Number of Live Viewers and Number of Likes in Youtube Live Streaming API - youtube-livestreaming-api

I want to get the number of live views and number of likes of the Live Broadcast while it is live. We plan to get this information in our project.
I take a look at the reference but I could not see any field about that in the Youtube Live Streaming API documentation
Am I looking at the wrong place or number of live views is not available in the API?

I've found that videos endpoint provides statistics for that
We plan to use live views and live chats for distributing the live stream to social media(Youtube, Facebook, Periscope)


Loading all YouTube video metadata to an application database

Google YouTube API allows maximum 10,000 units of quota per day. I am trying to avoid 'Quota Exceeded' error as I am making too many calls against the "Search: list" API which costs 100 units of quota per API call.
I read this and several other blogs; and went with my own below analysis.
I am planning to pull data every day once and store it in the database. Can any expert please confirm if below will cover up all the videos under the channel, or I will miss some?
(1) Playlists: list --> Get all the playlists from the channel.
(2) PlaylistItems: list --> Iterate over each playlist one by one, and get all videos in it.
To answer your comment #Test:
I want to ask whether if i loop all playlists, will it give ma all the videos under channel id or not.
If by all playlists you mean all playlists intentionally created by the given YouTube channel then it depends whether or not he selected all his videos.
I would recommend you to use this approach to retrieve all YouTube videos of a given YouTube channel which seems to be your case. The approach consists in getting the uploads auto-created playlist id of the YouTube channel by using Channels: list with contentDetails in part and then use PlaylistItems: list to retrieve all public videos uploaded on this YouTube channel. Using this method you will retrieve all public YouTube videos as long as the studied YouTube channel has less than 20 000 YouTube public videos. In this last case use this script which softwarly fake an automatic browse in the Videos tab of the given YouTube channel.

Single youtube API to get total number of videos and and total number of subscribers on my channel

I tried Analytics and Reporting APIs separately. And there are questions and answers which deals with them separately. But I want to know is there any single one shot API which gives both? The total number of videos means all the videos irrespective of the playlists. I'm doing this with ReactJS for my own portfolio website.
I did some more research on this. I couldn't find a full fledged api with documentation but you can use this:
Make sure you've that api enabled. I'm using Youtube Analytics.

Youtube API's maximum number of video uploads per day

We are building an app with a video upload functionality. We were wondering if we could use a Youtube account to upload all of our user videos. They should only be accessible via our app... we don't mind if ads show up while viewing them.
If the app grows, we're looking at potential thousands of uploads per day.
Does Youtube support this? If a few videos get flagged, will the "master" account be shut down?
Finally, if Youtube is the not right choice, do you have any recommendation? We would like to avoid hosting them as much as possible... Since streaming large amounts of videos is an enormous challenge for a start up.
Thank you!
Some information on the video uploads:
This method supports media upload. Uploaded files must conform to
these constraints: Maximum file size: 128GB Accepted Media MIME types:
video/*, application/octet-stream
You can get the qouta information here:
Projects that enable the YouTube Data API have a default quota
allocation of 1 million units per day, an amount sufficient for the
overwhelming majority of our API users.
Different types of operations have different quota costs.
A simple read operation that only retrieves the ID of each returned
resource has a cost of approximately 1 unit. A write operation has a
cost of approximately 50 units. A video upload has a cost of
approximately 1600 units.
Yes, youtube can block API access, not only on flagged videos, but at any time as described here:
24.2 Termination by YouTube. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, YouTube reserves the right to (i) suspend or terminate access to, or
use of, any aspects of the YouTube API Services by you, your API
Client(s) and those acting on your behalf), and (ii) terminate the
Agreement (or any portion thereof), as applied to any specific user or
API Client, category of users or API Clients, or all users or API
Clients at any time. For example, we may need to exercise such rights
in instances of your breach of this Agreement, court order, when we
believe there to have been misconduct or conduct which may create
potential liability for YouTube or its Affiliates. Although we will
try to give you reasonable notice, we have no obligation to do so.

Get list of gaming live streams on Youtube

I'm trying to use the Youtube Data API to grab the list of currently gaming related live streams but I can't find any endpoint that fit what I need and return the number of viewers for each of those channels.
Do you guys have any idea of how I could manage to do that ?
List of gaming live streams:{YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}
videoCategoryId=20 is "Gaming"
Getting the live stream details (like viewer numbers):{VIDEO_ID_HERE}&fields=items(id%2Csnippet(title%2CliveBroadcastContent)%2CliveStreamingDetails%2FconcurrentViewers)&key={YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}
Substitue the parts of these links that are in {} with your appropriate values.

Can I use the Spotify recommendation intelligence in an app?

On the Spotify dashboard an user has a great experience through the recommended artist and songs. I would like to use this intelligence in an app we plan to develop for a big Dutch based podium. So the app can give a list of concerts playing at the poppodium which the user might be interested in.
Can I get this recommended artist data, based on the user's history, through the Spotify API?
The Spotify API now provides recommendations:
Recommendations are generated based on the available information for a
given seed entity and matched against similar artists and tracks. If
there is sufficient information about the provided seeds, a list of
tracks will be returned together with pool size details.
For artists and tracks that are very new or obscure there might not be
enough data to generate a list of tracks.
There are a bunch of parameters that can be configured for fine-tuning the recommendation: key, genre, loudness, energy, instrumentalness, popularity, speechiness, danceability, key ...
You can use Spotify's Web API endpoints to fetch these data:
The Get a User’s Top Artists and Tracks endpoint will give you artists and tracks based on user's listening history. You can also use the Get Current User’s Recently Played Tracks, which will give you up to 50 recently played tracks.
Use the artists and tracks you just get and use them as seeds for the Get Recommendations Based on Seeds endpoint. This endpoint will only return tracks. If you want to get artists based on other artists there is the Get an Artist’s Related Artists endpoint that you can use.
As you see, combining multiple endpoints will get you covered. Just make sure you read the Web API Authorization Guide before. You are going to need the user to authenticate in order to get user's data.
Note: When the question was first posted (July 2013), Spotify's Web API didn't exist. The question referred to a now defunct Spotify Apps API which didn't provide a way to generate recommendations based on listening history.