Popup menu hidden behind other items in FlatList - react-native-popup-menu

I have a FlatList and each item uses the react-native-popup-menu functionality to show a popup menu when clicked. However, only the top of the menu appears and the rest is hidden behind the following list items. Is there a way to have the menu appear atop the entire FlatList? Thank you.


How to set the scroll position of the selected element upon reopening ReactSelect menu?

When I open my react-select component with an item already selected, the menu is scrolled upwards with white space of the next item showing at the bottom:
Menu scrolled upwards on open
What I am required to do, however, is to make it look like this, that is, to have my selected item at the very bottom of the menu box:
Menu as I am trying to get it to look on open
Documentation did not help me regarding this particular issue. Is there a way to achieve this, or is this behaviour imposed by react-select?

How can I hide a modal element in Dittofi?

How do I use a "modal" element in #Dittofi. When I add the element it covers the entire page and I cannot access elements underneed.
When you add the modal box, you need to select the box marked "Modal" in the breadcrumb trial at the bottom of the page.
Then you can select the modal settings box to either show or hide the modal box.
Let me know if that works for you?

How can i click components behind modal when modal is opening in react native

I want to do this layout:
Currently I do the layout by this way:
menu is belong to the below part and i marginTop: -30 for it to above the image
FlatList is absolute view and have zIndex bigger than Menu. FlatList have dynamic data and each item of FlatList have textInput to search data ( look at this pic )
I have tried 2 ways:
First way:
I used for the list filtered data, it is limited by the Flatlist area so that my filtered list cannot display fully, just 2 rows visible, the rest of filtered data is invisible. I have tried increase the height of the Flatlist and now I can see the filtered list fully but I cannot click the menu button because menu is overived by the Flatlist,
Second way
I use Modal and tried with this library: react-native-modal-dropdown, I can reach my expertation UI but because it use Modal so when Modal is appearing, my textInput in Item is loss focus, so that I cannot continually input to TextInput until I close the Modal.
Do you guys have any solution for it? Thanks in advance
The modal component use the native Modal, you won't be able to interact with elements outside it while it is still visible.
I am not sure to understand why you cannot use View to display the results, but maybe you could try with FlatList ?

How to show header when scroll up and hide header when scroll down on FlatList

Now I want to create, exactly like Facebook's app do, a bar displayed above my tabNavigator. This tabs hide on scroll down and show on scroll up.
And now I'm using FlatList, but the FlatList component has ListHeaderComponent option for rendering his header who also hide when scrolling down. (because it is on top, so need to scroll to beginning to see it, not user-friendly with my very long list item )
Please help me any idea.
Flat list provide you a header and footer of it self. You have to make it manually. I found one link which is related to collapsible navbar.
https://expo.io/#janic/collapsible-navbar this lnk has a demo. so you can check it out here
might this helpful !

i am having too many menuitems in menubar. i want to scroll via mouse

I have some menus that contain many menuitems. Mouse wheel doesn't scroll them. I have to use the keyboard arrows or click the arrows at top and bottom. Is it possible to use the mouse wheel to scroll toolstrip menu items? in vb.net Thanks
I have done this by list box because i dint got anything.
i have even use text box so that i can sort my data easily as it has too many menu items
It scrolls easily n get sorted by text box so i can easily find my menu items