Start Quasat/Vue app inside a plugin Promise - vuejs2

For an app I need to load dynamic configurations (read from external service) before I can bootstrap my Quasar app.
In other Vue apps I use a require.ensure or a Promise in main.js and load the app after everything else is ready, but since Quasar added the concept of App Plugins this won't work anymore as there is no Promises or Chaining available, resulting in race conditions as the App needs configurations that are not available yet.
I looked at their internals and they seem to load plugins in a forEach block from an auto-generated file, not ready for this scenario.
Here's an excerp from the usual solution in main.js (using require.ensure as the file auto-generated on the same server by another service)
require.ensure(['./config.js'], (require) => {
const config = require('.config.js');
// ... use values in config to bootstrap axios, apollo and such
// And finally start the Vue app
new Vue({ ... })
Any ideas on how to do this in a Quasar or Webpack way ?
The only alternative I can think of now is to fork&patch Quasar, but maybe I'm missing something and there is another way.


Vue 2 Cli CSP Build Issue - Eval & new Function Problem

Due to CSP Requirements I have had to convert a static vue application within the Vue 2 CLI environment.
After reading a lot of online documentation I am aware that for CSP compliant vue you need to use Render functions and a runtime version of Vue.js
My problem is that after converting my old static vue application to the Vue CLI build process I am still getting a 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed message. I am not sure why this is the case, due to Vue 2's cli build process apparently using the CSP compliant runtime vue version, unless otherwise specified in the config file for webpack.
The specific code causing the CSP error (there is only one instance of it) is found in the built/output vendor.js file. The code causing the issue is:
function Ts(t, e) {
try {
return new Function(t)
} catch (n) {
return e.push({
err: n,
code: t
}), D
I have looked far and wide to figure out why this non CSP compliant code is appearing in Vue's built vendor.js file. Any advice would be great. I have read all of Vue's main documentation on CSP, and should re-iterate that I used Vue 2 CLI for the build and conversion of the static app.
For any other poor soul who have gone down the rabbit hole of Vue.js static to non-compiled CSP conversion, these 2 steps solved my issue:
Manually change csp\build\webpack.base.conf.js '$vue' property to the following:
Click to see image
In your main.js file change vue instantiation to the following pattern, this is needed so the component will mount correctly with the runtime build Click to see image

Nuxt - HTML Injection by Webpack plugin

Currently I'm migrating a Vue.js App to an Nuxt.js App. In our previous setup we used favicons-webpack-plugin to generate favicons during compile-time. These were then injected into the HTML with html-webpack-plugin.
As we want to achieve the same functionality after the migration we need a way to generate these favicons. We came across nuxt-rfg-icon Nuxt-plugin but it does not provided the same feature-set (less generated favicons & the favicons are converted by an online service).
Generally speaking one could use webpack-plugins in Nuxt. So i tried integrating the webpack-plugin, but these favicons are only injected in one of two generated HTML-files. A (favicons present) and a index.ssr.html (favicons not present). When the Page is rendered by Nuxt on the serverside it seems to use the index.ssr.html (seems expected).
So I made a little dive into the #nuxt/webpack package to get some info about how Nuxt configures webpack. There I found this code:
// Generate output HTML for SSR
if (buildOptions.ssr) {
new HtmlWebpackPlugin__default['default']({
filename: '../server/index.ssr.html',
template: appTemplatePath,
minify: buildOptions.html.minify,
inject: false // Resources will be injected using bundleRenderer
There it says that webpack should disable the automatic injection because the bundleRenderer is doing this. Unfortunately I could not find any resources online on how to inject the HTML of a webpack-plugin into the bundleRenderer. Maybe this is not possible or even intended?
So here is my actual question: How can i get Nuxt to work with the favicons-webpack-plugin?

Unable to Load unload styles in my Aurelia app

I need a solution to load/unload styles in my Aurelia app. This is because I have a special main.css for my 'public' root app and another admin.css for my 'private' (admin) root app. (Yes, 2 roots in my app). These css are not compatible one with each other.
I found a plugin named aurelia-useable-style-loader. I try to integrate it in my Aurelia application as explained in the readme. At runtime, I can see [aurelia-useable-style-loader] begin configure and
[aurelia-useable-style-loader] end configure in my console but css files are not loaded/unloaded. So something go wrong and I don't know what.
One thing I pointed is that my Aurelia app is based on the Aurelia CLI / Typescript / SystemJS as bundler. While the plugin is based on Webpack. Maybe the 2 are not compatible ?
Steps I did:
npm install aurelia-useable-style-loader
then use the plugin in main.ts:
then added one reference in my aurelia.json:
Tha's all. At runtime, no particular errors, but css are not loaded/unloaded.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
PS: as a workaround, I proceed differently (see below) but I'm curious to do it with the plugin aurelia-useable-style-loader
this.masterStyleSheetLoaded = true;
.then((data) => data.text())
.then((styles) => {
DOM.injectStyles(styles, null, null, 'masterStylesheet');
this.masterStyleSheetLoaded = true;

Can't add directive as plugin in Nuxt application

I'm trying to incorporate the Ripple package into my Nuxt application.
Following Nuxt docs and the package docs example I have a ripple.js file in plugins/ directory containing this:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Ripple from 'vue-ripple-directive'
Vue.directive('ripple', Ripple)
Then in nuxt.config.js I have:
plugins: [
But now the app doesn't work at all, with some Unexpected token export error message on the screen, and a "Missing stack frames" error message in vm.js.
I have no idea what that means nor what I'm doing wrong, any suggestion?
This is due to an SSR error, where vue-ripple-directive cannot be used on the server. In order to get around this, you need to instruct Nuxt to only load the plugin on the client side.
To fix this, do the following 2 things:
First, rename ripple.js to ripple.client.js.
Second, update the plugins array to the following:
plugins: [
The .client postfix signals to nuxt to only run the plugin on the client.
More information can be found here
Always keep this method in mind when adding Vue plugins, especially when they interact with the DOM in some way. Most that I've come across require this method to function without errors, as the DOM is unavailable on the server.

After bundling my aurelia app I get a: No PLATFORM.Loader error

After bundling a simple aurelia application with jspm bundle-sfx I get the following error:
No PLATFORM.Loader is defined and there is neither a System API (ES6) or a Require API (AMD) globally available to load your app.
An example application:
You can use: npm run setup:dev in a non windows env to switch back to the dev settings (which is just a comment/uncomment in the ./src/client/index.html) and you can use npm run setup:prod to switch back to the production environment, bundling will automatically be triggered. all other scripts can be found in the package.json.
I can't link to other questions because I haven't found any questions which relate to this problem. I "think" (which means absolutely nothing) that this might be related to the fact that aurelia needs a full loader even when bundling with bundle-sfx but I haven't found any ways to solve the error.
EDIT (25/01/2017 17:16): I've found out that the error is because I import the aurelia-bootstrapper.
As soon as I add: import * as bootstrapper from 'aurelia-bootstrapper'; I get the error
Please add the code how do you bootstrap your aurelia app.
There is nothing actually to import from bootstrapper apart from bootstrap function.
Which you would use in case of custom manual bootstrapping.
like in
import { bootstrap } from 'aurelia-bootstrapper'
const configure: (au: Aurelia) => {} = async function (au: Aurelia) {
await au.start()
au.setRoot() // or au.enchance()
in a happy path scenario with jspm - you System.import('aurelia-bootstrapper')
and it takes over finding the root node of your app and the script to configure Aurelia (main by default)
Have a look at Bootstrapping Aurelia in the docs
Oh.. and bundle-sfx is not supported there are other means to bundle aurelia apps using jspm