I have SQL job and i want to change the time zone to a different time zone
Assuming you're asking about a schedule on a SQL Server Agent job, SQL Server Agent uses the timezone of the host machine. You have to either change the timezone of the host machine that the SQL Server instance is running on or manually make the adjustment in the job schedule.
I have an SQL database connected to an Azure server, the timezone is set to UTC and the location is set to UK south, when I run the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP command on the SQL database it returns a time at UTC-1:00. I assume this is an Azure based issue since when I run the same command on a locally hosted SQL server I get the correct timezone. Any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated. All I can think is the location being set to UK south assumes I'm in some overseas UK territory hence giving the wrong timezone so my next step is to make a new database on azure to host it but change the location since you cant change it once it has been created.
This is the query on the azure server
This is the query on my local server. Both of these queries were made at 17:43 UTC
Here is the sample procedure to get CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in AZURE SQL DATABASE.
Creating MySql server with the UK south location according to the the timezone is set to UTC.
Currently, the default time zone on Azure SQL DB is UTC. Unfortunately, there is not possible to change by server configuration or database configuration.
Azure SQL Database does not support time zone settings; it always follows UTC.
Use AT TIME ZONE in SQL Database if you need to interpret date and time information in a non-UTC time zone.
Postgres 11
show timezone;
This gives me different values
- when I run it from DBeaver (shows America/New_York) vs.
- when I run it from PG Admin (shows UTC)
I run DBeaver and PG Admin from the same client machine.
I thought this was supposed to show me the server timezone.
Same for clock_timestamp() - I get different values.
Is this somehow related to the client OS timezone?
Or to some connection settings?
We're using an AWS RDS PostgreSQL instance which
is configured (as I checked) in UTC timezone.
What is the explanation?
I am really puzzled.
timezone is the timezone of the database session, not of the server.
It looks like DBeaver sets the parameter, while pgAdmin leaves it at its default value (whatever is configured on the server).
You can set the PGTZ environment variable to specify your desired PostgreSQL database session time zone.
I am using Hyperion Reporting Studio. I have a report where I want to calculate the turn around time for messages that come in to my department.
I need to find a way, whether it's custom SQL or just a feature for the report to always pull the data from the prior day. I have an Open_Date filter where the setting is > 06/06/16 12:00 AM.
However I will always need the date to be the day prior to the current one. I will be using EPM which allows you to setup recurring reports, that run then get emailed to you on a daily basis, automatically. I need to figure out some custom SQL Hyperion can use in my date field and have not found any solutions.
Additional info: Using Hyperion Interactive Reporting Studio; DB2 and Oracle Databases.
It depends on your backend (DB2 or Oracle) which syntax you use. Also, do you want "yesterday" relative to the user, or to the server? Assuming the latter, because this sounds like a job on the server.
I think what you're looking for is:
SYSDATE for Oracle
These are the equivalent of "today" relative to the server's date and time. Will the job run after midnight? It might be as simple as adding -1 but you could run into trouble if the job runs before midnight sometimes, and after midnight other times (don't know what would happen if the job ran through midnight).
So in SQL server I have been storing my dates as UTC, I also have a localized timezone in the format of 'AUS Eastern Standard Time', for example.
Is it possible to calculate the correct datetime with just information in Sql Server?
You didn't provide you environment info so I am proposing this for sql server and windows server.
There is no simple method to do this. As far as I know SQL server does not have time zones it can access. However, Windows does have this information. You could access this in SQL with a SQL CLR user defined table valued function using the time zone info class from .net. Then you just have to add the time zone offset minutes from the CLR function to the UTC date.
I'm using microsoft SQL server management studio 2005
I'm trying to run a job at a specific time and that time is stored in a database.
I can't insert the schedule manually because it is up to the user to decide what date and time the job(s) has to be done. php collects the time and date and sends it to a database.
I thought about runing a job every min and in my execution I have an if statement that only activates when the datetime stored in the database is one minute greater or lower than the current datetime. but doing it like this would be inaccurate and very inefficient. would it be possible to create a schedule directly from a query or job?
You can create and modify both jobs and schedules programmatically using SMO or TSQL. That means you can use an external application, a stored procedure or a trigger to create or update a job schedule based on the table data. SMO is probably the best way to go if you want to build an application to manage jobs, but on the other hand it's .NET only.