I've been looking at examples of parameterizing tests in junit 5 (which I am new to), but have not found what I'm looking for (unless I'm misunderstanding how to use them).
Basically I want to write a single (selenium/UI based) test and make it run multiple times. The paramaters I want to base the multiple runs on are custom objects that I have in my codebase.
An example I'm trying to implement would be - my test creates an appointment on a calendar with a customer, then does some assertions as to whether the appointment shows correctly and has expected details. A second test run would do the same but WITHOUT a customer. The assertions between the two test runs might slightly differ but largely the same code is run both times.
All the examples I seem to come across use primitive types like strings, or csv files, or methodSource, but none of these seem to fit what I'm trying to do.
Any help would be appreciated.
With #MethodSource you can return Arguments instances that contain literally any kind of objects you want. There are no limitations regarding primitives, etc.
For a concrete example, check out the testWithMultiArgMethodSource() example in the #MethodSource section of the JUnit 5 User Guide.
Below is a working example to showcase some variations of using #ParameterizedTest
Example with inline parameters in the #ValueSource
#DisplayName("compare the name case insensetive")
#ValueSource(strings = {"sanjAY", "SanjAY", "SANJay", "sanJAy"})
void compareTest(String sampleName) {
Additionally we can annotate with #NullAndEmptySource which will test your code against null and empty strings
Example when parameters are complex.
#DisplayName("compare the name case insensetive")
void compareTest(List<String> names) {
names.stream().forEach(x-> assertThat(x.endsWith("a")));
Create a class TestSamples in com.example package and put below method
public static List<String> sampleNames() {
return List.of("Ganga","Yamuna","Radha","Java","Lava");
I wonder if a data class with one of the properties being a function, such as:
data class Holder(val x: Data, val f: () -> Unit)
can work at all, since the following test fails.
val a = {}
val b = {}
Assert.assertEquals(a, b)
Update: Use case for this could be to have a
data class ButtonDescriptor(val text: String, val onClick: () -> Unit)
and then flow it to UI whilst doing distinctUntilChanged()
I don't think this is possible, I'm afraid.
You can of course check reference equality (===, or == in this case because functions don't generally override equals()). That would give you a definite answer where you have references to the same function instance. But that doesn't check structural equality, and so reports the two lambdas in the question as different.
You can check whether the two functions are instances of the same class by checking their .javaClass property. If the same, that would imply that they do the same processing — though I think they could still have different variables/captures. However, if different, that wouldn't tell you anything. Even the simple examples in the question are different classes…
And of course, you can't check them as ‘black boxes’ — it's not feasible to try every possible input and check their outputs. (Even assuming they were pure functions with no side effects, which in general isn't true!)
You might be able to get their bytecode from a classloader, and compare that, but I really wouldn't recommend it — it'd be a lot of unnecessary work, you'd have to allow for the difference in class names etc., it would probably have a lot of false negatives, and again I think it could return the same code for two functions which behaved differently due to different parameters/captures.
So no, I don't think this is possible in JVM languages.
What are you trying to achieve with this, and could there be another way? (For example, if these functions are under your control, can you arrange for reference equality to do what you need? Or could you use function objects with an extra property giving an ID or something else you could compare?)
When you create your data class, if you pass the function by reference it will work with DiffUtils and distinctUntilChanged(). Function references do not break the isEquals() method of data classes in the same way that a lambda does.
For example, you create a function for your onClick:
private fun onClick() { // handle click }
and create your data class like
BottomDescriptor("some text", ::onClick)
In order to extract data table values to use in a reporting extension for Spock, I am using the
following code:
public void beforeIteration(IterationInfo iteration) {
Object[] values = iteration.getDataValues();
This returns to me the reference to the objects in the data table. However, I would like to get
the name of the variable that references the value.
For example, in the following test:
private static User userAge15 = instantiateUserByAge(15);
private static User userAge18 = instantiateUserByAge(18);
private static User userAge19 = instantiateUserByAge(19);
private static User userAge40 = instantiateUserByAge(40);
def "Should show popup if user is 18 or under"(User user, Boolean shouldShowPopup) {
given: "the user <user>"
when: "the user do whatever"
...something here...
then: "the popup is shown is <showPopup>"
showPopup == shouldShowPopup
user | shouldShowPopup
userAge15 | true
userAge18 | true
userAge19 | false
userAge40 | false
Is there a way to receive the string “userAge15”, “userAge18”, “userAge19”, “userAge40” instead of their values?
The motivation for this is that the object User is complex with lots of information as name, surname, etc, and its toString() method would make the where clause unreadable in the report I generate.
You can use specificationContext.currentFeature.dataVariables. It returns a list of strings containing the data variable names. This should work both in Spock 1.3 and 2.0.
Edit: Oh sorry, you do not want the data variable names ["a", "b", "expected"] but ["test1", "test1", "test2"]. Sorry, I cannot help you with that and would not if I could because that is just a horrible way to program IMO. I would rather make sure the toString() output gets shortened or trimmed in an appropriate manner, if necessary, or to (additionally or instead) print the class name and/or object ID.
Last but not least, writing tests is a design tool uncovering potential problems in your application. You might want to ask yourself why toString() results are not suited to print in a report and refactor those methods. Maybe your toString() methods use line breaks and should be simplified to print a one-line representation of the object. Maybe you want to factor out the multi-line representation into other methods and/or have a set of related methods like toString(), toShortString(), toLongString() (all seen in APIs before) or maybe something specific like toMultiLineString().
Update after OP significantly changed the question:
If the user of your extension feels that the report is not clear enough, she could add a column userType to the data table, containing values like "15 years old".
Or maybe simpler, just add an age column with values like 15, 18, 19, 40 and instantiate users directly via instantiateUserByAge(age) in the user column or in the test's given section instead of creating lots of static variables. The age value would be reported by your extension. In combination with an unrolled feature method name using #age this should be clear enough.
Is creating users so super expensive you have to put them into static variables? You want to avoid statics if not really necessary because they tend to bleed over side effects to other tests if those objects are mutable and their internal state changes in one test, e.g. because someone conveniently uses userAge15 in order to test setAge(int). Try to avoid premature optimisations via static variables which often just save microseconds. Even if you do decide to pre-create a set of users and re-use them in all tests, you could put them into a map with the age being the key and conveniently retrieve them from your feature methods, again just using the age in the data table as an input value for querying the map, either directly or via a helper method.
Bottom line: I think you do not have to change your extension in order to cater to users writing bad tests. Those users ought to learn how to write better tests. As a side effect, the reports will also look more comprehensive. 😀
I have an object that is responsible for exporting a file to csv.
It works well but i am looking at ways to refactor it.
This question pertains to the constructor which takes a number of arguments, relating to how the csv is to be exported:
For example, file name, delimiter, etc. etc.
Also, lately I have been reading about dependency injection but cant decide if this is a case where I should:
A. Leave the constructor as is.
B. Create a new class that gets passed to the constructor that simple holds config values for the file name etc
C. Something else altogether?
Here is the existing constructor (in PHP)
public function __construct($file,$overwriteExistingFile, $enclosure, $delim, $headerRow)
//set all properties here
Each of those values represents data that is an input to some process. $enclosure, $delimiter, and $headerRow pertain to generating the CSV content, while $file and $overwriteExistingFile pertain to persisting the content to disk.
A hallmark of a DI-style refactoring is to identify the various responsibilities (generate, persist) and encapsulate each of them in its own type. This shifts the refactoring from "how do I best get the values to this class?" to "how do I remove knowledge of these values from this class?"
To answer that, we would define two new concepts, each of which takes one of the responsibilities, and pass those into the existing constructor:
public function __construct($csvGenerator, $csvFileWriter)
...save dependencies...
...at some point, generate the CSV content and pass it to the file writer...
In this way, the original class becomes the orchestrator of the interaction between the generation and file writing, without having intimate knowledge of either activity. We have elevated the class to a higher level of abstraction, simplifying it as well as isolating its responsibilities into its collaborators.
Now, you would define two new classes, constructing them with the relevant parameters:
public function __construct($enclosure, $delimiter, $headerRow)
File Writer
public function __construct($file, $overwriteExistingFile)
With these elements in place, you can compose them together by creating the generator, then the file writer, then passing both to the orchestrator.
I would create a CSVFormatter that you can setup the deliminator on and unit test the formatting independently with.
Inject the formatter into a CSVWriter which writes the formatted output to a file.
The reason you would do this is to unit test the formatting logic or if you need to do multiple kinds of formatting or write to different kinds of output streams. If the code is very small and simple then you don't need to break it into multiple classes.
Say I have MyClass with 100s of fields.
If I use an object of MyClass as an input param, Pex would simply choke trying to generate all possible combinations (mine runs into 1000s of paths even on a simple test)
void MytestMethod(MyClass param){...}
How can I tell Pex to use only a set of predefined objects of MyClass rather than having it trying to be smart and generate all possible combinations to test?
In other words I want to manually specify a list of possible states for param in the code above and tell Pex to use it
If you find that Pex is generating large amounts of irrelevant, redundant, or otherwise unhelpful inputs, you can shape the values that it generates for your parametrized unit tests' input using PexAssume, which will ensure that all generated inputs meet a set of criteria that you provide.
If you were wanting to ensure that arguments came from a predefined collection of values, for instance, you could do something like this:
public void TestSomething(Object a) {
PexAssume has other helper methods as well for more general input pruning, such as IsNotNull, AreNotEqual, etc. What little documentation is out there suggests that there is some collection-specific functionality as well, though if those methods exist, I'm not familiar with them.
Check out the Pex manual for a bit more information.
Pex will not try to generate every possible combination of values. Instead, it analyses your code and tries to cover every branch. So if you have
if (MyObject.Property1 == "something")
then it will try to create an object that has Property1 == "something". So limiting the tests to some predefined objects is rather against the 'Pex philosophy'. That said, you may find the following information interesting.
You can provide a Pex factory class. See, for instance, this blog post or this one.
public partial class EmployeeFactory
public static Employee Create(
int i0,
string s0,
string s1,
DateTime dt0,
DateTime dt1,
uint ui0,
Contract c0
Employee e0 = new Employee();
e0.EmployeeID = i0;
e0.FirstName = s0;
e0.LastName = s1;
e0.BirthDate = dt0;
e0.StartDateContract = dt1;
e0.Salary = ui0;
e0.TypeContract = c0;
return e0;
Pex will then call this factory class (instead of a default factory) using appropriate values it discovers from exploring your code. The factory method allows you to limit the possible parameters and values.
You can also use PexArguments attribute to suggest values, but this will not prevent Pex from trying to generate other values to cover any branches in your code. It just tries the ones you provide first.
[PexArguments(1, "foo")] // try this first
void MyTest(int i, string s)
See here for more information on PexArguments and also search for 'seed values' in the PDF documentation on Parameterized Test Patterns.
OK, I know there has been a lot of confusion over the new AAA syntax in Rhino Mocks, but I have to be honest, from what I have seen so far, I like. It reads better, and saves on some keystrokes.
Basically, I am testing a ListController which is going to basically be in charge of some lists of things :) I have created an interface which will eventually become the DAL, and this is of course being stubbed for now.
I had the following code:
(manager is the system under test, data is the stubbed data interface)
public void list_count_queries_data()
data.Expect(x => x.ListCount(1));
The main aim of this test is to just ensure that the manager is actually querying the DAL. Note that the DAL is not actually even there, so there is no "real" value coming back..
However, this is failing since I need to change the expectation to have a return value, like:
data.Expect(x => x.ListCount(1)).Return(1);
This will then run fine, and the test will pass, however - what is confusing me is that at this point in time, the return value means nothing. I can change it to 100, 50, 42, whatever and the test will always pass?
This makes me nervous, because a test should be explicit and should totally fail if the expected conditions are not met right?
If I change the test to (the "1" is the expected ID the count is linked to):
public void list_count_queries_data()
data.AssertWasCalled(x => x.ListCount(1));
It all passes fine, and if I switch the test on it's head to AssertWasNotCalled, it fails as expected.. I also think it reads a lot better, is clearer about what is being tested and most importantly PASSES and FAILS as expected!
So, am I missing something in the first code example? What are your thoughts on making assertions on stubs? (there was some interesting discussion here, I personally liked this response.
What is your test trying to achieve?
What behaviour or state are you verifying? Specifically, are you verifying that the collaborator (data) is having its ListCount method called (interaction based testing), or do you just want to make ListCount return a canned value to drive the class under test while verifying the result elsewhere (traditional state based testing)?
If you want set an expectation, use a mock and an expectation:
Use MockRepository.CreateMock<IMyInterface>() and myMock.Expect(x => x.ListCount())
If you want to stub a method, use MockRepository.CreateStub<IMyInterface>() and myStub.Stub(x => x.ListCount()).
(aside: I know you can use stub.AssertWasCalled() to achieve much the same thing as mock.Expect and with arguably better reading syntax, but I'm just drilling into the difference between mocks & stubs).
Roy Osherove has a very nice explanation of mocks and stubs.
Please post more code!
We need a complete picture of how you're creating the stub (or mock) and how the result is used with respect to the class under test. Does ListCount have an input parameter? If so, what does it represent? Do you care if it was called with a certain value? Do you care if ListCount returns a certain value?
As Simon Laroche pointed out, if the Manager is not actually doing anything with the mocked/stubbed return value of ListCount, then the test won't pass or fail because of it. All the test would expect is that the mocked/stubbed method is called -- nothing more.
To better understand the problem, consider three pieces of information and you will soon figure this out:
What is being tested
In what situation?
What is the expected result?
Interaction based testing with mocks. The call on the mock is the test.
public void calling_ListCount_calls_ListCount_on_DAL()
// Arrange
var dalMock = MockRepository.Mock<IDAL>();
var dalMock.Expect(x => x.ListCount()).Returns(1);
var manager = new Manager(dalMock);
// Act
// Assert -- Test is 100% interaction based
State based testing with a stub. The stub drives the test, but is not a part of the expectation.
public void calling_ListCount_returns_same_count_as_DAL()
// Arrange
var dalStub = MockRepository.Stub<IDAL>();
var dalStub.Stub(x => x.ListCount()).Returns(1);
var manager = new Manager(dalMock);
// Act
int listCount = manager.ListCount();
// Assert -- Test is 100% state based
Assert.That(listCount, Is.EqualTo(1),
"count should've been identical to the one returned by the dal!");
I personally favour state-based testing where at all possible, though interaction based testing is often required for APIs that are designed with Tell, Don't Ask in mind, as you won't have any exposed state to verify against!
API Confusion. Mocks ain't stubs. Or are they?
The distinction between a mock and a stub in rhino mocks is muddled. Traditionally, stubs aren't meant to have expectations -- so if your test double didn't have its method called, this wouldn't directly cause the test to fail.
... However, the Rhino Mocks API is powerful, but confusing as it lets you set expectations on stubs which, to me, goes against the accepted terminology. I don't think much of the terminology, either, mind. It'd be better if the distinction was eliminated and the methods called on the test double set the role, in my opinion.
I think it has to do with what your manager.ListCount() is doing with the return value.
If it is not using it then your DAL can return anything it won't matter.
public class Manager
public Manager(DAL data)
this.data = data
public void ListCount()
data.ListCount(1); //Not doing anything with return value
If your list count is doing something with the value you should then put assertions on what it is doing. For exemple
Assert.IsTrue(manager.SomeState == "someValue");
Have you tried using
data.AssertWasCalled(x => x.ListCount(1) = Arg.Is(EXPECTED_VALUE));