SQL Ranking by blocks - sql

Im sure the answer to this is going to end up being really obvious, but i just cant get this bit of sql to work.
I have a table that has 3 columns in:
User | Date | AchievedTarget
1 | 2018-01-01 | 1
1 | 2018-02-01 | 0
1 | 2018-03-01 | 1
1 | 2018-04-01 | 1
1 | 2018-05-01 | 0
I want to add a ranking as follows based on the AchievedTarget column, is this possible with the data in the table above to create the ranking in the table below:
User | Date | AchievedTarget | Rank
1 | 2018-01-01 | 1 | 1
1 | 2018-02-01 | 0 | 1
1 | 2018-03-01 | 1 | 1
1 | 2018-04-01 | 1 | 2
1 | 2018-05-01 | 0 | 1

This is a guess, based on that this is actually a gaps and island question. if so, this does result in the second dataset the OP has provided:
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTable ([User] tinyint, --Avoid using keywords for column names
[date] date, --Avoid using datatypes for column names
AchievedTarget bit);
INSERT INTO dbo.TestTable ([User],[date],AchievedTarget)
VALUES (1,'20180101',1),
SELECT [User],[date],AchievedTarget,
FROM dbo.TestTable)
SELECT [User],[date],AchievedTarget,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY AchievedTarget, Grp ORDER BY [date]) AS [Rank] --Avoid using keywords for column names
ORDER BY [date]
DROP TABLE dbo.TestTable;

Other method:
with tmp as (
select row_number() over(order by date) ID, *
from dbo.TestTable
select f1.*, NbBefore + 1
from tmp f1
outer apply
select top 1 f2.ID IDLimit from tmp f2 where f2.ID<f1.ID and f2.AchievedTarget<>f1.AchievedTarget
order by f2.ID desc
) f3
outer apply
select count(*) NbBefore from tmp f4 where f4.ID<f1.ID and f4.ID> f3.IDLimit
) f5


Finding created on dates for duplicates in SQL

I have one table of contact records and I'm trying to get the count of duplicate records that were created on each date. I'm not looking to include the original instance in the count. I'm using SQL Server.
Here's an example table
| email | created_on |
| ------------- | ---------- |
| aaa#email.com | 08-16-22 |
| bbb#email.com | 08-16-22 |
| zzz#email.com | 08-16-22 |
| bbb#email.com | 07-12-22 |
| aaa#email.com | 07-12-22 |
| zzz#email.com | 06-08-22 |
| aaa#email.com | 06-08-22 |
| bbb#email.com | 04-21-22 |
And I'm expecting to return
| created_on | dupe_count |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| 08-16-22 | 3 |
| 07-12-22 | 2 |
| 06-08-22 | 0 |
| 04-21-22 | 0 |
Edited to add error message:
error message
I created a sub table based on email and created date row number. Then, you query that, and ignore the date when the email first was created (row number 1). Works perfectly fine in this case.
Entire code:
Create table #Temp
email varchar(50),
dateCreated date
insert into #Temp
(email, dateCreated) values
('aaa#email.com', '08-16-22'),
('bbb#email.com', '08-16-22'),
('zzz#email.com', '08-16-22'),
('bbb#email.com', '07-12-22'),
('aaa#email.com', '07-12-22'),
('zzz#email.com', '06-08-22'),
('aaa#email.com', '06-08-22'),
('bbb#email.com', '04-21-22')
select datecreated, sum(case when r = 1 then 0 else 1 end) as duplicates
Select email, datecreated, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by email
order by datecreated) as r from #Temp
) b
group by dateCreated
drop table #Temp
datecreated duplicates
2022-04-21 0
2022-06-08 0
2022-07-12 2
2022-08-16 3
You can calculate the difference between total count of emails for every day and the count of unique emails for the day:
select created_on,
count(email) - count(distinct email) as dupe_count
from cte
group by created_on
It seems I have misunderstood your request, and you wanted to consider previous created_on dates' too:
ct as (
select created_on,
(select case when (select count(*)
from cte t2
where t1.email = t2.email and t1.created_on > t2.created_on
) > 0 then email end) as c
from cte t1)
select created_on,
count(distinct c) as dupe_count
from ct
group by created_on
order by 1
It seems that in oracle it is also possible to aggregate it using one query:
select created_on,
count(distinct case when (select count(*)
from cte t2
where t1.email = t2.email and t1.created_on > t2.created_on
) > 0 then email end) as c
from cte t1
group by created_on
order by 1

SQL Update Latest rows for a distinct column

I want to set the SGNumber = 2 for the last modified for each unique MaterialeNo.
Start table:
Expected result:
If it is of any help, i made a select query that only selects the latest of each with each MaterialNo, which are the rows i want to update
select distinct MaterialeNo, max(SGNumber) as tag
from Mydatabase
group by MaterialeNo
With a join of the table to the query that gets the max LastModified:
update m
set m.SGNumber = 2
from Mydatabase m inner join (
select MaterialeNo, max(LastModified) as MaxLastModified
from Mydatabase
group by MaterialeNo
) t on t.MaterialeNo = m.MaterialeNo and t.MaxLastModified = m.LastModified
See the demo.
> id | MaterialeNo | LastModified | SGNumber
> -: | :---------- | :------------------ | -------:
> 1 | test1 | 05/07/2019 00:00:00 | 1
> 2 | test1 | 06/07/2019 00:00:00 | 2
> 3 | test2 | 04/07/2019 00:00:00 | 1
> 4 | test2 | 05/07/2019 00:00:00 | 2
Use This. using your row ID to make sure those items with same LastModified and MaterialNo wont get updated.
Update MyDatabase
Set SGNumber = 2
(select t1.id from
(select id, row_number() over (partition by MaterialNo order by LastModified desc) rownum from MyDatabase) t1
Where t1.rownum = 1) t2
WHERE MyDatabase .id = t2.id
if you are using MS SQL Server you can do it with row_number it will count (same item and set order number for id) how seems in your case i show you have latest dates at the end se you can achive it simply
so you can check this sample i did for you
Declare #Mydatabase table (Id int identity(1,1),MaterialNo varchar(20),LastModified datetime,SGNumber int)
insert into #Mydatabase values ('TEST 1','2019.07.05',1)
insert into #Mydatabase values ('TEST 1','2019.07.06',1)
insert into #Mydatabase values ('TEST 2','2019.07.04',1)
insert into #Mydatabase values ('TEST 2','2019.07.05',1)
select Id,MaterialNo,LastModified,SGNumber, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY MaterialNo ORDER BY LastModified ASC) Numbering
from #Mydatabase
Id MaterialNo LastModified SGNumber Numbering
-- ---------- ----------------------- -------- ---------
1 TEST 1 2019-07-05 00:00:00.000 1 1
2 TEST 1 2019-07-06 00:00:00.000 1 2
3 TEST 2 2019-07-04 00:00:00.000 1 1
4 TEST 2 2019-07-05 00:00:00.000 1 2
Use an updatable CTE and row_number():
with toupdate as (
select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by MaterialNo order by LastModified desc) as rownum
from mydatabase t
update toupdate
set sgnumber = 2
where seqnum = 1;

Group rows into sequences using a sliding window on a DateTime column

I have a table that stores timestamped events. I want to group the events into 'sequences' by using 5-min sliding window on the timestamp column, and write the 'sequence ID' (any ID that can distinguish sequences) and 'order in sequence' into another table.
Input - event table:
| Id | Name | Timestamp |
| 1 | test | 00:00:00 |
| 2 | test | 00:06:00 |
| 3 | test | 00:10:00 |
| 4 | test | 00:14:00 |
Desired output - sequence table. Here SeqId is the ID of the starting event, but it doesn't have to be, just something to uniquely identify a sequence.
| EventId | SeqId | SeqOrder |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 | 2 |
| 4 | 2 | 3 |
What would be the best way to do it? This is MSSQL 2008, I can use SSAS and SSIS if they make things easier.
CREATE TABLE #Input (Id INT, Name VARCHAR(20), Time_stamp TIME)
( 1 ,'test','00:00:00' ),
( 2 ,'test','00:06:00' ),
( 3 ,'test','00:10:00' ),
( 4 ,'test','00:14:00' )
WITH cte AS -- add a sequential number
FROM #Input
), cte2 as -- find the Id's with a difference of more than 5min
SELECT cte.*,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MI, cte_1.Time_stamp,cte.Time_stamp) < 5 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as GrpType
FROM cte
cte as cte_1 on cte.sort =cte_1.sort +1
), cte3 as -- assign a SeqId
SELECT GrpType, Time_Stamp,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Time_stamp) SeqId
FROM cte2
WHERE GrpType = 1
), cte4 as -- find the Time_Stamp range per SeqId
SELECT cte3.*,cte_2.Time_stamp as TS_to
FROM cte3
cte3 as cte_2 on cte3.SeqId =cte_2.SeqId -1
-- final query
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY cte4.SeqId ORDER BY t.Time_stamp) AS SeqOrder
FROM cte4 INNER JOIN #Input t ON t.Time_stamp>=cte4.Time_stamp AND (t.Time_stamp <cte4.TS_to OR cte4.TS_to IS NULL);
This code is slightly more complex but it returns the expected output (which Gordon Linoffs solution doesn't...) and it's even slightly faster.
You seem to want things grouped together when they are less than five minutes apart. You can assign the groups by getting the previous time stamp and marking the beginning of a group. You then need to do a cumulative sum to get the group id:
with e as (
select e.*,
(case when datediff(minute, prev_timestamp, timestamp) < 5 then 1 else 0 end) as flag
from (select e.*,
(select top 1 e2.timestamp
from events e2
where e2.timestamp < e.timestamp
order by e2.timestamp desc
) as prev_timestamp
from events e
) e
select e.eventId, e.seqId,
row_number() over (partition by seqId order b timestamp) as seqOrder
from (select e.*, (select sum(flag) from e e2 where e2.timestamp <= e.timestamp) as seqId
from e
) e;
By the way, this logic is easier to express in SQL Server 2012+ because the window functions are more powerful.

Select query on temp table without using cursor SQL

I want perform SQL query on table schema
Id | BusNo | PartNo |dateAdded
1 | 437 | 2 |2014-02-28
2 | 423 | 3 |2014-03-28
3 | 423 | 3 |2014-04-28
4 | 437 | 2 |2014-03-28
5 | 452 | 1 |2014-03-29
I would like to select results top ID order by date with where condition on BusNo and PartNo.Result would be like this
Id | BusNo | PartNo |dateAdded
3 | 423 | 3 |2014-04-28
4 | 437 | 2 |2014-03-28
5 | 452 | 1 |2014-03-29
I tried
select [Id]
from [PartUsed]
where BusNo = #busNo and [PartNo] exists (select ID from #Usertable)
#userTable is user defined table type, but it will select all rows and I want top 1 in partNo group order by dateAdded.
With cte as ( Select id,busno,partno,dateadded,
Row_Number() over( partition by partno order by dateadded desc ) as seqNum
from Partused
select id,busno,partno,dateadded
from cte
where seqNum=1
;with x as (
select *, row_number() over(partition by PartNo order by DateAdded desc) as rn
from PartsUsed
select *
from x
where x.BusNo = #busNo
and x.PartNo in (select ID from #Usertable)
and x.rn = 1

Grouping SQL Results based on order

I have table with data something like this:
ID | RowNumber | Data
1 | 1 | Data
2 | 2 | Data
3 | 3 | Data
4 | 1 | Data
5 | 2 | Data
6 | 1 | Data
7 | 2 | Data
8 | 3 | Data
9 | 4 | Data
I want to group each set of RowNumbers So that my result is something like this:
ID | RowNumber | Group | Data
1 | 1 | a | Data
2 | 2 | a | Data
3 | 3 | a | Data
4 | 1 | b | Data
5 | 2 | b | Data
6 | 1 | c | Data
7 | 2 | c | Data
8 | 3 | c | Data
9 | 4 | c | Data
The only way I know where each group starts and stops is when the RowNumber starts over. How can I accomplish this? It also needs to be fairly efficient since the table I need to do this on has 52 Million Rows.
Additional Info
ID is truly sequential, but RowNumber may not be. I think RowNumber will always begin with 1 but for example the RowNumbers for group1 could be "1,1,2,2,3,4" and for group2 they could be "1,2,4,6", etc.
For the clarified requirements in the comments
The rownumbers for group1 could be "1,1,2,2,3,4" and for group2 they
could be "1,2,4,6" ... a higher number followed by a lower would be a
new group.
A SQL Server 2012 solution could be as follows.
Use LAG to access the previous row and set a flag to 1 if that row is the start of a new group or 0 otherwise.
Calculate a running sum of these flags to use as the grouping value.
LAG(RowNumber) OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS PrevRowNumber
FROM YourTable
), T2 AS
IIF(PrevRowNumber IS NULL OR PrevRowNumber > RowNumber, 1, 0) AS NewGroup
SQL Fiddle
Assuming ID is the clustered index the plan for this has one scan against YourTable and avoids any sort operations.
If the ids are truly sequential, you can do:
select t.*,
(id - rowNumber) as grp
from t
Also you can use recursive CTE
;WITH cte AS
SELECT ID, RowNumber, Data, 1 AS [Group]
FROM dbo.test1
SELECT t.ID, t.RowNumber, t.Data,
CASE WHEN t.RowNumber != 1 THEN c.[Group] ELSE c.[Group] + 1 END
FROM dbo.test1 t JOIN cte c ON t.ID = c.ID + 1
FROM cte
Demo on SQLFiddle
How about:
select ID, RowNumber, Data, dense_rank() over (order by grp) as Grp
from (
select *, (select min(ID) from [Your Table] where ID > t.ID and RowNumber = 1) as grp
from [Your Table] t
) t
order by ID
This should work on SQL 2005. You could also use rank() instead if you don't care about consecutive numbers.