oAuth2 SSO without Cookie - authentication

We're having a native iOS and Android app that has a custom login form to authenticate a user directly via an authentication endpoint of an oAuth2 enabled indentity provider (the app sends the user credentials via HTTP request to the identity provider and gets a JWT as response).
The app does not have the possibility to open a browser with callback url or an in-app-browser to open the login form of the identity provider directly - so there is no possibility to set a cookie for SSO.
The app does sometimes redirect the user to other services (in the web browser) that are using the same identitiy provider. Until now, the user is forced to enter his credentials again to signin.
We're now looking for a (secure) way to implement SSO with the app, without the need of using a cookie enabled (in-app-)browser for the app login.
A solution we thought about:
sending a valid access_token to the identity provider together with the target url of the service
the identity provider validates the token and the target url
the identity provider authenticates the user after successfull validation and redirects the user to the service
Can this be considered as a secure solution? Is there a standardized way we don't know about to do something like that?


Silent SAML authentication?

I'm trying to authenticate users with the SAML protocol.
So far I have two applications in two different identity providers (Auth0 and OneLogin) to test. I also have my service provider.
What I'm trying to do is authenticate users without redirecting them to any Identity Provider login form.
Something like this:
The user tries to log in to my application (made in React)
My server provider receives the request made by the user and sends
the credentials (username and password) to an identity provider
using the SAML protocol.
The identity provider validates the credentials, if they are
correct, return a SAML assertion to my server provider; otherwise,
it will return an error.
Depends on the identity provider's response if the content is sent
to the user or not.
I know that it is not the intended use of SAML, but I want to know if there is a way to do it and how it will be possible.
Any help or advice will be well received, thank you.
That's not how SAML works and I'm not aware of any SAML identity providers that accept the user's name and password.
It is possible to include the user's name in the SAML authn request sent to the identity provider but there's no provision for including a password.
I think there are a number of security considerations if you were to prompt a user for their credentials for one web site (ie the identity provider) at a different web site (ie service provider).
Using SAML SSO, if the user isn't already authenticated at the identity provider, it will prompt the user to login.

How to Login API to Identity Provider

Our system architecture has this setup. We have an API that is used by a WebApp Client. We allow users to authenticate using an Identity Provider (IDP) that returns SAML.
The problem is how would you setup authentication? Which of the flow below would be more suitable?
WebApp Client controls the flow
When a user needing authentication visits WebApp Client, redirect user to IDP.
User authenticates with IDP
IDP redirect user back to webapp client with SAML response
WebApp client passes the SAML to the API.
The API will decrypt and read the attributes.
API then gives access token to the WebApp client it can use for subsequent requests.
API controls the flow
When a user needing authentication visits WebApp Client, redirect user to a special endpoint of API.
API redirects user to IDP
User authenticates with IDP
IDP redirect user back to API with SAML response
API decrypt and read the attributes
API redirects user to the WebApp client passing an access token to the WebApp client it can use for subsequent requests.
I'm currently asking myself the same questions with google idp. I thought about passing the returning code from idp to my API and then authenticating the user from my API.
If you have some return on your experience let me know :)

Identity Server3 Authentication for both Mobile and Web Application

I need to implement an authentication mechanism with JWT tokens for an mvc web application and a mobile application as well. Users will be able to register to our database and authenticate by using credentials (from signup) or use facebook single sign on. Both applications will use web API for data exchange with JWT token. I am thinking of using Identity Server 3 for that using Resource Owner Flow and i have some questions on that:
1) User will login from mobile application and will get a jwt token. Mobile application will verify it's validity and will refresh when needed. In order for mobile application to have user always logged in should i store refresh_token on device??? Is it secure?
2) I cannot understand how am i going to handle facebook authentication and get jwt token from identity server. Should i first get users email from facebook profile data and then what???
Thank you
1- You can store refresh token in database( identity server provide a token stor)
also you can use third party library to store tokens in device securely.
2-To use the 3rd party logins you need to do the redirect style to the IdSvr login page. Using resource owner password flow means you miss out on all the features in the token service like SSO, 2fa and federated authentication.

Forms Authentication and SSO

Created a web based application which needs to integrate forms authentication and SSO. Currently forms authentication will validate all the registered users.
What I need is to integrate SSO as well in to the application. ie, If the user not authenticated then redirect to identity server (Okta) configured with WS-Fed and added the application, validate and response to landing page. Please can you help on this. Please let me know if any more information is required.
Can you please explain this statement " If the user not authenticated then redirect to identity server (Okta) configured with WS-Fed and added the application"?
Please see this link https://github.com/okta/okta-music-store. Under section "Adding Single-sign on to your Music Store" you can see how C# sdk can be used to implement single sign on.
Essentially what you need is a cookieToken from Okta. Using cookieToken as one time token and a redirect url (Can be your app url) you can use /login/sessionCookieRedirect?token=&redirectUrl=. This will create active session with Okta and redirect your user to your app or redirect uri.
Cookie token is obtained via series of two calls. Authentication that gives you session token in response. Session token is exchanged for cookie token via create session call.

How does SE's single signon work?

Basically I just want to know how does StackExchange's single signon system work?
In the SE network you need to login only once in one of the websites to be automatically logged in to the other sites upon visiting.
How should I implement such a feature in my own network of sites?
I assume it uses the cookie which resides on the user's browser and then authenticates it with the originating site. If it is legit then it logs the user in automatically.
You have to implement SAML or oauth2 to allow sso on your network.
In case of SAML your child websites will be service providers or resource servers.
While you need to setup and identity provider.
The sequence of events will be like this.
1. User hits a url of songs website, this site is resource server and does not handle authentication.
2.To authenticate resource server will construct a SAML authrequest and redirects to identity provider after signing it.
Idp verifies the signature after receiving authrequest.
3. User will be presented with a login form, user has to end login credentials.
4. After user authentication idp will generate a SAMl token and redirect back to resource server.
5. Resource server will extract identity information from SAML token, resource server will login the user with session or cookie.
Depends upon which technology you are working in i have implemented it in php using simplesamlphp.