Accessing object properties in Vue after loading in Sails app - vue.js

When the SailsJS app loads a page, I have it pulling the id parameter from the url and loading a recipe from the database. The recipe object logs to console correctly, so I'm sure it's loading, but none of the Vue variables are rendering.
I'm loading the data in this controller action:
// api/controllers/recipes/view-single-recipe.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'View single recipe',
description: 'Display "Single recipe" page.',
exits: {
success: {
viewTemplatePath: 'pages/recipes/single-recipe'
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
const recipe = await Recipe.find({id:}).populate('ingredients')
console.log(recipe) //logs the data correctly
return exits.success({
recipe: recipe
Then I'm atteming to access the recipe object in my view using VueJS:
<!-- views/pages/recipes/single-recipe.ejs -->
<div id="single-recipe" v-cloak>
<h1>{{}}</h1> <!-- rendering as <h1></h1>
<!-- ... more stuff ... -->
<%- /* Expose server-rendered data as window.SAILS_LOCALS :: */ exposeLocalsToBrowser() %>
Here's the data object that loads:
ingredients: [
createdAt: 1536016866419,
updatedAt: 1536016866419,
id: '5b8c169936f1df3439fa39c7',
name: 'Sweet Green',
ratingSweet: 2,
ratingTexture: 5,
ratingOverall: 4,
ratingColor: 5,
notes: 'Personal favorite, maybe needs more ginger',
owner: '5b8c16301cee97343513e184'
Not sure if it matters, but here is the route:
'GET /recipes/single-recipe/:id': { action: 'recipes/view-single-recipe' }
And the URL being access is http://localhost:1337/recipes/single-recipe/5b8c169936f1df3439fa39c7
How do I access the data object properties in the view?

You should use findOne
// api/controllers/recipes/view-single-recipe.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'View single recipe',
description: 'Display "Single recipe" page.',
exits: {
success: {
viewTemplatePath: 'pages/recipes/single-recipe'
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
const recipe = await Recipe.findOne({
return exits.success({ recipe: recipe });
Also note that inputs variable in fn are not being used.
And there need to be some handler if record is not exists.

The answer is that when using find() query, the results returned are an array. So if there is only one result, it needs to be accessed at the first result in the array [0]
// api/controllers/recipes/view-single-recipe.js
module.exports = {
// ...
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
const recipe = await Recipe.find({id:}).populate('ingredients')
console.log(recipe) //logs the data correctly
return exits.success({
recipe: recipe[0]


(Vue 3) Error: AG Grid: cannot get grid to draw rows when it is in the middle of drawing rows

-- Initial setup --
Create component
const ButtonAgGrid= {
template: "<button>{{ displayValue }}</button>",
setup(props) {
const displayValue = 'TEST-TEXT';
return {
Register component
Pass data
const columnDefs = [
field: "name"
field: "button",
cellRenderer: "ButtonAgGrid",
const rowData = computed(() => {
return {
name: testReactiveValue.value ? 'test', 'test2'
And when computed "rowData" updated, agGrid send error:
Error: AG Grid: cannot get grid to draw rows when it is in the middle of drawing rows. Your code probably called a grid API method while the grid was in the render stage. To overcome this, put the API call into a timeout, e.g. instead of api.redrawRows(), call setTimeout(function() { api.redrawRows(); }, 0). To see what part of your code that caused the refresh check this stacktrace.
But if we remove cellRenderer: "ButtonAgGrid", all work good
My solution is to manually update rowData.
watchEffect(() => {
This one works well, but I wish it was originally

Get id of item clicked and use it for creating dynamic url in vuejs

I have a vue bootstrap table displaying, in each row, few properties of objects of an array (got through an api call with axios).
Every row has a button that should redirect me to a detail page, with more properties of that object, plus a map.
I was thinking to make a function to get the property id of the object contained in the clicked row, but I'm not sure on how to do it. I need the id to use it in the last part of the api call.
The store is structured so that I have a module for the user and another one for these objects (activities). In these modules I deal with state, actions and mutations. A separate file handles the getters. As these activities will be modified, I need to save their state too.
I will also need to be able to easily access all the properties of the single object (not only the ones shown in the table row) from other components.
I'm getting very confused.
Here the code:
Table with all the activities:
title="Mostra dettagli"
<span class="svg-container">
<svg-icon icon-class="search"/>
In the script:
export default {
name: 'AllActivities',
data() {
return {
fields: [
{ key: 'activity.activityName', label: 'Activity', _showDetails: true},
{ key: 'related_activity', label: 'Related activity', _showDetails: true},
{ key: 'start', label: 'Start', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'end', label: 'End', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'travel_mode', label: 'Travel mode', _showDetails: true },
{ key: 'actions', label: '' }
activity: [],
methods: {
**?? how to get it ??**
goToActivityDetail() {
name: 'activityDetail'
obviously does not work, in the console:
- [vue-router] missing param for named route "activityDetail": Expected "activityId" to be defined
- [vue-router] missing param for redirect route with path "/see-all-activities/:activityId": Expected "activityId" to be defined)
In the getters file I have:
const getters = {
sidebar: state =>,
device: state =>,
token: state => state.user.token
export default getters
So here I will need to have something like:
activityId: state => state.activity.activityId
Which is coming from activity.js, which is:
import {
} from '#/components/AllActivities'
const state = {
activityId: getActivityId()
const mutations = {
SET_ACTIVITY_ID: (state, activityId) => {
state.activityId = activityId
const actions = {
}) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
commit('SET_ACTIVITY_ID', '')
export default {
namespaced: true,
IF this is right, what is left is the function to get the id of the object contained in the table row clicked.
Also, how to write that activity id in the api call (axios)?
Now I have:
export function getSingleActivity() {
return request({
url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/user_activity/:activityId',
method: 'get'
But I am not sure if that's correct.
Also, how to access the other properties (to be displayed in the detailActivity page)?
This will be made of a list of some properties (probably a stacked table component) and a map component, so I will need to access the properties in both these components.
I hope I've been clear enough,
thank you.
It was dead simple. I post how to solve it in case someone else get stuck on this too.
I added a slot scope to the template that contains the button:
Then I added the single activity (following the vue bootstrap markup data.item) as parameter to the button click
And the function called by the click became:
goToDetailActivity(activity) {
name: 'DettaglioAttivita',
params: { activityId: }
That's it.
Worth mentioning is you're using vuex. If I understand correctly you want to get the property read from vuex?
To read a property from vuex you can eather use this.$store.getters.activity
Or use mapGetter.
Read the following page
Also you have to set the param when you do a router.push
router.push({ name: 'activity', params: { id: activityId } })

Vue.js 2: action upon state variable change

I am using a simple state manager (NOT vuex) as detailed in the official docs. Simplified, it looks like this:
export const stateholder = {
state: {
teams: [{id: 1, name:'Dallas Cowboys'}, {id: 2, name:'Chicago Bears'}, {id: 3, name:'Philadelphia Eagles'}, {id:4, name:'L.A. Rams'}],
selectedTeam: 2,
players: []
getPlayerList: async function() {
await axios.get(`${selectedTeam}/players`)
.then((response) => {
this.state.players =;
How can I (reactively, not via the onChange event of an HTML element) ensure players gets updated (via getPlayerList) every time the selectedTeam changes?
Any examples of simple state that goes a little further than the official docs? Thank you.
Internally, Vue uses Object.defineProperty to convert properties to getter/setter pairs to make them reactive. This is mentioned in the docs at
When you pass a plain JavaScript object to a Vue instance as its data
option, Vue will walk through all of its properties and convert them
to getter/setters using Object.defineProperty.
You can see how this is set up in the Vue source code here:
You could do the same to trigger getPlayerList when selectedTeam changes:
function defineReactive(obj, key) {
let val = obj[key]
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function reactiveGetter() {
return val;
set: function reactiveSetter(newVal) {
val = newVal;
defineReactive(stateholder.state, 'selectedTeam');
Or you could set it up implicitly using an internal property:
const stateholder = {
state: {
teams: [/* ... */],
_selectedTeam: 2,
get selectedTeam() {
return this._selectedTeam;
set selectedTeam(val) {
this._selectedTeam = val;
players: []
getPlayerList: async function() {
/* ... */
Your question is also similar to Call a function when a property gets set on an object, and you may find some more information there.
You could use v-on:change or #change for short to trigger getPlayerList.
Here a fiddle, simulating the request with setTimeout.

How do I operate the m.withAttr tutorials code?

A contrived example of bi-directional data binding
var user = {
model: function(name) { = m.prop(name);
controller: function() {
return {user: new user.model("John Doe")};
view: function(controller) {
m.render("body", [
m("input", {onchange: m.withAttr("value",, value:})
I tried the above code does not work nothing.
It was the first to try to append the following.
m.mount(document.body, user);
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token n
Then I tried to append the following.
var users = m.prop([]);
var error = m.prop("");
m.request({method: "GET", url: "/users/index.php"})
.then(users, error);
echo '[{name: "John"}, {name: "Mary"}]';
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token n
How do I operate the m.withAttr tutorials code?
Try returning m('body', [...]) from your controller.
view: function (ctrl) {
return m("body", [
render should not be used inside of Mithril components (render is only used to mount Mithril components on existing DOM nodes).
The example is difficult to operate because it's contrived, it's not meant to be working out-of-the-box. Here's a slightly modified, working version:
var user = {
model: function(name) { = m.prop(name);
controller: function() {
return {user: new user.model("John Doe")};
view: function(controller) {
return [
m("input", {
oninput: m.withAttr("value",,
m.mount(document.body, user);
Changes made:
m.mount injects html inside the element specified as first parameter, so rendering a body element in view will make a body inside a body.
Changed the input field event to oninput for instant feedback, and added a h1 to display the model, so you can see it changing when the input field changes.
Using m.request
Another example how to make an ajax request that displays the retrieved data, as per your modifications:
var userList = {
controller: function() {
var users = m.prop([]);
var error = m.prop("");
method: "GET",
url: "",
}).then(users, error);
return { users: users, error: error };
view: function(controller) {
return [
controller.users().map(function(u) {
return m("div",
controller.error() ? m(".error", {style: "color:red"}, "Error: " + controller.error()) : null
m.mount(document.body, userList);
The Unexpected token n error can happen if the requested url doesn't return valid JSON, so you need to fix the JSON data in /users/index.php to make it work with your own code. There are no quotes around the name field.

rally iteration combobox returns empty

I'm new to rally app SDK and trying to do the tutorials (from Youtube and from rally site)
when I'm trying to create an iterationComboBox the object is created but with no values ("There are no Iterations defined").
i tried to run both the video tutorial code from github (session_4_interactive_grid)
// Custom Rally App that displays Defects in a grid and filter by Iteration and/or Severity.
// Note: various console debugging messages intentionally kept in the code for learning purposes
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '', // The parent class manages the app 'lifecycle' and calls launch() when ready
componentCls: 'app', // CSS styles found in app.css
defectStore: undefined, // app level references to the store and grid for easy access in various methods
defectGrid: undefined,
// Entry Point to App
launch: function() {
console.log('our second app'); // see console api:
this.pulldownContainer = Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', { // this container lets us control the layout of the pulldowns; they'll be added below
id: 'pulldown-container-id',
layout: {
type: 'hbox', // 'horizontal' layout
align: 'stretch'
this.add(this.pulldownContainer); // must add the pulldown container to the app to be part of the rendering lifecycle, even though it's empty at the moment
// create iteration pulldown and load iterations
_loadIterations: function() {
this.iterComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.IterationComboBox', {
fieldLabel: 'Iteration',
labelAlign: 'right',
width: 300,
listeners: {
ready: function(combobox) { // on ready: during initialization of the app, once Iterations are loaded, lets go get Defect Severities
select: function(combobox, records) { // on select: after the app has fully loaded, when the user 'select's an iteration, lets just relaod the data
scope: this
this.pulldownContainer.add(this.iterComboBox); // add the iteration list to the pulldown container so it lays out horiz, not the app!
// create defect severity pulldown then load data
_loadSeverities: function() {
this.severityComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.FieldValueComboBox', {
model: 'Defect',
field: 'Severity',
fieldLabel: 'Severity',
labelAlign: 'right',
listeners: {
ready: function(combobox) { // this is the last 'data' pulldown we're loading so both events go to just load the actual defect data
select: function(combobox, records) {
scope: this // <--- don't for get to pass the 'app' level scope into the combo box so the async event functions can call app-level func's!
this.pulldownContainer.add(this.severityComboBox); // add the severity list to the pulldown container so it lays out horiz, not the app!
// Get data from Rally
_loadData: function() {
var selectedIterRef = this.iterComboBox.getRecord().get('_ref'); // the _ref is unique, unlike the iteration name that can change; lets query on it instead!
var selectedSeverityValue = this.severityComboBox.getRecord().get('value'); // remember to console log the record to see the raw data and relize what you can pluck out
console.log('selected iter', selectedIterRef);
console.log('selected severity', selectedSeverityValue);
var myFilters = [ // in this format, these are AND'ed together; use to create programatic AND/OR constructs
property: 'Iteration',
operation: '=',
value: selectedIterRef
property: 'Severity',
operation: '=',
value: selectedSeverityValue
// if store exists, just load new data
if (this.defectStore) {
console.log('store exists');
// create store
} else {
console.log('creating store');
this.defectStore = Ext.create('', { // create defectStore on the App (via this) so the code above can test for it's existence!
model: 'Defect',
autoLoad: true, // <----- Don't forget to set this to true! heh
filters: myFilters,
listeners: {
load: function(myStore, myData, success) {
console.log('got data!', myStore, myData);
if (!this.defectGrid) { // only create a grid if it does NOT already exist
this._createGrid(myStore); // if we did NOT pass scope:this below, this line would be incorrectly trying to call _createGrid() on the store which does not exist.
scope: this // This tells the wsapi data store to forward pass along the app-level context into ALL listener functions
fetch: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'Severity', 'Iteration'] // Look in the WSAPI docs online to see all fields available!
// Create and Show a Grid of given defect
_createGrid: function(myDefectStore) {
this.defectGrid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid', {
store: myDefectStore,
columnCfgs: [ // Columns to display; must be the same names specified in the fetch: above in the wsapi data store
'FormattedID', 'Name', 'Severity', 'Iteration'
this.add(this.defectGrid); // add the grid Component to the app-level Container (by doing this.add, it uses the app container)
and the code from Rally site (!/guide/first_app).
// Custom Rally App that displays Defects in a grid and filter by Iteration and/or Severity.
// Note: various console debugging messages intentionally kept in the code for learning purposes
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '', // The parent class manages the app 'lifecycle' and calls launch() when ready
componentCls: 'app', // CSS styles found in app.css
launch: function() {
this.iterationCombobox = this.add({
xtype: 'rallyiterationcombobox',
listeners: {
change: this._onIterationComboboxChanged,
ready: this._onIterationComboboxLoad,
scope: this
_onIterationComboboxLoad: function() {
var addNewConfig = {
xtype: 'rallyaddnew',
recordTypes: ['User Story', 'Defect'],
ignoredRequiredFields: ['Name', 'ScheduleState', 'Project'],
showAddWithDetails: false,
listeners: {
beforecreate: this._onBeforeCreate,
scope: this
this.addNew = this.add(addNewConfig);
var cardBoardConfig = {
xtype: 'rallycardboard',
types: ['Defect', 'User Story'],
attribute: 'ScheduleState',
storeConfig: {
filters: [this.iterationCombobox.getQueryFromSelected()]
this.cardBoard = this.add(cardBoardConfig);
_onBeforeCreate: function(addNewComponent, record) {
record.set('Iteration', this.iterationCombobox.getValue());
_onIterationComboboxChanged: function() {
var config = {
storeConfig: {
filters: [this.iterationCombobox.getQueryFromSelected()]
both give me an empty iteration box.
i'm getting user stories data when running code from session 3 on the video,by creating a store of user stories. I googled it and searched here for duplicates but with no successso far, so what can be the issue?
I copied the code you posted, both apps, without making any changes, ran the apps and the iteration box was populated in both cases. It's not the code.
Maybe if you are getting "There are no Iterations defined" there are no iterations in your project?
The second code you posted which you copied from the example in the documentation has a bug in it and even though the iteration combobox is populated, the cards do not show on a board. DevTools console has error: "Cannot read property 'refresh' of undefined".
I have a working version of this app in this github repo.