, but I'm leaving it here because I'd love to know how to get the same URL module to work with react-native.

Using Favourites with Products in shoutem builder

I've been using / testing the new Shoutem builder, and I've installed both the products and the favourites extensions but am wondering on how I can "link" the two in between. So a user can favourite a specific product and store it in a little dropdown menu. I've searched the documentation and sample apps and I haven't seen the both used in action. Actually I haven't seen the Favourites extension used. Can this be easily accomplished by linking the two extensions?
I am looking for a starting point. So if anyone can guide or link me in the right direction that would be interesting.
This is not documented yet, but we have it implemented. You can check Books extension. It does just what you're looking for. It requires some changes on Product extension. You can check here how you can modify existing extension.
The app folder of extension is what is bundled inside of the app. That said, everything that extension exposes in its app/index.js is the public API, which can be imported directly inside of the other extension:
import {
} from 'tom.restaurants'
...where tom is used as example for developer name and restaurants for example for extension name.
All extension share the global app state, which is divided into extension sub-states prefixed by extension full name:
'tom.restaurnats': {
// state of 'tom.restaurants' extension
This way, you can make the 2 extension communicate.
I would recommend you checking out these 2 guides:
Technical overview - explains how the extensions are structured inside the app
Modifying extension - explains how to use parts from other extensions inside of your extension

chrome.extension.onMessage is undefined

I have a simple plugin that just does something like this:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(msg, _, sendResponse) {
log("Got message from background page: " + msg);
unfortunately when my panel is loaded the following error is shown:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'addListener' of undefined
and according to my tests chrome.extension.onMessage is undefined
According to this page I should be able to access this chrome API from my page so it has to be something small that I am missing here...
Please note methods chrome.extension.onRequest and chrome.extension.sendRequest, as originally suggested in this answer, are deprecated as of Chrome 33.
You should use
instead of
And in background page or any other extension scripts:
instead of
( the documentation is outdated... alert to google team ;) )
Just a side note: the Yandex browser (mostly oriented for Russians) which is also based on Chromium still (as of 11/10/2012, ver. 1.0) has the .*Request methods instead of .*Message. Many thanks to Ciprian Amariei for the tip, it saved me a lot of time!
PS: This should actually be a comment to Ciprian Amariei's answer but unfortunately I can't leave comments yet and I though this information could be very helpful to those who develop extensions for Yandex browser.
Make sure you're using the latest Google Chrome version. Older versions don't have the chrome.extension.onMessage API.