Azure App Service: SSL/TLS on Windows Embedded Compact 7 - ssl

We created Web API that hosted with Azure App Service and communication from our instrument with Windows Embedded Compact 7.
The compact framework was working fine all the while and until recently, we found that it stops working with the exception of “Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS”
We suspect it could be due to the Breaking change for SNI-SSL hostnames. How can we resolve this in Compact Framework?


Application Pool Crashes IIS 10 ASP.Net Core 3.2 Blazor App EF Core

I have an Asp.Net Core 3.2 Blazor Webassembly application that has been published to a server running Windows Server 2016 with IIS 10.
After publishing to the server I can browse the login page to the site, However, when I attempt to login which calls a service and signs in with Entity Framework Core 3.1.5.
However when I attempt to call a linq query on the DbContext it seems to fail (This is deduced from log files).
Interestingly, if I remote into the server whilst running a login I get a JIT popup with the following error;
In the Windows System Log can see the following error;
A process serving application pool 'myapppool(domain)(4.0)(pool)' suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. The process id was '10188'. The data field contains the error number.
It seems to sometime crashes the apppool as well so if I then refresh the page i get 502 error on the site?
Below is a screen shot of the application pool advanced settings;
The server is running Windows 2016 with Plesk Obsidian installed on it (I'm not sure if this can interfere in any way??)
Does anyone know whats going on here please?
I don’t know what’s going on since I can not reproduce your issue. Here is a workaround.
Please ensure that IIS Application pool’s Advanced Settings has set ”Enable 32-Bit Application” to true.
Check below link for troubleshooting the issue.
How to diagnose IIS fatal communication error problem

Testing my TLS1.1 connection code

I have a desktop client application (Windows) developed using C++. It connects to the web services hosted on the IIS on the server. Currently I am in the process of porting this application to use TLS1.1/1.2 from the existing SSLv3.0/TLS1.0. However, I would like to test my client code separately by connecting to some server which already supports TLS1.1. Is there any tool available that I can use to test the same?

Does Microsoft Application Insights support MVC 6 (.Net 5)

I'm trying to setup a prototype with an mvc 6 project and application insights. When selecting to monitor an mvc 6 website in IIS 7, it says it is monitoring but no server statistics are being sent to Azure. When I monitor any other sites on that server it works correctly. So my question is, does application insights support .Net 5 and MVC 6 running in IIS?
In the website I have installed Application Insights using the snippet of javascript provided by Microsoft Application Insights. This is working correctly and sending data to Azure.
The website is on a local Windows 2012 server. I have installed the Application Insights Status Monitor on the server and I have it pointed to the mvc 6 website. This part is not working. When I point the Server Tool to a site on the local server running a .Net 4.5 website it does submit the data correctly to Azure.
I did not add the AI part via nuget package because I am not submitting any custom alerts to Applications Insight. Right now I am just looking to get the server statistics. IE Memory, Processor usage, etc. vnext is not currently supported. But there are plans to support it in the near future.
There is ongoing work visible on it in github:

Hosting both WCF server and client in a same Windows 8.1 machine does not work

I have two web based application. One of them is a WCF server application and the other is a client application and consume first application services.
When they are hosted in a Windows 8 machine's IIS they work good. But when they are hosted in Windows 8.1 they do not work. Client application shows a timeout error message.
Strange point is when client application in Windows 8 connects to server application in Windows 8.1 it works with no problem. If I connect Windows 8.1 client application of Windows 8 server application it works too.
Initially I guessed it may be related to IPv6 so tried to test several IP addresses like localhost, [::1] and many others. But nothing changed.
Now I guess Windows 8.1 has forbidden self WCF hosting (Client and Server in same machine). But have now idea how can I solve problem.
If I use WCFTesetClient in Windows 8 machine to test Windows 8 itself or Windows 8.1, both of them works.
I'm using WSHttpBinding. Both applications are ASP.NET MVC web applications hosted in IIS.
Why both server and client are on same machine? Because this is a dev machine. In operational environment server and client are on separate machines.

Net Application Windows Mobile 6.0 cannot access webservice on IIS7.0 WS2008

I have CFv2.0 application running on PDA 6.0 accessing webservices all the time for data exchange. Number of PDA's are more then 20 all accessing the webservice on Windows Server 2008 IIS7.0 all of a sudden some PDA's stop working (cannot access web service) and get web no connection exception. Can access the service from IE.
Any clue?
changing new PDA helped to improve connectivity