VBA: View code an Add-In that closes after opening - vba

I have an Add-In that I created to update other Add-Ins as I release new versions. The AddIn runs when it opens (when Excel starts), it searches for new versions of other installed AddIns, and then the AddIn closes. If I try to open it from the code editor it just repeats this process. Any ideas on how I can access it?

If you hold the Shift key while an Excel file is opening, it will prevent any Automatic macros (e.g. the Workbook_Open event) from running.
Alternatively: Before you open the file, go to the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) in the VBA Editor (Alt+F11) and run the following code
Application.EnableEvents = False
Then, when you are finished, run this to reset everything:
Application.EnableEvents = True
You may want to look into binding GetKeyState, so that your Macro can check for the Shift key before it does anything and Stop if it is held down


Getting a .xlsm file to not execute code when being opened with VBA

I have a macro in Excel. Part of that macro opens up other workbooks using Workbooks.Open(Filepath).
Some of the workbooks I'm opening have (badly done) VBA code inside of them, that try to then calculate a UDF and fail horribly.
Without resorting to an On Error Resume Next or an On Error GoTo, how do I say "Open this file, DO NOT RUN ANY CODE".
Trying to avoid letting the code execute in the first place due to possible security concerns. I feel comfortable enough opening these files, and there's a decent chance that they're not going to be compromised, but breaches can happen, and why have a hole when I don't need one? I also don't want error messages interrupting my code executing.
Searching the web just shows me shift+open opens the file without executing code, which is not at all what I'm looking to do. I'm looking for the equivalent VBA method.
AutomationSecurity is likely what you want:
MsoAutomationSecurity can be one of these MsoAutomationSecurity
msoAutomationSecurityByUI . Uses the security setting specified in the
Security dialog box.
msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable . Disables all
macros in all files opened programmatically without showing any
security alerts. Note This setting does not disable Microsoft Excel
4.0 macros. If a file that contains Microsoft Excel 4.0 macros is opened programmatically, the user will be prompted to decide whether
or not to open the file.
msoAutomationSecurityLow . Enables all
macros. This is the default value when the application is started.
You can disable the macros for newly opened files, open the workbook, and then re-enable the macros:
Private Sub OpenWorkBookMacroDisabled(wbPath As String)
Application.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable
Workbooks.Open (wbPath)
Application.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityByUI
End Sub

Running a macro from within Add-In

I have created an add-in file and placed it in the Microsoft add-in folder. Inside 'ThisWorkbook' of the add-in, I have it installing a menu command button or uninstalling the button (Depending on if you are installing or uninstalling the add-in)
My Goal:
I want another macro to run when I select the command bar button.
I'm using .OnAction = "Test_Macro"
I need the Test_Macro to be inside the add-in.
My Problem:
When I open up a random workbook, install the add-in, and press the button, I get an error saying "Cannot run the macro. The macro may not be available in this workbook".
But the macro is very clearly in this very same workbook. What is happening that I'm unaware of?
When you are in the VBA editor, right+click on the add-in in the left pane VBAProject('add-in') and highlight 'Insert' and select 'Module'
This is where you write the macro you want to use for .OnAction

Excel quick access toolbar - run macro from active instead of previous workbook

I have a custom button (not an add-in, just a "shortcut" button) in Excel's quick access toolbar to run a macro in the active workbook. The workbook is modified and saved daily with a new filename. When the link is first created in the active workbook (call it Version 1) the macro runs fine. However the following day (filename now Version 2) clicking on the macro button opens workbook Version 1 and runs the macro saved in Version 1.
Is there a simple way to break the link and run the macro in the most recent active workbook?
The code is basic - it just opens up a userform and is saved in "ThisWorkbook"
End Sub
I will try to guide you through this, I hope it helps.
What we need to do is we need to call OPEN_DATA_USERFORM() from our "PERSONAL.XLSB" file. In VB editor screen, in the project explorer you will find a file called "PERSONAL.XLSB", you need to add an "Module" to that and add following code:
Sub KickOff()
Call Application.Run(Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!OPEN_DATA_USERFORM")
End Sub
By this we will be able to call the userform.show function from our PERSONAL.XLSB which is always running in the background when you open the excel.
PS: I am assuming your OPEN_DATA_USERFORM() is coded in your daily workbook.
Your file should be visible in your project explorer like below:
If it is not there record a dummy macro and select your personal file like below then it should appear in your project explorer in VBA screen:

Powerpoint VBA code to appear on all new documents

I have a macro in Powerpoint 2010 to open a new document based on a template based in a central location, to be installed on several machines.
Sub PowerpointTemplate()
Application.Presentations.Open ("file")
End Sub
Powerpoint does not save the macro. Even when setting "Macro in:" to "All open presentations", it seems to reset this selection to "Presentation 1". The macro works for the time that I have this current document open, but once I close Powerpoint and reopen it, the macro has been removed.
Is there anyway to set the macro to permanently apply to all presentations?
You need to create an Add-in and load it in order to make the code available to all open presentations.
Setting Macro In to All Open Presentations simply SHOWS you the available public macros in all open presentations; it has no effect on where the macro code is saved.

VBA add-in: How to run code on "enabled"

I am writing an add-in for Excel 2003, using VBA.
I have an Auto_Open subroutine, which automatically runs some code (setting up menus, etc) whenever the add-in is Opened as a file.
What subroutine name (or other logic) do I need to use in order to have code that automatically runs when the add-in is "Enabled" through Excel's Add-in manager? (And, relatedly, when it is Disabled)
Auto_Open and Auto_Close will do what you want. Checking the addin in the Addins dialog opens it, and unchecking it closes it.
Check out the Workbook_AddinInstall Event.
From Excel's VB Help, this event:
Occurs when the workbook is installed as an add-in
Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall()
MsgBox "This workbook was installed as an addin."
End Sub
The Workbook_AddinUninstall Event fires when the workbook is uninstalled.