VBA Word subscripts in Table - vba

I am trying to add text as subscript in a Table Cell in a Word-Document using VBA.
I currently have this code, it is a part of the loop in which I insert my values into the table.
ActiveDocument.Tables(ActiveDocument.Tables.Count).Cell(i, j).Range.Font.Subscript = False
wordArray = Split(ws.Cells(i, j), "_")
For k = LBound(wordArray) To UBound(wordArray)
ActiveDocument.Tables(ActiveDocument.Tables.Count).Cell(i, j).Range.InsertAfter wordArray(k)
ActiveDocument.Tables(ActiveDocument.Tables.Count).Cell(i, j).Range.Font.Subscript = wdToggle
Next k
So I split the text that is in ws.Cells(i,j) on "_"
This can become an array of length 1,2 or 3
Only the second element of the array must be subscript.
My current code should do that, however, it writes the value into the cell based on the last value of Font.Subscript, so either fully normal or fully subscript.
So what I actually want in my table cell is the following
If the ws.Cells has for example a_b_c then b should be subscript and a and c normally written in the table cell. How do I need to change my code to accomplish that?

Since you haven't provided a mvce you'll need to adapt the following example to your needs - . It's main purpose is to demonstrate how to insert text and format it, which is done in the For loop.
Please note how to declare and instantiate a Table object - this is more reliable and more efficient than repeating ActiveDocument.Tables[index].
Use a Range object to write the data to the table cell. Important is "collapsing" the range so that the content is appended, rather than over-written. You need to write a separate range object for each formatting variation.
The code below checks whether the second member of the array is being written. If yes, it's formatted as subscript, if it's another member, then no subscript.
Sub CellContentWithSubscript()
Dim tbl As Word.Table
Dim rng As Word.Range
Dim wordArray '() As Variant
Dim data As String, k As Long
Set tbl = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
data = "PartOne_Part two_Part three"
wordArray = Split(data, "_")
Set rng = tbl.Cell(1, 1).Range
rng.Collapse 0
rng.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
For k = LBound(wordArray) To UBound(wordArray)
rng.Text = wordArray(k)
If k = 1 Then
rng.Font.Subscript = True
rng.Font.Subscript = False
End If
rng.Collapse 0
Next k
End Sub


Finding dates and storing ranges in variables

I'm trying to find "blocks" in the worksheet that have dates in the A-column. A block is seperated by lines as you can see from the picture. The whole file is full of these blocks but I only need the blocks that have dates in the A-column. Just to be clear I don't just need the rows with the dates but the full block that contains the date.
A block in my files for example is the Range A172:G192.
Picture of the file:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
How should I continue after selecting the first block? I probably should use the Find function starting from row 184 or the row of ResultDown variable moving down the sheet on "A" Column. However the row needs to be dynamic, so I can use it for the next block. Also I have no idea how many blocks there will be, so I would like to hear from you how to solve this aswell.
I would like to save all the blocks as different variables and then hide all the blocks in the worksheet and then just unhide the blocks that I stored in the variables.
My biggest problem is the last row.
Result2 = Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1), Cells(1000, 1)).Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1))).Select
I keep getting an runtime error 1004
Public Sub FB_MAKRO()
Dim FBwb As Workbook
Dim FBsht As Worksheet
Dim ACol As Range
'Set variables for workbook and sheet
Set FBwb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\l000xxx\Desktop\Makrot\FORCED BALANCE MAKRO\FB HARJOITUS.xls")
Set FBsht = FBwb.Sheets("Forced Balance")
Set ACol = FBsht.Range("A1:A1000")
'I want ACol variable to be the entire A-Column. Any ideas?
'For some reason the range function is not working here?
'This locates the date in A'column, so I can select the correct block
Result = Range("A3:A1000").Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range("A3")).Address
'This is the top left corner of the Block1 selection
ResultUp = Range(Result).End(xlUp).Offset(-1, 0).Address
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell).End(xlDown).Select
'The ResultsDownLastRow variable is for Block2 find function
'ResultDown is the bottom right corner of the Block1
ResultsDownLastRow = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell).End(xlDown).Address
ResultDown = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell).End(xlDown).Offset(-2, 6).Address
'First Block assigned. I plan to use this in the end when I hide everything and then unhide these blocks
Block1 = Range(ResultUp, ResultDown).Select
'StartCellRow is the cell that the find function should start looking for Block2
'Result2 is the find function for Block2
StartcellRow = Range(ResultsDownLastRow).Row
Result2 = Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1), Cells(1000, 1)).Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range(Cells(StartcellRow, 1))).Select
End Sub
'This returns value 194
StartcellRow = Range(ResultsDownLastRow).Row MsgBox StartcellRow
'This should work but doesn't. I get a syntax error
Range(Cells(StartcellRow &","& 1),Cells(1000 & "," & 1)).Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range(Cells(StartcellRow& ","& 1)).Select
This doesn't work either
'StarcellRow gives out value of 194
StartcellRow = Range(ResultsDownLastRow).Row
Result2 = Range("A&:StartcellRow:A648").Find(What:="**/**/****", After:=Range("A&:StartcellRow")).Select
This doesn't give me a syntax error but it's not working
I would search for all currency header and store their rownumber into an array. For each rownumber in the array i would look into the cell below (rownumber + 1). when there is a date in the cell, i would set the range in the following way:
set rangeWithDate = Range(Cells(actualRowNumberInArray - 1, 1), Cells(nextRowNumberInArray - 2, 7))
Dim array1() As long
Redim array1(5)
For i = 1 To 5
array(i) = i
Next i
Redim array1(10) ' changes the "length" of the array, but deletes old entries
For i = 1 To 10
Feld1(i) = i
Next i
Redim Preserve array1(15) ' changes the "length" of the array without deleting old entries

VBA Conditional format cell based on whether value is in list of text

I have this code:
Sub Japan()
Set MyPlage = Range("A1:R1000")
For Each Cell In MyPlage
If Cell.Value = "A" Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
If Cell.Value = "B" Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
If Cell.Value = "C" Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
If Cell.Value = "D" Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
If Cell.Value = "E" Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
End Sub
THis find any cells that have either A, B, C, D, E as the value and then colours the entire row red if so.
Basically, I have hundreds of more values that I want to lookup. I have them stored in another excel file (could just as easily be in a text file). How could I reference them? i.e, if cell value is in this list of text, do this.
Sounds like you want a Set datastructure that contains unique values and you can use an Exist method on it.
For example your desired usage is this.
Set MySet = LoadRedValueSet(???) ' explain later
Set MyPlage = Range("A1:R1000")
For Each Cell In MyPlage
If MySet.Exists(Cell.Value) Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Well too bad Set is a reserved keyword and VBA does not provide a Set object. However, it does provide a Dictionary object which can be abused like a Set would be. You will need to reference the Scripting Runtime Library to use it first through. The usage would be exactly as stated as above. But first we need to define LoadRedValueSet()
Lets assume that you are able to load whatever file you save these values as in as an Excel worksheet. I will not be explaining how to open various file types in Excel as there are many answers detailing that in more detail than I can. But once you have your range of values to add to the set we can add them to the dictionary.
Private Function LoadRedValueSet(valueRange As Range) As Dictionary
Dim result As New Dictionary
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In valueRange.Cells
result(cell.value) = Nothing
Next cell
Set LoadRedValueSet = result
End Function
Dictionary are mapping objects that have key->value pairs. The key's are effectively a set, which is what we want. We don't care about the values and you can pass whatever you want to it. I used Nothing. If you use the .Add method the dictionary will throw an error if your list contains duplicate entries.
Assuming you have implemented some function that loads your file as a worksheet and returns that worksheet.
Dim valueSheet As Worksheet
Set valueSheet = LoadSomeFileTypeAsWorksheet("some file path")
Dim valueRange As Range
Set valueRange = valueSheet.??? 'column A or whatever
Dim MyDictAsSet As Dictionary
Set MyDictAsSet = LoadRedValueSet(valueRange)
Set MyPlage = Range("A1:R1000")
For Each Cell In MyPlage
If MyDictAsSet.Exists(Cell.Value) Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
There are quite a few ways you could possibly do this but here's my approach. Application.WorksheetFunction.<function name> can be used to evaluate worksheet functions within VBA. This means we can use it to run a Match function. For the sake of a simple example let's assume your values to match are in Column A of a worksheet called Sheet2 (in the same workbook).
Dim MyPlage As Range, Cell As Range
Dim result as Variant
Set MyPlage = Range("A1:R1000") '<~~ NOTE: Sheets("<SheetName>").Range("A1:R1000") would be better
For Each Cell in MyPlage
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Cell.Value, Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A:A"), 0)
If Not IsError(result) Then
Rows(Cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Next Cell
We only need to know whether or not the WorksheetFunction.Match function returned an error: If it didn't then Cell.Value was present in Column A of Sheet2 and we color the row red.
Paste your color value + index data to a new sheet called "Colors" in the following order;
Value ColorIndex
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
And update your method with the following code and update the range based your data;
Sub SetColors()
' DataCells: The cells that's going to be checked against the color values
Set DataCells = Range("A1:A15") ' Update this value according to your data cell range
' ColorValueCells: The cells that contain the values to be colored
Set ColorValueCells = Sheets("Colors").Range("A2:A6") ' Update this value according to your color value + index range
' Loop through data cells
For Each DataCell In DataCells
' Loop through color value cells
For Each ColorValueCell In ColorValueCells
' Search for a match
If DataCell.Value = ColorValueCell.Value Then
' If there is a match, find the color index
Set ColorIndexCell = Sheets("Colors").Range("B" & ColorValueCell.Row)
' Set data cell's background color with the color index
DataCell.Interior.ColorIndex = ColorIndexCell.Value
End If
End Sub

Identifying the iteration of a For Each loop in VBA?

If I have a loop that commences:
For each c in Range("A1:C8")
Is there a property of the placeholder c (c.count, c.value, c.something,...) that identifies the number of times the loop has iterated thus far? I would rather use something like this than including another variable.
Instead of using a "for each c in range" you can do something like this:
Dim c as Long 'presumably you did this as a Range, just change it to Long.
Dim myRange as Range 'Use a range variable which will be easier to call on later
Set myRange = Range("A1:C8")
For c = 1 to myRange.Cells.Count
'Do something to the cell, identify it as myRange.Cells(c), for example:
myRange.Cells(c).Font.Bold = True '<--- replace with your code that affects the cell
This allows you to do the exact same For/Next loop, without including an unnecessary counter variable. In this case, c is a counter but also serves the purpose of identifying the cell being impacted by the code.
You need to count it yourself like this
Dim i as integer
i = 0
For each c in Range("A1:C8")
i = i + 1
Dim i as integer
Dim c as Range
For i = 0 to Range("A1:C8").Count - 1
Set c = Range("A1:C8").Cells(i)
Using Column or Row properties, as appropriate to the direction you are iterating, you can compute an ordinal number on the fly. Thus
For Each c1 in myRange
myOrdinal = c1.row - myRange.row + 1 ' down contiguous cells in one column
myOrdinal = c1.Column - myRange.Column + 1 ' contiguous columns, L2R

Removing rows based on matching criteria

I have a dated CS degree so I understand the basics of VB but I don't write macros very often and need help solving a particular condition. (...but I understand functions and object oriented programming)
Assume the following:
- Column A contains reference ID's in alphanumeric form, sorted alphabetically.
- Column B contains strings of text, or blanks.
I'm trying to write a macro that automatically removes any extra rows for each unique reference number based on the contents of the "Notes" in column B. The problem is that if column A has multiple instances of a unique ref number, I need to identify which row contains something in column B. There is one catch: it is possible that the reference number has nothing in column B and should be retained.
To explain further, in the following screenshot I would need to:
Keep the yellow highlighted rows
Delete the remaining rows
I tried to show various configurations of how the report might show the data using the brackets on the right and marked in red. Its difficult to explain what I'm trying to do so I figured a picture would show what I need more clearly.
This task is making the report very manual and time consuming.
it's pretty simple
you just go throug the rows and check whether this row needs to be deleted, an earlier row with this id needs to be deleted or nothing should happen.
in my example i mark these rows and delete them in the end.
Sub foo()
Dim rngSelection As Range
Dim startingRow As Integer
Dim endRow As Integer
Dim idColumn As Integer
Dim noteColumn As Integer
Dim idValuableRow As New Dictionary
Dim deleteRows As New Collection
Set rngSelection = Selection
startingRow = rngSelection.Row
endRow = rngSelection.Rows.Count + startingRow - 1
idColumn = rngSelection.Column
noteColumn = idColumn + 1
For i = startingRow To endRow
currentID = Cells(i, idColumn)
If idValuableRow.Exists(currentID) Then
If Trim(idValuableRow(currentID)("note")) <> "" And Trim(Cells(i, noteColumn)) = "" Then
deleteRows.Add i
ElseIf idValuableRow(currentID)("note") = "" And Trim(Cells(i, noteColumn)) <> "" Then
deleteRows.Add idValuableRow(currentID)("row")
idValuableRow(currentID)("row") = i
idValuableRow(currentID)("note") = Cells(i, noteColumn)
End If
Dim arr(2) As Variant
idValuableRow.Add currentID, New Dictionary
idValuableRow(currentID).Add "row", i
idValuableRow(currentID).Add "note", Cells(i, noteColumn)
End If
Next i
deletedRows = 0
For Each element In deleteRows
If element <> "" Then
Rows(element - deletedRows & ":" & element - deletedRows).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
deletedRows = deletedRows + 1
End If
Next element
End Sub
it could look something like this. the only thing you need is to add Microsoft Scripting Runtime in Tools/References

pulling out data from a colums in Excel

I have the following Data in Excel.
CHM0123456 SRM0123:01
CHM0123456 SRM0123:02
CHM0123456 SRM0256:12
CHM0123456 SRM0123:03
CHM0123457 SRM0789:01
CHM0123457 SRM0789:02
CHM0123457 SRM0789:03
CHM0123457 SRM0789:04
What I need to do is pull out all the relevent SRM numbers that relate to a single CHM ref. now I have a formular that will do some thing like this
=INDEX($C$2:$C$6, SMALL(IF($B$8=$B$2:$B$6, ROW($B$2:$B$6)-MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$6))+1, ""), ROW(A1)))
however this is a bit untidy and I really want to produce this same using short vb script, do i jsut have to right a loop that will run though and check each row in turn.
For x = 1 to 6555
if Ax = Chm123456
string = string + Bx
which should give me a final string of
to use with how i want.
Or is ther a neater way to do this ?
my current code
For x = 2 To 6555
If Cells(x, 1).Value = "CHM0123456" Then
outstring = outstring + vbCr + Cells(x, 2).Value
End If
MsgBox (outstring)
End Function
I'm not sure what your definition of 'neat' is, but here is a VBA function that I consider very neat and also flexible and it's lightning fast (10k+ entires with no lag). You pass it the CHM you want to look for, then the range to look in. You can pass a third optional paramater to set how each entry is seperated. So in your case you could write (assuming your list is :
=ListUnique(B2, B2:B6555)
You can also use Char(10) as the third parameter to seperat by line breaks, etc.
Function ListUnique(ByVal search_text As String, _
ByVal cell_range As range, _
Optional seperator As String = ", ") As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim result As String
Dim i as Long
Dim cell As range
Dim keys As Variant
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
On Error Resume Next
For Each cell In cell_range
If cell.Value = search_text Then
dict.Add cell.Offset(, 1).Value, 1
End If
keys = dict.keys
For i = 0 To UBound(keys)
result = result & (seperator & keys(i))
If Len(result) <> 0 Then
result = Right$(result, (Len(result) - Len(seperator)))
End If
ListUnique = result
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
How it works: It simple loops through your range looking for the search_string you give it. If it finds it, it adds it to a dictionary object (which will eliminate all dupes). You dump the results in an array then create a string out of them. Technically you can just pass it "B:B" as the search array if you aren't sure where the end of the column is and this function will still work just fine (1/5th of a second for scanning every cell in column B with 1000 unique hits returned).
Another solution would be to do an advancedfilter for Chm123456 and then you could copy those to another range. If you get them in a string array you can use the built-in excel function Join(saString, ",") (only works with string arrays).
Not actual code for you but it points you in a possible direction that can be helpful.
OK, this might be pretty fast for a ton of data. Grabbing the data for each cell takes a ton of time, it is better to grab it all at once. The the unique to paste and then grab the data using
where vData is a variant and rUnique is the is the copied cells. This might actually be faster than grabbing each data point point by point (excel internally can copy and paste extremely fast). Another option would be to grab the unique data without having the copy and past happen, here's how:
dim i as long
dim runique as range, reach as range
dim sData as string
dim vdata as variant
set runique=advancedfilter(...) 'Filter in place
set runique=runique.specialcells(xlCellTypeVisible)
for each reach in runique.areas
for i=lbound(vdata) to ubound(vdata)
sdata=sdata & vdata(i,1)
next l
next reach
Personally, I would prefer the internal copy paste then you could go through each sheet and then grab the data at the very end (this would be pretty fast, faster than looping through each cell). So going through each sheet.
dim wks as worksheet
for each wks in Activeworkbook.Worksheets
if wks.name <> "CopiedToWorksheet" then
advancedfilter(...) 'Copy to bottom of list, so you'll need code for that
end if
next wks
for i=lbound(vdata) + 1 to ubound(vdata)
sData=sData & ","
next i
The above code should be blazing fast. I don't think you can use Join on a variant, but you could always attempt it, that would make it even faster. You could also try application.worksheetfunctions.contat (or whatever the contatenate function is) to combine the results and then just grab the final result.
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
wks.UsedRange.Rows.Hidden = False
wks.UsedRange.Columns.Hidden = False