Website not accessible externally following PHP upgrade - apache

Bit of a strange one - Over the weekend I updated the version of PHP on one of our servers and all seemed to be working fine, however yesterday, we started to receive complaints that the site was down.
After looking in to it, the site works fine when connecting from the internal network, but it times out when trying to connect from an external IP address.
Server admin isn't really my strong suit, so not really sure where to begin. I've checked the httpd.conf files and all looks fine, the apache config test reutrns 'OK' so at a loss as to where to go next.
Server is running Centos, PHP 7.2 and apache 2.4.6.
How can I get the server to respond to external requests?

You can use this tools (metod) to check where is propably the problem:
I. on serwer, check :
whether is serwer conections to internet - ping, tracerout
whether page is loading (on local) - lynks, links (text web broweser)
whether your dns is working (or dns ISP prowider) - depending on the service used, e.g. BIND (check usage this tool in internet)
whether your firewall is ok configured and good work - depending on the service used e.g. iptables
whether domen settings is ok,
II. on computer, check: (in internet, not in local network with your serwer)
whether the website loads in the browser eg firefox after using ip address (your server where the page is located) in www bar
whether host in internet have a contact with your serwer - ping, tracerout
whether the website loads in the browser eg firefox after using ip address (your server where the page is located) in www bar
The problem is wery complicadet becouse I dont now what exactly you have an infrastructure and it is settings (network, ISP, etc.) which you on host the page you are writing about. For this reason, it is difficult for you to precisely help.


What would cause apache to redirect from a local IP to a remote IP address

Here's a scenario that I can't figure out; I simply can't understand why an slightly oldish webserver (totally inactive/powered-off for 2y) is behaving this way. I MUST be overlooking something quite simple.
Specifically, when i try to access an Apache instance on Centos 7 residing on my local network (192.168.2.XXX), the apache page responds just fine (Testing 1,2,3; Yay). Watching the access logs on this simple request shows up fine. On this same machine, I have four additional paths set up. One for example is a locked down phpMyAdmin that is accessible only from an internal IP. This route works fine, and the databases can be browsed, etc. Yet, for the other route, such as a wordpress installation or a route to a Magento instance, the the request comes up on the access log (no error log entry), and then just sits there. When the request finally times out, the URL in the browser changes to a new ip address (ABC.XXX.YYY.ZZZ), and then terminates any efforts.
Admittedly, the machine WAS originally configured to be outward facing, and my suspicion is that the IP to which the pages revert may have been the public IP last time the machine was alive. the IP is no longer associated with the site, and the domain which was likely setup with that IP address, is also no longer active.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I may look at? I have combed the httpd configurations and there is nothing resembling any such redirection address. Could there be some DNS data that needs to be flushed? A network configuration in sysconfig/ that I am overlooking?
It was nothing to do with my apache configuration. Everything was related to the site urls that were embedded inside the wordpress and magento installations. Upon finding and replacing all instances of the site IP address in some configuration tables, I was able to get both applications to respond properly.

Virtual server on virtualmin keeps redirecting to wrong website

I have created a virtual server say but when I access the site (via editing my hosts file on Windows 7, cos I have a live running on the Internet), it brings me to my other virtual server's site I have, like
Why is that? I don't have any redirection running. Not in my script files (like html or php) and no redirection set under "Server Configurations" -> "Website Redirects" and none at "Services" -> "Click Configure Website" -> "Aliases and Redirects." The only script files I have are fresh new WordPress installation files (under home/aaa/public_html).
How do I fix this?
Mullazman is right (thanks!). I have just had this problem after enabling the SSL on the domain A. Then, all the domains in the same installation were pointing to A.
I fixed it by editing the file located in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/A.conf and changing the first line:
Wrong line -> <VirtualHost A.B.C.D:80>
Correct line -> <VirtualHost *:80>
Had the same issue. For anyone interested it's because I had at the header of my sites-enables/ which was picking up all requests and send them to the first host.
Change it to and it started directing traffic to the correct virtual hosts.
It was triggered when I enabled SSL on, it for some reason re-wrote the config file to use IP based filtering not domain name
Try to delete browser cache with CTRL+F5,
then try again. If that doesn't help, check virtualhost configuration files -maybe there lies the problem.
The solution I found
I had the same problem ...
And I ended up with a lot of doubts ...
And I searched for a SOLUTION for this case, I hope to help ...
1 - Should the BIND have an external or internal IP in the domain? I use only one IP for all servers, and in BIND all domains are with external IP. (The question is whether it should be external or internal IP).
R = Yes, you must configure the internal IP in Virtualmin, prefer to edit the file. Only in localhost you should have
2 - Would NGINX have any configuration? How to remove IP and just put (listen *: 80) instead of (listen
R = This configuration was changed but then I had problems with DNS and I returned to use the INTERNAL IP (not the localhost) ... Normally this IP starts as: 10.1xx.xx.xx
But which configuration would work in general?
Restart these steps ...
If you still have an error ...
Back up ... And in Virtualmin settings ...
Edit Virtual Server >> Activate Features >>
He will ask for confirmation and click to confirm.
After this process is completed, return to the same option and reschedule ...
This will make it delete the old ones and put a new one.
(This works great for those who changed hosting and has old settings).
If you are importing a backup. Do not select the DNS and NGINX option ...
One tip is to create Virtual Server {your domain / site} First of all ...
And only then only import directories and databases ...
So you will not have problems with DNS and wrong redirects ...
This also occurs when the SSL certificate is not issued correctly.
Folder permissions are incorrect.
Chmod 0755 folders
0644 Files
Cheap workaround let us say our domain is
Under the BindDNS Master Zone for create a cname record I believe it is listed in webmin as Name Alias and name it
Under apache create a virtual server with the name and make sure it has the same directory as
After this is done you are golden all your websites will come up as they should!
Is it proper well maybe not.
Does it work well like a charm of course otherwise I wouldn't be sharing for some reason the way the severs are listed it defaults to the first on the list well that'll fix that there should be a method of pinning the servers or doing something to prevent such a thing from happening what a pain in the rear I spent a full day dumbfounded thinking what in the world is going on I am losing my touch.
If this helps give a like if its wrong apologies all I know is that it works.
Read the thread.
Many folks claim this is an SSL thing.
Zero people have eluded to the true method of fixing it or the proper directions to do so or if they did I'm too blind to see it.
The guy below me commenting hrmmm... Yeah browser caches for my website didn't exist on my devices I tried them on to verify that was not the problem. But yes this is a typical problem with a lot of things indeed. It is the only reason I have several browsers on my PC actually for that reason. For a while there there were pages that chrome would function with that IE wouldn't or Firefox would best them both. Not to mention cache is always a pita its always usually one of my steps in troubleshooting any issues with web pages. I'll even try openDNS or other DNS servers.
But holy cats I can't believe how fast DNS just updates once you got things set it makes me wonder if there is a lot of fudge in propigation when you purchase hosting being "24 -48 hours" I think there is a lot of fudge in those numbers after my experiences trying to figure out what was causing the issue here. Some servers struggle yes but for the most part it was pretty instant for me.
In my case it happened after creating SSL certificate, I forgot to do:
Edit Virtual Server -> Enable Apache SSL Website

Chrome uses different (old) IP for https:// than for http:// (new)

This makes no sense to me.
I am migrating a website with a couple of domains to a new host. The DNS changes have been made and seem to have fully propagated. Certainly my local machine and a couple of remote tests all see the new IP address.
Using Chromium
Dev Tools Network Tab open, Remote Address column visible
Version 57.0.2987.98 Built on 8.7, running on Debian 8.9 (64-bit)
If I go to everything is fine. The first request: 200 http document Other 936 B 23 ms
But if I go to, the first request is going to the old IP Address, the first request is: 200 https document Other (from ServiceWorker) 10 ms
How can this be? Curl http:// or https:// from my console both go to the new address. Firefox goes to the new address. I just checked and even an Incognito Tab goes to the new address.
I have tried disabling all extensions, and have cleared the Chrome DNS cache via chrome://net-internals/#dns.
This feels a bit scary - will end users also get 'stuck' looking up the old IP for https:// when we migrate the live site? Will it sort itself out when the 'old' is taken offline?
Surely, if the DNS A record is pointing at a new IP, and Chrome sees and uses that, it should be doing so irregardless of protocol?
Thanks in advance.

err_name_not_resolved Win7 Error

I am facing a strange issue on a single PC, all other PC's I have tried are fine so the problem definitely seems localised to this setup.
Windows 7
Google Chrome Version 48.0.2564.82 m
I have developed a simple website on an Apace web server (Windows Server 2012), and assigned it an internal IP address (, and internal dns name (MyWebsite.MyDomain).
This website is only available within our company. When I type the URL MyWebsite.MyDomain into any browser I am presented with the correct web page, great. When I type the IP address into any browser I am also presented with the correct web page, great again.
This is the case for every PC I have tried so far, apart from one. Instead I am presented with the following error message;
This web page is not available
Why would this be?
Things I have tried so far on the local PC;
delete history/cache on local PC
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /registerdns
changed to Google public dns ( /
restart (multiple times)
tried IE and FFOX (same error)
checked hosts file (all looks ok)
The only change I ever made to this individual PC was I installed XAMPP and changed the hosts file (for testing purposes). I have since uninstalled XAMPP and reverted to the original hosts file - could this be the issue? I can't think of any other changes.
I had thought the issue was with my web server setup, but as the web site is accessible from all other PC's it would appear not?
Looks like a re-build may be necessary for this PC, unless somebody can perhaps point me to another suggestion? Any help appreciated.
That machine doesn't happen to have any static ip addressing configured, does it? I'm thinking that perhaps a manual entry for DNS server is conflicting or overriding what DHCP is supposed to be assigning.

User getting default Apache page instead of website - Safari/FF?

I have someone complaining that (a site I manage) loads fine from his Windows PC, but not on his Mac; and apparently he can't get it anywhere he takes his Mac, either...
I've heard of this happening to one other person, but I can't find an explanation. When they try loading it on their Mac using either Safari or FireFox, they get the default Apache page: "If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server software on this system was successful. You may now add content to this directory and replace this page."
I have had him ping, and it always returns the proper IP address of our server (, so I don't know what could be going wrong. It seems that our server is sending him the wrong page, plain and simple...?
As it turns out, the dns entry for included a self-referring ipv6 address (::), which caused Macs running Apache to go to localhost (ignoring the ipv4 address). Our data center removed the v6 address, and now all is well.